Chalazion on the lower eyelid of a girl
Chalazion of the upper or lower eyelid - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
What is a chalazion? An ophthalmic disease characterized by inflammation that develops on the eyelids. Chalazion in translation
leg swelling as a symptom of bladder cancer in women
What are the symptoms of bladder cancer in women?
Thousands of scientists around the world are trying to find a panacea for cancer. Unfortunately, these studies
Sleep apnea treatment
What is sleep apnea in adults: symptoms, causes, treatment
Many people snore in their sleep. But snoring is not as harmless as it seems. Often when
Lactulose syrup for children and adults - instructions for use
October 13, 2018 Gastroenterology Svetlana Morozova Sometimes a person may be bothered by problems with stool. Moreover
a man performs an exercise for a hernia while lying on his back
What is a hiatal hernia and what are the features of its treatment?
Diaphragmatic hernia is a pathological process in which the abdominal organs are displaced into the thoracic cavity
Headache as a symptom of ICP
Intracranial hypertension: causes, signs and treatment methods
General information Intracranial hypertension is considered not an independent disease, but a syndrome that occurs against the background of another
Bruise, bruise, hematoma, lump. How to say it correctly? Let's learn proper terminology.
Hematoma (from Latin haemat - blood, oma - tumor) is a term denoting a local accumulation
Subcutaneous paraproctitis: how not to confuse it with other diseases?
Causes of subcutaneous paraproctitis The main reason for the formation of purulent formations in the pararectal area is harmful microorganisms,
Types of pain
What causes a throbbing headache in the frontal part: causes
Causes of Pain in the head are associated with: Diseases of the ENT organs, in which the paranasal sinuses become inflamed. TO
What are the dangers of iodine deficiency for the body?
Amazing secrets of treating thyroid nodule
Nodular goiter of the thyroid gland implies the presence in the thickness of the organ of neoplasms (nodes) of various
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