structure of the mammary gland
What does breast cancer look like? Causes, stages and treatment of breast cancer
Breast cancer is a specific tumor that appears in the mammary glands and ducts.
Rating of the TOP 7 best probiotics: which ones to choose, types, reviews, price
Probiotics are medications that contain strains of living bacteria. The product is sold with
Macmiror - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms 200 mg tablets, cream and suppositories as part of a drug complex for the treatment of chlamydia, giardiasis and other infectious diseases in adults, children and pregnancy
Is Macmiror an antibiotic or not? Use of Macmiror, indications and side effects
What can replace Macmiror Structural drugs that could replace nifuratel, up to
Eleutherococcus (lat. Eleutherococcus) - indications for use
Eleutherococcus belongs to the genus of perennial thorny shrubs of the Araliaceae family. Its other names are wild pepper,
What does Troxerutin Ointment help with?
Troxerutin: gel and tablets description, how it works
As the manufacturer reports in the instructions for use, the pharmaceutical drug Troxerutin provides a wide range of therapeutic
Chlorophyllipt for gargling - instructions, cheap analogues
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yuryevna General practitioner Articles written 578 About the author Diseases
Treatment of otitis in adults. Effective treatment of otitis media
Otitis (or ear inflammation) is a fairly common disease. It is divided into types depending on
Pain in the left hypochondrium: causes, what it indicates
Stitching under the left rib in front: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods
Pain in the left hypochondrium is associated with many different diseases. Organs located nearby may be
The very first signs of early stage bowel cancer in women
Author: Alexey Shevchenko December 03, 2019 23:06 Category: Survival problems Good day, dear friends
The influenza virus and the causative agent of acute respiratory viral infection turned out to be “competitors”
Influenza is a severe viral infection that affects men, women and children of all ages
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