Determination of the degree of oligophrenia
Types of oligophrenia - from debility to idiocy
Oligophrenia is a congenital or acquired dementia, which is expressed in underdevelopment of the intellect and psyche.
Panaritium on the finger, treatment with drugs and surgery
Panaritium is an infectious inflammation of the soft tissues of the fingers and toes. This is a very common and
Opisthorchiasis in adults - symptoms and treatment, infection
Allergic reactions. Skin rashes appear, characterized by severe itching. Swelling is less common. Functional disorders
What is the sequence of first aid for bruises
A bruise is a closed tissue injury without violating its integrity. It can be easily obtained
melon juice
Pinworms - symptoms of infection and methods of treating enterobiasis
Pinworms are parasitic worms that live in the human intestines. Representing thin white “threads” up to
Do you suffer from pain due to cervical osteochondrosis? Causes, characteristics, treatment and prevention of unpleasant symptoms
Achievements of technological progress in the 21st century have led to the fact that the majority of the population of developed countries
Astigmatism in children - what is it: hypermetropic, complex
Astigmatism is a fairly common visual impairment. According to WHO, a quarter of the population suffers from it
Arthritis of the knee joint
Knee arthritis: how to cure knee arthritis
Knee arthritis is an inflammatory process of the right or left knee that occurs for various reasons.
What does lipomastia look like?
False gynecomastia: pathology or cosmetic defect? Description, diagnosis and treatment
What is it: description and photo Doctors sometimes call false gynecomastia lipomastia. This phenomenon
Ointments for healing and treatment of open wounds, weeping, purulent abrasions, cuts, postoperative sutures
03/01/201910/28/2019 Olga Migunova Cuts, scratches, burns - no one is safe from them. Handle with
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