The patient holds his back
Preparing for an ultrasound of the kidneys in women: everything you need to know
Kidney ultrasound is performed for acute symptoms, as well as as a routine annual examination. Indication
Systemic antimycotics: list of new generation antifungal drugs
Currently, about five hundred species of representatives of the fungal kingdom are known, but not all of them
Abscess and phlegmon as a complication of ENT diseases: types, danger, how to treat
Suppurative diseases (abscesses and phlegmons) are dangerous complications of many inflammatory processes occurring in
What is rheumatoid factor, norm and reasons for its increase?
Published: 05/29/2018 at 11:04 Categories: Health Tags: health Often in medical practice when carrying out
trophic ulcers as a complication of diabetes
Trophic ulcers on the legs: treatment of wounds on the right and left shins
Causes Ulcers form against the background of tissue hypoxia caused by disturbances of microcirculation, metabolism and innervation
How dangerous is an increase in platelets in the human body?
0 Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna 2017.08.09 18 416 Platelets Adults know what they are
Poliovirus infects the gray matter of the spinal cord
Poliomyelitis in adults: causes, symptoms, treatment
Among diseases affecting the nervous system, polio is considered one of the most serious. Fortunately, thanks to advances
Liver tumor - what it can be, symptoms and treatment
Liver oncology is a serious pathology, against the background of which death can occur in a matter of minutes.
Chickenpox in adults is a rare infectious disease
Chickenpox in adults - incubation period, first signs and main symptoms (photo)
Chickenpox in adults is a rare infectious disease, which is due to the frequency of activation of herpes 3
Medicine Valocardin
Instructions for use of Valocordin: features and analogues
Valocordin is a popular psycholeptic, the use of which provides a sedative, vasodilator and antispasmodic effect. Instructions
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