Instructions for use of Fenistil drops for children under one year of age and older, dosage of the drug and its analogues
Fenistil is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of allergic reactions. This is an antihistamine that can be used
When to use
Antihemorrhoidal drug Gepatrombin G - reviews
How to use Gepatrombin G Preparation for application and further actions depend on the drug used
ketorolac instructions for use injections
"Ketorolac" (injections): instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews
October 8, 2018 Traumatology and surgery Alexandra Smirnova In the article we will consider the instructions for use
Grammidin children's spray - official instructions for use
List of inexpensive substitutes for Grammidin®: TOP 6 analogues
Mechanism of action The active compound of the drug is the antibiotic gramicidin. Has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora,
Severe cough in an adult. How to treat, relieve an attack. Folk remedies, drugs, procedures
Severe cough in an adult. How to treat, relieve an attack. Folk remedies, drugs, procedures
Causes and principles of treatment of dry cough in adults Reflex contraction of the lungs, which is called a cough,
Instructions for use of Betadine suppositories, their cost and analogues
Betadine is a powerful disinfectant and antiseptic. Effective against viruses, fungi,
symptoms of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve in humans
Trigeminal neuralgia: more than 5 symptoms, treatment (11 drugs, surgeries) for lesions of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd branches, causes, diagnosis. How to relieve an attack of pain
24902 Sometimes a person is struck by excruciating pain localized in the lower half of the face. This feeling is different
main signs of angina in women
All symptoms of angina pectoris in women: pain, autonomic disorders
In this article you will learn: typical symptoms of angina in women. The main differences between women and
hemostasiogram during pregnancy
Blood coagulogram - decoding of blood coagulogram indicators, all norms in the table
How to donate blood for a coagulogram Blood is taken from a vein in the elbow area.
Low blood pressure: what to do, folk remedies
Hypotension: how to increase blood pressure using folk remedies
Hypotension is less common than hypertension, but causes no less problems. Low blood pressure is not dangerous
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