What is Tourette's syndrome and why is everyone talking about it?
At the end of the 19th century, the French physician Gilles de la Tourette wrote a report on 9
character of cough
Cough syrups - a review of effective expectorants, antitussives and anti-inflammatory drugs
Cough syrup is an oral medication that suppresses the cough reflex or stimulates
Instructions for using Vishnevsky ointment, price and reviews
Release form, composition and packaging The composition of balsamic liniment includes: birch tar, xeroform, castor
6 options for using Oxolinic ointment for children and adults, side effects and analogues
Oxolinic ointment for children and their parents: instructions for use, pros and cons of the drug
Oxolinic ointment contains naphthalene. The main component in the composition is oxolin. Medicine
Down syndrome
Child down - what does it mean? Signs and symptoms of Down syndrome
Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder in which a person has
Treatment of liver cirrhosis in women
Signs of liver cirrhosis, symptoms and treatments
In the 21st century, the main cause of death is considered to be vascular accidents - heart attacks and strokes, which
Iodomarin 100 application
How to take Iodomarin for weight loss - reviews from doctors and those losing weight
Pharmacological action This drug is used for the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency diseases, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
All about hypertensive crisis: causes, symptoms and treatment
High blood pressure (BP) affects many people around the world. Improper treatment of hypertension, stress,
what does zinc ointment help with?
Zinc ointment: instructions for use. What does it help with?
Skin problems can arise unexpectedly in people of all ages. To eliminate them you can
Pills for medical abortion: consequences
What are the consequences of medical abortion?
The consequences of medical abortion are less dangerous than surgical ones, but in the absence of qualified assistance they can
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