mifepristone consequences
Action of Mifepristone: mechanism, indications and instructions for use
The drug "Mifepristone" belongs to the synthetic hormonal antigestagenic drugs and is prescribed for termination of early pregnancy.
What does chaga look like? Photo 1
Birch chaga mushroom. Useful properties and use in folk medicine
Where does chaga grow and what does chaga look like? Chaga is common in the European part of Russia, Western Siberia,
Pain under the left shoulder blade from the back: causes, treatment, what to do when the left shoulder blade hurts
Pain under the shoulder blade - this symptom can also be experienced by adults suffering from
An itchy red rash on the body of an adult. What is it, photos, causes and treatment
An itchy red rash on the body of an adult. What is it, photos, causes and treatment
Types and localization of red rashes, accompanying symptoms In adults, it is usually divided into
Indications and rules for using Verrucacid for papillomas and warts
Verrucacid is a drug used in the treatment of warts and papillomas. This is a powerful remedy that can
All possible causes, symptoms and treatment methods for cerebral atherosclerosis
Due to an excess of cholesterol in the blood, many people are diagnosed with cerebral atherosclerosis. Often
doctor holding a flask with blood
The hormone estrogen: female beauty and health in one substance
Estrogens, belonging to the group of steroid hormones, are formed on the basis of testosterone and androstenedione in the ovaries
Nasal congestion
Chronic runny nose: causes and symptoms of the disease, treatment
Stuffy nose A runny nose, or rhinitis, is a common accompaniment of colds. As a rule, this unpleasant
Allergy medications are the most effective. Medicinal antihistamines and folk remedies
The body reacts negatively to extraneous stimuli, promoting the activation of a defense mechanism. Tablets of the appropriate direction are needed
Why is the level of albumin in the blood elevated and how to stabilize it
Albumin is produced by the liver. Therefore, it is natural when, with increased protein, the doctor suspects dysfunction in the patient
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