Omnik Okas
Omnic Okas tablets - indications and instructions for use, composition, side effects and price
Omnic Okas is a medicine in capsule form that is used in the treatment of dysuria in
Dizziness in women
Frequent and severe dizziness in women - causes and solutions
The female body is sensitive to changes, and symptoms such as nausea or dizziness may
A painless lump on the neck can be a dangerous disease
In 1832, the scientist Hodgkin described a strange disease, accompanied by severe enlargement of the lymph nodes, fever
chloramphenicol eye drops
Levomycetin - eye drops for children: instructions for use
Bacteria, viruses, and foreign bodies are provoking factors in the development of eye infections. The inflammatory process is always accompanied
herbion for wet cough instructions for use
Gerbion syrup for dry cough: instructions on how to take for adults and children
Gerbion is a drug that has antibacterial and immunomodulatory effects. The medication is most often prescribed
Low hemoglobin - causes and consequences in women
Reduced hemoglobin in women and in any person is anemia. Everyone talks about this
How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth: symptoms, treatment, photos
Stomatitis is a disease of the oral cavity, which is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes, the appearance of painful ulcers,
High blood pressure
"Pentalgin": composition, reviews, instructions for use
Release form and composition The drug is sold in the form of film-coated tablets. Tablets 1
what is chloramphenicol tablets for?
What do Levomycetin drops and tablets help with? Instructions for use
Medicines have become an integral part of human life. Almost every day, every third person on the planet
Ketoprofen - instructions for use and contraindications
Ketoprofen is a powerful non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that also exhibits antipyretic, analgesic and antiaggregation effects. Application
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