Pertussin syrup for any cough, dry or wet
Cough syrup "Pertussin" - reviews from doctors, patients, instructions for use and composition
The drug Pertussin is one of the oldest pharmaceutical methods for treating cough. It's inexpensive
How to treat laryngitis with medications and folk remedies correctly and quickly?
How and how to treat laryngitis in adults: top tips
Cold weather and damp weather lead to an increase in the number of various infections. It suffers most when
Anti-diarrhea tablets for adults
What to drink for diarrhea for children and adults at home - effective medicines and traditional medicine recipes
Diarrhea or diarrhea is one of the symptoms of digestive tract disorders. May develop with
Eustachian tube
Noise, ringing in the ears (tinnitus): what to do, how to treat
Noise in the right or left ear is not an independent type of disease. And one
Oral contraceptives have become in great demand, popular among them are Jess or Jess Plus
"Jess Plus": reviews from doctors, instructions for use
Oral contraceptives have become in great demand. Contraceptive drugs Jess or Jess are in demand among women
arbidol for children
Arbidol: instructions, indications, contraindications, information on effectiveness
Instructions for use and dosage The suspension is taken before meals. To prepare the medicine, to
diagnosis of lung cancer 1
Lung cancer: how quickly it develops, causes, symptoms of the disease and necessary treatment
Lung cancer: how to suspect the disease at an early stage Lung cancer is one of the
Girl in a pink bra
What is a breast cyst and is it worth treating?
Today, people quite often encounter various types of neoplasms. It should be noted that
How to take badger fat - how to take it correctly, review of medicinal properties and contraindications for use (125 photos)
In the old days, folk healers who knew the secrets of healing used badger fat to treat various diseases. They took
Measles in adults. Photos of the rash, symptoms, what it looks like, treatment at home
Measles has been known since ancient times: the symptoms of this disease were first described in the 9th century
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