Filtrum - official instructions for use
Filtrum-STI: composition, properties, method of application, side effects
Filtrum STI is a modern medicine that can help cure various types of poisoning. Means
Microclyster Microlax
Microlax enema for children: quick relief from constipation
In the process of growing up and development, malfunctions in the functioning of the large intestine are possible in the child’s body,
To test for thyroid hormones, blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach.
Hormone tests, the main method for diagnosing the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland is one of the organs of the endocrine system. It is located in the area of ​​the cartilage of the same name
Ketanov tablets instructions for use. Ketanov analogues. Ketanov tablets
What does Ketanov tablets help with: indications for use
Composition and release forms of Ketonal The active ingredient of the drug is ketoprofen and, depending on the
Corvalol tablets: instructions for use, analogues
Author: A. Olesya Valerievna, candidate of medical sciences, practicing physician, teacher at a medical university The modern pharmacological market offers
Longidaza instructions for use, description of the drug
Longidaza instructions for use, description of the drug
Adhesions are cellular growths. They are often compared to threads, as they connect
How to identify symptoms of HIV (AIDS) in men in the early stages - the first signs of the disease
HIV infection is a real plague of modern society. The disease is dangerous due to decreased immunity and, as a result,
What is normal pressure for a person, table
The norm, what a person’s blood pressure should be by age + table
Blood pressure is the most important indicator of the functioning of not only the heart muscle, but also the entire body.
Amelotex for injection - official instructions for use
Gel for external use Sotex Amelotex - reviews
Indications for use Meloxicam has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects and belongs to the group of oxicams. At
Etiology, symptoms and treatment of gastric ulcer
A gastric ulcer is a frequently recurrent pathology of a chronic nature, in which the mucous membrane
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