Gastal tablets: how effective are they for stomach diseases?

Today, a whole group of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), accompanied by high acidity in the stomach, is diagnosed. The most common of them include the following:

  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum, stomach;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • erosive lesions of the gastric mucosa, esophagus;
  • complications after taking certain medications.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of drugs to eliminate this pathology. They have different mechanisms of action and differ in release forms. Every year, new drugs appear that can effectively control acid formation in the stomach, while having a minimum of side effects.

What kind of drug is this

The most widely used medications in medical practice include antacids - medications that neutralize acid in the stomach and, thus, restore the pH to an optimal level. They have been used to treat various diseases of the stomach and esophagus for quite a long time, almost several centuries.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers an extensive list of various drugs that can quickly normalize the pH of gastric contents. At the same time, despite the widespread introduction into practice of drugs such as H2-histamine blockers or proton pump inhibitors, antacids have not lost their relevance.

In addition, every year new drugs appear that can effectively control acid formation in the stomach, while having a minimum of side effects. One of these modern means is Gastal. It reduces stomach acid within a few minutes, but is relatively safe and can be used for a long time.

Composition and form

In the instructions for use, Gastal is described as tablets intended for resorption. The drug contains three active components:

  • magnesium hydroxide,
  • magnesium carbonate,
  • aluminum hydroxide.

In addition, the medicine also contains auxiliary ingredients that can give the drug a certain shape, and also help it to be absorbed by the human body as quickly and better as possible. Additional components include additives such as: talc, magnesium stearate, starch, lactose monohydrate, silicon dioxide, sorbidol and flavorings.

There are several types of Gastal lozenges, the indications for use and instructions for which are described in this article. The product can be tasteless, or with cherry or mint flavor. The taste of the medicine is quite pleasant, so there will be no difficulties with its use.

The tablets are placed in blisters, each of which contains six pills. The blisters, in turn, are placed in cardboard packages. Each box can contain ten, five or two blisters.

Each tablet is round in shape and colored white. Sometimes the drug is characterized by a creamy tint. There is no need to worry about this, as this is the norm.

How it works

Gastal contains compounds of aluminum and magnesium. They have the ability to bind acid in the stomach and thereby change acidity to physiological levels. Thanks to this, heartburn and dyspeptic disorders (nausea, belching, feeling of heaviness in the stomach) are eliminated.

The peculiarities of the chemical structure of the main active components of the drug allow them to have a fairly rapid and long-lasting effect. Within a few minutes after taking the drug, a pronounced therapeutic effect occurs. And the average duration of the antacid effect of Gastal is about two hours.

In addition, this drug has a number of other positive effects.

  • Has a cytoprotective effect. Protects the gastric mucosa, which is associated with the ability of Gastal to stimulate the synthesis of prostaglandins. This effect is especially useful in the presence of stomach ulcers or erosive defects of the mucous membrane.
  • Stimulates the healing of erosions and ulcers. This is due to the ability of the drug to fix epithelial growth factor at the site of pathology.
  • Binds bile acids. And also lysolecithin, which damages the epithelial layer of the stomach.

Another important advantage of the drug is its exclusively local effect on the pathological focus. After oral administration, it is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, and therefore has virtually no side effects.

In the lumen of the stomach, aluminum and magnesium salts interact with hydrochloric acid and form stable compounds. The combination of magnesium and aluminum compounds provides a combined effect of the drug on the walls of the stomach. Magnesium salts cause an initial decrease in acidity, while aluminum salts have a more prolonged effect. Thus, the fastest and most long-lasting therapeutic effect is achieved.

The main components of Gastal are excreted along with feces through the intestines. During their interaction with the contents of the stomach, magnesium chloride is formed. It may have a laxative effect, especially with long-term use.

Properties of the medicine

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The drug "Gastal" for heartburn helps very well. This effect is due to its composition.

Aluminum hydroxide-magnesium carbonate gel is a buffer antacid substance that lowers the acidity of gastric juice to normal levels and normalizes digestion processes. It should also be noted that aluminum hydroxide is able to inactivate pepsin, which is contained in gastric juice.

As for magnesium hydroxide, it is a non-buffered antacid. It is not absorbed in the intestines, but very quickly neutralizes acidity and also has a laxative effect.

According to the instructions, the complex of aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide ensures activation of the antacid effect and reduces the risk of side effects that are characteristic of each ingredient separately (for example, diarrhea after using magnesium compounds and constipation after using aluminum).

The antacid effect of the drug in question appears almost immediately after taking the medicine and lasts for two hours. In this case, the medication inactivates pepsin, lysolecithin and bile acids.

It should also be noted that aluminum hydroxide enhances protective and regenerative processes in the stomach.

When is it prescribed?

The main indications for the use of Gastal are any pathological conditions in which there is an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. These conditions include:

  • heartburn - both occurring against the background of organic pathology, and as a result of lifestyle disorders (overeating, bad habits);
  • gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • ulcers and erosions - in the wall of the stomach;
  • reflux - reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus (organic, functional);
  • pancreatitis - an inflammatory process in the pancreas;
  • food poisoning - accompanied by increased acidity in the stomach;
  • bloating - as a result of the predominance of putrefactive or fermentative processes in the intestines.

According to reviews of Gastal tablets, their use eliminates heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and improves digestion. However, it should be remembered that the use of an antacid does not always eliminate the cause of unpleasant symptoms. You should consult your doctor; you may need to prescribe antacids and other medications at the same time. It should also be borne in mind that Gastal is taken only one or two hours after taking other medications.

You can take Gastal to prevent heartburn, for example, due to overeating or poor diet. This is especially recommended for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use: what does Gastal help with?

Gastal helps only with conditions with high acidity. They are manifested by heartburn, a burning sensation behind the sternum, sour belching, nausea, gastralgia-type pain (bursting or cramping in the epigastric area), and bowel dysfunction.

Doctors prescribe Gastal to adult patients for the following indications:

  • if dyspepsia and pain syndrome are provoked by drinking any type of alcohol, smoking, drinking a significant amount of coffee, spicy and fried foods, certain medications (Aspirin, cytostatics), nervous overload;
  • for the treatment of diseases accompanied by hyperfunctioning of gastric goblet cells and impaired functioning of the sphincter (gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer), stress ulcers and erosions;
  • to correct sap formation in pancreatitis;
  • with hiatal hernia.

Instructions for use of "Gastal"

"Gastal" is used both periodically (that is, to relieve symptoms) and in long courses. However, in each specific case, the following application principles must be adhered to:

  • take the drug an hour after meals - since at this time the maximum level of gastric secretion is noted;
  • be sure to take before bed - to neutralize acid at night;
  • take an additional tablet during periods of maximum pain.

It is better to take a small amount of medicine, but often. To eliminate severe pain, you can take Gastal 30-40 minutes after eating. In case of a long break between meals, you should take an antacid an additional three hours after the meal.

The tablet is taken whole and kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. The usual dosage of Gastal is four to six tablets per day. The maximum daily dosage is eight tablets.

Gastal lozenges are not prescribed to children under six years of age. To treat patients from six to 12 years old, use a dose half that of an adult.

Directions for use and doses

How to take Gastal should be read in the instructions. The tablet must be gradually dissolved under the tongue or behind the cheek. It cannot be swallowed whole, chewed, and does not need to be washed down. A sufficient dose for adolescents and adults is 1-2 tablets 60 minutes after meals. You can add one before bed if heartburn bothers you at night and when lying down.

The highest permissible dosage is 6-8 tablets per 24 hours. How many days you need to use the drug will show its effectiveness. You should stop taking it immediately after the disappearance of severe pain and symptoms of dyspepsia. It is recommended to take Gastal for no more than two weeks.

If pain or heartburn does not go away for a long time, the doctor will prescribe an examination to find the cause. It is allowed to give Gastal to a child over 6 years of age. Typically, pediatricians prescribe half a tablet after each feeding. A similar requirement applies to people with low weight.

You can quickly learn how to use Gastal Liquo correctly. For persons over 15 years of age, it is allowed to drink the contents of 1 sachet up to 6 times a day, 1-3 hours after meals. Usually four steps are enough. If unexpected discomfort occurs, then one sachet is enough.

Important! Before taking the Gastal Liquo package, it is recommended to stretch it between your fingers.

Taking Gastal for heartburn

The cause of heartburn is most often an increase in the secretion of gastric juice, the reflux of acid into the lower third of the esophagus. The symptom can be constant, long-lasting, or occurs in response to drinking strong coffee, alcohol, tea, fried and spicy foods. Undoubtedly, the patient needs examination and accurate identification of the pathological condition in order to specifically treat and stop the progression of the disease.

Taking Gastal for heartburn is recommended as a symptomatic remedy to eliminate painful symptoms and restore ability to work. It is enough to dissolve 2 tablets and go on a strict diet.

Using medicine for stomach pain

The causes of stomach pain are initially functional irritation, difficulties in digesting coarse fried foods, meat, and fat. Irregular eating leads to them: overeating, starvation diets, long breaks in eating.

Important! The mechanism of gastric pain syndrome does not lie in the condition of the mucous membrane (it lacks pain receptors), but in the overstretching of smooth muscles.

In the distended stomach cavity, pressure increases significantly. This promotes the backflow of juice into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux), causing heartburn and sour belching. The symptoms are familiar to anyone who goes to bed after a heavy dinner.

In such cases, Gastal is able to relieve excess fermentation in the stomach and normalize digestion. If taken as a suspension, pain relief occurs faster.

Correct use of Gastal: before meals or after?

The drug is recommended for use no earlier than an hour after meals. If heartburn occurs, then Gastal is indicated regardless of the timing of the meal.

What side effects may there be?

The drug is usually very well tolerated by patients. Extremely rarely, Gastal can provoke the following side effects:

  • nausea, rarely vomiting:
  • discomfort, pain in the stomach;
  • diarrhea or, conversely, constipation;
  • change in taste in the mouth;
  • allergic manifestations.

Over the entire period of use of this medicine, there have been no cases of overdose. However, long-term use of an antacid can cause:

  • decrease in blood phosphorus and calcium;
  • increases in blood magnesium and aluminum;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • osteoporosis;
  • encephalopathy.

These phenomena are especially common in people with impaired renal function. During long-term use of the drug in large doses, they may develop symptoms such as a drop in blood pressure, decreased reflexes, and a feeling of thirst. In this case, treatment in a hospital setting with the appointment of appropriate symptomatic therapy is indicated.

Gastal during pregnancy - effective relief for heartburn

One of the most common troubles for all pregnant women is heartburn. It usually comes after eating or at night, when the woman takes a horizontal position.

Therefore, expectant mothers often wonder whether it is possible to take heartburn medications in an “interesting situation.” Gastal, a popular and quite effective drug, raises the most questions.

Most medications eliminate heartburn by reducing the acidity of gastric juice. Medicines in this group are called antacids, and Gastal is one of them.

Its main active ingredients are magnesium hydroxide and aluminum magnesium hydroxide carbonate hydrate.

These are weak alkalis that help neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach without harming its mucous membrane and the human body as a whole.

But you should not take the drug uncontrolled and without indications established by the doctor. With prolonged use, magnesium and aluminum are still absorbed into the blood in small quantities. This can negatively affect the patient's health, especially if it is an expectant mother.

Before you begin to treat heartburn, you need to determine its cause. This is especially important when treating pregnant women. The most common causes of heartburn in expectant mothers:

  • A surge of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus due to the displacement of internal organs caused by the growth of the uterus. More often this condition occurs in the third trimester, when the stomach is already large. Unpleasant sensations begin after eating or while lying down.
  • Changes in hormonal balance. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone increases significantly, which increases the production of gastric juice and increases its acidity. This leads to heartburn in the earliest stages.

In addition, the presence of pathologies not related to pregnancy cannot be excluded. Treatment may vary greatly depending on the situation, so if unpleasant symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor.

The instructions for the drug Gastal indicate that it can be taken during pregnancy, but only under the strict supervision and supervision of doctors.

This is due to the lack of reliable clinical trial results that would confirm its safety for expectant mothers.

It is believed that this drug is practically not absorbed, therefore, if taken infrequently, it is not capable of harming a woman and her baby, but in this condition it is better not to take risks.

Features of the use of Gastal also depend on the duration of pregnancy:

  • In early pregnancy, heartburn is usually caused by excess production of hydrochloric acid. In this case, neutralizing it with an antacid, for example, Gastal, really makes sense. But we must remember that at this stage all the organs of the fetus are formed and any negative impact can be fatal.
  • In the later stages, heartburn is provoked by the displacement of organs. It will not be possible to eliminate it with the help of an antacid, but the gastric juice entering the esophagus will become less concentrated after taking this drug and the discomfort will decrease. For long periods of time, it is advisable to change your menu, excluding fried and fatty foods from it, and try not to take a horizontal position or bend over after eating. If it doesn’t help, taking Gastal is not prohibited.

In any case, you should not immediately rush to the pharmacy. First, you need to try to get rid of heartburn by tidying up your diet. You can also replace the pillow with a larger one so that your head is elevated while you sleep. If these simple methods do not help, your doctor will prescribe an antacid. But you can take it infrequently, only if the discomfort from heartburn is very severe.

If Gastal is taken incorrectly or too often, it can lead to a number of problems:

  • The accumulation of excess aluminum in the mother’s blood, which provokes malfunctions of the immune system.
  • Violation of water-salt balance due to increased concentration of salts in the urine.
  • Bleeding gums, which is caused by excess aluminum in the body.
  • Iron deficiency anemia, caused by a violation of the process of iron absorption.
  • A decrease in calcium levels in the blood, which can lead to varicose veins and other diseases in the mother.
  • Threat of premature birth and miscarriage.
  • Violation of fetal development.

Occasionally, taking the drug provokes nausea and vomiting. It can also cause diarrhea or, in rare cases, constipation. Sometimes patients note a change in taste. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to carefully weigh the pros and cons, and also listen to the doctor’s advice before taking any antacid drug.

Heartburn in pregnant women is such a common phenomenon that there are even folk signs and superstitions associated with it. Many people have heard that women who suffer from heartburn have babies with thick hair.

From a medical point of view, this superstition has no basis. However, heartburn and pregnancy often go hand in hand; according to statistics, about 50% of expectant mothers face this problem. You can solve it with the help of Gastal tablets.

But can pregnant women use Gastal and how safe is this drug? Let's find out!

Heartburn can begin in a pregnant woman at any stage. In the early stages, most often it manifests itself mildly, but in the 2nd and 3rd trimester the symptom becomes pronounced and is difficult to get rid of without the use of medications. It is impossible not to deal with this unpleasant symptom, since with prolonged heartburn, the expectant mother develops pain in the chest area and severe and frequent belching.

Heartburn is a condition in which hydrochloric acid is released from the stomach into the lower esophagus. Acid leads to irritation of the mucous membrane, which causes discomfort during heartburn - a burning sensation in the epigastric region. During pregnancy, heartburn is not a sign of a malfunction of the digestive system, but is an independent symptom.

The reasons for its development lie in the natural changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother: the production of hormones and an increase in the size of the uterus with the baby.

Progesterone, which is responsible for reducing the tone of the uterus, reduces the contractility of the sphincter, which is located between the stomach and esophagus. As a result, stomach contents can back up into the esophagus and the digestion process slows down.

Many expectant mothers say that before pregnancy they didn’t even know what heartburn was, and while carrying a baby they had to struggle with it more than once. A medicine that is often recommended by gynecologists to combat heartburn during pregnancy is Gastal.

Gastal is an antacid, that is, a medicine that can reduce the acidity of gastric contents. Gastal is produced by the Croatian manufacturer Pliva Hrvatska doo in the form of lozenges with menthol, cherry and neutral flavors.

Gastal has a quick effect, relieves heartburn, reduces pain in the stomach, a feeling of heaviness, gas formation and bloating. However, Gastal refers to medications for symptomatic therapy, that is, it does not treat the cause of unpleasant symptoms (disease of the digestive system).

The composition contains starch, lactose, sweeteners, talc, and mannitol as additional components. An allergic reaction may develop to these substances.

Gastal is a popular drug, it is widely known. Most often people seek its help for heartburn, however, this is not the only indication for the use of the medication. The medicine stimulates restoration processes in the structure of the gastric mucosa, and thanks to its enveloping properties, protects it.

Gastal has a cytoprotective property; it activates the production of mucin by accessory cells - insoluble mucus that protects the walls of the stomach from destruction by aggressive hydrochloric acid, as well as sodium bicarbonate, which eliminates excess gastric secretions.

The drug promotes the accumulation of phospholipids in the stomach wall, which increase the rate of healing of the mucous membrane of ulcers.

Indications for taking the tablets are as follows:

  • heartburn caused by poor diet, taking medications, smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • diseases that occur with increased stomach acidity (ulcers, gastritis);
  • reflux esophagitis – inflammatory lesion of the esophagus;
  • pancreatitis (acute or exacerbation of chronic form);
  • erosion;
  • diaphragmatic hernia.

To say for sure whether Gastal can be taken during pregnancy, the expectant mother should be told by her gynecologist. Self-medication in the case of pregnant women can be very dangerous.

No medications, even if you have been taking them throughout your “pre-pregnancy” life, should be taken without consulting a doctor.

The instructions for Gastal say that the pills are not prohibited during pregnancy, but they must be taken with caution. This also applies to the postpartum period, if the woman breastfeeds the baby. “With caution” can be read as “after a doctor’s prescription and under his supervision.” You should stop taking the pills if you have the following contraindications:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • decreased level of phosphates in the blood serum - hypophosphatemia;
  • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition.


Treatment with Gastal is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • low levels of phosphorus in the blood;
  • impaired filtration function of the kidneys;
  • Alzheimer's syndrome.

"Gastal" during pregnancy and lactation is prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor. Also contraindicated is children under six years of age.

Contraindications for use, side effects from the instructions

According to the instructions, Gastal is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • severe renal failure;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • hypophosphatemia - a decrease in the concentration of phosphates in the blood serum;
  • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • hypersensitivity to aluminum, magnesium salts or other components of the drug.

The drug has few side effects. Aluminum hydroxide can cause constipation, which is already common in expectant mothers, and magnesium hydroxide in rare cases provokes diarrhea, which is also typical during pregnancy. If you have one of these disorders, be sure to tell your gynecologist about it. In addition to these negative phenomena, allergic reactions in the form of rashes and skin itching are possible, but, according to statistics, they should be considered exceptional.

There is no data on the effect of the drug Gastal on a child. There is no evidence that it can cause birth defects. But it should be noted that no proper studies have been conducted, so it is impossible to reliably state that there is no effect on the fetus.

According to the FDA (this department of the US Department of Health controls food and drugs), if Gastal is assessed from the point of view of the risk to the baby if the tablets are used by an expectant mother, then it should be classified as category “B”. It is characterized by a lack of adequate studies in pregnant women, and animal studies have not shown any risks to the fetus.

If you are taking other medications at the same time, then you should take a 2-hour break between taking Gastal and these medications, because under the influence of an antacid, the absorption of other substances decreases, as a result of which you may not get the expected effect. Gastal inhibits the effect of acetylsalicylic acid, some antibiotics (tetracycline group), as well as iron preparations. You can find a complete list of medications that should not be taken simultaneously with heartburn pills in the instructions.

Acquisition, analogues

"Gastal" is an over-the-counter drug. Its cost is relatively low. One package containing 12 tablets costs from 150 to 170 rubles (data as of December 2017).

If this drug is not available in the pharmacy, you can buy its analogues, which also have an antacid effect:

  • "Maalox";
  • "Renny";
  • "Almagel";
  • Gaviscon.

These drugs also have a neutralizing effect on hydrochloric acid and restore the physiological pH level in the stomach. However, they may have a slightly different composition and release form. If you change the drug, it is better to consult your doctor.

"Gastal" is a modern medicine. It has a high level of safety, does not cause systemic adverse reactions, and can be used periodically and for a long time. The use of Gastal, according to reviews from doctors and patients, very quickly eliminates signs of increased stomach acidity, and also promotes the regeneration of the gastric mucosa and the healing of ulcerative defects.

Composition, form, packaging, description

What does Gastal help with? Before answering this question, you should find out in what form this drug is marketed.

According to the instructions, the mentioned medication is available in the form of lozenges. They come in cherry and mint flavors, as well as a white or cream color, round beveled shape, and smooth surface.

The active ingredients of this product are magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide-magnesium carbonate gel. In addition, the medicine contains such auxiliary ingredients as sodium cyclamate, lactose monohydrate, mannitol, sorbitol, sodium saccharinate, corn starch, peppermint flavor, magnesium stearate and talc.

The drug in question goes on sale in blisters and cardboard boxes.


A good antacid drug for quick relief of gastric dyspepsia and heartburn. Overall, the drug is good, effective, without side effects. Usually, patients prescribe the drug to themselves for a long time, which should not be done, since harmless symptoms may hide a serious disease of the stomach and other digestive organs.

Doctor Kuznetsova E.N.,«>

Lately I’ve been very worried about heartburn, I’ve been looking for a cure for it for a long time, and the pharmacy suggested trying Gastal. The next morning, the heartburn seemed to bother me less after taking the medicine, but when in the evening the heartburn started again, I tried the medicine, the heartburn did not stop. Having contacted the pharmacy for advice, they told me that there were no complaints about the drug. After my experience, I can say that the drug is not suitable for everyone.

Denis S.,»>

And I’ve been eating this Gastal like crazy for many months now... more than a pack a day. Rennie and Givescon stopped helping. Now Gastal has also stopped... apparently addiction is happening. I don’t know what to do, and now I’m still worried about the dose of Gastal I ate.


In such cases I use GASTAL. There is one BUT: after using this type of medication, calcium is poorly absorbed, which is not very good for pregnant women. It's written in the instructions. I have heartburn from time to time, the doctor says, as the baby grows up, it also happens in leaps and bounds, the organs are compressed by the uterus, and then they get used to it, finding a comfortable position.


Composition of the drug, effect on the body

Gastal belongs to the class of drugs “antacids”, the purpose of which is to eliminate the discomfort associated with increased acidity (pain in the abdominal region, heartburn). The tablets contain two active ingredients. Together they provide a fairly quick and at the same time long-lasting (up to two hours) effect.

  1. Aluminum hydroxide is a substance that adsorbs pepsin and increases the pH of gastric juice to physiological norms. But it can accumulate in the body, after which it is poorly excreted, especially if a person has problems with the functioning of organs such as the kidneys and intestines. Therefore, taking medications containing this substance should be strictly according to the instructions and as prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Magnesium hydroxide is another active substance that is part of the drug Gastal, the function of which is to neutralize high acidity. It is not absorbed into the blood and is completely eliminated naturally, has a laxative effect, and therefore neutralizes the fastening properties of aluminum hydroxide. It is rarely used as an independent medicine. In the description of the substance magnesium hydroxide, pregnancy is not listed as a contraindication.

And here’s another interesting fact: aluminum hydroxide is sold in pharmacies as a separate drug with indications for use in gastrointestinal diseases. And in the instructions for it, pregnancy is listed as a contraindication for use.

The use of the drug is not prohibited during pregnancy

In trying to find the answer to the question of whether Gastal can be taken during pregnancy, the first thing any sane person will do is open the instructions for the drug, where the waiting period for the baby is not indicated among the contraindications. There is a note that expectant mothers should use it with caution, only in cases where the intended benefit to the woman outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Use in children and pregnancy

Childhood age and period

suggest some caution in the use of medications, including Gastal, so we will consider the features of its use in more detail.

The answer to this question is clear - yes, pregnant women can take Gastal tablets. However, women should use the drug responsibly, using it only as indicated.

Pregnant women often face the problem of heartburn or a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which is caused by various foods or other factors. In such cases, Gastal tablets can be used without fear to eliminate these painful and unpleasant symptoms. But the use of the drug should be occasional.

If a pregnant woman has worsened symptoms of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers or duodenitis, then you can resort to using Gastal to eliminate them. In this case, the tablets are taken in the usual adult dosage, but the maximum duration of the course of treatment is 3–5 days. A woman needs to take one tablet an hour after each meal, for 3 to 5 days. You can take a maximum of eight tablets per day.

Tablets are strictly prohibited from being given to children under 6 years of age. From 6 to 12 years of age, a child should receive Gastal in a child's dosage. Adolescents over 12 years of age take the drug at the usual adult dosage if they have normal body weight (more than 50 kg). If the child’s weight is low (less than 50 kg), then he should be given Gastal in a child’s dose and the treatment period should be reduced.

Since the tablet must be absorbed, it is better to give the child a drug with a cherry flavor, which will be pleasant to him and will not make him want to spit out the pill. Adults should explain to the child that the tablet should be completely dissolved, like Chupa Chups, and should not be swallowed or chewed under any circumstances.

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Children 6 - 12 years old take the drug 0.5 - 1 tablet an hour after each meal. Gastal is drunk approximately 4-6 times a day. The exact amount is determined by the frequency of meals. The maximum permissible daily amount of Gastal for children 6 - 12 years old is 5 tablets.

The duration of continuous use of the tablets should not exceed two weeks. Typically, the course of use of Gastal is limited to the period necessary to completely normalize well-being and eliminate the symptoms of increased stomach acidity. That is, as soon as a person’s condition has returned to normal and the symptoms have disappeared, it is necessary to stop taking it.

Heartburn medications that can replace Gastal if necessary

Gastal does not have complete analogues, but there are several other drugs that are no less effective in eliminating heartburn and improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Heartburn medications that can replace Gastal during pregnancy - table

Drug nameDosage formActive componentsContraindicationsPrescription for pregnant women
Renniechewable tablets
  • calcium carbonate;
  • magnesium hydroxycarbonate.
  • severe renal failure;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypophosphatemia;
  • nephrocalcinosis;
  • sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption (for chewable tablets);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Safety studies of Gaviscon, Phosphalugel and Rennie did not reveal any dangerous effects on the health of the fetus or the expectant mother. Drugs can be prescribed to pregnant women if necessary.
  • chewable tablets;
  • suspension.
  • sodium alginate;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • calcium carbonate.
  • phenylketonuria;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Phosphalugelgelaluminum phosphate
  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.
Talcidchewable tabletshydrotalciteTalcid does not affect the incidence of deformities and malformations of the fetus, and is not dangerous for the normal course of pregnancy. The drug can be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

Heartburn medications used during pregnancy - photo gallery

In recommended doses, Rennie does not pose a danger to a pregnant woman and fetus

Gaviscon is a drug for the treatment of sour belching, heartburn, dyspepsia, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, approved during pregnancy

Phosphalugel is an anatacid drug in the form of a gel, which in therapeutic doses is safe during pregnancy

Talcid - tablets for gastritis, ulcers, dyspepsia and heartburn. Due to the presence of aluminum and magnesium in the composition, they should be taken during pregnancy after consultation with a doctor.

special instructions

If renal function is impaired, the indicated doses and duration of treatment should not be exceeded. Other special instructions for using Gastal from the instructions:

  1. During therapy, it is not prohibited to drive a car or operate dangerous machinery.
  2. Aluminum hydroxide can lead to constipation, and magnesium hydroxide can lead to intestinal hypokinesia. Large doses of the drug can lead to the appearance or worsening of intestinal obstruction, especially in renal failure or in old age.
  3. If during treatment your body weight decreases, the patient feels constant discomfort, difficulty swallowing, or has digestion problems, you should consult a doctor.
  4. Excessive or prolonged use of aluminum compounds can reduce the concentration of phosphates in the body, which is manifested by accelerated bone resorption, hypercalciuria with an increased risk of developing osteomalacia.
  5. Long-term use of Gastal increases the plasma concentration of magnesium, which can cause dementia, microcytic anemia, and encephalopathy.
  6. The drug contains lactose, so if you are intolerant, taking the drug is contraindicated.

Indications for use

During pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman's body. This is due to the preparation of all systems for gestation and harmonious development of the fetus. Very often, the expectant mother experiences heartburn, which appears in such situations.

  1. In the first trimester, hormonal changes occur in the body: the production of the hormone progesterone begins, which also affects the relaxation of the esophageal sphincter muscles. Because of this, the contents of the stomach are thrown into the upper digestive tract, causing the woman to feel a burning sensation and pain.
  2. In later pregnancy, heartburn occurs because the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach, affecting its functioning. After childbirth, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract will return to their place, and the expectant mother will no longer be bothered by unpleasant sensations.
  3. Exacerbations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, reflux esophagitis, cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) can also cause painful symptoms during pregnancy.
  4. Often the burning sensation begins not after every meal, but because the woman eats a certain product. Doctors recommend reviewing your diet and eliminating all irritants from the menu.

Heartburn occurs due to the reflux of gastric juice and food from the stomach back into the esophagus

It should be remembered that when the first symptoms of heartburn appear, a woman is recommended to consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct an examination, find out if there is a history of gastrointestinal diseases, and make the correct diagnosis. He will give recommendations to help cope with the burning sensation. Among them will be taking antacid medications.

During pregnancy, a doctor may prescribe Gastal in the following cases:

  • heartburn after eating or taking medications;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, reflux esophagitis, gastritis);
  • dyspepsia (pain in the epigastric region, belching with food).

Heartburn during pregnancy - video

Interaction with other medications

When Gastal is used simultaneously with certain chemicals, it can influence their action. So, for a pregnant woman it will be important that an antacid reduces the absorption of certain substances:

  • folic acid,
  • iron supplements,
  • fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K),
  • indirect anticoagulants,
  • some antibiotics (for example, tetracyclines - by 90%, while Gastal does not affect the bioavailability of amoxicillin in any way).

To prevent these phenomena, Gastal must be taken separately from other medications: 1 hour or 2 hours after their use.


In addition to gastal, you can find other medicines with a similar effect in pharmacies. For example, an analogue of hastal is Rennie. These are also lozenges containing calcium and magnesium carbonates.

The question of which is better - rennie or hastal - cannot be given a definite answer. The advantage of the first remedy is that it acts very quickly. But at the same time, its components are absorbed into the blood, while the components of gastal do not penetrate into the blood. In addition, in some cases, after taking Rennie, the opposite effect may occur when acid synthesis is increased. Therefore, in long-term therapy it is better to give preference to Gastal, but in isolated cases and with severe, unbearable heartburn, you can take Renni.

Does Gastal help with heartburn? Reviews about the use of this medicine are mostly positive. Patients note a quick and fairly long-lasting effect from taking it, and minimal side effects allow the medicine to be used even in children.

Gastal for heartburn is one of the most effective and efficient drugs. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription, but you should not overuse it to avoid negative consequences.

When choosing what to take, Rennie or Gastal, it should be noted that the first medicine penetrates into the blood, unlike the drug described. In addition, Rennie begins a reaction directly on the mucous membrane and can relieve heartburn almost instantly, but there are a number of negative aspects. Rennie can cause a rebound, when the tablet stops working, the acid will begin to be released with even greater force. We can say that the effect is instantaneous, but for a short time.

Rennie also greatly irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa. Due to the described properties, it is better to give preference to Gastal for long-term therapy, but if necessary, immediately relieve symptoms, you can use Rennie.

Gastal tablets have only analogues - that is, drugs that have the same antacid effect, but contain other substances as active ingredients. Analogs are substitutes that can be taken instead of Gastal. Today, analogues include the following drugs:

  • Chewable tablets Adzhiflux;
  • Chewable tablets Inalan;
  • Suspension and tablets Almagel, Almagel A and Almagel Neo;
  • Altacid suspension and chewable tablets;
  • Gaviscon suspension and chewable tablets;
  • Maalox suspension and chewable tablets;
  • Gastracid suspension and lozenges;
  • Suspension and lozenges Relzer;
  • Suspension Gaviscon forte;
  • Maalox mini suspension;
  • Alumag tablets;
  • Rennie tablets;
  • Gel Palmagel and Palmagel A.

About the mechanism of action of the drug

"Gastal" is an emergency remedy to get rid of heartburn. The antacid properties of the drug not only block the excess production of gastric juice and reduce its acidity, but also control the production of pepsin and other digestive enzymes that can provoke heartburn symptoms.

You can take Gastal both to combat severe discomfort localized in the esophageal area and to get rid of heaviness in the abdomen.

In addition, the drug demonstrates effectiveness in temporarily neutralizing pain experienced by people suffering from gastric ulcers or erosive gastritis.


Some of those who cannot boast of correct eating behavior and regularly overeat or consume foods with unhealthy chemical compositions take Gastal for preventive purposes to reduce the risk of consequences.

The drug "Gastal", taken in accordance with the instructions, not only neutralizes heartburn, but also stimulates the normalization of the digestion process.

Thanks to this fact, people who always have Gastal on hand can quickly rid themselves of various symptoms of dyspeptic disorders.

On average, the duration of the effect achieved after taking one tablet of the drug lasts for two hours.

The active substances included in one dose of the product are capable of neutralizing hydrochloric acid, the volume of which is equal to twenty moles.

A side effect of the drug is inhibition of the activity of certain digestive enzymes, such as pepsin, lysolecithin, etc.

Timely blocking of excessively “raging” enzymes eliminates the signs of primary functional stomach disorders and allows a person to regain comfort.


The additional substances contained in the drug seem to envelop the walls of the stomach, creating a thin protective barrier that stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Therefore, by taking Gastal, you can not only get rid of heartburn, but also forget about the pain that is localized in the epigastric region.

Special substances formed by mixing the components of the drug formula stimulate the epidermal growth factor of mucous cells.

The process of tissue regeneration is also enhanced thanks to phospholipids, which accumulate in the stomach under the influence of the active substances of Gastal.

Gastal for heartburn - how to drink?

It is recommended to take one or two tablets, depending on the severity of the pathological symptom. Gastal is taken when symptoms appear and one hour after each meal. The tablet dissolves under the tongue or behind the cheek. Do not chew or swallow it whole. The maximum permissible number of Gastal tablets that can be taken within 24 hours is 8 pieces.

If Gastal is taken to eliminate heartburn that accompanies erosion, gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, then it is necessary to take the drug in a continuous course lasting 7 - 14 days. In this case, you should take one tablet an hour after each meal.

If heartburn is caused by functional reasons (smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating, eating junk food, etc.), then Gastal should be taken occasionally, only when a painful and unpleasant symptom appears. In this case, when heartburn occurs, you need to take one tablet and wait for the effect to occur for a maximum of 5 minutes. After eliminating the symptom, you should not take the drug for prophylaxis after each meal.

Getting rid of heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn is a kind of burn of the walls of the esophageal mucosa with acid released from the stomach.

Sometimes nine months of bearing a child are accompanied by an unpleasant heaviness in the stomach and bitterness in the mouth. In the first trimester, the occurrence of heartburn is caused by hormonal changes in the body. progesterone in the body (responsible for pregnancy and childbirth) relaxes the smooth muscle of the valve between the esophagus and stomach. In the second and third trimesters, when the uterus has increased in volume and puts pressure on the stomach from below, food returns along with gastric juices back into the esophagus. This is why the “burn” occurs and the woman feels an unpleasant bitterness in her mouth.

Traditional medicines and traditional medicine help with heartburn.

Proponents of traditional medicine use:

  • Baking soda (highly not recommended);
  • Grated raw carrots;
  • Apples;
  • Oat and flax seed;
  • Potato juice;

All medications that are used to combat heartburn during pregnancy are divided into two types: Alginates (herbal preparations based on brown algae acid extract) and Antacids (preparations based on magnesium and potassium ions). It is recommended to avoid the use of antacids containing aluminum ions .

Antacids are highly effective and have mild side effects; they can be prescribed to pregnant women without fear of exposing the mother and fetus to special risk. The exception is some representatives of aluminum-containing antacids.

Krasnova Natalya Aleksandrovna, Ph.D. honey. sciences

“Obstetrics and Gynecology” 2011, No. 6, p. 117–119

Alginates are known for the fact that they are not absorbed into the blood and form a protective film on the walls of the stomach and esophagus. These drugs eliminate heartburn within five minutes after administration and the therapeutic effect lasts 4 hours. Medicines are contraindicated in pregnant women with known allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Antacids are divided into those that are absorbed and those that are not absorbed into the blood. They act instantly, the healing effect lasts two hours. During pregnancy, non-absorbable antacids are prescribed.

Getting rid of heartburn with Dr. Kosov

Medicines recommended by doctors for heartburn during pregnancy:

  • Rennie;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Calcium alginate;
  • Laminal;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Pepsan-R.

During pregnancy, Gastal is used with caution and only after consultation with a doctor. It is prescribed only in cases where heartburn is a side effect of gastritis or ulcers.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Gastal

The use of the product is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Severe renal failure;
  • Hypersensitivity to aluminum salts, magnesium and other components;
  • Children under 6 years old;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Low levels of phosphate in the blood;
  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Lactase deficiency.

It is used with caution during pregnancy, nursing mothers, children under 12 years of age, and also to persons with chronic renal failure.

Possible consequences of use during pregnancy

Gastal - first aid for heartburn. But you should not abuse this seemingly harmless drug.

Negative effects of the drug during pregnancy:

  1. Taking the medication leads to the accumulation of drug ions, which penetrate into the blood, and at the same time block the absorption into the body of vitamins, iron and calcium from the stomach necessary for normal functioning. This means they affect the fetus and lead to iron deficiency anemia;
  2. Alkali metal ions reduce the amount of phosphorus in the blood and lead to mental retardation in the child;
  3. The combined use of calcium and magnesium ions slows down the absorption of the latter, and a deficiency of this chemical element leads to increased uterine tone and premature birth;
  4. Aluminum and magnesium ions cause constipation;
  5. Excess aluminum can cause damage to the newborn’s bone tissue.

With the simultaneous use of Gastal and other medications, the beneficial effect of the latter is reduced or, conversely, increased, since the constituent components of Gastal neutralize the effect of the medications and vice versa.

Medicines that are not taken simultaneously with Gastal:

  • Iron-containing preparations, including multivitamins;
  • Means for induction of anesthesia;
  • Anticonvulsants;
  • Vitamins A, D, E, K.

The recommended interval between the use of Gastal and other medications is 2 hours.

Side effect

Gastal is well tolerated. In rare cases, the following were noted:

  • dyspepsia (nausea, changes in taste, bowel problems - diarrhea or constipation);
  • allergic reactions.

If you follow the doses indicated in the instructions, there are practically no side effects.

Patients who took high doses of aluminum and magnesium salts for a long time were diagnosed with:

  • disorders of mineral metabolism (hypermagnesemia, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, hypercalciuria, osteoporosis, hyperaluminemia);
  • encephalopathy;
  • renal dysfunction.

Gastral. Effective dosages and overdose symptoms, side effects

The drug Gastal should be slowly absorbed in the mouth.

The antacid should be dissolved slowly in the mouth. The dosage of the drug depends on the patient’s age, indications for use and concomitant diseases:

  1. Adults and children over 12 years of age - prescribe 1-2 tablets 4 to 6 times a day, 1 hour after meals.
  2. But no more than 8 tablets per day. The duration of treatment is 14 days.
  3. Children from 6 to 12 years old - no more than 4 tablets per day, 1 hour after meals. Course – 14 days.
  4. For kidney disease, the dose is not reduced. Reception is carried out as prescribed by the doctor.
  5. If the drug is prescribed to relieve heartburn, then it is taken immediately when unpleasant symptoms occur, without taking into account the time of food intake.

In case of an overdose of the drug, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • Disorders of the urinary system
  • Nephrocalcinosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Lack of calcium and magnesium, phosphates in the blood serum
  • Defecation disorders – both constipation and diarrhea
  • Thirst
  • Decrease in blood pressure
  • Encephalopathy

There are no specific drugs to treat antacid overdose.

Side effects from the drug "Gastral" are extremely rare. In the literature, allergic reactions to the active substances of the antacid, defecation disorders and, extremely rarely, changes in the functioning of taste buds have been noted. All side effects disappear on their own after stopping taking Gastral.

Reviews about the drug

The overwhelming majority of reviews about Gastal tablets are positive. Consumers claim that this medicine is good for relieving heartburn and other unpleasant problems associated with diseases of the digestive system. The main advantages of this drug are its speed of action, pleasant taste and long-lasting effect.

Many of those who often experience severe discomfort localized in the esophageal area are interested in whether it is possible to drink Gastal for heartburn?

This drug belongs to the group of antacid drugs, so its use in the presence of heartburn is completely justified.

After reading the article, you can learn about the forms of release of the product and the scheme for its use.

Properties of the drug

In addition to neutralizing acid (hydrochloric acid), this remedy inhibits the activity of the enzyme pepsin, and also reduces the intensity of the effects of bile and lysolecithin. These facts promote good digestion. It is also worth noting that after taking Gastal, mechanisms are activated in the human body that provide protection and restoration of the normal structure of the gastric mucosa. In medical practice, this effect is called a cytoprotective effect. It lies in the fact that the taken tablets begin to stimulate the production of sodium bicarbonate and mucus (or mucin), which covers the surface of the main digestive organ and prevents further damage to its walls.

Release form and mechanism of action

Gastal belongs to the antacid group of drugs.

Gastral belongs to the antacid group of drugs. These substances are intended to quickly reduce the manifestations of reflux disease and other diseases, one of the symptoms of which is heartburn.

In appearance, "Gastral" is a biconvex tablet of white or cream color. The main active ingredients are aluminum hydroxide-magnesium carbonate gel and magnesium hydroxide.

This combination drug begins to act immediately after administration. The positive effect lasts for 2 hours. The active ingredients of Gastral reduce the aggressiveness of gastric juice and do not provoke its production after the antacid has worn off.

After administration, a normal pH level is maintained in the stomach - from 3 to 5 units. Gastral tablets eliminate dyspepsia and improve the regeneration of the gastric mucosa. The components of the drug have a mild laxative effect and are completely excreted from the body with feces.

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