The danger of herpes sore throat and the rules of complex treatment

So, if you are faced with herpes sore throat, you should know that herpes sore throat is not the real name of the disease and this is very important, because if a person hears the word herpes in a disease, he usually immediately thinks about using acyclovir for treatment. But in this case, acyclovir will not help, because the causative agent of herpangina is not herpes, we will talk about this below. This disease has several names: herpes or herpetic tonsillitis, herpangina, ulcerous tonsillitis, enteroviral vesicular stomatitis, aphthous pharyngitis. Below we will look at the features of this disease, its symptoms, causes, and talk about how to treat herpes sore throat.

Symptoms of herpetic sore throat

First of all, the patient is visited by a severe sore throat. This is the main symptom of the disease in question. The pain syndrome can be intense, but there are times when herpetic sore throat makes itself felt in the form of a slight sore throat and a feeling of a foreign body in the throat. Only after this does pain begin to occur.

Patients then notice aches throughout their entire body. Sometimes this symptom is mistaken for a manifestation of the flu, so they start taking specific medications, which is wrong. The patient also experiences headaches and sleep disturbances. And this, in turn, leads to irritability and nervousness. Headache is very difficult to relieve with traditional analgesics, and insomnia will persist even after taking sleeping pills, although little effect will be visible. Please note: The above symptoms are very easy to confuse with developing flu, but after a couple of days a clinical picture characteristic of herpetic tonsillitis appears.

The following symptoms are typical for herpetic type tonsillitis:

  • a sharp rise in temperature to 39-40 degrees;
  • pain in the throat, the intensity of which increases, as a result of which the patient is unable to swallow even liquid food;
  • on the back wall of the throat there are small pinpoint rashes that are red in color; within a day they turn into blisters and small sores.

Problems of complications

Let us reassure parents – the disease does not cause severe complications in most children. Recovery is rapid, and the prognosis is usually favorable.

Problems may arise in children with weakened immune defenses. There is a danger of infection spreading and affecting a number of organs.

Possible complications:

  • The disease during the course of herpetic sore throat and after recovery (rarely) is pyelonephritis, serous meningitis.
  • Development of meningitis under the guise of Kernig's syndrome.
  • Encephalitis is a disease that affects brain tissue.
  • The development of myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle.

Important. Severe pain in the head, convulsions, loss of consciousness, disorientation in a child is a serious reason to immediately call a doctor. For an infant, the listed symptoms mean the need for a clinical form of treatment. The greatest risk of mortality from meningitis occurs before the age of three.

Type of herpetic sore throat

In order to promptly recognize the disease and begin its immediate treatment, you need to know what herpetic sore throat looks like. You can take a closer look at the pathological process in the following photos.

The most obvious sign of the disease are small papules, 1-2 mm in size. They are concentrated on the palate, pharyngeal ring, tonsils. In the initial course of the pathology, they have a red tint. Here's what they look like in the photo:

Severe herpetic sore throat is characterized by damage to the back wall of the throat. This is shown more clearly in the photo:

  1. Alla


    I’ve never even heard of this form of sore throat, thank you for enlightening me. Maintaining hygiene and maintaining your immunity is the main thing in order not to become infected with such a problem.




      Alla, please, my first priority is also to take care of the immune system, since the number of spreaders of infections is growing rapidly and without a strong immune system, life is still not a joy.


  2. Galina


    Sore throat is generally a dangerous thing. I’ve never even heard of herpes sore throat. Thanks for the detailed information. Forewarned is already forearmed.




      Galina, please, and with the onset of stable warmth, when people lose their vigilance, it would not be amiss to remind about infectious threats.


  3. Svetlana


    I've heard a lot about herpes sore throat - it's a dangerous thing. Immunostimulating agents help, and, of course, you need to see a doctor. Thanks for the informative article.




      Svetlana, please, and naturally I agree with your opinion that with such an ailment as herpes sore throat, it would not be a bad idea to use the services of a doctor.


  4. Elena


    I didn’t even know that there was such a type of sore throat as herpes. There are so many varieties of this unpleasant disease...


What causes herpetic sore throat

The main cause of the development of herpetic sore throat is Coxsackie viruses. These pathogens are widely distributed in the human environment. Transmission of infection occurs from person to person. Rarely, infection can occur from pets. The main route of infection is contact. It is characterized by discharge from the nasopharynx on the hands and into the mouth of a person who is absolutely healthy. Transmission can occur by sneezing or talking. It is extremely rare that there is a fecal-oral route.

Causes of herpes sore throat

The most common cause of the disease in both adults and children is the Coxsackie virus of groups A and B. In 4% of cases, enteroviruses become the causative agent of the disease. Very rarely, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus or herpes simplex virus type 6 leads to the development of pathology.

The most common cause of pathology is the Coxsackie virus.

Pathogenic microorganisms enter the human body in different ways. Most often, infection occurs through airborne droplets, since a large number of viruses are found in the saliva and nasal mucus of an infected person. It begins to release them into the environment when talking, sneezing or coughing already during the incubation period, when the symptoms of the disease are still absent or not so significantly pronounced. The patient remains the source of infection until recovery.

Infection can also occur through household contact; the virus is transmitted during kissing or by using shared towels, dishes or toothbrushes.

One of the trigger factors for the development of sore throat is the consumption of cold drinks.

There are trigger factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  • regular hypothermia;
  • drinking cold food or drinks;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
  • chronic diseases of the nose or pharynx, as well as the presence of a source of infection in the oral cavity;
  • frequent stress and overwork;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • work in dusty and gas-filled areas.

Prevention of herpetic sore throat

Currently, there is no specific prevention, so all precautions boil down to avoiding contact with an affected person and following all the rules that are typical during an epidemic. These rules boil down to the following:

  • wet cleaning of premises,
  • wearing protective masks,
  • normalization of immunity through nutrition, hardening, vitamin therapy and sports.

Immunologists recommend prophylactic administration of gamma globulin for those people who have had contact with a sick person. Its dosage is carried out at the rate of 0.5 ml per kg of body weight.

In children's institutions, prevention comes down to quarantine for up to 15 days. All rooms are completely disinfected. The prognosis is favorable, the disease resolves quickly and rarely recurs.


In the early stages of the disease, signs of intoxication of the body appear. Specific manifestations include local changes in the oral mucosa, tonsils and pharynx. Acute tonsillitis begins suddenly, with a sharp increase in temperature. In the future, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting may appear. Febrile fever lasts for 3-4 days, after which it drops sharply.

On the first day of sore throat, redness of the palate, palatine arches, tonsils and the back of the pharynx is observed. The next day, small blisters appear that look like characteristic herpetic rashes. Their diameter does not exceed 3 mm. Subsequently, they are filled with cloudy liquid. In most cases, severe itching, pain, and increased salivation occur. The blisters become damaged and begin to bleed. After a few days, they burst, leaving behind shallow defects in the oral mucosa - erosion.

Febrile fever lasts for 3-4 days, after which it drops sharply.

The bottom of the ulcer is covered with a fibrin layer, which explains the grayish color of the plaque. The rash completely disappears 1-2 weeks after the first signs of sore throat appear. Inflammation of the tonsils is often accompanied by enlargement of regional lymph nodes. The uncomplicated form of the disease ends with recovery. However, the patient remains a carrier of the virus for life.

The most dangerous herpetic sore throat without fever is for children 3-6 years old, which is associated with damage to internal organs. When meningitis occurs, inflammation of the pharynx is accompanied by neurological disorders. The changes are temporary and rarely cause complications. Sore throat can be combined with herpetic infections of the heart. The first signs are chest pain, arrhythmia, and shortness of breath.

On the first day of sore throat, redness of the palate, palatine arches, tonsils and the back of the pharynx is observed.

Sometimes herpetic pharyngitis does not have pronounced symptoms. Pathological changes are limited to swelling of the palate and tonsils, the mucous membrane of the back of the pharynx.

Drug treatment

In itself, herpetic sore throat causes little inconvenience to the patient, but its manifestations disrupt the usual rhythm of life. When choosing a treatment regimen for a pathology, it is necessary to take into account the clinical picture. If we consider tablet drugs, the most effective for treatment in children and adults remain:

  1. Antihistamines and desensitizing drugs – Diazolin, suprastin. These medications quickly relieve swelling of the pharynx, normalize the general condition and reduce the intensity of painful symptoms in the throat.
  2. Antiulcer drugs – Acyclovir, Viferon. They should be used to treat the back wall of the throat, which is affected by rashes and ulcers.
  3. Vitamin therapy. These are complex preparations that contain the following vitamins: B, C.

When treating herpetic sore throat, it is extremely important to ensure plenty of fluids and choose the right diet. It should contain soft, crushed food at room temperature.

Since herpetic tonsillitis is viral in origin, taking antibiotics in this case is not advisable. These drugs will be effective only if the cause of the pathological process lies in bacteria.

When treating the disease in question in children and adults, it is worth using not only general treatment, but local one. Thanks to it, it is possible to obtain stable epithelization of emerging elements and relieve painful sensations in the throat. The first step is to irrigate the oropharyngeal mucosa with antiseptic solutions. In this case, you can use:

  • 0.1% solution of Chymotrypsin or Trypsin
  • decoction of sage, chamomile, eucalyptus,
  • Lugol,
  • propolis tincture.

For very young patients, irrigation can be carried out using a syringe.

After this manipulation, it is worth using aerosols - Ingalipt, Hexoral. They simultaneously have an antiseptic effect and also relieve painful symptoms. Lozenges have a similar effect. Physiotherapy procedures have proven themselves to be excellent, including ultraviolet irradiation and the use of laser light based on helium-neon.

Varieties and atypical forms

Herpes sore throat can be classified according to the type of pathogen. Echoviruses and Coxsackievirus belong to the same enterovirus group, and therefore diseases caused by them have similar symptoms: fever, sore throat, ulcers. Differences are observed in the location of the aft.

With echovirus infection, the ulcers are localized on the palatine arches in the mouth, without spreading to other parts of the oral cavity. With Coxsackie virus, aphthae are located on the tongue, palatine arches, inner lips and cheeks.

Coxsackie's angina is often called the “hand-foot-mouth” virus, since ulcers form on the patient’s palms and soles.

There are several atypical forms of enteroviral tonsillitis:

  • the disease can be practically asymptomatic, without plaque in the oropharynx, but with minor rashes on the extremities;
  • complex sore throat with repeated formation of blisters after complete cleansing of the tonsils (they also burst, forming ulcers, which is why the disease goes in a circle);
  • tonsillitis in adults, accompanied by the formation of white vesicles that are painful when touched.

As a rule, purulent plugs do not form with this disease. Their formation is possible only if the patient has chronic tonsillitis.

Traditional methods of treatment

Using traditional methods of therapy, you can alleviate the symptoms of herpetic sore throat in adults and children, as well as speed up the recovery process. The most effective recipes today are:

  1. Propolis tincture. To obtain it, you need to take 10-30 g of raw material, pour in 100 ml of vodka. Wait 10 days, filter and use. You can buy the finished drug at the pharmacy. Use the product to treat the affected area of ​​the back of the throat. With regular use, ulcers heal quickly and pain disappears. During treatment, the patient will feel a burning sensation, but do not be afraid of it, as this is a normal phenomenon.
  2. Beetroot infusion. Grind the beets and add boiling water in a 1:1 ratio. Infuse for 6 days, and then use to rinse the throat every 2 hours for several days. The prepared infusion perfectly relieves the inflammatory process and reduces pain when swallowing.
  3. Garlic compress. A compress will help relieve pain from herpetic sore throat. To create it, you need to take a handful of ordinary crackers, combine them with a head of chopped garlic, and add boiling water in such an amount that the raw materials drown. When the crackers become soft, place the resulting pulp in a cotton sock and apply it to your throat. Keep the compress until it cools completely. When you feel a burning sensation, you should not tolerate it; remove the compress.
  4. Cabbage compress. You need to prepare a leaf of cabbage, apply it to the affected throat, and secure it with a scarf. Cabbage leaf helps relieve fever and relieve pain when swallowing. The effect of the applied compress can be enhanced if the leaf is crushed and applied to the throat in the form of a paste.

To distinguish herpetic tonsillitis from other forms of tonsillitis, it is worth watching the following video by Dr. Komarovsky: Herpetic tonsillitis is a pathology that is not dangerous for adults and children. But this does not mean that it does not need to be treated. Like any disease, herpetic type tonsillitis can cause severe complications, which are much more difficult and longer to treat.

How to distinguish herpangina from other diseases

Below in photo No. 1 you can see what herpes sore throat looks like, and photo No. 2 shows stomatitis. Despite their different symptoms in localization, these diseases are often confused. It is necessary to remember that herpetic stomatitis differs from herpangina in the affected area; with herpetic sore throat, the palate and pharynx are affected, and with herpetic stomatitis, rashes also appear in the area of ​​the tongue and gums.

In this example, we will look at the differences between follicular sore throat and herpetic sore throat. Photo No. 3 shows herpangina, and photo No. 4 shows purulent tonsillitis. The differences are obvious: with purulent tonsillitis, only the tonsils are affected, moreover, purulent discharge on the tonsils is unlike the blistering rashes with herpetic tonsillitis.

In rare cases, a doctor will not be able to diagnose the disease by visual examination. Then the specialist resorts to laboratory diagnostic methods. Namely, PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) and ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). With PCR, the doctor will find out the virus that provoked the disease, and with ELISA, he will detect antibodies.

Herpetic sore throat in adults

Herpangina is one of the types of viral infections that especially often affects people in the autumn and spring. This type of sore throat can develop in both adults and children, but the symptoms and treatment in these categories of patients will be different.

The incubation period of the disease in question in adults is 14 days - after this period the patient begins to experience the characteristic symptoms of herpetic sore throat.

Signs of the development of herpetic sore throat

Firstly, the patient feels a fairly severe sore throat - this is considered the main symptom of the disease in question. The pain can be immediately intense, but in some cases, herpetic sore throat begins with a slight sore throat and a sensation of a lump in the throat, and only later does pain appear.

Secondly, patients immediately notice the appearance of aches throughout the body - many take this symptom as a sign of the flu and begin to take specific medications, which is a big mistake.

Thirdly, the patient complains of headache and insomnia, and these symptoms already lead to irritability and excessive nervousness. By the way, headaches are not relieved by usual painkillers, and insomnia continues to bother you even after taking sleeping pills, although there may be a short-term effect.

Please note: all of the above signs can be confused with developing influenza, but after a few days (maximum 3), characteristic symptoms of herpetic sore throat appear.

Characteristic symptoms of herpetic sore throat in adults:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature to critical levels;
  • increasing pain in the throat, the patient cannot even swallow liquid food;
  • on the back wall of the throat there will be small pinpoint red rashes, which after a day begin to transform into blisters and small ulcers.

Treatment of herpetic sore throat in adults

Sore throat itself causes few problems for the patient, but its symptoms disrupt the usual rhythm of life, so when choosing a treatment regimen for the disease in question, you must first relieve the symptoms. As a rule, the appointments boil down to the following:

  1. Antihistamines and desensitizing drugs – Suprastin, Diazolin. These drugs quickly relieve swelling of the pharynx, improve overall health and reduce the intensity of pain in the pharynx.
  2. Antiulcer drugs - Acyclovir, Viferon. They are used to lubricate rashes and ulcers that have formed on the back wall of the throat, which makes their healing quicker.
  3. Vitamin therapy is a complex of preparations of vitamins B and C. Patients should understand that it will not be possible to replenish the supply of these substances in the body with exclusively healthy, vitamin-rich foods, so be sure to drink the vitamin complex prescribed by your doctor.

It is very important to provide the patient with herpetic sore throat with plenty of fluids and choose the right diet, which will contain only soft, crushed food of medium temperatures.

Please note: since the disease in question is of viral etiology, doctors do not consider it advisable to prescribe antibiotics. These medications will be effective only if the acute period of herpetic sore throat lasts for a long time (more than 4 days) - this will prevent the development of severe complications.

Alternative treatment of herpetic sore throat in adults

Of course, in folk medicine there are a lot of recipes that will help prepare remedies against herpetic sore throat. Here are just the most common and effective of them:

  1. Propolis tincture. You can prepare it yourself (put 10-30 grams of propolis per 100 ml of alcohol and leave for about 10 days) or purchase it at a pharmacy. This remedy is used to treat the affected areas of the back wall of the pharynx - the ulcers heal quickly, the pain when swallowing disappears, although during the procedure the patient will feel a fairly strong burning sensation for several minutes.
  2. Beetroot infusion. It is necessary to grate the red beets on a fine grater and pour boiling water over the pulp in a 1:1 ratio. The product is infused for 6 hours, and used to gargle every 2 hours for 2-3 days. Beetroot infusion will help quickly get rid of the inflammatory process and reduce pain when swallowing.
  3. Garlic compress.
    A sore throat with herpetic sore throat will be relieved by a simple compress: you need to take a handful of ordinary crackers, add a head of peeled and chopped garlic to them and pour boiling water over everything so that the mass “drowns” completely. As soon as the crackers are saturated with water, you need to quickly drain it, and transfer the resulting substance into a cotton sock and apply it to your throat. The compress is kept until it cools completely, but excessive burning should not be allowed.
  4. Cabbage compress. You will need a leaf of white cabbage, which is simply applied to the throat and secured with a scarf. Cabbage leaf can relieve fever and relieve pain when swallowing, and to enhance the effect of such a compress, you just need to chop the cabbage leaf and apply it to the throat in the form of a paste.

Possible complications of herpetic sore throat

Many patients prefer to treat sore throat on their own, but there are many types of this disease and there is individual treatment for each. If herpetic sore throat is treated incorrectly or is completely left to chance, then you can expect the development of severe complications. These include:

  • Meningitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • encephalitis;
  • myocarditis.

Herpetic sore throat in children

In general, the disease in question is quite common in childhood - according to statistics, herpetic sore throat is diagnosed in children aged 3-10 years. The cause of the development of such a disease is infection with the Coxsackie virus, which spreads either from a sick person or from a virus carrier. Infection occurs by airborne droplets, household contact or nutrition. Hypothermia of the child, reduced immunity, and consumption of cold drinks and foods can contribute to the development of herpetic sore throat.

Symptoms of herpetic sore throat in children

The onset of the disease in question in childhood is always sudden and abrupt. At the very beginning, herpetic sore throat has symptoms similar to those of the flu:

  • body temperature rises to critical levels;
  • the child complains of muscle pain and aches;
  • there are complaints of headache and slight dizziness;
  • the patient's appetite decreases, some children even refuse food;
  • Often a child with developing herpetic sore throat is bothered by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting;
  • A sore throat, runny nose and cough quickly appear.

Literally on the very first day of the disease, red rashes and swelling of the tonsils in the pharynx, upper palate and back wall of the pharynx appear, which quickly develop into small nodules and blisters with liquid contents.
After a couple of days, these same blisters turn into erosive ulcers, which cause severe pain to the child - patients completely refuse food and drink, it is difficult for them to swallow even their own saliva, so profuse drooling may occur. In addition to visible changes in the mucous membrane of the pharynx and oral cavity, there is an increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes - this is considered a characteristic sign of herpetic sore throat.

Please note: if herpetic sore throat occurs in the usual form, then the body temperature of the sick child normalizes already on the 4-5th day of illness, and the ulcers disappear within a week. But if the child’s immunity is weakened, then the characteristic symptoms of the disease in question may return 2-3 days after a seemingly complete recovery.

Treatment of herpetic sore throat in children

As a rule, with herpetic sore throat, the child is not placed in a medical institution, but therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. After a full examination of the little patient, the doctor will make individual prescriptions. The following groups of drugs are most often prescribed for the treatment of herpetic sore throat:

Antibacterial agents are not prescribed for herpetic sore throat, since this disease has a viral etiology, and antibiotics do not act on such pathogens. Regular irrigation of the oral cavity and pharynx with leukocyte interferon has a very good effect, and you can also treat the pharyngeal mucosa with Acyclovir or Viferon ointments.

If a child’s body temperature exceeds the reading of 38.5 degrees, then it would be advisable to give him antipyretic drugs - for example, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. If the body temperature is below the indicated numbers, then there is no need to do anything - high temperature fights the herpangina virus.

Please note: it is imperative to gargle with specific antiseptic agents - for example, Furacilin, Miramistin or Biocide. This will prevent the addition of a secondary infection. If the child does not yet know how to gargle on his own, then you can simply irrigate his throat with the same drugs.

In pediatric practice, local drugs are also used for herpetic sore throat - for example, aerosols Ingalipt, Anginal and Gevalax have antiseptic, analgesic and enveloping effects. And ultraviolet irradiation of the pharynx will ensure rapid healing of erosions and ulcers on the mucous membrane.

Please note: inhalations and compresses should not be used when treating herpetic sore throat in a child. Firstly, these procedures can cause an increase in body temperature. Secondly, it is precisely these thermal procedures that give a “impetus” to a wider spread of the virus.

General recommendations for caring for a sick child

A child with herpetic sore throat often refuses food because it is difficult for him to swallow.

But he receives medications, and the body needs strength so that the immune system does not weaken completely and continues to fight the disease! Therefore, parents should, together with the pediatrician, develop a diet for the period of illness, which includes the following rules:

  • food should be either liquid or pureed;
  • the temperature of dishes, food and drinks is average - you should not eat hot or cold food;
  • food during the acute course of the disease should be light, but nutritious at the same time - do not put too much strain on an already weakened body;
  • The ideal dish for herpetic sore throat would be chicken broth - liquid, not heavy on the body, nutritious; You can add dairy products to the diet of a sick child, but only if he does not have vomiting or diarrhea;
  • It is strictly forbidden to give pickled, salted and smoked foods to a sick child.

Since the child may suffer from diarrhea and vomiting against the background of herpetic sore throat, it is necessary to provide him with plenty of fluids - it is allowed to give fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, and rosehip decoction.

It is imperative to isolate a sick child with herpetic sore throat, provide him with a separate set of dishes and exclude absolutely any contact with healthy family members - do not forget about the viral etiology of the disease.

It is very important to gargle the child’s throat with decoctions of medicinal plants every 2 hours. For this you can use eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, and calendula. The only point is that you need to find out in advance whether the child is allergic to any of the mentioned plants, so as not to worsen his health.

Herpangina is a fairly common type of viral disease that responds well to treatment. The main thing is to strictly follow the doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations - this will help prevent the development of complications.

At-risk groups

  1. Children from 4 to 10 years old. It is children at this age who most often suffer from herpetic sore throat. This is due to the fact that during this period of life a child most actively learns about the world and communicates with other people. And since the virus is quite widespread, it is very easy to become infected from another person, especially since many do not even suspect that they have this disease.
  2. Infants up to one year old. Many people will think why children under one year old are at risk, because their whole world is often surrounded by only a limited circle of people. Yes, babies under one year of age rarely become infected with this disease, because, among other things, they are protected by maternal immunity. But despite this, they are at risk and have a hard time suffering from the disease.
  3. Adults with poor immunity or first contact with the virus. Herpetic sore throat in adults is much easier than in children, and it is more difficult for an adult to get sick than for a child. But if the immune system has been undermined due to stress or during specific therapy, then the disease can manifest itself, as with a rare but possible primary infection in adulthood.

Some believe that during pregnancy a woman is also at risk. But in fact, in pregnant women, herpetic sore throat occurs in the same way as in any healthy adult. Of course, there is a danger of the Coxsackie virus entering the fetus, but this is very rare.

Herpes sore throat - causes

The mechanism of the disease herpetic sore throat is as follows: once on the mucous membrane of the tonsils, the virus invades the cells; in the absence of good protection in the form of interferon, the pathogenic organism actively multiplies and invades other cells and the intercellular space. At the same time, a large amount of toxic waste products of the virus enters the blood, which causes the patient to have a fever and other symptoms of intoxication of the body.

In addition to the viruses themselves, the development of herpetic sore throat can be triggered by some other factors:

  • decreased immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • injuries to the palate and pharynx;
  • inhalation of air contaminated with dust and toxic substances.

Due to the similarity of the rashes of herpes, chickenpox and herpetic sore throat, some people may attribute them to the same pathogen. Chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus, just like herpes itself. Herpes sore throat has nothing to do with the herpes virus - the disease got its name because of the similarity of the rashes. Therefore, herpetic sore throat and chickenpox are completely different diseases, although their blistering rash is similar.


In the early stages of herpes sore throat in children, in order for the symptoms to confirm this disease, it is necessary to contact your local pediatrician. First of all, the pediatrician performs pharyngoscopy - a clinical method of visual examination of the condition of the pharynx.

If necessary, the doctor gives a referral for examination to an ENT specialist. Directions are also given for various types of tests - a general blood test, a serological blood test, an analysis of fluid from the vesicles to verify the virus, washings and swabs from the nasopharynx. Only after a complete medical examination will the attending physician make a decision on how to treat herpes sore throat in children.

Herpetic sore throat - symptoms

The incubation (hidden) period of herpetic sore throat lasts 1-2 weeks, then, progressively, the disease begins to manifest its symptoms. Herpes sore throat - symptoms:

  • general malaise – weakness, loss of appetite, drowsiness;
  • the appearance of rashes on the mucous membrane of the palate, tonsils;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes near the ears, on the neck under the jaw;
  • fever;
  • pain – in the back and limbs, stomach, head;
  • nasal congestion, cough;
  • a rash in the form of papules on the hands and feet, diarrhea may appear;
  • with poor immunity, concomitant diseases may develop - encephalitis, conjunctivitis, meningitis and others.

What does herpetic sore throat look like?

The very first symptom by which herpes sore throat is recognized is a rash. The development of this symptomatology occurs in several stages, therefore, when diagnosed with herpes sore throat, a photo of a sore throat may show rashes in various stages:

  1. On the first day, the palate turns red, then a rash appears in the form of papules (dense rash), which can spread to the oral cavity and tongue.
  2. Next, the papules turn into vesicles - vesicles with serous contents.
  3. After 1-2 days, the blisters open and turn into painful ulcers, due to which the patient experiences severe discomfort, especially when trying to eat and drink.
  4. Healing of erosions in the oral cavity begins on the 6-7th day of the disease.

Temperature for herpes sore throat

A slight increase in body temperature in a patient can occur at the initial stage of the disease, when the signs of herpetic sore throat are still subtle and it can be confused with a cold. At the stage of the appearance of papules and vesicles, the patient’s temperature rises sharply to 38-40 degrees, since at this time there is a powerful release of viral waste products into the blood. The duration of the acute period when diagnosed with herpetic sore throat is 3-5 days, then the temperature subsides and the healing process of the ulcers begins.

Once diagnosed with herpetic sore throat, treatment is aimed at reducing symptoms.

Antibiotics for herpetic sore throat are ineffective, so they are not prescribed, with the exception of a bacterial infection (Penicillin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone are prescribed). In some cases, the doctor may recommend antiviral drugs or immunomodulators (Immunal, Rioflora, Immuno, Imudon). You can take this type of medication only as prescribed by your doctor. Rules for successful treatment of herpetic sore throat:

  1. Isolating the patient
    , providing him with individual hygiene products and utensils is necessary to prevent infection of other family members.
  2. Ensuring bed rest
    - due to severe weakness, the patient should be at rest, the body's strength should focus on eliminating the infection.
  3. Correction of the patient's diet
    - all foods that irritate the throat, hard fruits and confectionery, cold and hot dishes, spices should be excluded; the main diet should consist of thin porridges, cottage cheese, soups.
  4. Ensuring a drinking regime
    - a patient with herpetic sore throat should drink a lot of liquid at room temperature, best of all - fruit drink, tea with lemon (non-acidic), juice with a neutral taste.

Herpetic sore throat - medications

When diagnosed with herpetic sore throat, antiviral drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the strain of the virus that caused the specific disease, as well as the patient’s condition. Most commonly prescribed drugs:

  • Viferon;
  • Cytovir;
  • Cycloferon.

Acyclovir is completely ineffective for herpes sore throat - it only acts against the herpes virus, so you should not take it - at best it will be useless.

For severe sore throat, you can use painkillers and lozenges - Strepsils, Tantum Verde lozenges, Septolete, Grammidin. You should not get carried away with them, so as not to cause the vesicles to burst too early. For antiseptics and anesthesia of the throat, you can use sprays Yox, Hexoral, Ingalipt, Kameton, however, these drugs have age restrictions - they cannot be used by children under 3 years of age. An alternative is to lubricate the throat with Lugol's solution, but this drug is prohibited for thyroid diseases and allergies to iodine.

At high temperatures, the doctor prescribes antipyretic drugs - Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Panadol, Paracetamol. It is worth bringing down the temperature only if it is above 38 degrees in a child and 39 degrees in an adult. In some cases, for herpes sore throat, antihistamines are prescribed - Loratadine, Diazolin, Claritin, Zyrtec. They are necessary if an allergy appears against the background of the disease.

How to gargle for herpes sore throat?

For herpetic sore throat, inhalation and heating are prohibited - they can accelerate the spread of infection. Various rinses are used as local treatment - with medications, herbal decoctions and other means. Gargling reduces pain and disinfects the throat well; procedures are carried out up to 5-6 times a day. Effective gargling for herpes sore throat:

  • pharmaceutical drugs – Furacilin, Rotokan, Miramistin, Angilex;
  • a solution of salt or soda - 1 teaspoon of the substance is dissolved in a glass of warm water, you can add 2-3 drops of iodine;
  • decoctions or infusions of chamomile, calendula, sage, coltsfoot, oak bark.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating herpetic sore throat can also be supplemented with folk remedies. But you should agree on the chosen prescription with your doctor. The most effective traditional medicine recipes are:

  • Propolis. 2 grams of propolis should be chewed in the mouth for 15 minutes. The procedure must be repeated three times a day.
  • Honeycomb can also be consumed as chewing gum three times a day.
  • 1 teaspoon of aloe juice twice a day.
  • Kalanchoe leaf will help cope with pain in the nasopharynx - you need to chew it until the juice stops secreting. Kalanchoe can be chewed three times a day.
  • Propolis in the form of an alcohol tincture for gargling - dilute 1 teaspoon of solution in one glass of water.

Before using this or that folk remedy, you should make sure that the patient does not have allergies. Honey and propolis are fairly common allergens.

Routes of infection

The main method of infection is through household contact. You can get sick through:

  • common items;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • untreated water in reservoirs or from the tap in the case of an old water supply system;
  • dirty food - fruits, vegetables without heat treatment;
  • unwashed hands;
  • close contact with an infected person - shaking hands, kissing, being directly nearby;
  • food prepared in unsanitary conditions.

The incubation period can be from 2 to 10 days depending on the immune system. With strong immunity, cases of asymptomatic disease have been recorded. The drug "Tsitovir-3" helps strengthen the body's protective functions. It is an inducer of endogenous interferon - proteins that are naturally produced in humans. Unlike other immunomodulators, Tsitovir-3 not only increases the number of beneficial cells, but maintains their number at a constantly high level. Other products have peaks and valleys of activity. The development of herpangina occurs suddenly and acutely - within an hour a high temperature rises, a fever begins, the patient shudders, perspiration appears on his body - this is the result of the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of the disease

Primary signs that appear in the first 2-3 days:

  • loss of appetite;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • redness of the throat;
  • dizziness, lightheadedness;
  • weakness in arms and legs;
  • neurotic instability - stages of excitability are replaced by apathy;
  • sleep problems;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea, abdominal cramps;
  • high body temperature.

Secondary symptoms:

  • acute sore throat due to inflammation of the larynx and the formation of ulcers;
  • hyperthermia and swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • dysphagia;
  • the appearance of a vesicular rash on the upper palate, tongue and ligaments;
  • increased salivation for cell regeneration;
  • intoxication;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, armpits and groin.

Stages of development of herpangina:

  • Incubation period. Lasts from 2 to 10 days depending on the immune system.
  • The period of symptoms of ordinary inflammation of viral etiology is redness of the mucous membrane, runny nose, sore throat, weakness, increased body temperature. Lasts for the first 2 days.
  • Bubble stage. The rash begins suddenly and immediately fills the entire inner surface of the larynx. At the same time, problems with the intestines arise, peristalsis is disrupted, causing diarrhea.
  • On the 4th day, a temperature of up to 40 degrees appears, the symptoms worsen.
  • At stage 5, the papules open, forming painful ulcers. In rare cases, they become inflamed, turning into a breeding ground for bacteria. This occurs due to improper oral care.
  • After one or two days, the wounds become covered with a crust and resolve within a week. During this period, significant improvements occur - the fever subsides, fever and chills disappear.
  • Then complete regeneration of the mucous membrane occurs, the redness of the larynx becomes less, and the patient recovers.
  • Lymph nodes return to their normal state after 10-12 days.

What is herpes sore throat and what does it look like?

Herpes sore throat is an acute infectious inflammatory process of enteroviral etiology. It has all the symptoms of an infectious disease: fever, sometimes nausea and vomiting. A characteristic sign of herpes sore throat is a rash on the oropharynx, tonsils and palate, reminiscent of herpes and causing significant discomfort.

Because the infection affects the tonsils, it is also called herpetic tonsillitis. The disease received such a common name because of its similarity with herpetic stomatitis. Rashes on the surface of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx are similar to the manifestations of herpes, but are caused by a different pathogen.

The disease is nicknamed angina because it affects the throat. However, the localization of the pathological process in these diseases is different. Sore throat affects only the tonsils, and herpetic tonsillitis can be localized on the entire surface of the oropharynx, tongue, and palate.

Symptoms of herpetic sore throat

Most often, mass diseases of children with herpes sore throat occur in the summer, from June to September. The incubation period is quite long: up to 2 weeks.

The acute period of the disease begins in the same way as the flu: aches throughout the body, a feeling of weakness, weakness. Temperatures can rise to high levels: 38-39°. Pain in the back and abdomen is often noted, especially near the navel.

After a few hours, characteristic blisters full of clear serous fluid appear on the mucous membrane of the throat and palate. Each vesicle is surrounded by a red, inflamed rim. After a few hours, the blisters may begin to burst and form ulcers.

At this time, it becomes very painful for the patient to swallow. Small children even refuse to drink because of pain when swallowing. The listed symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, severe runny nose, and excessive drooling.

After 1-2 days, the ulcers begin to dry out, but sometimes the disease can worsen again. The patient remains a source of infection for a long time: up to 4 weeks.

Treatment of herpes sore throat

Specific drugs effective against the Coxsackie virus have not yet been developed. Antibiotics are prescribed only in case of secondary infections.

Be sure to treat with drugs used for allergies: suprastin, diazepam, etc. Local treatment of the mouth and throat with antiseptics and painkillers is used. Older children can be given dissolvable tablets of pharyngosept; for children, the affected areas are irrigated with medicinal solutions.

You should not use warm compresses or hot inhalations, so as not to provoke the spread of infection throughout the body.

A sick child must lie in bed; he must be isolated from other children due to the high risk of transmission of infection. It is necessary to monitor the patient’s condition, since herpetic sore throat often causes complications.


Treatment of herpes sore throat is carried out at home. Patients who have concomitant pathologies or are suspected of developing complications are subject to hospitalization.

If one of the family members is infected with the virus, they need to be provided with separate dishes and towels.

Following the rules of personal hygiene can minimize the risk of getting herpes sore throat.

In order to avoid the disease, it is necessary:

  • strengthen the immune system, lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise;
  • eat right, make sure your body gets enough vitamins and minerals;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, be sure to wash your hands after visiting public places;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • avoid hypothermia and stressful situations;
  • treat colds in a timely manner;
  • Do not abuse cold drinks and food.

At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a therapist or otolaryngologist. If, despite following all the recommendations, there is no improvement within 5–7 days or additional symptoms appear, the visit to the doctor should be repeated.


With timely and correct treatment, the disease is severe, but ends in recovery without consequences. However, many patients try to treat vesicular pharyngitis on their own, without thinking that bacterial complications may develop with improper therapy:

  • meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain);
  • pyelonephritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • encephalitis;
  • myocarditis.


Before deciding how to treat a disease, it is necessary to diagnose it correctly. The research looks like this:

  • Serological. For this purpose, special serums are used, which are collected at the beginning of the disease and after 2 weeks. The purpose is to analyze the increase in antibody titer.
  • Virological. These include submitting pharyngeal swabs - no later than 5 days from the beginning of the acute phase.
  • Immunofluorescence. Based on the detection of fluorochrome antibodies.

Treatment of herpetic sore throat

Aphthous tonsillitis (another name for herpangina) is treated comprehensively and involves isolating the patient to avoid possible infection of other people, and performing general and local treatment procedures. It is necessary to constantly drink plenty of fluids and eat soft food, which completely eliminates irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Under no circumstances should antibiotics be prescribed. Treatment is carried out according to symptoms, using:

  • Antipyretic. Paracetamol is popular and effective because it affects the brain cells responsible for heat production in the body. The drug is quickly absorbed - in 30-40 minutes. It should be taken an hour after meals with water. Contraindicated in case of liver and kidney diseases, or intolerance to the components of the product.
  • Antihistamines - relieve swelling and redness of the mucous membrane.
    Doctors prescribe Claritin (1 tablet per day). Side effects such as vomiting, dry mouth, and weakness occur in isolated cases. Contraindicated during lactation and in children under 2 years of age.
  • To reduce discomfort in the throat, take lozenges that have an antiseptic effect on the lining of the pharynx (Faryngosept, Strepsils, etc.).
  • It is effective to get rid of the herpes virus by gargling with decoctions of oak bark, sage, treatment with Lugol, propolis solution.

There is no cure, but there is treatment

The virus that causes herpangina is so insidious that doctors still cannot come up with a medicine to neutralize it, or even effective prevention of the disease. Treatment is aimed primarily at preventing the addition of a bacterial infection and maintaining the body’s strength.

The main problem is the organization of food. Any meal causes pain. True, an adult patient, unlike a small child, understands this inconvenience and does not refuse food and drink. Therefore, adults are not at risk of dehydration or exhaustion. However, it is necessary to make the eating process easier. All dishes should have the consistency of soft puree and be at a neutral temperature (about 37 degrees). This will minimize pain while eating.

In the intervals between meals, the oral mucosa should be kept well moisturized. Some rinses may be prescribed for this.

Even if the disease is very mild, you need to follow a gentle regimen and sharply limit physical activity. The insidiousness of the virus lies in its ability to cause the sudden development of severe complications, such as paralysis, myocarditis, and meningitis. The long-term consequences of herpangina can also be very serious. So, quite a long time after recovery, a person may develop heart disease or nerve damage.

During the entire period of illness, the patient must be isolated from others, as he is a source of infection.

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The basis of therapy for herpes sore throat is gargling. There are many recipes for preparing solutions to gargle with herpetic sore throat. Herbal decoctions based on chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, and calendula are effective. At the pharmacy you can buy a solution of Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. Therapy:

  • Therapeutic therapy for herpes sore throat is not complete without the prescription of antiviral drugs. Acyclovir is most often prescribed in injections and tablets. Acyclovir ointment is used to treat rashes in the oral cavity. Some doctors claim that Acyclovir in tablet form only acts on the herpes virus, but not on the Coxsackie virus.
  • Antihistamines help relieve swelling, eliminate burning and itching (Loratadine, Zyrtec, Suprastin, Cetrin).
  • An antipyretic drug is prescribed only when the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees. Many antipyretic medications for herpes sore throat are prescribed without fever, since they simultaneously have anti-inflammatory properties (Nurofen, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen).
  • Hexoral, Ingalipt, Tantum Verde sprays will help protect the body from bacterial infection, relieve pain and eliminate inflammation.
  • At the same time, immunomodulators are prescribed that will help the body cope with the disease (Immunal, Viferon).
  • An antibiotic is prescribed only when a bacterial infection has occurred (Amoxiclav, Suprax, Sumamed, Flemoxin, Klacid, Ceftriaxone).

During the entire course of treatment, the patient needs rest and bed rest. During illness, you need to drink as much liquid as possible (fruit drinks, compotes, teas, decoctions are suitable). Food should be crushed and rich in vitamins.

What and how to treat?

Bed rest should be observed during illness.
After diagnostic procedures, the patient is prescribed individual, comprehensive treatment for herpes sore throat. The prescribed drugs eliminate pain and suppress the activity of the virus. An important part of treatment is a special diet, in which all food should be taken in liquid form, so as not to further injure the mucous membrane. The patient must remain in bed and be isolated from others so as not to infect anyone.


Herpes of the oropharynx is treated with systemic and local medications. In especially severe cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Treatment of children with antibiotics is extremely rarely prescribed, since they have a negative effect on the child’s body. Every day, several times a day, the patient must gargle with special medications and take tablet medications. The table shows the main groups of medications and the names of drugs used for herpetic sore throat.

Group of medicinesName of funds
Painkillers and bactericidal local agents"Lugol"
"Tantum Verde"
Hydrogen peroxide solution

Treatment of herpetic sore throat in adults is carried out through physiotherapeutic procedures such as electrophoresis, inhalation, UHF therapy of lymph nodes located on the neck and under the jaw.

Treatment at home

To gargle, use salt, propolis tincture or herbal decoctions.
Antibiotics and other drugs have a negative effect on the body, so some people practice treatment with folk remedies at home. Before using alternative therapy, be sure to consult a doctor. Folk remedies have antiviral, antiseptic and immunomodulatory effects. For oropharyngeal herpes, the use of the following natural ingredients is indicated:

  • Herbal decoctions. When treating, chamomile, plantain, oak bark, sage or calendula are brewed. These medicines are used to gargle.
  • Propolis. A tincture is prepared from the component and lubricated into the affected area of ​​the oropharynx.
  • Salt or soda. The substances are diluted in boiled water and used for rinsing.
  • Beet. The juice is squeezed out of the vegetable and the resulting wounds are irrigated with it.

Pathogen and incubation period

It is a mistake to believe that herpes sore throat is caused by the herpes virus. This is an enteroviral infection caused by the Coxsackie A virus. Pathogens belong to 2-6 or 8-10 serotypes. Pathology caused by group B enterovirus or ECHO virus is extremely rarely diagnosed. The latter are characterized by a more severe course and appear in the most vulnerable places.

Once pathogenic microorganisms have entered the human body, they multiply. On average, the incubation period lasts 8-15 days. Already on days 3-5, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the blood fluid and are spread throughout the body through the bloodstream. If a person has strong protective functions of the body, then the disease does not manifest itself much longer, but at the same time the person is a carrier of the infection.

Types of pathology

Despite the fact that about a hundred varieties of herpesvirus are currently known, only eight of them can harm children:

  • Type 1, which is the cause of “colds” on the lips;
  • type 2 (genital), affecting the mucous membrane of the external genitalia;
  • Type 3 – varicella zoster virus (can cause shingles in people who have had chickenpox);
  • type 4 (Epstein-Barr virus), leading to the development of infectious mononucleosis;
  • type 5 (cytomegalovirus), which causes cytomegalovirus infection;
  • type 6, which is the cause of exanthema (infantile roseola);
  • type 7, leading to the development of chronic fatigue and the appearance of a rash;
  • Type 8, which causes the appearance of malignant skin tumors (Kaposi's sarcoma).

How does the disease progress?

Usually the disease begins brightly, with a sharp rise in body temperature. If a bacterial sore throat lasts up to 5-6 days, then herpes lasts a little longer - up to 8-10 days.

A person can infect others for 14 days after the onset of the disease.

The duration of treatment for viral tonsillitis is influenced by the state of immunity and the age of the patient. Children under 3 years of age suffer most acutely and for a long time.

Moreover, breastfed babies are practically not susceptible to it: mother’s immunity is transmitted through milk.

The period of sick leave for a diagnosis of herpes tonsillitis is 14 days.


Herpesvirus infections in the body of an adult are not dangerous for general health if the number is small and the immune system is strong. Many people are asymptomatic carriers of the infection without even knowing it.

As soon as the protective functions are reduced, the herpesvirus infection activates its effect on systems and organs, provoking a number of pathological manifestations. The severity of relapses, their frequency and duration depend on the affected area. On the lips, exacerbation in normal health is allowed up to 3 times during the year.

Herpes tonsillitis, when developed more than once, can provoke unexpected and undesirable consequences.

Symptoms of herpes sore throat depend on the causative agents of the pathology. Over many years of medical practice, experts have identified a number of factors that most often develop herpetic tonsillitis:

  • constant violation of the daily routine, poor rest at night;
  • physical and psychological overload for a long time;
  • hard physical labor;
  • general hypothermia of the body;
  • chronic diseases of various types (pathology of the liver, lungs, tuberculosis, impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system, viral hepatitis, allergic manifestations in areas of the upper tract of the respiratory system);
  • work in cold and damp rooms;
  • complications after acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes;
  • diagnosing hypothyroidism;
  • starvation;
  • illiterate vegetarianism;
  • cachexia.

Herpes sore throat, treatment is provided at the first symptoms. Sometimes patients delay going to the doctor, which provokes the severity of the pathology. You can often hear from a doctor questions that are relevant to patients, such as how the disease is transmitted, whether it is contagious, how one can become infected, and how to treat it. A qualified specialist must give extensive answers to all questions, providing informational material to the infected person. The calmer the patient’s condition is, the more effective the therapy will be and the desired recovery will occur in a short time.

Herpes sore throat can worsen against the background of autoimmune pathologies. Long-term use of glucocorticoid and cytostatic drugs sometimes becomes a favorable factor for the formation of the disease.

Hard physical labor.

Herpes sore throat in children: treatment, Komarovsky (photo)

In this article you will learn how herpes sore throat occurs in children and treatment. The photos posted in this publication will help you recognize all the symptoms of the disease.

Sore throat is considered to be a childhood disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Herpes sore throat in children is the most common form of viral disease of the Coxsackie and ESNO group, which is easy to catch through contact with a sick person.

What are the symptoms of herpes sore throat?

The symptoms of this disease resemble a common cold, starting with a runny nose, pain and sore throat.

On the 2nd – 3rd day in children:

  • temperature rises;
  • chills and cough appear;
  • sore throat, sometimes stomach;
  • the lymph nodes of the lower jaw become inflamed.

The tonsils or back palate are attacked by small blisters and ulcers. Due to difficulty swallowing, the baby refuses to eat, becomes whiny and irritable. Often parents think that this is a common cold and, thinking about how to treat the child’s throat, they try to cure it with homemade remedies.

Unlike acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, with herpangina the nasopharynx does not swell, there is no excessive flow of mucus from the nose, and there is no bleeding or signs of gingivitis. The throat often becomes inflamed in the summer, which is also different from a cold.

However, treatment with folk remedies is sometimes ineffective; it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible; herpes sore throat is fraught with complications in the form of myocarditis and serous meningitis. In case of complications, the cardiac system suffers; convulsions are common in infants and one-year-old children; timely and effective treatment is required.

How to treat herpes sore throat in a child

Due to weak immunity, the risk group includes small children under 3 years of age, newborns and infants. Patients are subject to hospitalization, especially with a persistent increase in temperature and pain in the lymph nodes. Due to weak and unstable immunity in children, doctors often choose non-standard methods of treatment.

Treatment of herpes sore throat is aimed at eliminating not the virus itself, but the symptoms that prevent children from sleeping, eating, and playing normally. Antibiotics do not always help, and even harm the fragile internal organs of babies.

The following medications are prescribed:

  • antipyretics, depending on the age of children under one year old, Nurofen, Panadol, Efferalgan will help;
  • candles, syrups;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular Ibuprofen, Nimesulide to relieve muscle pain;
  • painkillers to relieve painful symptoms;
  • antiseptics for treating wounds on the throat mucosa;
  • antihistamines to relieve throat swelling;
  • antiviral agents.

Taking into account the reviews of mothers, herpes is well treated with Ancyclavir, signs of inflammation quickly disappear, and the children’s condition returns to normal.

If you have herpangina, you should not give your kids hot foods; the sore throat can only get worse. It is better to prepare light meals and give them to children in small portions warm. The baby needs bed rest, it is important to ventilate the room more often, to prevent dehydration, that is, to give the baby plenty of warm tea with lemon, a decoction of sage, rose hips, and Castellani liquid.

You cannot treat herpes sore throat with warming agents, wrapping it up or warming your throat in any way. The virus can only increase its activity, hinder recovery, and the disease will become protracted. It is better for parents to direct their actions to strengthen the immune system, give vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Komarovsky about the treatment of herpes sore throat in children

According to the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky, gargling with decoctions of eucalyptus, sage, and chamomile will help with herpes sore throat.

Let's summarize

An adult can only get sick with herpes sore throat once, after which the body forms a persistent immune response to the introduction of the pathogen.

In order to protect yourself as much as possible from the disease, you should limit contact with people who are already sick, observe sanitary standards in living and working areas, eat right, strengthen your immune system and harden yourself.

There are no special preventive measures against the pathology, but if infection does occur, you should call a doctor in time to make a correct diagnosis and carry out treatment procedures in accordance with his recommendations.

Enteroviruses: polio, herpangina, hand-foot-mouth syndrome - Doctor Komarovsky

Etiotropic treatment

You need to understand that it is not necessary to treat herpes sore throat using the usual methods suitable for other types of disease. Therapy is symptomatic, takes place at home and is based on alleviating the most severe symptoms.

If the pathogen has already entered the body, has begun to actively reproduce there, and the disease has manifested itself with a clinical picture characteristic of it, it will not be possible to destroy it with the use of drugs.

The pathology ends on its own when the body is able to form its own antibodies to the virus.

It is impossible to influence the duration of the disease, just as it is impossible to speed up recovery; it takes 7-10 days for the body to develop an immune response to the virus.

During this period, drinking plenty of fluids, taking immunomodulator drugs and vitamin complexes are important. The more fluid the patient drinks, the easier it will be for the body to cope with the signs of intoxication and reduce the elevated temperature.

The list of medications is limited to the following:

  • immunostimulating - “Interferon”, “Viferon”, “Cycloferon”, “Immunal” (used in cases of severely weakened immunity and a high risk of complications);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes enriched with calcium, zinc, vitamins of groups B, C, K, PP;
  • antihistamines - Fenkarol, Zyrtec, Claritin, Loratadine (used rarely, for severe swelling of the mucous tissue of the throat and to alleviate the clinical course of the disease).

Since the disease is not caused by the herpes virus, taking the antiviral drugs Acyclovir, Ganciclovir and their analogues will not bring benefit, and due to the risk of side effects, these drugs can even be dangerous.

The patient is prescribed isolation from other family members, bed rest, and eating boiled dishes that do not irritate the mucous membrane of the throat (soft and semi-liquid consistency).

It is also necessary to ensure an optimal level of air humidity (50-70%) and temperature (20-22°C) in the living room. The room where the patient is located must be washed and ventilated regularly.

Auxiliary medications

Symptomatic therapy for herpetic tonsillitis includes the following measures:

  • The use of drugs from the group of anti-inflammatory non-steroids - to reduce signs of intoxication of the body (heat, fever, aches in muscles and joints, headaches). You can take Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Efferalgan, Aspirin and Paracetamol.
  • Anesthesia of the mucous tissue of the throat using anesthetic sprays “Teraflu Lar”, “Tantum Verde”. They help to reduce pain for a while and allow the patient to sleep peacefully.
  • Gargling with broad-spectrum antiseptic solutions: “Chlorhexidine”, “Miramistin” (used most often), “Chlorophyllipt”, “Rotokan”, “Furacilin”. These drugs destroy all pathogenic flora on the surface of the mucous membranes, relieve pain and serve as a prevention of bacterial complications of the disease.
  • In parallel, you can use decoctions of medicinal soothing herbs - chamomile, sage, plantain, mint, lavender, calendula. The standard method of rinsing is a saline solution, but the salt concentration can be made a little lower so as not to aggravate the pain at the stage of opening the papules.

Complications and consequences

Herpetic sore throat without treatment goes into a severe stage and a number of complications arise. As a rule, the disease more often manifests itself in children under 3 years of age and adolescents, since their immune system is not yet able to resist pathogenic organisms. The consequences of herpetic sore throat affect the following systems:

  • Urinary. Pyelonephritis develops, in which the kidneys become inflamed.
  • Brain. Signs of encephalitis and serous meningitis appear, which impairs brain function.
  • Cardiovascular. A patient with severe herpetic sore throat is concerned about an infection of the heart muscle.
  • Visual. Conjunctivitis of the hemorrhagic type occurs, resulting in pinpoint hemorrhages.

With the development of aphthous pharyngitis, the patient's respiratory, vision and brain function is impaired. The disease is dangerous and manifests itself with high fever, pain in the peritoneum, nausea, vomiting, and wounds in the throat. A child with a severe course of the disease may develop meningitis, which causes a tonic spasm of the masticatory muscles and impaired elasticity of the occipital muscles.

Complications after tonsillitis in adults and children do not appear if individual treatment is started in a timely manner.

Features of the development and spread of the disease

Among the most insidious features of this disease are:

  • acute course with severe viral intoxication and deterioration of health;

  • high speed of spread and ease of transmission by contact, airborne droplets and food;

  • the ability of the virus to spread through the blood;

  • the likelihood of a blurred form, typical of cases where the disease was suffered in childhood, but recurred in an adult.

Particular difficulty is created by the atypical form of herpetic tonsillitis, in which blisters on the tonsils and in the pharynx do not appear, but the disease can fade away and return with a period of one week. In this case, the patient remains a carrier and distributor of the virus for a long time. An adult who has been acutely ill receives lifelong immunity. The virus can be obtained from milk, fruits and vegetables; the disease has a pronounced seasonal pattern of distribution and is especially active during the spring and summer months.

General recommendations

Self-diagnosis and self-treatment of the disease is strictly prohibited. The clinical manifestations of the disease are similar to colds, flu, stomatitis, and intestinal infections. The first illiterate steps in therapy develop pathology actively and in a short time. Taking antibacterial and antiviral medications does not lead to the desired result.

It is important to create comfortable living conditions for the patient. The room must be ventilated in a timely manner and have an aesthetic appearance. They do not recommend, and some experts strictly prohibit, carrying the disease “on your feet.” Bed rest, proper rest, drinking plenty of fluids and a strict diet will help the patient quickly overcome the virus and get back to pleasant daily activities.

Treatment of herpes

Herpes in children is treated comprehensively, and the therapeutic regimen includes the use of:

  1. Antiherpetic drugs;
  2. Antiviral and immunostimulating agents;
  3. Complex vitamin and mineral products;
  4. Antipyretic drugs;
  5. Antihistamines.

These drugs allow you to suppress the activity of the virus, reduce its activity (it is impossible to get rid of herpes forever). Children are treated by a pediatrician. If relapses become more frequent or the severity of symptoms increases, contact a pediatric immunologist.

"Attention! It is strictly prohibited to treat childhood herpes without consulting a doctor.”

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of herpes in children with traditional medicine complements the main therapy and can significantly speed up recovery. For this purpose use:

  • ice;
  • essential oils;
  • garlic;
  • honey;
  • propolis;
  • aloe.

Differences between herpangina and its other species

Sore throat of the herpetic type is usually well diagnosed, since it is characterized by the appearance of red, painful blisters on the surface of the mucous epithelium of the larynx.

In some cases, the clinical picture resembles similar pathologies, but an experienced doctor will distinguish one disease from another:

  • herpes stomatitis is a disease that affects mainly young people, but is no exception for adults, especially against the background of weakened immunity and a herpes infection in the body in a latent (latent) form. It can be distinguished from a sore throat by the location of the vesicles - they are located on the surface of the gums and tongue;
  • purulent tonsillitis - many patients, conducting an independent examination of the throat at home, mistake herpetic vesicles filled with serous contents for pus. However, a typical sore throat differs from herpes in that it is not accompanied by a runny nose, and ulcers form only on the surface of the tonsils;
  • catarrhal sore throat - also resembles herpetic sore throat when it occurs without the characteristic vesicular rashes. Signs of rhinitis are also absent, and their presence indicates herpes tonsillitis;
  • lacunar tonsillitis - the disease is characterized by the accumulation of purulent mucous contents in the lacunae of the tonsils, they are covered with a white-yellow coating, but with tonsillitis of the herpetic type, the rashes are localized over the entire surface of the posterior wall of the larynx, the posterior part of the soft palate, arch and uvula;
  • follicular tonsillitis - translucent follicles filled with purulent contents, located inside the tonsils, can also confuse the picture of the disease and resemble herpes tonsillitis, especially against the background of high temperature. However, the follicles are visible to a limited extent, only on the surface of the tonsils.

To differentiate a sore throat of the herpetic type from its other types, laboratory tests are carried out, the patient is asked about the time of the appearance of the first signs, and the emphasis is placed on symptoms that are pathognomic for the disease (they will be discussed later).

Physiotherapeutic procedures

The optimal procedure for physical treatment, permitted for herpetic tonsillitis, is ultraviolet irradiation - treatment with ultraviolet light rays carried out on the nasopharyngeal cavity.

The rays penetrate the tissue to a thickness of 1 mm, providing an immunostimulating, strengthening, desensitizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

To prevent the patient from getting a burn to the already irritated mucous tissue of the throat, the doctor determines individual sensitivity to UV rays and conducts test irradiation of the skin of the forearm.

The procedure is indicated at the recovery stage, when the patient’s temperature has already dropped.

Causes of the disease

Like most viral infections, herpetic sore throat is transmitted primarily by airborne droplets. Due to its high virulence (infectiousness), the virus spreads quickly in children's groups, and the long incubation period (up to 7 days) does not allow immediately identifying and isolating the carrier of the infection.

In addition, you can become infected in other ways:

  • nutritional – through contaminated food, as well as failure to comply with hygiene rules (dirty hands and toys);
  • contact , when the pathogen is transmitted through saliva or nasopharyngeal mucus.

Since the child is contagious even after recovery, quarantine for at least 2 weeks after discharge is recommended.

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