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Features of symptoms and methods of treatment of acute and chronic urethritis in men
Among urological pathologies, urethritis in men is often encountered; symptoms and treatment are determined by a urologist.
inflammation of the foreskin
Clinical picture and complications of balanoposthitis in a child
Many boys at one stage or another in their lives are faced with an infectious and inflammatory disease of extreme
Clavicle fracture: symptoms
Clavicle fracture with and without displacement: symptoms and treatment
The clavicle is a small paired bone that connects the bones of the arm to the bones of the chest. By shape
Causes and treatments for lumps on the back under the skin
Lipoma - what is it: causes, symptoms and treatment
Many have had to deal with the fact that seals form under the skin, which soon begin to grow.
Medical diet table No. 8 according to Pevzner: features of the fight against excess weight
Edited by an expert: Nadezhda Primochkina, nutritionist - 12/04/2019 The main indication for prescribing a treatment table
Amylase, what is it, types of enzyme and norms
Amylase - what is it: enzyme levels in the blood and urine
Most processes in the human body are possible only with the participation of biologically active substances - enzymes that can
dermoid formation in the ovary
Ovarian dermoid cyst: treatment, causes, symptoms, signs, photos
What is an ovarian dermoid cyst, how is it different from others, and how to get rid of it?
Carcinoma - what is it? Disease stages and prognosis
Sarcoma is an oncological disease characterized by the formation of a non-epithelial malignant tumor formed from connective tissue cells
When to take a pregnancy test
Will a pregnancy test tell the truth if you take it during the day or evening?
Pregnancy is a wonderful time in the life of every woman. However, how do you know when it has arrived?
Why is uterine tone dangerous during pregnancy?
What to do if there is increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy
How does uterine tone manifest during pregnancy? The uterus is an organ that is hollow inside and outside
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