Intestines hurt during early pregnancy, what to do
Cause of pain during pregnancy Feeling discomfort in the abdomen, many women begin to panic
In some cases, health workers recommend eating bananas for gastrointestinal problems.
Heartburn from eating bananas: can the fruit cause it, and what is the effect on the body?
Can bananas cause heartburn? Heartburn is a condition in which, after eating food,
tablets for gastritis
Festal for duodenal ulcer
Currently, the etiology of gastritis has been studied more fully than several years ago. Scientifically proven
Treatment of polyps in the intestines with folk remedies
How to remove polyps in the intestines (rectum) using folk remedies without surgery
Intestinal polyposis is a disease characterized by the appearance of benign growths on the mucous membrane. Characteristic of the disease
Plantain seeds have medicinal properties for health, how to take them?
Medicinal properties of plantain seeds Not only fresh or dried leaves and roots, but also
Rectal suppositories
TOP suppositories for the treatment of proctitis: features of composition and treatment
Using rectal suppositories for proctitis Rectal suppositories are a convenient form of medication intended for
Regional state budgetary healthcare institution Sychevsk Central District Hospital
Cure gastritis, ulcers and other gastric ailments is not as easy and quick as it could be
Bloating and pain in the lower abdomen in women: causes, alarming symptoms, treatment and prevention
Why is my stomach bloated? Bloating in the lower abdomen causes enormous discomfort, which is why patients
Cholecystitis during pregnancy: what to do during an exacerbation
Causes and development of pathology The main causes of cholecystitis during pregnancy are: congestion in
Hemorrhoids in teenagers at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old, causes and treatment, can girls have them in adolescence
Hemorrhoids in teenagers at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old, causes and treatment, can girls have them in adolescence
Causes of hemorrhoids in adolescents Dilation of the veins of the rectum is caused by the weakness of the vascular walls and nearby
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