Nausea and vomiting with pancreatitis: what to do and how to get rid of it?
Nausea and vomiting with pancreatitis: what to do and how to get rid of it?
Causes of vomiting with pancreatitis Patients often wonder: can vomiting occur with pancreatic disease?
What is the consistency of stool with pancreatitis, color, features, type, shape of stool
Home Diseases and treatment Gastroenterology 20 Feb 2020, 10:09 Anna 152 738 No Yes
Is pumpkin a laxative? Juices for constipation
Is pumpkin a laxative? Juices for constipation
Pumpkin seeds: benefits and harms There are already many benefits and harms of this product for the intestines
Chicken broth for acute and chronic pancreatitis
Is it possible to use chicken broth for pancreatitis or not? At first glance, chicken broth soup
The benefits of mineral water for constipation in children and adults
The mechanism of action of mineral water The effectiveness of mineral water for constipation is explained by the principle of its action. Finding yourself
Troxerutin for hemorrhoids: how to use correctly, review of effectiveness, analogues and patient reviews
People who abuse alcoholic beverages and are obese are also at risk of acquiring hemorrhoids. These factors often provoke
What types of laxatives are used to relieve constipation due to gastritis?
What types of laxatives are used to relieve constipation due to gastritis?
Gastritis is an extensive inflammation of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by a general disorder of the digestive system. In addition to acute pain
What is gastric hyperplasia, its causes and treatment
Etiology Gastric hyperplasia develops due to incomplete treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, active
Citrus fruits are contraindicated for stomach ulcers
Grapes for stomach and duodenal ulcers
Apples Apples are considered the most useful for ulcers. They have a number of positive effects: improve performance
How smoking affects the stomach and intestines
Eastern traditions instead of cigarettes: how hookah and stomach ulcers are related
How does smoking affect the stomach? The negative effects of smoking on the gastrointestinal tract begin with
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