Extragenital endometriosis - types and features of treatment
Stages Infertility may develop. The disease is easier to treat in the early stages of its formation. In more
Why are my breasts heavy and painful? Causes of breast swelling
Today, almost every woman has had to deal with chest pain, as well as
Artificial menopause (Useful Information)
Artificial menopause is a decrease in hormone levels with the help of special medications. It is worth noting that
What is squamous cell metaplasia of the cervix, can it be cured?
Squamous metaplasia of the cervix is ​​an adaptive reaction of the body, characterized by a change in a more vulnerable single-layer
Trichomoniasis in women, what are the causes and how to treat
Trichomoniasis is rightfully considered one of the urogenital infections, and untreated disease can lead to a number of complications.
But spa dosage for menstruation. Features of using no-shpa during menstruation
Menstruation is often accompanied not only by bleeding, but also by unpleasant painful sensations of a spasmodic nature below
uterine bleeding during menopause
How not to confuse your last period with uterine bleeding during menopause?
What is menopause and why do menstruation stop? Menopause is a physiological state of the female body,
Can thrush interfere with pregnancy?
Vaginal candidiasis is a disease better known as thrush, which most often occurs against the background of decreased
Consequences of frequent use of postinor. Consequences of taking postinor
Postinor is a drug that millions of women use for emergency contraception. Everyone knows that the drum
Tingling in the uterus in early pregnancy
Unpleasant sensations after ovulation The cause of pain in the uterus is the intrauterine device. Tingling feeling in
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