How to survive menopause - 10 effective tips
What is menopause? To understand this, you need to delve a little deeper into anatomy and remember that
Why do the mammary glands hurt before menstruation?
Additional symptoms First signs of pregnancy If there are no periods at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and
short menstrual cycle
Why does the menstrual cycle shorten?
Normal menstrual cycle To understand the reasons for the violation of cyclicity, you must first familiarize yourself with it
Consequences of the growth of a hemorrhagic cyst
Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhagic ovarian cyst
What is it? Various cysts are often diagnosed in the female half of the population. Their formation is facilitated by overripe
Thrush starts after menstruation - why?
Many women have more than once encountered such an unpleasant disease as thrush. She not only
Menses are smeared but the reasons do not begin. Causes of brown spotting instead of menstruation
If there are any disruptions to the menstrual cycle, we can talk about problems with female sexual health. That's why
Trichopolum for thrush in men
Trichopolum tablets - use for thrush
What is Trichopolum? The drug Trichopolum is a medicine that has universal properties and is used for
Vaginal suppositories during pregnancy 1
The best suppositories for thrush during pregnancy and treatment recommendations
As you know, pregnancy is a period when a woman is prohibited from taking most medications, so
body inspection
Breasts don't hurt, pain in lower abdomen and periods don't start
The chest hurts, but there are no periods - this situation is quite possible, since the sensation of pain
the girl has a tug in her lower abdomen
Menstruation after a miscarriage: how long does it take for discharge to appear and what should you pay attention to?
The modern woman strives to be able to do everything and understand everything. Takes on household chores
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