Hawthorn - beneficial properties and contraindications, 8 recipes for treatment
Beneficial properties of hawthorn, for what diseases are the berries used?
For hundreds of years, hawthorn, beneficial properties and contraindications, have been used to treat various diseases. WITH
Kameton spray instructions for use
Kameton (spray and aerosol) - instructions, application features, 3 best analogues, comparison
Cameton indications for the use of the drug All cases in which the use of this composition is necessary are described
The healing properties of the red brush and contraindications
People say that this plant restores lost youth and pushes back old age, is capable of raising
vikasol analogues instructions for use reviews analogues
Vikasol - instructions for use, composition, release form, indications, side effects, analogues and price
November 2, 2018 Other drugs Inna Fish The drug belongs to the group of vitamins that
Is Cyclodinone dangerous when planning pregnancy? Reviews of women who got pregnant with it
We are glad to welcome everyone who is with us! Cyclodinone is a new pharmaceutical development that is positively
Overdose of anaferon for children: symptoms and consequences
Overdose of anaferon for children: symptoms and consequences
Poisoning with children's Anaferon can cause negative consequences in the baby only if there is individual lactose intolerance,
Osteoporosis - what it is, symptoms, treatment, causes, first signs and prevention
As women age, their bodies undergo changes that cause health problems and significantly
etiological factors of adenoviral infection
How is adenoviral infection transmitted, symptoms and treatment
Adenoviral infection is one of the infectious pathologies included in the group of acute respiratory viral infections
Skin diseases in humans: photos and descriptions of the main types of skin diseases
Common dermatological problems and causes The skin protects the entire body and affects the process of thermoregulation
Gastroscopy procedure
FGDS: indications, contraindications, rules of preparation and methodology
Fibrogastroduodenoscopy, or FGDS for short, is an endoscopic method for examining the stomach and duodenum, widely used
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