Signs of appendicitis
Chronic appendicitis manifestations and treatment methods
Structure and functions of the appendix Causes of chronic appendicitis and its types Symptoms of chronic appendicitis
cardiac ischemia
Diseases of the cardiovascular system (CVD): list and symptoms, principles of treatment
The heart is the organ without which a person’s quality life is impossible. Formed
Vacuum abortion
Vacuum abortion: the essence of the method, indications and possible consequences
Mini-abortion: what is called vacuum aspiration? Photo: SALUMA.RU Mini-abortion, vacuum aspiration or vacuum abortion - so
Worms in children - symptoms and treatment
Worms in children. Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of worms
Worms are parasites that settle in the body of humans or animals and live for
Illness in a child
Roseola in children: how to identify the disease, its symptoms and photos
Roseola is a viral disease that affects children of different ages; it occurs quite often.
Types and descriptions of operations to remove a bunion on the big toe
Types and descriptions of operations to remove a bunion on the big toe
6456 2 Hallux valgus is a disease of the musculoskeletal system in which a change in the position of the foot occurs.
swine flu virus
How dangerous is swine flu for humans: routes of infection, treatment features, prognosis
Swine flu, the symptoms and treatment of which are described in this article, is considered an extremely dangerous disease.
Baby is cutting teeth
Teeth or not - what symptoms may accompany teething in children?
The appearance of the first baby teeth in babies is a real event for the whole family. Earlier
Hyperhidrosis of the legs
Hyperhidrosis: causes of excessive sweating.
Hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is increased sweating of the whole body or in certain areas of it: folds
kidney cancer treatment in europe
The main symptoms of kidney cancer: how not to miss the onset of the disease
Kidney malignancy ranks third among diseases of the urinary system. Men get sick equally
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