Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis at home: the effectiveness of folk remedies
Signs of the disease. After the basic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, doctors allow the use of folk remedies. Compresses,
how to bring down a temperature of 38 at home
How to bring down the temperature with folk remedies in a child and an adult
Causes of increased temperature Hyperthermia is the name given to a patient’s condition with elevated body temperature.
7 non-obvious symptoms of Crohn's disease that you should pay attention to
If you've recently been diagnosed with Crohn's disease, chances are you haven't thought about it.
Photo of the degree of longitudinal flatfoot
How to determine longitudinal and transverse flatfoot of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th degree
Flat feet in children and adults: symptoms and treatment. The most common deformity of the foot structure is
Symptoms of the disease and treatment with drugs for asthenic syndrome
Mechanism of development of asthenia Asthenic syndrome is a disorder of a psychopathological type that develops against the background
Coxsackie virus - main symptoms, treatment methods in children and adults, photo of the manifestation of the disease in a child, prevention
Coxsackie virus photo Annually recurring seasonal epidemics of acute respiratory diseases do not cause particular concern.
What to do in case of carbon monoxide poisoning, how to provide first aid?
Category: Chemical poisoning Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the most common poisonings. It arises due to
Bipolar personality disorder - characteristics of the disease and methods of treatment
December 15, 2019 Bipolar disorder is... Causes and statistics Symptoms of a manic episode Signs
The main causes of unpleasant urine odor in women and their treatment
What is considered normal? The urine of a healthy woman has a subtle odor of ammonia, which intensifies significantly
What does pityriasis rosea look like?
Treatment of pink zoster in children, how to recognize and prevent the disease
Causes Symptoms Diagnostics Treatment Features Main Video Ringworm in everyday understanding is an inflamed
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