What is a blood lipidogram - explanation, table of norms
Often, doctors, in addition to standard examination methods, prescribe patients with complaints of heart pain, shortness of breath,
List of the best ointments for swelling after a fracture
Review of ointments for wounds with pus: indications for use
One of the most common reasons for visiting a traumatologist is a fracture. In this case, the integrity of the
lack of iron in the body1
Lack of iron in the body, why it is not absorbed, how to increase it
Are you constantly tired? Don't get enough sleep? Can't concentrate even on simple tasks? Perhaps your body
Meningioma is a benign brain tumor
Do you need to immediately decide what a brain meningioma or arachnoidendothelioma is? Meningioma is a tumor that occurs
Diet for liver hepatosis - what to exclude from foods
Diet for liver hepatosis - what to exclude from foods
4506 Diet for fatty liver hepatosis allows you to restore your health, as well as guarantee normal
All about the treatment of balanitis (inflammation of the glans penis) in men
General information Balanitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the glans penis. The inflammation usually spreads
antiviral therapy for hepatitis C
Treatment of hepatitis C with interferon: die from side effects
Hello dear readers. I receive emails asking me to write a continuation of the article as
Rehabilitation after a stroke. Exercises, folk remedies at home
Recovery treatment after a stroke at home
Acute cerebrovascular accidents are a group of pathological processes united by the mechanism of formation, clinical picture,
Treatment of the wound
What happens if you take iodine? Consequences of taking iodine orally
The debate continues: to whom, when and how much? I often asked myself this question, especially
BCG injection
BCG vaccination: reaction and complications, vaccination rules, composition
What to do if a child does not have a BCG scar: normal reaction or pathology? Why
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