Nervous tics in adults: a pathology that cannot be ignored
A nervous tic is a rapid, repetitive, irregular movement caused by the contraction of certain muscles. More often
'Troichatka "Evalar"
Medicinal product Troychatka Evalar: instructions for use
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Chronic fatigue syndrome, symptoms and treatment of the disease of modern society at home
Almost every inhabitant of modern megacities knows about chronic fatigue (CFS). Due to poor nutrition, weakened
Marsh cinquefoil - useful properties and applications
Tincture for joints is one of the most popular ways to use this plant, although treatment
prostate cancer in men
Prostate cancer - first signs and symptoms, stages, diagnosis and treatment of the tumor
Prostate cancer is a malignant neoplasm of the prostate gland. This disease is one of the most
Symptoms of chronic atrophic gastritis, treatment
Focal atrophic gastritis is a chronic pathological process that affects the gastric mucosa. Inflammation disrupts normal
How and with what to treat bronchitis in a child? Effective treatment of bronchitis
Advertisement The child is coughing, his nose is not breathing, and he has a high fever. He could catch a cold
gastric erosion symptoms
Causes of gastric erosion: symptoms, signs and treatment
A disease such as gastric erosion is considered by gastroenterologists to be the most common gastroduodenal disease in humans.
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Dietary supplement Vneshtorg Pharma Tryptophan Formula of Joy - reviews
The life of a modern person is associated with instability of the emotional state. Due to stress, general health worsens,
Symptoms of antiphospholipid syndrome
Antiphospholipid syndrome: what it is, symptoms and causes, diagnosis, treatment and consequences
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an acquired autoimmune disease in which the immune system produces antibodies (antiphospholipid
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