Nausea after drinking tea on an empty stomach - History of tea and coffee

Why tea is good for intoxication

Drinking fluids is an indispensable condition for restoring the body weakened by intoxication. A person’s condition will improve much faster if you drink high-quality and properly brewed tea. The drink has many beneficial properties:

  • vomiting and diarrhea (the main symptoms of any poisoning) lead to dehydration, and drinking tea not only restores water balance, but also normalizes blood pressure that drops when there is a lack of fluid in the body;
  • drinking tea has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach: it improves digestion processes and relieves discomfort;
  • tea is a drink that has antibacterial properties: it prevents the proliferation of bacteria and destroys them;
  • antioxidants contained in tea leaves in large quantities help eliminate toxic substances;
  • a properly brewed drink increases sweating, empties the bladder faster, which leads to the rapid removal of harmful substances from the body;
  • drinking tea invigorates, tones, improves overall health, normalizes fluid levels in the body - qualities necessary to get rid of the symptoms of poisoning.


Tea for diarrhea is considered very useful. However, this drink cannot always be consumed. The main contraindications include the following:

  1. High blood pressure. Hypertensive patients should not drink strong tea, as it contains a lot of caffeine.
  2. Increased excitability and irritability.
  3. High acidity. Drinking strong tea can lead to heartburn, decreased appetite, and increased symptoms of diarrhea.

The decoction is used for constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and flatulence. Mint can normalize acidity levels, relieve painful spasms, prevent stagnation of bile and the formation of kidney stones. The decoction normalizes the nervous system, eliminates depression and nervous breakdowns. Lowers blood pressure. Because of this, it is not recommended for use by hypotensive patients.

For diarrhea and other symptoms, it is important to take only a high-quality product that contains as few impurities as possible. It is advisable that it is not tea bags. It is better to buy full-fledged loose leaf tea.

Which variety is better for poisoning?

A poisoned person can benefit from different types of tea.

Treatment of intoxication with black and green tea

Black and green tea

Black tea is most commonly consumed by people. The drink is useful because it activates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and in case of intoxication with nausea, it is recommended to simply chew a little tea leaves to get rid of the urge to vomit.

Thanks to the special properties of black tea, you can get rid of bad breath in a person who has been poisoned by toxic substances. You just need to rinse your mouth with tea broth several times.

In addition to its beneficial properties, black tea also has good taste. The following recipe will help you prepare the drink correctly:

  1. Pour a dessert spoon of the tea leaves into a container, preferably a porcelain one, designed specifically for brewing.
  2. Pour 300 ml of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Pour 1 tbsp into the prepared drink. l. sugar and stir thoroughly.
  5. Drink warm in small sips.

Green tea with lemon

A properly prepared drink rids the intestines of harmful microbes without affecting the beneficial microflora.

Green tea is much more effective for cleansing the body affected by intoxication. More nutrients are retained in the leaves, since green tea is subjected to mild heat treatment. Doctors recommend drinking the drink if you are poisoned by any toxins, including alcohol abuse. The recipe for making green tea is the same as for black tea.

You can add lemon to the drink, which contains a large amount of vitamin C and can fight bacteria. Citrus fruit is harmful to people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).

Honey is used in the treatment of intoxication. Bee product contains many vitamins, trace elements and minerals. A drink with honey destroys pathogenic microflora, removes toxins, increases vitality, and restores strength.

Herbal drinks for poisoning

Herbal teas are effective for any poisoning. The most commonly used decoction is made from chamomile, which prevents the development of inflammatory processes and removes harmful substances from the body. Chamomile decoction does not injure the gastric mucosa.

For food intoxication, ginger infusion is recommended. The drink is prepared simply: 1 tsp. crushed ginger root, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour. The liquid should be taken after meals. You should not drink tea if you have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Eleutherococcal herbal tea should be drunk in case of poisoning, when the urge to vomit has stopped. The drink helps a weakened body recover. The raw materials for preparing the decoction are sold at any pharmacy.

Tea with mint

Peppermint tea relieves nausea and intestinal discomfort. For preparation, you can use pharmaceutical or fresh mint. For 1.5 liters of boiling water you will need 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials or 5-6 fresh leaves. Leave for an hour, strain, divide into 4 servings and take throughout the day.

Which tea to choose in case of poisoning - sweet or without sugar

The sweetened drink produces beneficial substances - catechins, which help eliminate toxins and prevent the development of dysbiosis. If the cause of the increase or decrease in pressure is poisoning, sweet tea normalizes the indicator by compensating blood sugar. If you have nausea and vomiting, it is better to avoid sweets, since sugar stimulates the urge to vomit.

If the water-salt balance is disturbed, it is better to add not sugar, but a little salt to the drink.

How to avoid nausea

To avoid such unpleasant symptoms when drinking your favorite drink, it is worth analyzing the state of your body.

  • If you are concerned about chronic diseases of the internal organs, it is better to avoid it for a while or consult a doctor.
  • In general, you should not overuse green tea - three cups a day is enough.
  • Do not treat them with post-alcohol syndrome and do not take medications with them.
  • Do not drink on an empty stomach and especially avoid yesterday’s brew, as purine derivatives accumulate there (in the form of a large amount of uric acid).

By adhering to these simple rules, you can ensure that your favorite green tea will only bring benefits to our health.

And if nausea from tea still does not go away for a long time, mix two types in equal proportions - green and black. Then you will have energy for the whole day!

I advise you to read the article Why black tea makes you sick.

Temperature and quality of the drink in case of poisoning

To get rid of the symptoms of poisoning, it is necessary to brew and drink tea correctly. You should not use boiling water, but water with a temperature of no more than 90 °C: the tea leaves will retain its beneficial properties. The drink should not be consumed very hot, so as not to cause harm to the gastrointestinal tract, inflamed by intoxication. Iced tea is not beneficial because it is poorly absorbed.

Brewing tea

The brewing level should be medium. A weakly brewed drink will not give the desired effect: it contains few antioxidants. A strong drink increases blood pressure, negatively affects the functioning of the heart muscle, and causes insomnia. For alcohol or drug intoxication, strong tea is useful, as it quickly removes toxins from the body.

You should pay attention to the quality of the tea and choose loose tea rather than bagged tea, preferably large-leaf tea: such tea has retained the maximum amount of beneficial qualities.


Thanks to the menthol and flavonoids contained in mint, mint can have a positive effect on the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract. This drink is a natural antibiotic. It stops the growth of pathogenic microflora, helps eliminate sore throats, colds and inflammatory processes occurring in the body. The decoction easily improves sleep, increases appetite, and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

In addition to all of the above, you can also chew tea leaves. This will significantly reduce the same gag reflex. Moreover, for this you do not need to make any tinctures or brew strong tea in any special way. After the patient drank a cup of tea, there were leaves left in it, so they need to be chewed for a while.

If diarrhea persists for more than 1-2 days and is accompanied by an increase in temperature, pain, cramps and dizziness, you should immediately consult a doctor.


In case of severe nausea and gag reflexes, in order to relieve these urges, it is recommended to chew dried tea leaves, that is, large-leaf tea leaves, for several minutes.

Chewing tea leaves helps to quickly cope with nausea, in addition, this remedy is suitable for both adults and children.

Tea also helps with alcohol poisoning and drug overdose due to the fact that it is a diaphoretic and diuretic. Frequent urination and profuse sweating after drinking a drink can remove all harmful toxic substances accumulated in the human body, including breakdown products of alcohol and medications. When undergoing active drug treatment, it is recommended to drink strong brewed tea without sugar every morning. It is not advisable to consume it on an empty stomach, so make sure you have a light breakfast, complemented by tea.

It is better to use unfermented large-leaf tea leaves. The beneficial effect of tea is enhanced by the addition of milk, which disinfects; honey, lemon, cinnamon, and apple are also acceptable, which will give a tart aroma.


It is an ideal drink that can bring everyone to their senses. This tea drink is great for relieving symptoms and feelings of nausea during pregnancy. It is used before bedtime. It perfectly calms the nervous system, improves sleep, eliminating insomnia and nervous tension.

It is not recommended to take green tea for people with vestibular problems. But, as a last resort, the decoction is taken only in a chilled state. A hot drink may cause negative symptoms associated with this disease.

Green tea perfectly eliminates thirst during the hot season. Helps improve mood. It has antioxidant, antimutagenic and antiallergic effects. It is useful for patients suffering from diabetes. Thanks to polyphenols, the decoction can lower blood pressure.

The dry drink is ground in a coffee grinder. Three to four tablespoons of the substance are poured into a liter of boiling water. Infuse for ten minutes.

How long does it take to brew tea?

Brewing time matters. The petals are poured with boiling water, left for fifteen to twenty minutes, and covered with a towel. Dry leaves produce hazardous substances and oxidation occurs. The drink becomes dark in color and loses its beneficial properties.

Do not brew for more than twenty minutes. The petals release phenols, tea drinking loses its meaning and value. After tea, nausea occurs - a reaction to drinking the drink on an empty stomach.

It’s interesting that morning is the time to drink tea with sandwiches and something baked.


This root is an excellent remedy for stomach and digestive problems. A slice of ginger can also relieve nausea. To do this, you can either suck on a slice of fresh peeled ginger or brew yourself some ginger tea. This tea is even recommended for patients after surgery; it relieves discomfort in the stomach.

Important! Ginger should not be overused. Pregnant women should be especially careful about it. They are not recommended to drink more than 1-2 cups of ginger tea per day.

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