Hydrocele disease in men
Hydrocele of the testicle, and what needs to be done to prevent infertility?
Hydrocele or hydrocele in men is a disease associated with the accumulation of fluid in the
stages of ovarian cancer
Symptoms of ovarian cancer in women and timely diagnostic measures
What is ovarian cancer? Ovarian cancer (ovarian carcinoma) is a malignant tumor in one
Frontitis symptoms and treatment
Frontitis - treatment of inflammation of the frontal sinuses in adults
Frontitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper sinuses, located in the lower part of the forehead.
Incomplete internal rectal fistula: treatment and diagnosis
Rectal fistula symptoms - what it is, symptoms in adults, causes and treatment
Fistula is a rather serious pathology, characterized by the formation of purulent passages through the intestinal fiber. IN
Kidney inflammation
Kidney inflammation: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention
Nephritis is inflammation of the kidney tissue. There are many reasons for its occurrence - diseases of the urinary system,
Tamoxifen in bodybuilding. How to take without steroids, solo, on a cycle. Instructions
Tamoxifen is a chemical-based medication that is quite rare in the world. After all
The danger of marginal placenta previa along the posterior or anterior wall: why is the diagnosis bad and what is the prognosis?
The membrane of the fertilized egg provides nutrition and protection to the baby while in the womb.
Using Karavaev balm
Balsam Karavaev - indications and instructions for use, side effects, analogues and price
Rhinitis causes discomfort to a person and can act as the only symptom of an emerging disease. Due
Unstable angina, symptoms, treatment and everything connected with it
Causes of unstable angina Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment of unstable angina Lifestyle with angina Complications and
Ventricular fibrillation: causes and stages, symptoms and first aid, treatment and chances of survival
Violations of normal heart rate are conventionally divided into two groups. The first ones don't carry much
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