First aid kit for an expectant mother: what helps against heartburn during pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, a woman may experience heartburn. In the early stages this happens due to changes in hormonal levels, and in the later stages due to the enlargement of the fetus when the uterus presses on the stomach. Heartburn remedies for pregnant women should be quite effective and completely safe for the child. Also, a woman carrying a baby should adjust her diet so that the symptom bothers her less. If this does not help, it is recommended to resort to traditional methods of eliminating it or medication.

Symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy

Some sensations with increased acidity are similar to severe chronic diseases; consider the symptoms that distinguish heartburn from other disorders of the digestive system:

  • burning sensation and discomfort behind the sternum, the intensity of sensation may vary;
  • metallic or sour taste in the mouth;
  • frequent belching;
  • loud rumbling in the stomach and esophagus;
  • sometimes bloating may occur;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • discomfort increases after eating;
  • the burning sensation bothers you most when lying down;
  • nausea, slight urge to vomit.

Causes of heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn in early pregnancy can be caused by:

  • early toxicosis;
  • diseases of the digestive system, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • smoking;
  • awkward, uncomfortable body position;
  • exercise stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • abuse of fatty, salty foods.

Heartburn in late pregnancy can be caused by:

  • pressure on the abdomen due to incorrect body position or bending;
  • excessive muscle tension in the abdominal area, during coughing, physical activity, constipation;
  • taking antispasmodics;
  • overeating, unhealthy diet, drinking carbonated drinks;
  • compression of the abdominal area by tight clothing;
  • late toxicosis (rare);
  • an enlarged uterus that grows at a rapid pace, in parallel with the growth of the fetus;
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure, which does not allow the sphincter to completely close the path and exit to the esophagus from the stomach, due to which gastric juice and not thoroughly chewed food wander through these two organs one after another;
  • excess body weight, especially if more than 15 kg were gained during pregnancy;
  • changes in the hormonal system and general level of the pregnant woman, which will return to normal only after childbirth.

Causes of burning in the stomach

This phenomenon in pregnant women can develop for a variety of reasons.
In the first trimester, the appearance of this digestive problem occurs due to hormonal changes that always accompany the conception of a baby.

As a result of a hormonal surge , digestion slows down, and the effect of progesterone on all muscles of the body, including the gastrointestinal tract, leads to their relaxation.

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Acid from the stomach freely penetrates the esophagus and causes a burning sensation. Additionally, slower digestion of food is also a factor causing high acidity.

As the uterus enlarges, which occurs already in the 2nd trimester, strong pressure comes on the internal organs, and this leads to the acid in the stomach entering the esophagus. This causes unpleasant symptoms.

At the end of the 3rd trimester, the expectant mother is often plagued by nighttime discomfort in her mouth and throat. In this case, an extra piece of food or an incorrect position can provoke this unpleasant feeling.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be diagnosed.


A gynecologist can help solve the problem; he will tell you how pregnant women can get rid of heartburn, what to eat and drink.

For some expectant mothers, this symptom goes away quite quickly, after just a few minutes, but most often it lasts a long time and pregnant women have to look for different ways to deal with this condition.

Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

Pregnant women are a special category of the population that requires the most careful monitoring during any treatment, because in this case, the responsibility is for two. Let's talk about the most effective and safe methods of dealing with heartburn during pregnancy.

Recipe No. 1

Half a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice will help eliminate heartburn, but will not get rid of the very cause of its occurrence, so you should not get carried away with the method, you can use it once to alleviate the condition.

Recipe No. 2

Every 2-3 hours, drink in small sips a small amount of clean, still water at a comfortable temperature. Drinking this way will reduce the risk of heartburn and relieve its initial symptoms.

Recipe No. 3

A handful of nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts) will quickly eliminate heartburn, but the main thing is not to overeat them, because the product is quite fatty, which is difficult to digest.

Recipe No. 4

An excellent remedy is cow's milk, at room temperature. Milk contains a slightly alkaline environment, which can neutralize the acidity of the stomach.

Important! In the first trimester of pregnancy, milk can cause nausea and aggravate toxicosis.

Recipe No. 5

Place half a teaspoon of chamomile and St. John's wort in a teapot, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour and take 150 ml three times a day.

Recipe No. 6

Pour a tablespoon of flax seeds into 200 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes over a fire, let cool slightly and strain; the consistency of the mixture will resemble jelly. Eat with a spoon or drink 0.5 cups 1-2 times a day.

To enhance the effect, you can boil flax along with a teaspoon of plantain leaves, but this recipe will not taste very pleasant, which can cause nausea in a pregnant woman.

Recipe No. 7

A weak, non-concentrated tea of ​​mint leaves will also help overcome the feeling of heartburn, but a strong drink from this plant can cause excessive stimulation of the uterus, which is very undesirable for the mother and the unborn baby. Therefore, use the method only after consulting a doctor.

Recipe No. 8

Soda, a long-known method for relieving the symptoms of heartburn, requires diluting a little more than half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water and drinking it in one gulp. Heartburn will indeed disappear, but for a very short time. If you get carried away with the method, then a pregnant woman may experience severe swelling of the legs, and subsequently, an increase in blood pressure.

Recipe No. 9

For minor heartburn concerns, dark or milk chocolate helps. But in large quantities, it can itself act as a provocateur of heartburn; it is also not recommended to use the method for overweight women.

Recipe No. 10

Honeycomb honey copes well with heartburn; just chew a small piece like chewing gum, and the discomfort will disappear for a long time. In addition, the product will have an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach and esophagus.

Recipe No. 11

Five pieces of buckwheat grains, rinse well with water and chew, after which, neither eat nor drink for one hour.

Recipe No. 12

A simple and effective home remedy is grated carrots, just eat 2-3 spoons of the product and the attack of reflux will immediately subside.

Recipe No. 13

A handful of pumpkin or sunflower seeds will help to effectively eliminate heartburn, preferably raw, but fried will also give a positive result.

Recipe No. 14

According to many doctors, if you start the morning with oatmeal, the risk of heartburn will decrease by about three times. You can also simply chew a few dry oat flakes, and within 3-5 minutes you will feel relief.

Recipe No. 15

Gastroenterologists say that you can get rid of obsessive heartburn by chewing the stale crust of white or gray bread, but such fresh baked goods can themselves be the cause of heartburn.

Recipe No. 16

Alkaline water - Borjomi, Esentuki, Polyana Kvasova, quickly and effectively help overcome obsessive heartburn, while regular use of water not only eliminates unpleasant symptoms, but also has a therapeutic effect on the very cause of its occurrence.

It is important to shake the water well several times before drinking and release the gas from it.

Recipe No. 17

Absolutely safe, harmless and beneficial, pregnant women can drink an infusion of yarrow. It is necessary to place a pinch of raw material in a thermos and pour 250 ml of boiling water, take 1-2 sips throughout the day, in particular before meals.

Recipe No. 18

For heartburn, a decoction of pea grains will also help, for this it is enough to pour a tablespoon of the product into 100 ml of water and bring to a boil over low heat, cool, strain, and drink 50 ml during an attack, maximum 2 times a day. You can simply chew a few grains.

Do not use the method if you are prone to excessive gas formation or problems with stool.

Increased frequency of heartburn in pregnant women

Among pregnant women, the phenomenon of heartburn is very common. Ladies planning a pregnancy recall a list of many obligatory “companions” of bearing a child, and on their list there is always a place for the disease of interest to us.

Above in the text, we promised several times to tell you what causes such a frequency of heartburn in expectant mothers, which occurs regardless of whether the woman is sick with any of the diseases presented to you for consideration. And now the moment has come when we will finally tell you everything.

In fact, everything ingenious is simple, as popular wisdom says. The reason why the incidence of heartburn in pregnant women is higher than in all other cases is that:

  • the growing fetus puts pressure on organs nearby;
  • and those, in turn, put pressure on the elements of the human body that follow them.

The mechanism of action in this case will be the same as:

  • when tilting;
  • or prolonged deflection;
  • and also, for example, with obesity.

Unlike bending over in the gym, a pregnant woman, like an obese person, is forced to remain in this state for a long time, as a result of which the frequency of her heartburn increases several times.

The reason for the frequent occurrence of heartburn in pregnant women is the growth of the fetus and the relaxation of muscles under the influence of progesterone.

The larger the fetus becomes, the worse the situation with heartburn begins, since the pressure on the organs also increases several times. A double negative impact, which also affects other systems of the human body, can be caused by a combination of the factors listed above:

  • obesity;
  • gestation of the fetus.

However, you can add other parameters to this list, for example, sports activities or working in a bent position (by law, pregnant women are required to work until a certain period), and then the pregnant woman’s condition regarding heartburn will become several times worse than it was before.

As we have already said, the esophagus is protected from stomach acid entering by a special muscular valve - the sphincter, which normally remains in good shape in people. That is why ordinary people who are not “in a situation” suffer from heartburn several times throughout their lives.

However, the pregnant woman's body produces the so-called hormone progesterone. Due to its increased production, the muscles of the pregnant woman’s body are in a relaxed state. We are talking, among other things, about the muscles of the esophagus, which protect the organ from the sour and bitter contents of the stomach and intestines. As a result, it turns out that the sphincter of the esophagus of pregnant women does not close completely, so biological fluid that irritates the mucous membranes passes through it.

The influence of fetal age on the cause of heartburn and recommendations

An increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which also affects the pattern of interest to us, occurs at approximately 25 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition, the increased level of hormones in the body of a pregnant woman also increases the amount of time that her digestive system now needs to digest food. Since the peristalsis of all elements of the gastrointestinal tract becomes slower under the influence of progesterone, the time required to process the food bolus also increases significantly.

Heartburn medications during pregnancy

There is a fairly large number of medications for heartburn that can be used during pregnancy, but each body can react to them differently.

Therefore, self-medication in this case is not appropriate; only a doctor with whom the expectant mother is registered can prescribe medications.

The duration of drug treatment is usually from 2 to 7 days, no more than that.

List of medications for heartburn during pregnancy:

  • Rennie;
  • Gaviscon
  • Almagel (permissible use of the drug for up to three days);
  • Omeprazole;
  • Lanzoprazole;
  • Ranitidine;
  • Phosphalugel, Smecta, Maalox (cannot be taken together with any other drugs);
  • Gastal;
  • Sodium chloride.

All drugs are available in the form of chewable tablets, suspensions, or lozenges, which are very convenient to use, you can carry them with you in your purse, and they do not require washing down.

Diet for heartburn during pregnancy

Sample menu for 4 days for heartburn during pregnancy:


Breakfast: 200 grams of ready-made oatmeal with milk, fruit compote or weak tea with biscuits or crackers; Lunch : 200-250 grams of chicken white meat, fresh vegetable salad with olive or sunflower oil, dried fruit compote or jelly. Dinner: 150 grams of boiled buckwheat, the same amount of low-fat fish, steamed or baked, banana or a glass of kefir.


Breakfast: rice porridge with milk or water with a steam cutlet, carrot and beet juice, crackers. Lunch : chicken or beef broth soup with vegetables, a piece of white day-old bread, a banana or an apple. Dinner : vegetable salad, boiled egg, kefir.


Breakfast : oatmeal with fruits or nuts, a glass of milk, hard cheese. Lunch: a portion of mashed potatoes, 2 steamed cutlets from lean meat, a sweet apple. Dinner: stewed vegetable stew with a little vegetable or butter, boiled chicken fillet, dried fruit compote.


Breakfast : buckwheat porridge and a small piece of boiled beef, tea, a sandwich with butter and cheese. Lunch : soup with meat and vegetables or low-fat borscht, whole grain bread, fruit or grated carrots with sugar. Dinner : omelet of 2 eggs and milk, 2 biscuits, boiled beets.

Between main meals there should be snacks, this could be fruit, cheese, kefir, or fresh berry jelly.

Preventing heartburn during pregnancy

You can prevent or eliminate heartburn during pregnancy by following a few simple recommendations:

  1. Take antispasmodic drugs in rare, exceptional cases, so as not to provoke sphincter relaxation.
  2. Overeating leads to weight gain, and excess weight is one of the first causes of heartburn.
  3. Meals should be fractional, namely 5-6 times a day, at intervals of a maximum of 2 hours. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  4. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.
  5. 30-60 minutes before bedtime, you can drink a glass of low-fat milk or kefir.
  6. It is better to bake fruits before eating, cook first courses without fat, and bake, boil, steam side dishes.
  7. To avoid constipation and excess pressure on the stomach, eat steamed prunes and boiled beets.
  8. Completely exclude fried, smoked, sour foods, coffee, tea and fresh baked goods.
  9. Alcohol and smoking should have no place in your life.
  10. It is necessary to have dinner with something light and in small quantities.
  11. Eat in small portions, the size of your own palm.
  12. It is better to spend 15-20 minutes after eating in a standing position, since, lying or sitting, the uterus will support the stomach, and heartburn will be inevitable.
  13. The back should be kept straight and even; slouching also provokes excessive pressure from the growing uterus on the organs of the digestive system.
  14. Choose comfortable, slightly loose clothing, so that it does not constrain you or overwhelm you. During pregnancy, it is better to avoid tight jeans, as they can not only cause discomfort in the abdominal area, but also cause swelling of the legs and aggravate varicose veins.
  15. Drink your own permissible amount of water every day; if you have a tendency to swelling, then it is less, if everything is in order, then the norm is 1.5 liters of water.
  16. Do not forget about walks in the fresh air; regular walking at a slow pace will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which will prevent heartburn.

Today, there is a wide selection of heartburn remedies for pregnant women, both medicinal and traditional medicine. If a burning sensation bothers you more and more often, consult with your doctor, he will help you choose the necessary treatment method so that you and your unborn baby feel good and comfortable.

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Acid Neutralization Products

Eating certain foods will help relieve an attack or alleviate discomfort. During pregnancy, with frequent heartburn, eat viscous porridges and pureed soups. These dishes envelop, protect the gastric mucosa, and relieve discomfort caused by high acidity. The most effective foods to combat heartburn:

  1. Milk is a product with a pronounced alkaline effect. To eliminate discomfort, it is enough to drink 1 glass.
  2. Kefir neutralizes excess acid. To combat heartburn, a product with 1% fat content is best.
  3. Ayran (Tan) – drinks based on sour milk help relieve discomfort.
  4. Carrots are a good remedy for heartburn. To eliminate the symptom, a tablespoon of root vegetables, chopped on a fine grater, is enough.
  5. Still mineral water. To extinguish the acid in the stomach, choose alkaline water - Borjomi, Slavyanovskaya. It is taken an hour after a meal or 1.5 hours before a meal. Medicinal waters have contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor before using this or that brand.
  6. Sunflower seeds are an effective folk remedy for heartburn for pregnant women. You should not rely on this product due to its high calorie content. To eliminate an attack, a handful of pumpkin or sunflower seeds is enough.
  7. Nuts. Any type is suitable to improve the condition. It is worth considering that roasted nuts can aggravate the problem.
  8. Oat groats. Porridge or jelly is made from the flakes. Such dishes, when consumed regularly, will help cure heartburn, because... envelop the mucous membrane and normalize the acidity level.

Foods that can increase discomfort in the esophagus include: grapefruit, tomato, beans, radishes, coffee, chocolate.

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