How to strengthen the heart muscle and improve its function: medications and tips for lifestyle changes

Pain in the heart area occurs in the vast majority (90%) of cases as a result of coronary heart disease, spinal diseases, or during stressful situations. Treatment approaches for these conditions vary. Nitrates, painkillers or sedatives are used as first aid. After relieving the pain attack, you need to undergo examination by a cardiologist.

Causes of sudden severe pain in the heart

Pain can be felt in the heart area during cardiac diseases and be a manifestation of non-cardiac pathology. Most often, pain arising from cardiac disorders is caused by impaired blood supply or an inflammatory process in the myocardium. Insufficient nutrition in the heart muscle can occur when there is blockage or spasm of the coronary vessels.

Localization of pain during myocardial infarction

The most common pathologies that cause heart pain:

  • coronary heart disease – angina pectoris, myocardial infarction;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • myocarditis, rheumatic carditis;
  • heart defects (usually mitral valve prolapse);
  • cardiomyopathy – alcoholic, menopausal, drug-induced.

The most dangerous of these conditions is myocardial infarction. The pain is sudden, accompanied by fear of death, compression behind the sternum, can be felt in the epigastric region, elbows, forearms, and radiate to the teeth of the lower jaw.

The skin is pale, the fingers and toes are cold, the skin of the collar area is red with a bluish tint. Blood pressure usually drops. The appearance of these signs requires immediate medical attention.

We recommend reading about first aid for heart pain. You will learn about the causes of cardiac and non-cardiac chest pain, emergency measures for pain in the heart with respiratory arrest. And here is more information about how to distinguish pain in the heart from neuralgia.

First aid

To alleviate the condition before doctors arrive in an emergency, you can use the following items from your home medicine cabinet:

  • Nitroglycerine.
  • Validol.
  • Korvaltap.

Also, in case of a heart attack, doctors recommend taking an acetylsalicylic acid tablet, after chewing it. This will normalize blood clotting properties and speed up the absorption of other medications. Many patients are prescribed aspirin before bedtime to prevent myocardial infarction.

Is this a heart?

Extracardiac causes of cardialgia are associated with damage to the musculoskeletal system, bronchi and lungs, digestive organs, and nervous system.

The main causes of pain in the heart in diseases of other organs:

  • neuralgia, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis;
  • pneumonia, tracheitis, pleurisy;
  • peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, stress.

For more information on the causes of pain behind the sternum, watch this video:


  • Visit the clinic for examinations regularly every 3 months to prevent the development of serious heart diseases;
  • Write down your prescription at the same time as your doctor: doctor’s notes can be illegible;
  • if the prescribed remedies do not eliminate the pain in 10 minutes, call an ambulance;
  • heart pills are placed under the tongue so that the substance is absorbed immediately into the blood and begins to act quickly; this method reduces the risk of an allergic reaction;
  • if you forget to take your medicine one day, do not take double the amount the next time - this will cause an overdose;
  • do not take the tablets with anything other than water;
  • do not be lazy to follow a special diet and do exercises: this way you will double the positive effect of treatment;
  • In hot weather, try to drink more water (preferably containing magnesium) to prevent blood clotting.

How to understand that your heart hurts

In order to understand that it is the heart that hurts, it is necessary to take into account the typical signs:

  • an attack of pain occurs during exertion - walking, especially uphill or on steps, stress, hypothermia;
  • after being at rest and taking Nitroglycerin, it subsides;
  • felt behind the sternum in the form of pressure, compression;
  • can spread to the left half of the body, extending to the neck.

This is how a normal angina attack proceeds. Sensations in diseases of the nervous system are varied - the heart pierces, burns, aches, pain is localized near the left mammary gland. A characteristic difference between heart pain is that it does not intensify with breathing, turning or bending the body, and there is no constant connection with food intake.

What medications to take for arrhythmia

Tablets for cardiac arrhythmia should, of course, be prescribed by a doctor. The fact is that disturbances in the rhythm of the heart muscle can be caused by various reasons and diseases. For example, with tachycardia, even the usual tincture of valerian or Corvalol can provide quite significant help. In more severe cases, you will need much stronger pills for the heart: “ERiDitoxin”, “Propranopol”, etc., but this is only for medical reasons.

If the pulse is too slow (less than 60 beats per minute), then doctors often prescribe drugs such as Atropine, Alupent, Atenolol, and Zufillin. And the most effective means of traditional medicine in this case are considered to be decoctions of young tops of pine or yarrow.

How to determine the cause of heart pain?

We must remember that it is impossible to diagnose yourself and your loved ones without medical education and examination. But in order to roughly navigate the signs characteristic of each type of pathology, you need to pay attention to the nature of the pain and the conditions of its occurrence.

Important distinctive features for pain in the heart area:

  • The intensity of pain does not characterize the severity of the condition. A heart attack can be painless, but with intercostal neuralgia it can be an excruciating pain attack.
  • Description of the pain - with angina pectoris, pressure and compression, with neuroses - aching and stabbing, pain in the joints is gnawing, sharp.
  • The main rule is that pain occurs when the affected organ is stressed. For the heart - this is physical or emotional stress, for the lungs - breathing, coughing, radicular pain occurs when turning, bending, diseases of the digestive system cause pain associated with eating.

  • Duration of pain - angina pectoris leads to 3-5 minutes of pain, longer during a heart attack, constant aching pain is characteristic of non-cardiac pathologies.

To learn how to distinguish heart pain from other possible pathological conditions, watch this video:

Lifestyle change

In this case, we are talking about living conditions that need to be adjusted. Also about a number of subjective points. What exactly do you mean? We can say about the recommendation system:

To give up smoking

In addition to the already mentioned nicotine many times, cigarettes contain cadmium, methane and other agents. The last thing tobacco manufacturers care about is the health of the consumer.

With the systematic use of cigarettes and other tobacco products, chronic severe vascular stenosis occurs.

Arteries and capillaries narrow, which leads to insufficient nutrition of tissues, including the heart, which, along with the brain, takes the brunt of the blow.

If you continue in this spirit, there is a high risk of developing a heart attack, stroke, and emergency conditions of the atherosclerotic group. Quitting smoking improves prognosis several times.

The problem is that eliminating tobacco from your life on your own is not so easy. In such a situation, it is recommended to contact a narcologist or psychotherapist for a private appointment. A specialist will help you get rid of your bad habit much faster.

Quitting alcohol

Alcohol acts in an identical negative way. But, if cigarettes kill for many years, ethanol and products based on it can put an end to a person’s existence in the very first dose, depending on the characteristics of the body.

For this reason, it makes sense to give up alcohol faster. Information about the positive effects of alcohol on the cardiovascular system is nothing more than an invention of advertisers and manufacturers.

Destructive phenomena develop in the myocardium and blood vessels that are not amenable to subsequent correction.

Avoidance of caffeine-containing drinks and psychoactive substances

In such a case, the issue is also resolved unambiguously, not in favor of tea, other drinks, or drugs.

Both of them have an extremely negative effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. Especially in persons who have a history of disorders of other organs and systems. All diseases are potentially dangerous.

Avoiding stressful situations

Oddly enough, but emotional and mental stress also has a completely physical change.

When overexertion occurs, a massive release of hormones is observed: catecholamines, substances of the adrenal cortex. They mobilize the body, in this case the reaction is false.

A sharp narrowing (spasm) of blood vessels occurs, primarily supplying the heart and brain. Blood pressure and muscle contraction frequency increase.

The human body is not adapted to existence in this mode, therefore, against the background of chronic stress, the risk of a heart attack, stroke, or simply rapid wear and tear of cardiac structures and the development of a specialized type of disease increases significantly.

It's not easy to avoid stress. The only thing that can be done is to change the nature of professional activity. If necessary, you should consult a psychotherapist.

The second effective way is to master relaxation techniques. They will not interfere with a completely healthy person, because everyone is susceptible to stressful situations to one degree or another.

Normalization of physical activity

In this case, you need to find a middle ground. Physical inactivity, lack of sufficient movement, and excessively intense exercise are equally dangerous for the heart.

  • In the first case, stagnation begins, which provokes disturbances in the trophism (nutrition) of tissues, and there is no adequate hemodynamics (blood flow). This means that the nutrition of cardiac structures is significantly changed.
  • As for the second situation, everything is the same as under stress. Norepinephrine, cortisol and other substances are released, causing vascular stenosis and disruption of normal tissue nutrition. Therefore, it makes sense to refuse overloads.

Contrary to possible opinion, torturing yourself in gyms and fitness centers does not contribute to health in any way, rather the opposite. Cycling and walking, swimming, and light physical therapy would be optimal.

The intensity and duration of classes will be decided on an individual basis, depending on the general health and age of the person. It is better to discuss this issue with a specialist in exercise therapy or kinesitherapy.

Changing the environmental component in life

There is only one thing you can do on your own: move to another region, country. Background radiation, the intensity of magnetic radiation, the quality of drinking water, and the characteristics of temperature and humidity have enormous negative potential.

For patients with disorders of the cardiovascular system or a tendency towards it, a moderate, cool climate is recommended.

Too high thermometer readings, as well as vice versa, overload the cardiac structures and provoke the development of diseases. Therefore, if possible, you need to look for regions with calm climatic conditions, without sudden changes in temperature, humidity, and other factors.

As for drinking water, the problem can be partially eliminated by using filters or purchasing liquid in bottles; in the latter case, you can evaluate the mineral composition of the solution, which gives a better effect.

Changing your diet

A huge layer of recommendations, worthy not of articles, but of dozens of monographs. If we go through the issue briefly, we can give some advice.

  • It is worth eating in small portions, fractionally, often, so as not to overload the cardiovascular system. About 4-6 times a day.
  • Minimum animal fats, more plant products.
  • Also, salt up to 4-6 grams, you cannot completely abandon it, because sodium compounds are necessary for the normal activity of the body.

Ideally, you need to contact a nutritionist to develop a personal diet, which will be the most reasonable step towards changing your diet.

In addition to the diet, it is recommended to drink a sufficient amount of clean still water. The liquid in its usual, natural form is taken into account.

Drinks, as well as dishes, are not included in the evaluation. It is worth starting from the characteristics of the body.

In the absence of heart and vascular diseases, the recommended amount is about 1.8-2 liters, plus or minus according to needs. This is an individual question, depending on the body characteristics of a particular patient.

Regular systematic examinations with a cardiologist

As part of prevention, they are required by most people with a tendency to diseases of the profile type. The rest are strongly recommended to see a therapist in order to react in time.

The first symptoms of heart disease include faster or slower heart rhythms and almost always abnormal blood pressure levels. As a rule, it increases in the early stages and decreases in pronounced ones.

Also, during visits, patients undergo examinations through electrocardiography and echocardiography; these are the main routine methods for identifying organic and functional disorders.

Change in body weight

Excess weight negatively affects the condition of all organs and systems. However, it is not entirely clear where the cause and effect are.

Usually the problem is not only and not so much in the excessive amount of adipose tissue. It lies in impaired lipid metabolism, that is, metabolic processes (related to metabolism).

In this case, fat is intensively deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the form of cholesterol plaques, which become a mechanical obstacle to blood flow.

The heart has to work more actively. This subsequently leads to stretching of the chambers and weakening of the pumping function.

Blood pumped through vessels narrowed by atherosclerotic plaques is even weaker, tissue ischemia (malnutrition) develops, and the likelihood of heart attack and stroke increases.

If you put them in order, your body weight will be normalized and the risks will be minimal.

The issue cannot be resolved by correcting the diet; usually we are talking about a systematic approach. Including the treatment of endocrine diseases and other types of disorders. The task is complex and will require the help of a group of doctors.

Refusal from unauthorized use of medications

The use of drugs based on glucocorticoids, oral contraceptives (birth control pills), drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma and abnormalities in the respiratory system, including dilators, has a negative effect.

It makes sense to coordinate the use of any medications with specialized specialists. Because uncontrolled use will lead to health problems.

Timely treatment of somatic and mental diseases

All pathological processes, regardless of location, form and type, negatively affect the state of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, if at least one is detected, it is necessary to contact a doctor to prescribe competent therapy.

These are the main points that concern techniques that do not require the use of pharmaceuticals.

In most cases, especially when it comes to young people in normal health, without severe somatic disorders, this is quite enough.

However, the help of doctors cannot be neglected; in most cases, consultation and management are key factors in the prevention or prevention of relapses and progression of an existing problem.

What to do if you have heart pain

If pain in the heart appears for the first time, then you first need to sit down and free your chest from constricting clothing. Taking medications to relieve pain depends on its strength, duration of the pain attack and characteristics.

For stabbing, severe, aching pain

If pain in the heart is accompanied by a lack of air, tachycardia, a feeling of heat, headache, but the general condition is relatively satisfactory, then most often take Validol under the tongue or Corvalol (Valocordin, valerian tincture, Zelenin drops) in a dose of 15 - 20 drops.
After 10 minutes, you can repeat these medications. Such drugs relieve spastic pain that is associated with stress, fatigue, vegetative-vascular dystonia, menopausal and alcoholic cardiomyopathy.

Pain syndrome in such pathologies is distinguished by a wide variety of complaints; its localization, duration and intensity changes, and is not associated with physical activity.

For sudden, dull, pressing

These pain characteristics may occur with angina pectoris. A typical attack of myocardial ischemia is characterized by an association with walking, running, and emotional stress; they decrease at rest and after taking nitroglycerin.

Pain syndrome of unknown origin should always be considered in favor of coronary disease, so if taking sedatives does not relieve the pain, then you need to put a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue and take an aspirin tablet (in the absence of stomach diseases). After 15 minutes, the reception can be repeated, if after this there is no result, then further treatment on your own is dangerous, you need to call a doctor.

For acute, sharp pain

In diseases of the thoracic spine, acute pain occurs, which depends on movement, intensifies with changes in body position and has a clear localization. Vertebrogenic heart pain is relieved with painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. You need to take an Analgin or Ibuprofen tablet, and apply a warming ointment or rubbing to the interscapular area - Menovazin, Dolgit cream, Dolobene gel, Finalgon ointment.

Pressure in the heart area: what to take

If there is pressure in the heart area, then you need to take a Validol tablet under the tongue or mix 20 drops of a sedative with a quarter glass of water: tincture of valerian, motherwort, Corvalol. If it is known for sure that there is angina pectoris (the attack occurred after walking, hypothermia, severe excitement), then Nitroglycerin under the tongue and half an Aspirin tablet will help.

If the pain has not completely disappeared within 15 minutes, it is important to call an ambulance. Pressing pain behind the sternum, which lasts more than a quarter of an hour, may indicate the onset of myocardial infarction.

Heart aches: what to drink for prevention

If your heart hurts, what you can drink to prevent the condition from getting worse will depend entirely on the diagnosis, for example:

  • for vegetative-vascular dystonia, sedatives are needed - Persen, Novo-passit, tincture of peony, hawthorn;
  • for coronary heart disease it is recommended: for thinning the blood - Aspirin, Ticlopidine, cholesterol-lowering - Simgal, Zocor, improving metabolism in the myocardium - Preductal, Riboxin, Panangin;
  • for myocardial dystrophy against the background of hormonal imbalance, anemia, alcoholism, overexertion, menopause, take Mildronate, Kratal, Levocarnitine, Kudesan.

Blood-thinning drugs
Since it is impossible to establish a diagnosis on your own, and pain in the heart is caused by several dozen reasons (about 50), you need to contact a cardiologist to choose a drug. If you try to treat the disease yourself, then at best you can waste money on drugs, and at worst you can mask the development of life-threatening complications.

Heart attack pills

If a heart attack is caused by angina, then you need Nitroglycerin tablets or capsules, an aerosol. They are taken in a sitting position, while half an aspirin tablet is recommended to facilitate blood movement.

Isosorbide dinitrate (Nitrosorbide, Isoket spray) is also indicated to relieve an attack. It has a longer effect; if necessary, it can be used every 2-3 hours, 5 mg or up to 3 injections under the tongue.

A new remedy for heart pain in coronary artery disease is Cordinic, but it can only be used for moderate pain; in the acute period of a heart attack it is contraindicated.

If angina is excluded, then heart pain will help relieve:

  • Validol,
  • Korvaltab,
  • Pumpan,
  • Corvalment,
  • Tricardin,
  • Carniland.

All these remedies have a calming effect, slow down the heart rate, relieve vascular spasms, which helps alleviate well-being in case of neurosis, neurocirculatory dystonia, and menopausal syndrome.

Folk remedies for the prevention of heart disease

When choosing what to drink to prevent heart and blood vessels, do not forget about natural remedies. Herbs, mixtures of berries and fruits, tinctures can protect the heart muscle just as well.

Important! Most natural recipes require a doctor's approval. Abuse of medicinal herbs can lead to deterioration of health. Use medicinal herbs in courses; you cannot take them constantly.

Medicinal herbs

Top best plants that you can drink to prevent heart disease:

  1. Hawthorn. A decoction is prepared along with clover flowers, willow bark, ginkgo biloba, and lingonberry leaves. All components are crushed, 2 tbsp. l. pour 2 cups of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Take 0.5 cups 2 times a day.
  2. Motherwort. Prepare a decoction of 1 spoon of rhizomes of motherwort, dried herbs, sage and hawthorn. A spoonful of the mixture is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for 3 hours. Take 0.5 cups 2 times a day.
  3. Melissa. For 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves take 2 tablespoons of anise seeds, a spoonful of yarrow, valerian rhizomes. Leave for 3 hours, pour a glass of boiling water. Take during the day.
  4. Mint. Prepared from 1 tbsp. l. stems and 1 tbsp. l. mint leaves, watch, valerian rhizomes, angelica. Infuse for at least 3 hours, pouring 1 spoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Take 2-3 times a day.
  5. Calendula. Prepare a decoction of 2 tsp. crushed flowers poured with boiling water. After 15 minutes, filter and drink 3-4 times.
  6. Buckwheat. Pour 1 tsp. dry herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Take 3 times a day.
  7. Birch. For 10 g of dried birch leaves, 1 spoon of St. John's wort and lemon balm, take 30 g of fireweed. Stir and brew 1 tbsp. l. collection in 0.3 liters of boiling water. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day.
  8. Arnica. Take 1 tbsp. l. dried arnica, the same amount of lily of the valley and glove grass. Add 4-5 tablespoons of hawthorn tincture. After 2-3 days, start taking 35 drops per day.
  9. Dill, parsley. Prepare a decoction of 50 g of parsley, the same amount of dill, 1 liter of water. Boil for 20 minutes. Take 1 spoon 2-3 times a day.

Herbal treatment is carried out 1-3 times a year. Can be combined with heart prevention pills only after consulting a doctor.

Vitamin mixtures for health

Healthy berries, dried fruits, spices and honey will replace tablets and other drugs for heart prevention:

  1. Garlic juice. Take 5 drops of juice mixed with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil before meals once a day.
  2. Onion mixture. Mix 5 peeled onions with 20 cloves of garlic, 5 peeled lemons and 1 kg of sugar. Pour 2 liters of boiled water and leave for 3 days. Eat 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. before meals.
  3. Honey mixture with ginger. Grind 4 lemons with peel, add 3-4 heads of garlic, 2 tbsp. l. ginger Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  4. Dried fruits. Add a glass of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, and nuts to 3 lemons. Add 0.5 cups of hawthorn berries and the same amount of rose hips. Leave for 2-3 days, take 1 tbsp. l. several times a day.
  5. Hawthorn pastille. Prepare a glass of hawthorn puree. Add 10% sugar and place the mixture in an even layer on baking paper in a baking dish. Keep in the oven for several hours at 80-90 degrees until it comes off the mold easily.
  6. Cranberry mixture. Mix 1 glass of garlic puree with 1 kg of cranberries, after a day add 0.5 liters of natural honey.

Remember not to mix any heart medications made from natural products. Eat one mixture for 3-4 weeks, take a break for at least a month, and only then can you prepare new recipes.

If you have chosen which pills you want to take to prevent heart disease, carefully study the indications and contraindications. Ideally, you need to get tested. If you have no desire to turn to medicine, choose the best way to protect yourself from diseases - changing your diet and introducing natural vitamin mixtures into your diet!

10112 Gulmira Sadzykova 03/19/2018

Names of tablets for the heart

The main groups of drugs and names of tablets for heart disease:

Group of drugs Drug names
Vasodilators (for angina, heart failure) Cardiket retard, Monocinque, Nitroglycerin
Antiplatelet agents (thin the blood) Cardiomagnyl, Plavix
Reducing blood pressure and stress on the heart Carvedilol, Ramipril
Improving metabolism in the myocardium and increasing resistance to oxygen starvation Cytochrome C, Preductal
Reducing blood cholesterol levels Tulip, Zokor
Strengthens the heart muscle, facilitating the conduction of cardiac impulses Riboxin, Panangin
Slowing down the accelerated rhythm, helping restore the myocardium, transferring the heart to a more economical mode of operation Lokren, Coronal, Norvasc

Drugs to strengthen and maintain the heart muscle

You can also strengthen your heart muscle through pharmaceuticals. This is an extreme measure, but most often it is impossible to do without it.

What names and groups can be recommended:

  • Preparations for the protection of myocardial tissue. So-called cardioprotectors. Mildronate, Riboxin and others from this group. To support the heart of an elderly and young person, it makes sense to take cardioprotectors for a long time, because they directly affect metabolic processes in myocardial tissue, reduce the need for oxygen, and restore trophism (nutrition).
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes with potassium and magnesium. Magne B6, Asparkam or Panangin and many others can nourish the heart and improve its functioning. It is not recommended to drink without permission, because the likelihood of side effects is high. The best solution would be to consult a specialist.

Other medications are used only for diagnosed and confirmed diseases, such as chronic heart failure. Therefore, there is no point in prescribing them without indications. This can be deadly.

What drugs are we talking about?

  • Glycosides. They restore and enhance the contractility of the heart, they are used with great caution, because such drugs have a lot of side effects and are difficult for patients to tolerate with prolonged use.
  • Diuretics. Diuretics to reduce the load on cardiac structures. Medicines allow you to remove excess fluid and restore normal circulating blood volume.
  • Antihypertensive. ACE inhibitors, centrally acting agents, calcium channel blockers and others. If necessary, if excess pressure develops, which is not corrected by natural methods. The doctor also selects dosages and constantly “adjusts” them if necessary.
  • Antiplatelet agents. To normalize blood fluidity. Not always required. Typically these are Aspirin-based brands suitable for long-term use (for example, Thrombo-ass and others).

Drugs for strengthening the heart muscle are cardioprotectors like Mildronate or medications whose effect is based on the normalization of ion exchange: Asparkam and others.

Others are not used without indications, because they are extremely dangerous and can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Heart drops

Heart drops include:

  • sedatives with barbiturates - Valocordin, Barboval, Corvalol, Corvaldin;
  • on a plant basis - tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, peony, lily of the valley-valerian drops, Tricardin, Herbion heart drops, Zelenina;
  • homeopathic remedies - Pumpan, Homviocorin, Aurocard;
  • tonic effect - Kudesan, tincture of ginseng, aralia, Tonginal.

Most of them are intended for long-term treatment and prevention of heart pain during neurosis, stressful conditions, neurocirculatory dystonia, mild hypertension or hypotension, and initial manifestations of circulatory failure.

They are allowed to be used for heart diseases only in the absence of indications for therapy with stronger drugs. If after 10-15 days of taking there is no result, then it is necessary to undergo examination by a cardiologist. Self-medication for heart damage is dangerous. It is strictly forbidden to treat angina with heart drops.

Angiotensin receptor antagonists

AT-receptor blockers should be used to treat cardiac pathologies. Medicines in this group modulate the functioning of the antiotensin-aldosterone system.

Features of the fundsPositive sidesNegative sides
  • prevent the oligopeptide hormone from binding to the cells of the body;
  • have a long-lasting effect;
  • do not have a vasoconstrictor effect.
  • with normal blood pressure numbers they do not provoke hypertension;
  • well tolerated;
  • have a prolonged effect.
  • provoke dizziness, severe weakness, hypotension.

Angiotensin receptor blockers:



  • does not affect carboxypeptidase;
  • contributes to overall local vascular resistance;
  • reduces the amount and accelerates the removal of uric acid.

Admission rules:

  • the starting dose of the drug is 50 mg;
  • The medicine should be taken once a day;
  • Eating food does not affect the effect of the drug.

Side effects:

  • hypotension;
  • loose stool;
  • pain in the joints;
  • muscle spasm;
  • decreased red blood cell levels;
  • nettle rash.



  • narrows the lumen of blood vessels;
  • regulates water balance in the body;
  • stimulates cell growth.

Mode of application:

  • the initial amount of medication should not exceed 8 mg;
  • You need to take the product once a day;
  • if necessary, the drug should be titrated according to the patient's condition.

Adverse reactions:

  • inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • migraine;
  • skin rashes;
  • spinal pain;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system.

Mistakes that patients make

The most dangerous misconception is ignoring the importance of pain in the heart. If the diagnosis is not established, self-medication can lead to serious problems.

blood circulation

Therefore, even if the attack of pain was relieved, then in the very near future you need, at a minimum, to undergo an electrocardiogram and a consultation with a therapist.

Self-cancellation of treatment that was prescribed for cardiac diseases is also a wrong decision.

A number of drugs are used for a long period of time; their withdrawal should be gradual and agreed with the attending physician.

Pain in the heart area, even in the presence of angina, is not a contraindication to any type of physical activity. Refusal of all types of movements and excessive gentle treatment do not lead to improvement of the condition. Therefore, for all diagnoses, except for severe forms of heart failure and acute inflammatory processes, dosed therapeutic exercises and walking are indicated.

In order to correctly select their rhythm, duration and intensity, you need to undergo special stress tests in a medical institution.

Cardiac glycosides

The safest group of drugs that use digitalis extract as the main active ingredient. The cost of drugs in this group is not high.


The drug improves the quality of heart contractions and reduces blood pressure. The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved after 2 hours, which is why tablets are not used for emergency pain relief. The main contraindications are the acute phase of a heart attack, myocarditis, and shock.

Attention! Start taking the drug with minimal dosages, increasing them if necessary. The initial dose is 1 tablet 3 times a day. The drug may also be prescribed to relieve cardiac shortness of breath.


The drug increases the content of potassium ions in cells and improves heart function. The medicine is used in complex therapy of heart failure, not only to relieve pain, but also to improve the functioning of the organ. The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. isolated mitral stenosis,
  2. intoxication of the body of glycosidic nature,
  3. persistently low heart rate.

Due to the fact that when using the drug there is a danger of developing serious life-threatening abnormalities, treatment with it is carried out only in a hospital setting under strict medical supervision.

What to take for heart pain

If the pain is associated with anxiety or after examination no serious pathological changes in the heart are found, then, as a rule, drugs that calm and strengthen the heart muscle are used. To relieve a painful attack, Validol, Nitroglycerin (only for angina), Corvalol in drops or tablets are prescribed.

After the attack is eliminated, vitamin complexes, potassium and magnesium salts (Panangin, Asparkam), Riboxin, Magne B6, Cardioactive taurine, Potassium orotate, Kudesan are used for a course of treatment. The following groups of drugs may be recommended:

  • hypotensive;
  • antiarrhythmic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • means for lowering cholesterol in the blood;
  • nitrates;
  • cardiac glycosides.

Aspirin for heart pain

The use of Aspirin for heart pain is explained by its effect on platelet aggregation (aggregation) and vasoconstriction. The drug inhibits both of these processes, which makes it possible:

  • facilitate blood flow in the coronary arteries;
  • prevent blockage of the vessel by blood clots;
  • prevent vascular accident (myocardial infarction) during a severe attack of angina.

Aspirin prevents blockage of blood vessels by blood clots.
The drug is indicated for long-term use of 75-150 mg for coronary heart disease, as well as after operations to restore coronary blood flow (stenting, bypass surgery). It is advisable to drink it for patients with heart pain and risk factors for heart attack:

  • high blood pressure;
  • excess cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (according to lipid profile);
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • smoking;
  • age from 50 years;
  • burdened heredity.

Aspirin is contraindicated in patients with a tendency to bleeding and bronchial asthma, aggravated by taking salicylates, severe renal, cardiac and liver failure.

The main group of complications during treatment with Aspirin is associated with stomach pain. Therefore, it is recommended to use a special form of acetylsalicylic acid - film-coated tablets; it is resistant to the action of gastric juice. The doctor may prescribe the following drugs: Thrombo Ass, Sanovasc, Aspirin Cardio. A good option is a combination of aspirin with magnesium: Cardiomagnyl, Thrombo Mag.

What pills for heart pain are sold without a prescription?

The list of tablets for heart pain available in pharmacies without a prescription includes:

  • Validol,
  • Cormenthol,
  • Nitroglycerine,
  • Valerian extract,
  • Motherwort forte,
  • Persen cardio,
  • Alora,
  • Dibikor,
  • Cardiplant,
  • Pumpan,
  • Corvalol phyto,
  • Neocardil,
  • Kratal.

Of these, only the first three medications are suitable for relieving acute heart pain, and during an attack of angina, only Nitroglycerin is used. All other over-the-counter cardiac medications are used to prevent pain in courses. In any case, before taking the drug, you need to consult a doctor, ECG, and blood tests.

Which ones to choose for the elderly without a doctor’s prescription

It is dangerous to use heart medications for older people without a doctor’s prescription because:

  • any remedy has contraindications and side effects;
  • not all drugs can be taken at the same time;
  • the absorption of medications, their processing by the liver and excretion by the kidneys changes;
  • There are paradoxical (opposite to the desired) reactions, sudden changes in blood pressure, which can impair blood circulation in the brain.

For example, the commonly used Corvalol is not recommended for:

  • liver and kidney dysfunctions;
  • low blood pressure;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • muscle and general weakness;
  • depressed mood (depression);
  • addiction to alcohol, dependence on medications;
  • spasm of the respiratory tract, difficulty breathing.

Without an examination, no cardiologist will prescribe treatment, and it is generally impossible to do this on your own.

The best remedy for heart pain

The best remedy for heart pain will be an individually selected drug. This is due to the fact that such a symptom can occur in various diseases, some of which are not even related to cardiac pathology. For example, osteochondrosis, neurosis, damage to the stomach and lungs. If the diagnosis is established, it will help with:

  • attacks of angina pectoris - Nitroglycerin under the tongue, chew half a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid (0.5 g each);
  • neurocirculatory dystonia and high blood pressure - motherwort tincture, Validol;
  • hypotension - Zelenin drops;
  • stress – tincture of Valerian, Valocordin;
  • palpitations – hawthorn extract, lily of the valley-valerian drops.

Calming tablets for the heart

Calming pills are needed for the heart in case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, rapid heartbeat due to stress, physical overexertion. It is important that more serious diagnoses are excluded (heart defects, circulatory failure, angina pectoris, myocarditis, paroxysmal tachycardia). They need to be taken regularly; to obtain a lasting effect, it is recommended to take them for 2-3 weeks. List of drugs:

  • Persen,
  • Motherwort forte Evalar,
  • Valerian extract,
  • Dormiplant,
  • Liked,
  • StressOff,
  • Magne B6,
  • Hawthorn lozenges,
  • Pumpan.

No-shpa from the heart

The drug No-shpa is ineffective for the heart. It is indicated for abdominal pain and headaches. In case of heart failure (shortness of breath, rapid pulse, enlarged liver), the medication is contraindicated. Large doses of No-shpa disrupt the conduction of electrical impulses in the myocardium. Even at the usual dosage, the use of the drug worsens the condition of patients with low blood pressure and a low pulse.

Analgin for heart pain

Analgin is not indicated for use for heart pain. Its analgesic effect is manifested in joint and muscle pain, headache and dental pain. The drug has a negative effect on vascular tone and is contraindicated in cases of low blood pressure (systolic upper reading up to 100 mm Hg), myocardial infarction.

When administered intramuscularly, it often causes tachycardia. It should be taken with caution in elderly patients, as they have a particularly high risk of side effects (dizziness, drop in blood pressure, lightheadedness).

Treatment and side effects

Medicines for diseases of the cardiovascular system cannot be called harmless; each has a list of contraindications and adverse reactions.

How do heart medications work:

  • reduce myocardial oxygen demand;
  • improve blood supply - tissues receive all the necessary nutrients, reducing the risk of developing oxygen starvation;
  • eliminate vasospasm;
  • normalize blood pressure and heart rate, fight atherosclerosis.

Most often, when taking medications, dyspeptic disorders, a sharp decrease in blood counts, severe headache and muscle pain, and weakness are observed.

Long-term use of Aspirin and its derivatives increases the risk of developing internal bleeding and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Beta blockers can provoke an exacerbation of asthma, obstructive bronchitis, and often problems with potency and depression arise during therapy.

Glycosides can cause cardiac arrest.

Pharmacodynamics of tablets for heart pain

Validol reflexively dilates the blood vessels of the heart when simulating mucosal receptors

membranes of the mouth, due to this, natural pain-relieving peptides (endorphins and enkephalins) enter the bloodstream.

After resorption of the tablet, the excitability of the nervous system and pain in the heart decrease.

Corvalol contains phenobarbital, isovaleric acid and peppermint oil. They have the following types of effects:

  • antispasmodic;
  • soothing;
  • hypnotic;
  • dilates the coronary vessels of the heart;
  • hypotensive.

Nitroglycerin acts on the smooth muscles of blood vessels, mainly in the venous bed, this reduces the load on the heart. Relieves spasm of the coronary arteries, reduces the need for oxygen in the heart muscle, and has an analgesic effect.

Mechanism of action of Nitroglycerin

List of modern heart drugs

We publish a small list of medications that are successfully used today in the treatment of heart disease. Some of them are used in complex therapy, others as independent drugs. All of them are good and effective, but only if used correctly. Therefore, if you need pills for heart pain, do not try to “prescribe” them for yourself - go to a specialist to establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. You may be recommended any of the following medications:

As you can see, the list is quite large. Not all heart pills presented in it can be bought freely at a pharmacy; some drugs require a doctor's prescription. Next, we will talk about a number of popular, effective and time-tested medicines that can have a beneficial, strengthening effect on the heart, as well as drugs that are first aid for it.

Indications for the use of heart tablets

Validol is used for attacks of heart pain that are associated with mild angina, neuroses, psycho-emotional stress, and vasospasm. Validol tablets can relieve headaches after taking nitroglycerin.

Spasm of the coronary arteries

Corvalol is prescribed for neurotic reactions, irritability, insomnia, high blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive or cardialgic type, spasm of the coronary vessels, and increased heart rate.

The main indication for the use of Nitroglycerin is coronary heart disease, pain syndrome due to angina pectoris.

A course of treatment

During the active phase of pain in the heart area, the patient should remove the compressive clothing and relax. Such actions will alleviate the condition, allow you to understand the nature of the pain and figure out what to do next:

  • stabbing and aching sensations in the heart area, which are accompanied by a rapid pulse, an attack of suffocation, fever and headache, are relieved with Validol. It is placed under the tongue. After 10-15 minutes relief occurs. If this drug is not available, use alcohol tinctures of lemon balm, hawthorn, peppermint and other herbs with a sedative effect. Typically, pain of this nature manifests itself due to stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia and overwork. They are unstable and often change location and intensity;
  • sharp, dull and squeezing pain in the chest indicates angina pectoris. If discomfort manifests itself when walking, overwork and stress, then the problem relates to cardiac ischemia. First, take Validol or an alcohol tincture based on sedative herbs. When there is no effect, put Nitroglycerin under your tongue. The procedure can be repeated after 10 minutes. If it was not possible to achieve a result, you will need to call an ambulance;
  • painful sensations of an acute and sharp nature, intensifying with movement and having a precise localization, indicate the development of back diseases. They alleviate the condition with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Ibuprofen), produced in tablet form and in the form of topical agents (ointment, gel, cream). For best effect, it is recommended to use them simultaneously.

Dangerous consequences of popular drugs

The main dangerous consequences of using common drugs for the heart:

A drugConsequences
NitroglycerineSevere headache, dizziness, increased heart rate, drop in blood pressure, impaired cerebral blood flow, vision, loss of consciousness, abdominal pain.
AspirinInflammation of the gastric mucosa, erosion, ulcers, bleeding, allergic reactions, including bronchospasm, headache, tinnitus, confusion (if recommended doses are exceeded), impaired renal function.
CorvalolDrowsiness, lethargy, nausea, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, lacrimation, depression of consciousness, skin rashes.
RiboxinSkin itching, headache, sweating, exacerbation of gout and cholelithiasis.
Valerian extractDepression, drowsiness, hypotension, and in some patients - agitation, anxiety and sleep disturbances, increased pain in the heart, changes in heart rate (slowing or accelerating), alternating diarrhea and constipation, abdominal pain, liver damage with long-term use.

To a certain extent, all drugs for the heart are dangerous, and the more effective the drug, the more side effects and contraindications it has. The number of clinical trials conducted is also important. Serious manufacturers indicate even rare identified complications, but dietary supplements in most cases do not contain such information.

Vitamins for heart prevention

Vitamins in capsules and tablets for the prevention of heart function are used after identifying a lack of microelements in the body. They are indicated in the absence of visible disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Doppelhertz Active Omega-3

Used to prevent heart and vascular diseases, especially atherosclerosis. The main contraindication for vitamins is Omega-3 intolerance. You need to take 1 capsule per meal, preferably during breakfast (course for at least 30 days). Costs from 350 rubles for 30 tablets.


Product with a high content of rutin and vitamin C, cost from 30 rubles.

Vitamins are indicated for the prevention of blood clots; course use is recommended for venous insufficiency. Used for pathologies such as:

  • violation of capillary permeability;
  • blockage of capillaries due to medications.

Do not take if you have a tendency to form blood clots or increased blood clotting. Patients with diabetes or diseases of the urinary system should not take vitamins. The complete list of contraindications should be found in the instructions.

To prevent heart pathologies, adults take 1-2 capsules per day with meals.

Hawthorn forte

Dietary supplement from "Evalar" based on natural products, price from 230 rubles. Used to prevent most heart diseases, including heart attack, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Take 1 capsule three times a day with food for a month. The product has a small list of contraindications: you should not drink it during pregnancy or if you are intolerant to the components.

Vitrum Cardio Omega-3

An American multivitamin preparation that can be taken for the heart as a preventive measure, the price is from 500-600 rubles for 30 capsules. Indications for use: prevention of lipid metabolism problems, vitamin E deficiency, dyslipidemia.

Note! You should not take vitamins if you have cholelithiasis, pathologies of the gallbladder and liver, including pancreatitis and cholecystitis, as well as hemorrhagic syndrome.

To prevent heart disease, drink after meals - after about 30 minutes. The course lasts at least 3-6 months, you need to drink 1 piece per day.

Cardio Forte

A similar vitamin complex used to prevent low blood pressure and VSD, price from 260 rubles. Prescribed for a deficiency of folic acid, taurine and lycopene. It has a minimum of contraindications: pregnancy, lactation and allergies to components.

You need to take 2 capsules per day with food for 4-6 weeks. Before use, you should consult a doctor, as an excess of taurine and lycopene can lead to side effects.

Cardiohealth (Cardio hit)

Multivitamin supplement with natural extracts and coenzyme, price from 1600 rubles. Used as a dietary supplement with a high content of folic acid, carnitine and overcetin. Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The product is available in drops; you need to drink it 2 times a day, 35 drops diluted in water or warm tea. The course of treatment is 1 month.


A potent complex for the treatment of the heart with an increased concentration of vitamin C. The medicine is used to prevent heart disease after 50 years. Dosage regimens are selected strictly individually. You should not take vitamins if you have hypertension, diabetes, thrombophlebitis, or kidney failure.

When choosing a vitamin-mineral complex, you should study the composition and concentration of active components. Show your doctor and ask his opinion before using.

Side effects of heart pills

Corvalol has an inhibitory effect, so you should not drive a car while taking it. Side effects may include:

  • pain in the epigastric region, constipation, nausea;
  • weakness, headache, drowsiness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pressure drop.

Nitroglycerin is characterized by nitrate headache, dizziness, dry mouth, lethargy or increased anxiety, and arterial hypotension. Side effects of Validol occur only with long-term use - nausea, drowsiness, gastric discomfort, allergies.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for tablets for heart pain:

  • angina pectoris;
  • heart failure;
  • arrhythmias of various forms;
  • myocardial ischemia;
  • prevention of myocardial infarction, thrombosis and atherosclerosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neuralgia;
  • high cholesterol;
  • hypertonic disease.

The doctor will tell you what to take for a certain pathological process after a detailed examination and diagnosis. It is prohibited to choose pills and dosage on your own, as this will harm your health.

The main contraindications for heart pills:

  • the use of nitrates is prohibited in case of increased intracranial and low blood pressure, glaucoma and in a state of shock;
  • cardiac glycosides are contraindicated in bradycardia, renal and pulmonary failure, coronary heart disease;
  • “Validol” should not be taken by hypotensive patients or in cases of cardiogenic shock that arose due to a heart attack.

People who are at risk take medications against heart pain with caution:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • chronic processes in the acute stage;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • developing renal, hepatic or pulmonary failure;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding);
  • allergic reactions.

Tablets for heart pain relieve the patient’s condition until a visit to the doctor or the arrival of an ambulance. Entrust the choice of medications to a cardiologist, who will evaluate the examination results and recommend the best treatment regimen. They use only alcohol tinctures based on sedative herbs and first aid products on their own.

The following sources of information were used to prepare the material.

Various heart diseases often affect modern people. And even despite the fact that the level of medicine in most civilized countries is very high, mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system is almost in the first place. In this article we will talk about various pills for the heart, or rather, to maintain its normal functioning. I just want to immediately make a small but important warning: this article is not a recommendation, but a purely review. And we in no way recommend using the information contained in it for self-medication.

Herbs for heart pain

For heart pain, herbs with the following mechanisms of action are recommended:

Herbs How they work
Dioscorea root, hawthorn fruits, caraway seeds, flax seeds, clover Prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, improves fat metabolism
Mistletoe, sweet clover, hawthorn flowers Increases resistance to lack of oxygen due to narrowing or blockage of arteries
Hop cones, lemon balm, oregano, linden (leaves and flowers) Dilate heart vessels, improve myocardial nutrition
Cushion herb, calendula, sophora Protects the inner lining of the arteries
Passionflower, valerian, motherwort, mint, lemon balm Relax, calm down

When preparing medicinal herbal remedies, take into account that the roots must be kept in a water bath for at least 10-15 minutes, and the composition, which contains flowers and leaves, can be brewed like regular tea. For example, the following mixture is recommended to strengthen the heart and reduce pain:

  • green tea leaf – 50 g,
  • St. John's wort herb – 10 g,
  • lemon balm herb – 10 g,
  • mint herb – 10 g,
  • hawthorn flowers – 10 g.

Why is it dangerous to self-medicate?

Before prescribing treatment, any medical specialist will perform an examination, based on which he will first make a diagnosis and then recommend the necessary therapy. By self-medicating, the patient initially dooms the body to negative consequences.

To prescribe therapy, it is necessary to know not only the name of the drugs, but their effect in relation to various pathological processes, which a non-physician cannot know.

Tablet drugs for cardiovascular pathologies occupy one of the leading places among all drugs. To purchase cardiac medications at a pharmacy, you need to know the names of the drugs, which should be clarified with your doctor.

First aid medications: what a heart patient should have at home

The cardiovascular system, like the respiratory system, is considered vital. Acute failure is accompanied by a high risk of patient mortality. Therefore, there are algorithms for providing emergency care for the development of dysfunctions.

Pathological conditionA drugDoses
Acute coronary syndrome "Nitroglycerine"0.5-1 mg every 5-10 minutes under the tongue
"Acetylsalicylic acid"160-325 mg, chew
"Propranolol" (or "Metoprolol" - 25 mg)20 mg
Hypertensive crisis"Clonidine"0.075-0.15 mg every hour (maximum dose – 0.6 mg)
"Captopril"12.5-25.0 mg
"Carvedilol"12.5-25.0 mg

After taking first aid medications, you must immediately call a doctor and be hospitalized in a hospital.

For various diseases

Most often, pain occurs against the background of a wide variety of heart ailments. The course of action in such a situation depends on the underlying disease against which the pain syndrome developed.

Angina pectoris

To relieve pain that lasts 20 minutes or more, you can:

  • Nitroglycerin or Nitrocor (1 tablet or 1 capsule, respectively). Nitroglycerin is a drug that can be taken repeatedly (up to 3 times) with an interval of at least 5-10 minutes.
  • Nitromint. An alternative drug that can be used instead of Nitroglycerin or Nitrocor.
  • Validol in drops or tablets. Drops should be placed on a piece of sugar and slowly dissolved in the mouth. The tablet is placed under the tongue. To alleviate the condition, 2-3 minutes are enough - it is after this time that the effect of the drug begins.

Valocordin and Corvalol drops have a calming effect and do not in any way improve the patient's condition with angina, so there is no point in taking them.

Instead of tablets you can use:

  • Rubbing with fir oil. Place a few drops of oil on the heart area and rub the sternum with intense stroking movements.
  • Mustard plaster on the chest. It is applied to the pericardial region. Helps quickly dilate blood vessels and ensure blood flow. The procedure should not be carried out for long - the mustard plaster can be kept on the chest for no more than 15-20 minutes.
  • The pepper patch on the chest works in a similar way, which is also applied for 10-20 minutes.


Did the pain occur due to arterial hypertension? It is necessary to take an antihypertensive drug as soon as possible.

In parallel with taking medications that lower blood pressure, foot baths with alternating hot (50 degrees) and cold water (room temperature) are recommended.

Patients in a neurotic state are recommended to take tinctures, tablets, decoctions, teas from:

  • valerian;
  • peony;
  • hawthorn;
  • motherwort.

Modern sedatives can also come to the rescue:

  • Novopasit;
  • Glycine;
  • Glycised.

Myocardial infarction

If you have unbearable pain in the heart, radiating to the area of ​​the left arm and left shoulder blade, which is accompanied by cyanosis of the lips and skin, severe weakness, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible. Such symptoms most likely indicate myocardial infarction.

Before the doctors arrive, the patient is recommended to take a sitting position (lying down is not recommended) and take the following pill:

  • Aspirin;
  • Analgina;
  • dissolve the Validol tablet.

For what diseases is it acceptable to use heart medications?

Cardiac medications are an extremely serious thing that can worsen the functioning of a healthy heart, greatly affect blood vessels and aggravate diseases that have not yet manifested themselves.

Let's look at what heart diseases exist:

  • Arrhythmia;
  • Heart defect (congenital or acquired);
  • Ischemic group;
  • Rheumatic carditis;
  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat over 120 beats per second);
  • Pericarditis;
  • Endocarditis and so on.

The list included the most prominent representatives of their species. There are at least several dozen heart diseases, but they can develop both generally and individually. Only going to a medical facility will help you understand what kind of disease the patient is dealing with and what medications should be used to eliminate it.

For atherosclerosis

With a significant increase in cholesterol levels, most specialists tend to prescribe medications that can prevent the spread of atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries.

Recommended doses of statins in the treatment of CHF

Such medications include:

  • Statins. These drugs are the most effective among their relatives. These drugs have been used abroad for a very long time, however, it is worth noting that most of these drugs have a negative effect on the psycho-emotional state of patients. This mainly applies to female patients.
  • Nicotinic acid is usually used in injections, and Nikoshpan is used exclusively in tablets. Joint use is often accompanied by a significant dilation of all peripheral vessels, as well as redness of the skin in the facial area.
  • Colestipol and Cholestyramine are prescribed to increase the volume of fatty acids produced by bile.
  • The use of fibrates is practiced, the most popular drug is Traykor.

In the presence of certain diseases of the cardiac system, medications such as:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Immunocorrective.
  • Thromboletic.

Almost all drugs are completely destroyed in the liver. The remains are excreted by the kidneys and intestines. Therefore, it is always very important to be sure that all systems and organs of the body are working as expected.


All existing cardiac drugs are divided into the following groups:

  • Medicines that help regulate blood circulation in the brain, which leads to vasodilation. At the same time, it is possible to control vascular tone. This improves oxygen saturation of all systems and organs in the body, including the heart.

The most popular products from this series include:

  • Picamilon.
  • Cynarizine.
  • Euphilin.
  • Aminocaponic and Acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Streptokinase and Heparin.

Available vasodilators

Drugs that improve blood supply to the myocardium include nitrates and nitroglycerin.

Popular medications for myocardial infarction include drugs that eliminate the pathogenetic and symptomatic effects. Thanks to their use, it is possible to significantly alleviate the patient’s current condition and reduce pain.

These include:

  • Tramadol.
  • Promedol.
  • Analgin. It must be used in combination with antihistamines and antipsychotics.

Today, the use of drugs that have anti-sclerotic and hypolipidemic effects is popular. Their action is aimed at the heart muscle, but at the same time they are able to reduce the level of cholesterol and triglyceride, which, if they exceed the permissible concentration in the body, can have a negative effect on all blood vessels.

In cases of heart failure, most specialists tend to prescribe drugs that are compatible with adrenergic blockers. Because calcium ions accelerate cellular metabolism.

In each specific case, the drug and the most appropriate dose are prescribed individually, taking into account all the physiological characteristics of the body. For example, heart medications for the elderly are always prescribed taking into account the patient’s age and the presence of possible contraindications.

Who to contact if you have pain in the heart area

According to WHO statistics, pathologies of the cardiovascular system are the most common diseases in the modern world and occupy a leading position in the structure of the main causes of mortality.
Timely seeking qualified medical care can significantly reduce the risk of developing severe complications and improve the quality and length of life. A cardiologist should treat cardiovascular pathologies. All drugs for the heart are prescribed strictly after a comprehensive examination, including taking an anamnesis, examination, auscultation, determining the boundaries of the heart (percussion), measuring blood pressure, studying the results of an ECG, if necessary, Echo-CG and 24-hour Holter monitoring are also examined, etc.

To clarify the diagnosis, a general and biochemical blood test, lipid profile and coagulogram are studied. If indicated, an analysis is performed for C-reactive protein , ASLO ( antistreptolysin-O ) and rheumatic tests.

Important. If acquired heart defects, aneurysms, or severe ischemic heart disease requiring bypass are detected, further treatment should be agreed upon with a cardiac surgeon.

If cardiac causes of pain are excluded, treatment should be carried out:

  • neurologist (neurocirculatory dystonia, neuroses, osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia, myositis);
  • vertebrologist (advanced osteochondrosis);
  • gastroenterologist (gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric ulcer);
  • surgeon (esophageal stenosis).

How to take medications correctly?

Often, a person may unknowingly harm himself by taking a certain drug. Using the table, it will be shown and discussed which drugs are effective as emergency aid, what form of release exists, how and in what dosage to take correctly, and what the daily intake limit is.

Drug nameRelease formDosageLimit per day
CorvalolDropsNo more than 20 drops per glass of waterNo more than two uses
ValidolPills1 tablet for an adult (for acute pain, 2), half a tablet for a child (for acute pain, a whole tablet)No more than three applications per day
NitroglycerinePillsOne or two tabletsNo more than three applications per day
No-shpaTablets, intramuscular injectionsOne tablet for internal use, if an injection - one injection intramuscularlyTwo to three times a day

The table shows medications that must be present in every first aid kit. If a doctor prescribes a medicine that has individual indications and dosage, he is obliged to inform about its correct use, for what disease to take it, dosage and all side effects.


Contraindications to the use of Corvalol are:

  • sensitivity to bromine;
  • kidney and liver failure;
  • heart failure;
  • hypotension;
  • depression;
  • post-infarction period;
  • diabetes;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • myasthenia gravis.

As well as respiratory diseases.

All medications intended to eliminate cardiac dysfunction and discomfort are allowed to be taken only in the absence of contraindications. Most of these medications are not recommended for use for the following deviations:

  • low blood pressure;
  • cardiac muscle hypertrophy;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • sinus node dysfunction;
  • mitral valve stenosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • severe form of hypertension.

Each drug has certain contraindications, so before using this or that product, you must carefully read the instructions.

What do doctors say about Nitroglycerin?

This drug has been used to relieve pain associated with heart disease for a very long time - since the end of the 19th century. It was the first means used for this purpose, and has not lost its relevance today. Nitroglycerin is still considered one of the most effective drugs for stopping heart attacks, and it is usually replaced with another only in case of individual intolerance.

Nitroglycerin is advised to always carry with you for heart patients and people in the older age category.

Nitroglycerin is considered one of the most effective remedies that can quickly eliminate pain in the heart area. This drug has been used by people around the world for many years. It is the first medicine that was taken to eliminate heart attacks of pain caused by various ailments. The product provides a long-lasting therapeutic effect due to its rapid entry into the bloodstream and the ability to dilate blood vessels.

The first thing you can take for heart pain is Nitroglycerin tablets. In some cases, the product is replaced with analogues. The drug is indicated for angina pectoris, left ventricular and chronic heart failure, acute coronary syndrome.

Admission rules

If a patient periodically experiences pain in the myocardial region, it is impossible to prescribe medications and start treatment on your own in any case. The best option is to make an appointment with a cardiologist immediately after the first attack.

After the doctor conducts a physiological examination and makes an accurate diagnosis, he will tell you what medications need to be taken in a particular case.

It is important to understand that the duration and dosage of treatment are also selected individually, after a cardiogram.

If the patient is treated independently and at the same time exceeds the dosage of the drug, treatment can lead to the most undesirable consequences, including heart rhythm disturbances, blurred vision and psychosis.

First aid kit

During an acute heart attack, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Even if it happened for the first time or did not occur again for a long time, you should consult with a specialist regarding your behavior during a possible recurrence of the acute situation. It is important to obtain qualified information also regarding the medications that need to be taken in this case.

People suffering from cardiac pathologies should always have a “heart first aid kit” with them - first aid for sudden pain. It should definitely contain herbal medicines that have a minimum of side effects and are available over-the-counter:

  1. Tincture of valerian and motherwort.
  2. "Corvalol".
  3. "Valocordin"
  4. "Validol".
  5. "Cardiofit".
  6. "Glycine".
  7. "Barboval."

The following medications for the heart should also be placed in your home medicine cabinet: dietary supplements and complex homeopathic preparations, for example, “Kralonin”, “Nervohel”, “Angio-Inel”. If you have problems with blood pressure, you should not forget about medications such as Renitek, Concor, Prestarium, Furosemide. To relieve an acute attack of angina, you must have Nitroglycerin tablets with you.

People suffering from chronic cardiovascular diseases should have the following medications in their kit:

  • antiplatelet – “Aspirin”, “Clopidogrel”;
  • metabolic – “Trimetazidine”, “Dichloroacetate”, “Mildronate”;
  • antiangial - “Anaprilin”, “Verapamil”.

It is recommended to purchase probiotics, enzyme preparations and vitamins that will help increase stamina, normalize sleep, improve memory, the functioning of the heart muscle and other organs. The most popular are the remedies for, as well as “Panangin”, “Asparkam”, “Vitrum”, “Consumed”.

You should buy a tonometer to change blood pressure and pulse readings, and an inhaler.

Advice! Doctors advise you to always have a “core” passport with you, that is, a record of a cardiogram, a business card, but which contains the necessary data: last and first name, work and residential address, telephone number. This will help doctors correctly navigate and provide emergency assistance faster.

To make drug support more accessible, a “VED” was created - a list of vital drugs. It is used to provide all types of medical care. Anyone can have it at home and periodically update the list, adding new highly effective medications.

Preventive agents

The assessment of care for cardiovascular diseases is measured by the risk of death, so complex therapy is aimed at preventing acute conditions: myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, stroke.

Groups of drugs that prevent cardiovascular accidents:

  • statins;
  • fibrates;
  • antianginal agents;
  • antihypertensive drugs.

Herbal medicines and metabolic agents are used as auxiliary therapy, which has a mild restorative effect with a minimum number of adverse reactions.

Regular use of medications reduces the risk of mortality from cardiovascular “events.” Histology determines the stabilization of pathological processes, the limitation of foci of fatty infiltration and necrosis.

Drugs "Mildronat" and "Riboxin"

Heart pills, the names of which are written above, are effective medications that can be considered cardioprotectors. They are able to strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, restore cardiac ri and Mildronate is often used by athletes during intense training in order to charge the heart muscle with additional energy.

Both of these medications are well tolerated by most people and do not cause serious side effects. In some cases, the drugs Mildronate and Riboxin are prescribed by a doctor together, since they are able to complement and enhance the beneficial therapeutic effect of each other.

Cardioprotectors – protectors of the heart?

The main function of cardioprotectors is to restore and regulate the supply of oxygen to the myocardium.

The most effective cardioprotectors have a name:

  • Vitamins (E and C);

  • Corvitin;
  • Lipoflavone;
  • Thiotriazolin;
  • Quercetin and so on.

Many of these drugs have low effectiveness. To undergo complete prevention, it is recommended to use them for a long period of time.

Medicines you should not pay attention to:

  1. Cocarboxylase is a drug that has not undergone a number of studies and is still in “experimental” status. Side effects have not been established; severe rejection may occur in people with allergies.
  2. Riboxin is a “water” drug that does not have a specific beneficial property. Strengthens the synthesis of uric acid, affects joints. It is extremely dangerous for allergy sufferers - it causes severe redness throughout the body, itching, and an asthmatic reaction.
  3. ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) - has extremely low efficiency, acts for several minutes after intravenous administration, then quickly disappears in the body. At the pharmacy you can often get a counterfeit drug, which, unlike its certified analogue, is completely useless.

Strengthening the myocardium with diet

When a doctor prescribes a course of treatment for a particular cardiovascular disease to a patient, the first thing he will certainly pay attention to is proper nutrition. Doctors create a diet to strengthen the heart muscle individually for each patient, but there are basic principles for its formation that are valid for everyone:

  • Significantly reduce salt intake, since the excess sodium contained in it retains water in the body, which leads to increased stress on the heart.
  • Eat as little fatty and fried foods as possible, giving preference to fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber.
  • The mandatory presence in food of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, which are found in a number of vegetable oils and in marine fish.
  • Avoid high-calorie foods, since obesity is a direct path to the development of atherosclerosis and all kinds of cardiac problems.
  • Reduce or completely remove from the diet smoked and spicy foods that irritate the kidneys and increase the load on the heart and blood vessels.
  • Keep foods that strengthen the myocardium on the table (a mixture of dried fruits, dark chocolate, grapes, nuts).
  • Do not exceed the amount of fluid you drink per day (1.5-2 l).
  • Avoid beer, which promotes swelling and increases stress on the heart.

Nutrition is an important component in the process of strengthening the “engine” of our body, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with products for heart function in more detail.

Antioxidants and antihypoxants

According to statistics, over the past few years this group of cardiac drugs has reached the global level and has become most relevant among young patients (under 50 years old) and in patients with the inclinations of ischemia.

The effectiveness of the drug is rated 10 out of 10 by pharmacological experts.

The drug is actively used by elderly patients with acute manifestations of myocardial ischemia or after several heart attacks.

This group has a wide range of drugs with a single purpose - eliminating the processes of lipid peroxidation (abbreviated LPO).

Cardiologists believe that this group of drugs can be used for preventive purposes as vitamins or a means to eliminate the possible development of myocardial ischemia.

Recommended for use in the following patients:

  • In order to prevent acute myocardial infarction;
  • To eliminate the consequences of strokes;
  • Microcirculation disorders in pathology of arteries and veins.

There are also a number of contraindications:

  • Not recommended for use after pneumonia;
  • For children under six years of age or pregnant women;
  • In case of acute renal or liver failure.


This medication belongs to the pharmacological category of drugs that normalize metabolic processes. It is a source of magnesium and potassium ions, therefore it is used to restore the deficiency of these elements in certain pathological conditions, in particular, heart disease.

Indications for use of this product are:

  • various manifestations of coronary artery disease, including myocardial infarction;
  • heart failure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

The list of contraindications includes:

  • renal failure;
  • hypermagnesemia;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • Addison's disease;
  • hemolysis;
  • state of dehydration;
  • violation of amino acid metabolism;
  • shock;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • metabolic acidosis.

Causes of cardiovascular disease that you can fight

The most common causes of cardiovascular disease are:

  • excessive body weight and signs of obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work;
  • bad habits;
  • chronic stress;
  • hypertension;
  • lack of work and rest schedule;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of microelements and vitamins in the body, in particular, due to an unhealthy diet, which contains few vegetables and fiber, but an excess of fried and fatty foods, as well as salt;
  • improper functioning of the endocrine system or disruptions in lipid metabolism;
  • diseases of internal organs, malfunctions of body systems;
  • bad ecology.

To dilate blood vessels

Today, cardiologists have moved away from ineffective attempts to use medications that affect the dilation of coronary vessels.

It is worth remembering that when consuming Papaverine or Diabazole, it affects the expansion of the coronary arteries, but for a short time. Some experts call this condition steal syndrome. Because at the moment of expansion, blood has time to leave the ischemic areas. Today, stent placement is used to dilate blood vessels.


This is another medicine known to almost all heart patients. It is produced in the form of sublingual tablets and has a sedative and moderate vasodilator effect. Helps normalize blood circulation in the myocardium in early stages of heart failure, relieves pain, and soothes.

The medicine stimulates the synthesis and release of endorphins, enkephalins and some other peptides, kinins, histamine, which are involved in the processes of pain and the regulation of vascular permeability. When administered sublingually, the therapeutic effect occurs in approximately 5 minutes.

Indications for the use of this drug are:

  • cardialgia;
  • motion sickness syndrome;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hysteria;
  • cephalalgia after taking nitrates;
  • neurosis.

This medicine causes virtually no side effects and, apart from high sensitivity to it, has no contraindications.

The most affordable drugs

Despite the variety of cardiac medications, more than 65% of patients prefer not the latest generation drugs, but cardiac medications that are affordable.

Most cardiologists claim that inexpensive drugs also have a positive effect and help normalize the functioning of the heart muscle.

Medicines are available without a prescription, but taking them thoughtlessly is prohibited:

  1. Corvalol. The drug is available in the form of drops and tablets. In Russia, Corvalol is the most popular cardiac medicine. As medical practice shows, patients use it to combat a variety of myocardial pathologies. The approximate cost of a pack of 20 tablets is 73 rubles.
  2. Validol. A medicine with a pronounced sedative and vasodilator effect. Unlike most other heart medications, Validol does not need to be taken with water; you just need to put the tablet under your tongue until it is completely absorbed. After it completely dissolves, blood circulation in the myocardial area is normalized, and painful sensations disappear. You can purchase a package of 40 capsules of Validol for an average of 48 rubles.
  3. Nitroglycerine. These tablets went on sale more than 15 years ago, but they still do not lose their relevance. The positive effect of taking the drug is achieved due to the ability to relieve vascular spasms and improve blood circulation in the heart muscle, which leads to a reduction in pain. Today, Nitroglycerin is used not only to relieve pain, but also to treat the consequences of a heart attack. The average price of a package with 40 tablets is 42 rubles.

Experts assure that among inexpensive medications, Nitroglycerin has proven itself to be the best, since it was originally intended specifically for the relief of painful sensations. In addition, this remedy has relatively few side effects.

Exercise to strengthen your heart

Regular physical activity ensures good sleep and maintains muscle tone in the body; running strengthens the heart. The doctor always selects a course of physical therapy (physical therapy) for each patient individually, choosing from its main components:

  • Race walking is the most accessible and simple exercise with which you can maintain normal blood pressure and weight and activate blood flow. Thanks to the latter, the heart will regularly receive more oxygen and work more stably. But the pace of walking must be chosen taking into account the patient’s condition.
  • Running in place or jogging in the fresh air is an enhanced version of walking. With its help, you can maintain normal heart function for many years, as well as normalize weight and strengthen the muscles of the body.
  • Swimming is an excellent aerobic activity and strengthens the heart even better than running.
  • Yoga for the heart and blood vessels is an auxiliary practice. It is loved by those who find it difficult to force themselves to engage in active sports, and yoga classes replace fast walking or jogging.

If we return to real life, it turns out that not everyone can jog in the park or visit swimming pools in the morning. But don’t despair, because there are exercises available to everyone to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, which everyone can use in the morning warm-up at home:

  1. Take the starting position, sitting with your legs together and your arms down. Then, while inhaling, alternately raise one or the other hand up, and lower it as you exhale. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your belt. Next, while inhaling, bend to one side, and exhaling, straighten up. Make 5-10 tilts to the right and left.
  3. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the sides. While inhaling, raise your arms up and at the same time bend towards your knees, and when exhaling, return to the starting position.
  4. Feet together, arms hanging freely. Next, walk in place for 15-20 minutes.

Don’t forget about breathing exercises - their effectiveness has long been proven, it’s just important to do them regularly.

Vitamins for blood vessels and heart

Vitamins and minerals are necessary not only for the heart, but also for the rest of the body; without them, the organs will not be able to work flawlessly for years, always remaining in good shape. Doctors recommend the following vitamin preparations to strengthen the blood vessels of the heart and the myocardium itself:

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – activates metabolic processes in the myocardium and strengthens it, prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls. There is a lot of vitamin C in black currants, rose hips, citrus fruits and sour apples.
  • Retinol (vitamin A) normalizes metabolic processes and strengthens the myocardium. There is a lot of it in sweet peppers, carrots, fish oil and fermented milk products.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) - also strengthens the heart organ, prevents lipid oxidation, leading to the formation of harmful free radicals. There is a lot of it in egg yolk, nuts, liver and vegetable oils.
  • Rutin (vitamin P) – strengthens the walls of the myocardium and blood vessels. Its sources are apples, citrus fruits, raspberries and some other berries.
  • Vitamin B1 stabilizes the heart rate, and vitamin B6 normalizes lipid metabolism and helps remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Both vitamins are present in milk, dark meat and fish oil.

Read more about vitamins for the heart in another article on our website.

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