Types of fibroids depending on location
How small uterine fibroids are manifested and treated
Fibroids are a benign tumor growing in the uterine myometrium (muscular layer of the organ). The age of the disease varies
Treatment of lymphostasis of the arm after surgical removal of the mammary gland
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Method of insertion of vaginal suppositories
How to choose suppositories for the treatment of cervical inflammation
Treatment and prevention of cervicitis. Effective drugs for cervical inflammation. Exclusively for the site svetulka.ru
Reviews from doctors.
How to drink boron uterus for endometriosis (doctors’ reviews)
Borovaya uterus, or one-sided ortilia This grass is widespread throughout central Russia, grows
Do you have periods? Pregnancy through menstruation: how to recognize the signs
Diseases The first criterion for pregnancy is considered by many to be the cessation of menstruation. In most cases this is true
Why might thrush not go away even after treatment?
About the causative agent of the disease Normally, fungi of the genus Candida coexist peacefully with humans, living on
HPV infection through kissing
HPV type 18 in women: what to do and how to treat the problem
What are HPV types 16 and 18 Papillomavirus 16 and 18 increases the risk of
In the ward
Is it necessary to take progesterone injections when planning and during pregnancy?
The entry is posted in the sections: Progress of pregnancy Add to favorites Progesterone is a steroid hormone that
HealthAdventures of menstruation in the USSR: What they said about them in the press
How they used to manage without pads For many centuries, representatives of the fair sex were forced
Black cumin oil during pregnancy: benefits and harms, how to use
Black cumin oil for infertility and chronic gynecological pathologies is included in the list of the most
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