metabolic syndrome in women what is it
Metabolic syndrome in women: causes and treatment
Metabolic syndrome is a complex of a number of metabolic disorders that are risk factors for the development of
A sore throat
The danger of herpes sore throat and the rules of complex treatment
So, if you are faced with herpes sore throat, you should know that herpes sore throat is
Signs of erosive gastritis
What medication treatment for erosive gastritis is effective?
Erosive gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa with the formation of various
causes of dental cysts
How to properly treat a dental cyst at home
A dental cyst is a neoplasm that resembles a capsule in shape and is localized in the jaw bone
Walnut: benefits and harm - how to stay healthy. Jam, tinctures (on shells and partitions), especially for women (Photo & Video) + Reviews
Home » Recipes and preparations Recipes and preparations Vladimir Serchenko 2 comments Useful properties
Basal cell carcinoma of the face. Treatment, what kind of disease it is, photos of different stages, folk remedies, laser, radiation therapy
One of the most common malignant skin tumors is basal cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma. Cancer oncologists
Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa
What is anorexia? First signs of the disease and treatment
Anorexia is a fairly common mental disorder characterized by refusal to eat and
Congestion in the ears. Causes and treatment of noise, ringing, sore throat, runny nose, stroke, after sleep. What to drip with
Congestion in the ears. Causes and treatment of noise, ringing, sore throat, runny nose, stroke, after sleep. What to drip with
Causes of congestion in the ear(s) Hearing impairment can be caused by various factors. The most common reason is
Hypertensive Encephalopathy
Encephalopathy of the brain in the elderly: causes of development and methods of treating the disease
Cerebral encephalopathy in adults is a rather complex disease. Treatment of encephalopathy involves the use simultaneously
How to treat myopia
Causes of myopia and factors influencing its development
The most common vision abnormality is myopia or nearsightedness. According to statistics, this change
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