Why does bitterness occur in the mouth and how to eliminate it
Bile is a digestive secretion that is synthesized by liver cells and accumulates in the gallbladder.
Medicines for vomiting and nausea
Antiemetic drugs during chemotherapy
Vomiting and nausea are not independent diseases, but symptoms of a developing disorder. It can
affected area
Peritonitis - symptoms, causes, types and treatment of peritonitis
Peritonitis is an inflammatory, bacterial, aseptic process of a local or diffuse nature that develops in
How to do an intestinal colonoscopy: video without anesthesia, reviews from those who have undergone the procedure
Coloproctology is a complex science, and the main difficulty is timely diagnosis of diseases. Examine the intestines for
Signs of gallstones (first and late), their types
Problems with the gallbladder are common today; stones often form in it.
Treatment of heartburn with folk remedies: quickly and effectively
Is it possible to treat heartburn at home if there are no necessary medications at home to combat it?
Cardiac sphincter insufficiency what is it treatment
What is gastric cardia insufficiency? Chalazia is a non-closure or partial closure of the sphincter (a kind of
sea ​​buckthorn bush
List of suppositories with sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids: names, instructions and reviews
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Medicinal issue. How to treat a nursing mother?
Antacids are widely used to relieve symptoms of gastrointestinal problems. "Almagel" for stomach ulcers and
Where is the appendix located?
How does appendicitis manifest in women: first symptoms, signs and methods of treating the disease
Incidence of Appendicitis in Women Appendicitis can often be difficult to diagnose because early signs
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