Douching with soda, salt and iodine. Douching with soda for thrush. How it's done? What is douching
Candidiasis is a disease caused by an increase in the number of Candida yeast fungi. These pathogenic microorganisms
Detection of endometriosis in women using ultrasound
The article is under development. Endometriosis is functioning endometrium outside of its normal location. TO
Thrush in pregnant women: causes and symptoms of the disease
Herbal recipes for treating thrush. Various herbal infusions (celandine,
Why did I lose my appetite before my period? Causes of increased appetite before menstruation and ways to get rid of it
3893 Therapeutic fasting is an opportunity to cleanse your body of toxins and other harmful
Morphological diagnosis of tubular and cribriform breast cancer
Tubular breast cancer This type of breast cancer (BC) is classified as a separate variant
How to use and apply psyllium seeds for impotence
How to properly take plantain seeds for infertility Female infertility can have many causes. Modern
Can the lower back and lower abdomen hurt during menopause?
The concept of “climax” is of Greek origin, and literally translates as a step on a ladder. Indeed, in life
When will your period come after stopping Visanne?
Menstruation after Visanne: features of the restoration of the menstrual cycle
What is Visanne? Visanne is a hormonal contraceptive drug that has a complex effect. It's round
There are many reasons why your period does not come on time after the first sexual intercourse.
Delayed first menstruation after first sex
Menstrual bleeding after sex According to the information provided in the question, this is the second month in a row after
boiled vegetables
Nutrition before and after operations Medical nutrition for surgical patients
General rules Removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) or the uterus and appendages (hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy) are the most common operations
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