How to recognize the symptoms of throat cancer at different stages of the disease
Characteristics of the disease Laryngeal cancer is a malignant tumor of the pharynx area. Malignant or cancerous tumor
Lymphocytes: increased and decreased levels, functions, how to bring them back to normal
Lymphocytes are white blood cells, which are also one of the main types of immune
Choosing antibiotics for sore throat for adults: a review of the best drugs
The correctly chosen drug for the treatment of sore throat determines how quickly the body copes with
Facial expressions after a stroke
Signs of stroke in middle-aged, young and elderly women
From this article you will learn: what are the precursor symptoms and main symptoms of stroke in women.
Diazolin instructions for use, price, analogs and synonyms, reviews
What does Diazolin help with? Instructions on how to take, indications for the use of tablets in adults
Contraindications for use The main contraindications for the use of children's "Diazolin" include the following pathologies: The presence
What blood pressure does Lorista help with? Instructions, reviews and analogues, price in pharmacies
What Lorista tablets help with: indications for use and effectiveness for blood pressure
The combination antihypertensive drug is Lorista. Instructions for use will show at what pressure and how
Lozap tablets
Pressure cord - rules of application. Drug review
Lozap. I have never suffered from problems with blood pressure. She joked that as an astronaut, she always
Elkar is a synthetic analogue of the amino acid L-Carnitine produced in the human body. Being a universal corrector and stimulator of energy metabolism, the drug significantly improves the activity of the nervous system and the structure of the brain as a whole.
Elkar - why is it prescribed for children? Indications for use, reviews, analogues
In modern pediatrics, children are often prescribed the drug Elkar, the scope of which is quite wide.
Protargol nasal drops: solution. Instructions and reviews
Making drops A characteristic feature of the drug is that its shelf life is about 2
Epstein-Barr virus
Epstein-Barr virus: symptoms in adults and treatment
To GET RID of herpes, drink a glass of herpes before going to bed... read more >> Herpes virus fourth
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