Fish scales on human skin: causes, symptoms and treatment of ichthyosis

One of the problems that arise with appearance is dryness and flaking of the facial skin. It has a lot of unpleasant consequences: cosmetics do not last, and pain may appear in some areas. A constant feeling of tightness causes discomfort.

Proper care of dry skin is the key to solving this problem. With an integrated approach to this issue, the skin becomes healthy and moisturized again.

In this article we will talk about the causes of dry face, talk about diseases that cause the skin to become dry, and also find out what to do if the skin on your face is peeling.

Peeling and dryness of facial skin: causes

There are 12 main reasons for flaking and dryness of the face:

  1. Lack of moisture is the most common. People who are constantly surrounded by air conditioners and heating devices should take facial moisturizing especially seriously. In addition, 20% of women are genetically prone to skin dehydration.
  2. Allergy.
  3. Incorrect care.
  4. Neglecting special eye makeup removers.
  5. Thin skin is more prone to peeling than others, especially when its owner is over 45 years old.
  6. Passion for cosmetics with a dry texture: eye shadow, foundation.
  7. Staying outside for a long time in cold, windy weather.
  8. Vitamin deficiency: A, B, C, D, E, F.
  9. Lack of habit of moisturizing the skin after washing with tonic and suitable cream.
  10. Using scrub too often.
  11. Minor skin damage.
  12. Bad ecology.

The forms of ichthyosis depend on the external manifestations of the disease:

Ordinary or vulgar - the whole body looks covered with fish scales, there is also increased folding of the palms and soles, which gives them an senile appearance. In summer, painful cracks often appear on the soles. The severity of vulgar ichthyosis is variable. There are abortive forms of the disease, which are characterized by dry skin with slight peeling and increased folding of the palms and soles. Patients with vulgar ichthyosis are prone to allergic diseases and atopy. The frequency of combination with atopic dermatitis reaches 40-50%.

  • X-linked ichthyosis. It develops most often during the first 2-3 months after birth, sometimes immediately after birth or in the first weeks of life. Characteristic: dry skin and fine-plate peeling, polygonal scales tightly fused to the surface of the skin on the extensor surfaces of the limbs, the back of the neck; absence of scales in the area of ​​the armpits, elbows, and groin folds. There is no predisposition to atopy.
  • Lamellar ichthyosis. Generalized lamellar peeling is noted, simultaneously with which palmoplantar hyperkeratosis is necessarily observed. The scales on smooth skin are usually small and light, but on the legs they are large and form lamellar peeling. Lack of seasonality.
  • Bullous (epidermolytic; keratinopathic) ichthyoses. Erythroderma from birth, erosions and blisters on the skin, hyperkeratosis with a needle-like appearance; increased susceptibility to infections.
  • Ichthyosis of the fetus. The lesion covers the entire skin in the form of a continuous, varying thickness of horny shell of whitish-yellow or grayish-brown color, which cracks and deep grooves form on the articular surfaces. Hair is sparse or completely absent. The face is deformed and covered with large horny plates. The lips are thickened, their mucous membrane is everted, pronounced ectropion and sparse eyelashes are observed. The ears are deformed.

Peeling skin on the face in men: causes

Skin problems are not as common in men as in women. The face of the stronger sex usually peels off due to frequent or careless shaving.

If skin problems are constant, then more serious causes are possible:

  • poor nutrition, hypovitaminosis (especially lack of B vitamins);
  • skin diseases: mycosis, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, nervous and endocrine systems;
  • excessive addiction to alcohol.

The skin on your face is peeling after shaving

If a man experiences skin problems only after using a razor, then the problem can be easily solved. Peeling in this case is closely related to the quality of tap water: high levels of chlorine and iron have a bad effect on the skin.

It will be enough for a man to reconsider his attitude towards taking care of his face and replace soap with properly selected skincare cosmetics, for example, moisturizing gels. Men's skin can be sensitive to the composition of inappropriate products. And the alkali contained in soap often leads to peeling of the face.

Constant work outside, when there is no shelter from the sun and wind, also increases the risk of skin problems. The best way to protect men's skin is with store-bought moisturizer (buying cosmetics in walkways or on the street is a bad idea). A good product must contain natural oils and extracts.

Causes of flaky spots on the body in adults and children

There are many reasons that can lead to red, scaly spots on the body. Most often, a person is affected by negative environmental factors, leading to drying out of the epidermis. But the cause may also be internal diseases that require treatment.

Venereal diseases

Scaly patches on the skin are formed due to sexually transmitted diseases. The symptom is syphilis, which becomes open 3 months after infection. If an infected person does not use medication, his condition worsens and the pathogen spreads throughout the body. Spots on the epidermis appear in the groin, armpits, and under the breasts. The bright red color gradually turns into purple or blue.

Spots on the body due to infection with Treponema pallidum (the causative agent of syphilis)


Skin peeling in contact allergies occurs due to exposure to the following antigens:

  • animal fur, bird feathers;
  • plant flowering and pollen exposure;
  • consumption of foods (milk, eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits);
  • medications (antibiotics, hormonal substances, anesthetics);
  • high or low temperatures, contact with sunlight;
  • household dust.

These are the main types of allergens, but there are also a large variety of them. If a person has an allergy, peeling of the skin is accompanied by large or small spots that can appear on any part of the patient’s body.

Flaky spots due to allergies in a child

The problem occurs after contact with the allergen. Peeling of the skin on the face after an allergy can occur seasonally, for example, during flowering of plants. The true causes are determined only with the help of diagnostic tests.

Allergies often cause peeling around the mouth. If a person uses low-quality cosmetics, conjunctivitis appears and the forehead begins to itch and peel. If an allergy occurs due to the use of jewelry on the neck or low-quality fabrics for clothing, the skin on the chest and chin area peels off.


Fungal diseases are common in patients for the following reasons:

  • poor immune system function;
  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
  • long-term therapy with antibacterial drugs.

The pathogen actively reproduces on the epidermis and under it. This leads to severe dry skin and the formation of many spots of various shapes. The skin cracks and becomes rough. The patient's chin, neck, and wrists are peeling.

There are the following forms of skin fungal infection:

  • pseudomycosis - the pathogen spreads to the chest, thighs, groin, itching appears when liquid gets into the affected areas;
  • epidermophytosis - the fungus begins to spread from the feet, moves to the skin of the hands, under the chest and in the groin, dry, flaky spots form;
  • lichen – the face, neck, chest, back are affected, small brown spots are formed, after which, after elimination, light areas of the skin remain.

Athlete's foot in the groin area in an adult

The fungus often forms flaky patches in patients who neglect personal hygiene.


When bacteria and viruses spread, peeling skin often occurs on the face, neck, hands, and other areas of the body. There are certain types of pathogens that cause damage to the outer parts of the epidermis.

  1. Herpes zoster. The pathogen is transmitted from an infected person through contact with liquids and household items. Herpes easily travels through the air. The patient develops facial damage and the skin on the chest and neck peels off. Round spots or blisters appear, containing herpes inside. They then burst, causing pain. Small ulcers remain on the skin.
  2. Sycosis. The causative agent is streptococcus, staphylococcus. They are ubiquitous and form damage when the immune system is abnormal or during excessive reproduction. The disease is localized in the hair follicles. First, the infection occurs on the scalp, then moves to the armpits and genitals. When the disease occurs, men and women experience itching and flaking in the groin.
  3. Herpes. The causative agent is the herpes virus. The patient develops blisters on the lips, which cause peeling of the skin around the mouth. When the bubbles burst, small wounds form and become covered with a yellow crust. This brings pain to a person.
  4. Tick ​​bites. The parasite carries infectious diseases that cause pain and the skin peels off in patches all over the body.

Redness and peeling of the skin in the area of ​​the tick bite

It is impossible to fight the infection without the use of medications. Otherwise, the pathogen will spread, spots will appear on the body, they will peel off, cause itching and pain.


The main cause of the pathology is the scabies mite. It spreads under the skin, laying eggs. The parasite goes through many cycles, each time it multiplies, forming new individuals. Initially, a person may have peeling around the mouth that spreads throughout the body.

Ticks form passages under the epidermis, at the end of which there is a hole with laid eggs. At night they crawl to the surface to mate. This causes itching in humans.

Autoimmune diseases

In autoimmune diseases, protective cells are directed against their own tissues. This could be systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis. Without treatment, the patient gradually dies.

As the disease progresses, a person develops redness and peeling around the lips. If the cause is systemic lupus erythematosus, red butterfly-shaped spots appear on the cheeks.

Dermatological diseases

Dermatological diseases include dermatitis, eczema, and seborrhea. A person develops pink, scaly spots all over the body or only in the affected area.

Dermatitis around the mouth in adolescence

The disease may worsen in the spring. The skin is greatly affected by excessive temperature changes, such as during cold winters or hot summers. Often changes form on the face, causing peeling of the skin around the lips. To find out the causes of peeling around the mouth, get tested by a dermatologist.

Pathologies of the autonomic nervous system

This category of diseases includes severe stress, anxiety, and fear, leading to a sharp release of hormones and excessive transmission of nerve impulses through neurons. If stress develops into depression, it affects a person's appearance. The skin becomes excessively dry, spots, redness and peeling of the dermis appear in the corners of the mouth, on the wrists, and on the back.

With neuroses, a person scratches the epidermis. These are the causes of peeling skin on the forehead, wrists, and elbow pits.

Violation of hygiene rules

If a person does not cleanse the epidermis often enough, the skin on the back begins to peel off and acne appears. The process moves to other areas of the body. A fungus forms, and a bacterial infection with purulent pimples may appear.

Unbalanced diet

In order for all human organs to be in a state of health, adequate nutrition is necessary. To do this, the body must receive all useful substances, vitamins, microelements, amino acids. If this process is disrupted due to a nutritional factor or a disease of the digestive tract, peeling of the skin around the mouth, on the chin and other parts of the body occurs.


If a malignant or benign neoplasm appears in the human body, this leads to disruption of the metabolism, nervous and vascular systems. The epidermis becomes flabby and dry. Peeling of the skin appears on the face and around the lips.

Why does the skin on a woman's face peel?

The causes of problem skin in a girl can be external factors: sudden changes in temperature, dry air, low-quality decorative and skincare cosmetics, tanning.

It is possible to eliminate these troubles yourself.

Internal factors are more serious and may require medical attention:

  • lack of moisture;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • allergies of unknown origin;
  • skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis);
  • prolonged stress, overwork;
  • hormonal problems (thyroid disease, menopause).

Clinical researches

The safety of La-Cri products has been confirmed by research by scientists from the AILC of the Federal State Institution “R.R. Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics” and numerous government certificates.

The conducted clinical study proves the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of products for daily skin care of children with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients.

As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted. The properties of the products are confirmed by clinical research. It was found that the La-Cri emulsion moisturizes and nourishes the skin, relieves itching and irritation, soothes and restores the skin.

Dry skin is flaky

Owners of dry skin do not experience problems with their face until they are 25 years old. The skin looks amazing without any special effort, and is not prone to rashes and teenage acne. But in a maturing woman with dry skin, water and lipid metabolism is disrupted faster than her peers. One of the unpleasant consequences of age-related changes is flaking on the face.

There are 7 reliable ways to improve the condition of dry skin:

  1. Wash yourself properly. For dry skin, only filtered or boiled water at room temperature is suitable. It is better to dry your face with a soft towel - easily and carefully. It is enough to wash your face once a day. You can replace regular washing with milk, alcohol-free foam, micellar water.
  2. Constantly use moisturizers. After washing - a must.
  3. In winter, humidify dry indoor air. You don’t even have to buy special equipment—just cover the battery with a damp towel.
  4. Adhere to proper nutrition, including in the menu dishes containing vitamins A, B, C.
  5. Drink enough water according to the formula: weight x 31. For a woman weighing 60 kg, 1800 ml of water per day is enough. For men, the formula is slightly different: weight x 35.
  6. Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  7. When choosing moisturizer, pay attention to products with hydrants. Glycerin, linolenic, hyaluronic, lactic acid, urea, and collagen are especially useful for dry skin.

How can peeling occur and what can you do about it?

Peeling skin can look something like this
. Let's start with the “not terrible” cases. If you have discovered peeling skin, but it does not look inflamed, without redness, swelling, without the formation of deep bleeding cracks on the skin, a rash does not appear, the skin does not flake off in large “flaps”, there is no grayish or silvery discoloration of the exfoliating scales, then you can breathe a sigh of relief, they should not cause you concern. But if dry skin is easily broken, even with a light touch, cracks and microtraumas, inflammation, suppuration, and soreness appear, then it is worth checking for a bacterial and viral infection. Consult your doctor to rule out anything less than harmless causes.

Oily skin on face peels off

Women with oily skin often have to deal with enlarged pores, dull complexion and comedones. But even the active work of the sebaceous glands does not protect against possible peeling.

Oily skin peels due to incorrectly chosen cosmetics, lack of moisture, strong winds or frosts, lack of vitamins, poor diet, and bad habits.

7 tricks to get rid of flaking skin prone to oily skin:

  1. Do not use cosmetics containing alcohol. Such products actually dry out the skin, but this is precisely what provokes even more sebum production.
  2. To drink a lot of water. If you don’t have such a habit, you will have to acquire it. Sometimes just increasing the amount of water you drink will transform oily skin.
  3. Wash your face 2 times a day with special products, preferably gel or cream consistency.
  4. Take vitamins; for the beauty of oily skin, a course of vitamin E is best (if there are no contraindications).
  5. Give up alcohol and cigarettes.
  6. Organize proper nutrition: exclude carbonated drinks, coffee, fast food, limit the amount of sweets.
  7. Moisturizers for oily skin should be light, containing essential and vegetable oils.

Who should I contact?

Below is a list of specialists who will make the correct diagnosis of the disease and help cure the disease.

  1. Dermatologist.
  2. Allergist.
  3. Surgeon (purulent diseases: carbuncle, boil, etc.).
  4. Infectious disease specialist (infectious diseases).
  5. Neurologist (herpes zoster, since the nervous system is involved).
  6. Trichologist (severe dandruff, which is caused by flaking of the scalp).
  7. Oncologist (for neoplasms).

Be healthy and try not to forget that the condition of the dermis (skin) is an external reflection of what is happening inside you.

Your face peels off after sunbathing: what to do?

Excessive tanning, obtained on the beach or in a solarium, often causes peeling of the facial skin. Of course, it is better to avoid troubles: do not sunbathe for too long and do not forget about sunscreen.

But when the problem already exists, the face needs to be saved and immediate care must be taken to restore the skin. The condition of burnt, flaky skin will be improved by:

  • vegetable oils (it is important to apply immediately or 1-2 hours after tanning);
  • sour cream or yogurt;
  • large volume of water drunk per day: up to 3 liters, if there are no contraindications.

You can eliminate peeling when a lot of time has passed since sunbathing (more than 3 hours), using homemade or purchased cosmetics:

  • a self-prepared scrub based on coffee or sugar (if there are burns on your face, this method is not suitable);
  • butter;
  • fatty creams;
  • pharmaceutical ointments: “Bepanten”, “Rescuer”, “D-Panthenol”.

A complex of vitamins will also help speed up skin regeneration.

Deep facial cleansing at home for acne and blackheads

Discussion: 2 comments

  1. Oksana:
    12/09/2019 at 3:45 pm

    I also have constantly dry skin, especially on my face. Taking Retinol palmitate orally is very helpful in the cold season - in this form vitamin A is absorbed best. It is what regulates dry skin. And I also add it a little to my face cream, and my skin immediately transforms.


  2. Natalia:

    03/03/2019 at 6:36 pm

    Thank you, it was interesting!


Peeling skin: on the face near the nose

Both men and women suffer from peeling around the nose equally. Most often, the causes of trouble can be eliminated yourself:

  1. Change your facial care: wash your face not with soap, but with a moisturizer based on vegetable oils.
  2. When the skin near the nose peels due to colds, pharmaceutical ointments with dexpanthenol or preparations containing aloe vera extract will help. Attempts to disguise skin defects with foundation will only worsen the situation.
  3. Vitamin deficiency can be eliminated with the right approach to nutrition and complexes from the pharmacy.
  4. The skin near your nose may be flaky due to a recent piercing. In this case, unpleasant symptoms usually disappear on their own.

If redness and flaking near the nose do not go away, despite the efforts made, you should consult a dermatologist. An ongoing problem may indicate serious illnesses: allergies, seborrheic dermatitis, demodicosis, hormonal changes, and the development of an inflammatory process.

Treatment for flaky skin

With a steady hand and illegible handwriting, the doctor will write you recommendations
. General recommendations:

  • The air humidity in the room should be 50 - 70%, and the temperature should not exceed 21 degrees Celsius. An inexpensive device will help maintain humidity, as well as special limiter taps that will help you regulate the temperature in the radiators.
  • Reduce sweating, which contributes to dry skin. Choose the right amount of clothing. Avoid prolonged skin contact with synthetic fabric.
  • If you are undergoing treatment, you should limit the use of soaps and shampoos, even if they are hypoallergenic.
  • Dry skin should not be treated with alcohol or a solution containing alcohol.
  • Avoid hot showers and sauna visits. During water procedures, keep the bathroom door closed, this will create additional moisture in the air.
  • After bathing, lubricate traces of peeling with any oil-based product (you can use baby cream). The use of powder on dry skin is prohibited.
  • Drink more liquid, do not stay in the sun and wind for a long time.
  • If the reason for your peeling lies in the disease, then be sure to consult a doctor who, after an examination, will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.
  • If you have allergies, try to avoid contact with the allergen. Review your diet, detergents for bathing and washing clothes, and declare war on dust. If allergic peeling does not go away, visit your doctor and get recommendations and prescriptions for treating the disease.
  • If you have a fungal or bacterial infection, undergo (after consulting your doctor) long-term antifungal treatment.
  • For vitamin deficiency of vitamins A and E, age-appropriate vitamin complexes and proper nutrition are used: buckwheat porridge, butter, orange vegetables, fatty dairy products, fresh herbs, fruits, cod liver.

Usually, after treatment and elimination of the causes, peeling stops.

Skin on face peels off after washing

If peeling only bothers you after contact with tap water, then the reason most likely lies in improper care.

Cleansing will help tidy up your face. Scrubs with abrasive particles will only harm sensitive skin. You can organize gentle peeling using gommage (a gentle cleanser to remove dead cells).

For the best result, on clean skin you will need to apply a nourishing mask, purchased or made yourself from 0.5 tbsp. l. honey, 2 egg yolks and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The procedure ends with the use of moisturizer.

Natural factors

Sometimes peeling of the skin on the body is a relatively normal reaction of the body and can be explained by:

  • Insufficient synthesis of sebum. This skin feature is considered physiological and can only be corrected with proper care.
  • Thinning of the lipid layer of the epidermis. This problem is provoked by the excessive use of various detergents, which remove the protective film from the skin, causing it to dry out. This disorder can also be dealt with by adjusting care.
  • Climate change. Local peeling of the skin (on the hands or face) can occur in cold weather, as well as when these areas are exposed to strong winds. Also, a similar problem (sometimes total - on the whole body) appears in cold weather when staying in rooms with dry air.
  • Using moisturizing cream formulations. An ordinary moisturizer can really cause dryness and flaking of the epidermis. After all, it is able to absorb moisture from the surrounding air and saturate the skin with it. And if the environment is too dry, the cream will squeeze out the remaining moisture from the epidermal tissues and release it to the environment.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays. Quite often, after a holiday on the seaside, people experience excessive peeling of the epidermis. This is how the skin tries to recover after exposure to sunlight.
  • Constantly wearing synthetics. Sometimes sensitive skin can become irritated, dry out or peel due to contact with poor quality clothing.

It is worth recognizing that total and severe peeling is most often a sign of some kind of disorder. An experienced dermatologist can determine the causes of this phenomenon in adults or children.

Skin peels off after ultrasonic facial cleansing

Skin problems after ultrasonic cleaning are quite rare. The procedure is gentle; in addition, the cosmetologist applies a soothing mask to the face.

When peeling does occur, you can get rid of it by using Panthenol or another cream recommended by a cosmetologist.

It is easier to avoid skin problems after ultrasonic cleaning by following the following precautions:

  • try to be outside less often for 3 days after the procedure;
  • do not visit the sauna or swimming pool;
  • alcoholic drinks are prohibited;
  • do not use scrubs;
  • avoid touching your face;
  • do not wash with soap;
  • moisturize the skin with cream.

Prevention and treatment

Of course, it is impossible to prevent ichthyosis, but if there are cases of children with this pathology in the family, then consultation with a geneticist is mandatory . A qualified doctor will give recommendations and prescribe the necessary tests. If the risks are high, then the couple may be advised not to have a baby, because such a child will not be able to live and develop normally.

If a diagnosis of ichthyosis is made, then regular consultations with a dermatologist, geneticist and infectious disease specialist are required. A person will not be able to completely get rid of scales on his skin, but it is still possible to maintain the quality of his life at the proper level. Treatment is often symptomatic - softening, moisturizing and disinfecting the skin using special ointments and lotions.

Another difficult aspect of ichthyosis is the psychological side of the disease. Patients are often shunned because their facial and body skin looks unsightly. In therapy, not only proper nutrition and daily hygiene are important, but also the support of family and friends. If the patient’s condition is depressed, then he needs to consult a psychologist.

Facial skin peels in autumn

Autumn is a time of sudden temperature changes. The skin reacts to such changes with dryness and flaking.

It’s easy to prevent problems with your face if you use a nourishing cream 1-2 hours before going outside. The fashion for scarves will make life easier for girls with very dry skin: you can protect your face from chapping while remaining stylish.

You can remove autumn flaking by replacing foundation with light moisturizing foundations or BB creams. It’s better to forget about scrubs in slushy times, replacing them with gentle peeling products.

Causes of peeling

The most common reasons why peeling may begin are:

  • Dry skin.

    Very rarely, dry skin is congenital. All people at birth have a supply of lipid fatty lubricant, which protects the skin from harsh environmental conditions. The lipid layer may become thinner due to certain reasons, for example, dry air and high temperature, which will lead to the appearance of areas of damaged skin.

  • Vitamin deficiency.

    At any age, due to a lack of vitamins A and E in the body, peeling of the skin can occur. Thanks to these vitamins, human skin is elastic, elastic, with a normal cellular metabolic process in the layers of the skin. If there is a lack of vitamins A and E, the fingers and toes, head, chin and nose will suffer from peeling.

  • Hygiene errors.

    Neglect of hygiene requirements, infrequent washing, and contamination of the skin will lead not only to peeling, but also to infection of the resulting cracks. But you don’t need to get too carried away, because... diligent washing, daily use of soap, shampoos, shower gels also lead to dry skin. Those who do not maintain hygiene experience peeling behind the ears, on the scalp, legs, arms and inside the ear.

  • Hormonal changes.

    Very often, the causes of peeling skin can lie in the hormonal status; this is how the skin reacts to changes in the balance of certain hormones. People suffer from such peeling during adolescence, when hormonal status changes. Most often it appears on the child’s face, heels and palms.

  • Allergic reaction.

    Allergies may be accompanied by dermatological symptoms: peeling, which does not begin immediately, but several days after the rash and redness; red scaly spots tend to merge and can appear both on the body and on the face, chest, and back. In children under one year old, such spots often appear on the back of the head, forehead and between the eyebrows.

  • Fungal disease.

    The cause of severe peeling can be a fungal disease. Many fungi that now exist can cause mycoses. Typically, such peeling has a whitish, almost colorless, tint. It is localized on the scalp, foot, palms, back of the hands, eyebrows and even the lower part of the eyelid.

  • Other diseases.

    Peeling skin is accompanied by diseases such as psoriasis, ringworm, seborrhea, thyroid problems, some forms of diabetes, as well as kidney problems and extensive helminthic infestations.

After drinking alcohol, the skin on your face peels

Systematic drinking of alcohol has a bad effect on the condition of the skin; peeling is not the most unpleasant symptom. There is only one way out - limit the frequency of libations and the amount of drink.

If your face peels only after occasional parties, then this is probably an allergy to a specific drink. The problem is solved by completely avoiding the allergen.

Sorbents (activated carbon, smecta) and choleretic pharmaceutical preparations will cleanse the body and relieve the skin of unpleasant consequences.


The initial signs of ichthyosis may be dry and rough skin.
The clinical picture of ichthyosis is largely determined by the form of the disease. In our article we will look in detail at the symptoms of the most common type of this disease - ordinary (or vulgar) ichthyosis.

In most cases, the first signs of this pathology appear at the age of 1 or 2-3 years. Sometimes they make themselves felt a little earlier, but never appear in children under 3 months (most likely, this is due to the peculiarities of metabolic processes in the skin of newborns and older children).

The first symptoms of ordinary ichthyosis are signs of dry skin and roughness. Subsequently, these areas of the skin become thicker and are covered with small whitish or gray-black scales tightly adjacent to each other. The size and appearance of the scales can be different, and their nature determines the type of ordinary ichthyosis (bullous, shiny, black, serpentine, abortive, white, acicular, etc.). The severity of such manifestations of the disease can also vary - from extremely mild to extremely severe.

Skin changes are always observed on the face (especially on the cheeks and forehead), on the outer surfaces of the limbs and lower back, but are almost never present in the area of ​​large folds (armpits, groin or between the buttocks). The scales can be layered on top of each other and interfere with the normal functioning of the sebaceous sweat glands (sometimes their work stops completely). However, signs of an inflammatory process (redness, swelling, etc.) are never observed on the affected areas of the skin.

When examining the patient, changes in the red border of the lips are striking. In this area, the dryness of the skin and the presence of a large number of pronounced scales are very noticeable. On the palms of such patients, mucoid peeling and a pronounced skin pattern are observed.

Skin changes with vulgar ichthyosis are not observed on hair and nails (such a lesion is more typical for fungal infections). Such patients are characterized by increased fragility and thinning of hair, and in some areas they may completely fall out. Dryness, dullness and splitting of nails and rapid progression of multiple caries are observed.

The general condition of a sick child is not always disturbed and is noted only with large-scale skin changes in young children. Young patients often have a frail physique, poor weight gain and stunted growth. Sometimes a child may have mental retardation.

Patients with ichthyosis have reduced immunity, and they often suffer from various inflammatory diseases (pneumonia, otitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, purulent skin lesions, eczema or fungal diseases). Subsequently, immune disorders can lead to the development of various allergic reactions.

As the disease progresses, patients with ordinary ichthyosis may experience various pathologies that are caused by metabolic disorders. These include:

  • disturbances in the absorption of vitamins A and E;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • liver pathologies;
  • tendency to atherosclerosis, hypertension and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland, etc.

Patients with ichthyosis may experience visual disturbances:

  • chronic retinitis and conjunctivitis;
  • tendency to myopia;
  • tendency to night blindness.

The most pronounced symptoms of vulgar ichthyosis are in children 9-10 years old. Subsequently, the child’s body and many metabolic processes undergo significant restructuring associated with puberty, and the severity of the symptoms of the disease may change.

One feature is characteristic of vulgar ichthyosis: in the summer, most sick children experience an improvement in their condition. This is explained by an increase in solar activity and a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals from food. That is why such patients (especially in summer) are advised to spend a long time in the fresh air and actively include a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Ordinary ichthyosis can occur in both boys and girls. Subsequently, this disease is transmitted to their children according to the autosomal dominant principle, i.e. if one of the parents is a carrier of the mutated gene, then his child will inherit this pathology with almost 100% probability.

Peeling skin on the face during pregnancy

The expectant mother's body is being rebuilt. The face may become dry and flaky due to dehydration and hormonal changes during pregnancy.

It is not difficult for a woman in this position to help her skin: just make sure that your diet is varied.

You should be especially careful when caring for your face during pregnancy:

  1. Clean your skin only with clean water.
  2. Carefully study the composition of the cosmetics you choose in the store. Products containing cortisone are contraindicated for pregnant women.
  3. Organize a stable daily routine, be sure to get enough sleep.
  4. Try not to use decorative cosmetics.
  5. Replace creams with essential oils. Olive and sesame oil left on the face for 20 minutes will significantly improve the condition of the skin.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods have a beneficial effect on flaky skin. They can eliminate unpleasant symptoms and make the epidermis tender, soft and velvety. To do this, use the following recipes:

  1. Take honey and water in equal quantities, mix well, massage the face with the resulting mass strictly along the massage lines. Cleanse the skin well first. In this way, you can delicately exfoliate dead cells. After the procedure, wash your face and apply moisturizer.
  2. Boil one tablespoon of oatmeal in milk, add one teaspoon of honey and butter to it. Mix well and apply to previously cleansed face. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.
  3. Another recipe based on oatmeal. Mix one teaspoon of ground oatmeal with egg yolk, and also add one teaspoon each of honey and olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the face and do a light massage along the massage lines. Leave the mixture for five minutes and rinse with water.

At home, you can also prepare scrubs that will not injure the delicate skin of the face:

  1. Coffee grounds, fine sugar and salt, a slice of fresh apple, cucumber or watermelon, as well as fine tea leaves can be used as an exfoliant.
  2. A piece of white bread soaked in milk can also act as an exfoliant. The bread pulp is left on the face for 20 minutes and then washed off with water at room temperature.

So, peeling of facial skin can occur for various reasons. Before taking action, it is important to find out the cause and only then begin treatment. You should not try to fix the problem yourself, this is fraught with serious consequences. In this matter, you need to act together with a specialist, alternating cosmetic procedures with drug treatment. Sometimes the problem can be eliminated at home if the cause of peeling is improper skin care, but consultation with a specialist is required in this case as well.

After childbirth, the skin on the face peels off

Women who have recently given birth, especially those who are breastfeeding, are susceptible to hormonal changes, hypovitaminosis and moisture deficiency. Therefore, the skin of young mothers is often dry and flaky.

You can correct the situation by focusing not only on the child, but also on yourself. Good nutrition, rest, and skin care will help restore the beauty of your face.

Only natural care products are suitable for young mothers. You can get rid of facial peeling with the help of children's hypoallergenic creams and oils.

What to do?

If the skin on your body is peeling due to natural factors, you need to:

  • Take care of organizing proper body care. Do not use detergents and washcloths daily (only 2 times a week), and avoid using alcohol-containing lotions and scrubs.
  • Drink enough ordinary clean water - at least 1.5 liters per day.
  • Humidify the air in the room using a special device, as well as carry out regular wet cleaning.
  • Wear clothes made from natural materials.
  • Use protective creams before going outside, and be sure to use products with high SPF protection on the beach.
  • Choose a nourishing and moisturizing cream that will fully cover the needs of the skin. Use creams not only for the face, but also for the whole body. Peeling skin needs to be nourished regularly, preferably twice a day.
  • Take multivitamin medications periodically (especially in winter and after illness).
  • Eat properly and balanced.
  • To refuse from bad habits.

If, despite all the measures taken, the skin remains abnormally dry and flaky, consult a dermatologist. Perhaps the reason for this symptom lies in some health problems.

The skin on the baby's face is peeling

A person who has just been born has to adapt to new conditions. Peeling of the facial skin in a baby under 4 months of age is normal and usually goes away on its own.

If the child is already six months old or more, and the skin continues to peel, improper care may be to blame. To combat your baby’s skin problems, there are rules recommended by pediatricians:

  • When bathing, use only products intended for children;
  • monitor for possible allergic reactions;
  • use protective baby cream while walking;
  • do not include many new foods in your diet for at least a year;
  • wash your baby's clothes with baby powders.

If the skin on the face not only peels, but is also covered with red spots and swelling, then the child should be shown to a pediatrician.

Signs of dry, dehydrated skin

If the skin on your face is peeling, you shouldn’t panic, you just need to find out what to do in such cases. The process of dehydration, when the skin on the face dries, does not occur spontaneously. As a rule, it lasts for some time, influenced by several factors.

Dehydrated, dry facial skin has its own signs. These include:

  • Hypersensitivity to cosmetics and decorative cosmetics;
  • Exposure to climatic factors and properties: low humidity, low temperatures, wind, frost cause redness and peeling of the skin on the face;
  • After each wash or cleansing, an unpleasant feeling of tightness appears, so you want to apply a rich or moisturizing cream;
  • The superficial, stratum corneum of the skin is very thin, which does not allow it to properly retain moisture in the lower layers;
  • A lack of lipids causes the skin on the face to dry out. Ultraviolet rays speed up this process. This is why it is so important for people with dry skin to protect themselves from sunlight.

Signs of dry facial skin will help you pay attention to the problem in time, which means solving it with the least amount of effort and expense.

Important! It is important to understand the difference between dry and dehydrated skin. Dry and even very dry facial skin, which peels, is initially caused by an innately thin, delicate epidermis, which contributes to sensitivity to external factors.

How to tell if your facial skin is dry

To diagnose dry facial skin you need to:

  • remove all decorative cosmetics;
  • Do not apply cream;
  • After two hours, apply a paper napkin to your face;
  • If there are no marks on the napkin, this is a sign of dry skin.

Knowing the causes of peeling skin on the face, you can choose the most effective remedy to eliminate it. To get a permanent result, it is worth influencing the cause.

The child's facial skin is peeling

In children under adolescence, the skin is much more sensitive than in adults. The skin on the face of a child aged 3-10 years may peel off due to dry air, lack of vitamins, cold or wind. Usually the problem is solved by using moisturizing baby creams. Decoctions of nettle and chamomile and vegetable oils quickly eliminate peeling.

If the child’s face peels for a long time, and redness and swelling appear on the skin, then you should seek medical help. These symptoms may indicate quite serious illnesses: allergies, diabetes, ichthyosis, dysbacteriosis.


Determining the patient's symptoms and complaints is not enough to make a diagnosis. Laboratory and instrumental examinations are carried out to identify the true causes when the skin on the chin, chest, arms, legs and other parts of the body peels off.

Laboratory research methods include:

  • general clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • stool analysis for eggs of worms and other parasites;
  • a smear from the mouth, eyes, and other mucous membranes to determine the microflora ratio;
  • PCR study to determine viruses;
  • bacteriological test to determine infection;
  • microscopy to identify fungi and parasites.

If peeling skin on the face is caused by allergies, allergy tests are performed. The test is carried out in winter, when a person does not have an allergic reaction. Various substances are applied to the wrist. If an inflammatory reaction occurs to one of them, the doctor will accurately determine the cause of the process.

To conduct laboratory tests, a doctor may ask a person to provide a smear, scraping, or section of the epidermis from the lesion. It is examined using PCR, microscopy, and inoculation on a nutrient medium.

How to get rid of peeling skin on your face

If a flaky face is a temporary phenomenon, then you can get rid of skin problems using proven folk methods. Making homemade masks does not require any special skills, and the ingredients are simple: the products are usually prepared from honey, sour cream, cucumbers, and vegetable oil.

One-component masks also cope well with peeling: sour cream, kefir, honey.

The choice can be made in favor of purchased funds. But the main thing is to pay attention to the composition. Good masks contain extracts of medicinal herbs (chain, nettle).

Removes flaking and regular baby cream.

If skin problems cannot be resolved on your own, this may indicate health problems. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

What should you expect from your doctor?

Don't be afraid, the doctor will simply examine your problem areas and ask a few questions.
Before going to the doctor, of course, we want to know what awaits us there. By and large, nothing bad will happen. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis, collect a complete medical history - when and with what health condition the person was born, whether any close relatives have dermatological problems, what illnesses they have had recently. After examining the appearance of the skin, asking about the presence or absence of itching and pain, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis.

Laboratory diagnostics will help make a more accurate diagnosis. A blood, urine, and stool test is the minimum required. Sometimes they take hormone tests and allergy tests (if you suspect an allergic reaction).

Remedies for peeling skin on the face

Cosmetologists advise using 10 products to combat flaky skin:

  • natural cosmetics;
  • mineral water (externally);
  • cosmetics with ceramides (oily liquids);
  • Coconut oil;
  • face massage;
  • scrubs;
  • moisturizing creams;
  • vitamins;
  • ointments;
  • masks.

Scrub for peeling facial skin

Soft peeling can completely rid your face of dead cells. A suitable product can be purchased in the store: such scrubs have a long shelf life, pleasant texture and appearance.

But if you want to save money and be confident in the naturalness of the product, then it’s easy to prepare the product yourself.

The best scrub base for oily skin is clay, for dry skin - cream, for normal and combination skin - gel. The denser the skin, the larger the product particles should be; for those with thin skin, products with small abrasive elements are suitable.

3 best recipes for scrubs for flaking facial skin:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. crushed oatmeal is mixed with boiled cool water until mushy. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin, the face is massaged for 3 minutes.
  2. 1 tsp. crushed eggshells combined with 1 raw egg yolk and 1 tsp. sour cream. The resulting mixture is used while washing.
  3. Cooled fine tea leaves easily remove peeling: just apply it to the skin and massage for 2 minutes.

Cream for peeling skin on the face

Stores and pharmacies offer many suitable products. But a good anti-flaking cream contains:

  • hyaluronic acid or glycerin;
  • panthenol;
  • urea;
  • honey;
  • vegetable oils;
  • vitamins.

The cream can be prepared at home by mixing banana and butter in equal proportions and adding a little honey.

Vitamins for peeling skin on the face

A flaky face indicates a lack of vitamin B. The drug can be purchased at the pharmacy. Additionally, you can introduce foods rich in vitamin B into your diet:

  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • green vegetables;
  • fish;
  • nuts;
  • wild rice.

Ointment for peeling skin on the face

Ointments are prescribed only by a dermatologist if skin peeling turns out to be a symptom of an internal disease. Frequently prescribed products: “Akriderm”, “Ekolom”, “Radevit”. The ointments listed have side effects and should only be used after consulting a doctor.

Masks for peeling skin on the face

Masks are the skin's best friend. You can prepare the product yourself to be sure that the composition is natural.

3 best recipes:

  1. Grated raw potatoes (1 tsp) are mixed with vegetable oil. The mixture is applied to the face for 10 minutes.
  2. Honey (1 tsp) is diluted with a small amount of cream. Application time: 20 minutes.
  3. The beaten egg yolk is combined with vegetable oil, oatmeal and 1 tsp. honey The composition is left on the face for 20 minutes.

Skin condition is an indicator of human health. Peeling may indicate a developing disease. But more often it’s a reason to organize proper care and love your skin. The main rule is that a problem is always easier to prevent than to solve.

How to care for dry skin

So let's figure out what to do if you have dry facial skin and how to deal with its peeling. Regular, competent care will help avoid the problem of peeling, a feeling of “tightness” and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

  • You should be careful when washing: use only warm water. If possible, it is recommended to cleanse dry facial skin with mineral still water or settled boiled water. Tap water in this case is too hard and will dry out the skin;
  • After washing with foam or soft gel, do not wipe your body dry, just pat dry with a towel;
  • When using cosmetic products or products for dry skin, it is better to use products from the same brand. The product must not contain alcohol;
  • With decorative cosmetics - for dry skin - you need to be careful: use in moderation, only high-quality, branded cosmetics. A special powder with protection from UV rays, or a foundation with the same effect, is perfect;
  • Often powder dries out the skin even more, so people with dry skin types are better off using only foundation, after applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream as a base.
  • If you use decorative cosmetics, be sure to wash them off thoroughly before going to bed. Soft milk is ideal for dry skin.

In general, caring for dry skin is not that difficult, it just has its own characteristics, just like caring for any other type. If dehydration occurs, that's a different matter. Caring for dehydrated skin involves a complex effect, not only on the skin, but also on the body as a whole.

You should be careful when choosing cosmetics: choose a cream for dehydrated facial skin.

Pharmacological drugs that eliminate dry skin

The problem of dryness can be solved with the help of pharmaceutical preparations. Every woman will be able to choose what suits her. Let's take a closer look at what the pharmaceutical market offers to eliminate dry facial skin.

  1. Cream for dry skin “LIBREDERM” with hyaluronic acid in its composition can be found in almost any pharmacy. Perfectly moisturizes thanks to a natural humectant - hyaluronic acid. With regular use, a nourishing cream for dry facial skin launches a rejuvenating process through enhanced creation of elastin and collagen. Camelina oil, which complements the composition of the cream, nourishes the skin with PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids). They inhibit the withering process, relieve inflammation, and perfectly moisturize. This cream can be successfully used for peeling skin on the face.
  2. Bepanten cream stimulates tissue regeneration. Used for the prevention and treatment of dry skin when its integrity is violated, normalizes cellular metabolism.
  3. D-panthenol - the product is aimed at protecting the skin from adverse external influences. Promotes tissue regeneration, due to which it has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. In pharmacies it is presented in the form of lotions, moisturizing masks for dry skin, sprays, and creams. Its main action is aimed at moisturizing and eliminating flaking. Thanks to its enriched composition, it has a quick, intense effect on the epidermis. D-Panthenol is used in courses. The duration of one course is no more than a week, in order to avoid addiction to the drug.
  4. Oily cream for dry skin "Hydrabio". This cream is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Its action is based on the Aquagenium complex, thanks to which metabolic processes in the dermis are restored for a long time. There is an improvement in water exchange between cells.

This, of course, is not the entire list of cosmetics. The best cream for any skin, including dry skin, is the one that is chosen taking into account all the characteristics of the skin. And he is always individual.

When is it time to go to the doctor - timely treatment of pathologies

Dry and flaky facial skin may be a sign of internal organ disease. This occurs in cases where only external, cosmetic methods do not help, giving a temporary effect.

When nothing is possible and tried at home to no avail, you should consult a doctor. It may be necessary to diagnose the body to identify the real cause. Only in this case is a deep solution to the problem of dryness and flaking of the skin possible.

And finally, a video with tips from a dermatocosmetologist on caring for dry and flaky facial skin.

So, dry and flaky skin can occur for various reasons: heredity, lack of water in the body, poor diet, lifestyle, inappropriate cosmetics, and so on. The article tells you what to do if the skin on your face is dry, how you can solve this problem at home, on your own, by regularly making masks, taking multivitamin complexes, and replenishing the body’s daily need for water.

In pharmacies you can also find a solution to the problem of dryness and flaking of the skin.

In the event that the measures taken do not produce a tangible result, you should look deeper for the cause by consulting a doctor.

Tags: skin, rejuvenation, care

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Peeling as a sign of dermatological diseases

The appearance of flaking skin flakes can be a sign of many dermatological diseases. In this case, the use of cosmetics and procedures will not be enough; a complex effect with careful individual selection of drugs is required. Since it is impossible to get rid of peeling on the face without affecting the main links of pathogenesis, it is necessary to consult a doctor as early as possible for examination and establishment of an accurate diagnosis. And self-medication can contribute to the complicated course of the disease.

In dermatological diseases, peeling in most cases is a secondary symptom. It appears only after some time against the background of papules, vesicles or nodular changes and is a sign of the natural development of pathological foci. The nature of the resulting scales depends on the etiology of the disease and the presence of impurities of sebum, lymph or serous-purulent discharge.

The main dermatological diseases that can lead to flaking of the skin on the face:

  • contact dermatitis;
  • perioral dermatitis (with localization of skin changes around the mouth);
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • neurodermatitis, also called atopic dermatitis;
  • dermatophytic mycoses;
  • various forms of lichen;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • dominant and X-linked ichthyosis;
  • xerosis.

Most of these diseases are acquired. Only ichthyoses are hereditary conditions, leading to characteristic damage to the entire skin even before the birth of the child. In atopic dermatitis, there is also a congenital predisposition associated with impaired functioning of the immune system. The pathogenesis of this disease is based on sensitization to various allergens, changes at the level of immunoregulatory cells and neurovegetative imbalance.

Some diseases that lead to peeling


It is a chronic non-infectious disease with a rather complex pathogenesis. It results in the appearance of red, itchy lesions on the skin that tend to spread and coalesce. Psoriatic lesions on the face are an uncommon occurrence; in this case, they speak of an atypical form of the disease. After all, the favorite places for psoriasis rashes are the extensor surfaces of the limbs and the torso. Characteristic plaques consist of many papules covered with dense waxy scales. When removing surface layers or scraping a psoriatic lesion, peeling intensifies and a symptom of blood dew appears (pointed release of tiny droplets of blood).

Psoriasis rashes are predominantly localized around the eyes, eyebrows and nasolabial folds. But there is also a special form of the disease - seborrheic psoriasis. In this case, plaques form in places with increased formation of sebum, mainly at the border of the scalp, naso-buccal folds and behind-the-ear areas. This disease is differentiated primarily from seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis).

1. Psoriasis of the scalp 2. Seborrheic dermatitis


Associated with dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. In this case, pathological lesions can appear on the face, behind the ears and on the scalp. There is a dependence of the severity of the disease on hormonal status, which is why seborrhea is more often detected in men and adolescents. In women, its debut may be due to a decrease in estrogen levels with an increase in the concentration of androgen-like substances. But sometimes seborrhea appears with certain neurological diseases (for example, Parkinson's disease) and taking medications that cause neuroendocrine disorders.

There are 2 forms of seborrhea: dry and oily. Irritation, dryness, itching and severe flaking are the main symptoms of dry seborrheic dermatitis. In this case, red-pink itchy lesions appear in the eyebrows and cheeks, they can also affect the eyelash growth area. The changes are symmetrical and often involve the scalp. With oily seborrhea, the skin is dense, thickened, and covered with constantly secreted excess sebum. Acne and secondary fungal infections often occur. The scales are dense, rough, thick, greasy.

1. Eczema 2. Lupus

Systemic lupus erythematosus

SLE is a disease with an autoimmune mechanism affecting the skin of the face. The rashes that appear in this case are localized mainly in the nasobuccal areas, leading to the formation of a characteristic “butterfly”. Systemic lupus erythematosus is characterized by erythema, infiltration and follicular hyperkeratosis of the skin. After some time, they are replaced by cicatricial atrophy, which begins to form from the middle of the lesion.

Patients with a significant history of the disease have all possible types of skin changes on their face. In the center of a long-existing lupus lesion there is an area of ​​smooth, smooth, thin, atrophic white skin. It is surrounded by an infiltration ridge, covered with dry, tight-fitting scales with spiny outgrowths on the underside. And on the periphery there is a rim of hyperemia with clear boundaries. Fresh lesions are red spots with a dry surface.

Perioral dermatitis

It is one of the most common diseases leading to peeling on the face. It is characterized by the appearance of erythematous scaly patches and a papulopustular rash around the mouth and chin. The red border of the lips is never involved in the pathological process; often there is even a narrow strip of unchanged skin along it. Skin changes do not have clear boundaries, and the elements of the rash tend to group and gradually transform. Very often, with perioral dermatitis, patients voluntarily use corticosteroid cream for peeling facial skin. This tactic is wrong. After all, hormonal drugs themselves support this disease, although they help reduce the severity of the main symptoms.

Treatment of ichthyosis

Treatment of ichthyosis occurs throughout the life of the sick person. A dermatologist will prescribe complex therapy with medications for internal and external use, which will complement physiotherapy and spa treatment.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment is an important component of therapy. The changed skin is affected by drugs for external and internal use. Vitamins, steroid hormones, and antiseptics soften the scales, reduce dryness, and prevent infection. The drugs are used in courses as prescribed by the attending physician. The addition of an infection is a reason for a specialist to use antibiotics: Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone, Clarithromycin, Tetracycline.

Drugs for the treatment of ichthyosis - table

Preparations for external treatment of ichthyosisSystemic treatment of ichthyosis
Name of medicineActive substanceRelease formName of medicineActive substanceRelease form
Salicylic acidSalicylic acidSolutionRetinol palmitateRetinolOral solution
Dermatol ointmentBismuth subgallateOintmentAevit
  • tocopherol;
  • retinol
AkridermBetamethasoneCreamVitamin ETocopherolCapsules
  • betamethasone;
  • salicylic acid.
OintmentVitamin B1ThiamineInjection
  • betamethasone;
  • salicylic acid.
OintmentVitamin B6PyridoxineInjection
We seeRetinolOintmentA nicotinic acidA nicotinic acid
  • pills;
  • injection.

Drugs for the treatment of ichthyosis - photo gallery

Akriderm contains steroid hormones

Belosalik is a hormonal drug

Videstim contains retinol

Retinol is the active form of vitamin A

Aevit contains retinol, tocopherol

Salicylic acid has disinfectant properties

Dosages of medications for children are calculated individually based on age and weight.


Ichthyosis is a reason for a doctor to prescribe specific physiotherapy:

  • oxygen baths. Oxygen dissolved in water improves blood circulation and metabolism in the affected skin;
  • salt baths are available for use at home. A course of procedures will reduce dryness and inflammation;
  • irradiation of affected areas with ultraviolet light. It is carried out both for the whole body and individual parts. Ultraviolet light disinfects the skin, destroying pathogenic microbes;
  • thalassotherapy. Treatment with sea water and mud has a beneficial effect on skin affected by ichthyosis;

    Seaweed contains valuable minerals and other beneficial substances

  • heliotherapy. Sunlight on the skin promotes the formation of vitamin D and also activates the immune system;
  • treatment with silt and peat mud. Minerals and salts contained in therapeutic mud improve blood circulation and metabolism in the skin.

The doctor will determine the number of procedures and duration of treatment individually depending on the type of ichthyosis and the severity of its manifestations.

It is not recommended to use folk remedies, since with ichthyosis there is an increased risk of developing allergic reactions and eczema.

General information

Peeling of the skin is a natural process of renewal of the surface layer due to the rejection of the keratinized layer of the epidermis.
The desquamation of horny scales (terminally differentiated keratinocytes) from the surface of the epidermis occurs constantly, due to which the skin is cleansed of pollution and biological pathogens. Horny scales consist of a substance of albuminoid nature ( keratin ). The rate of epithelial renewal averages 28 days. The constant renewal of the epidermis is due to specific changes in keratinocytes during their differentiation and migration from the deep layers to the outer ones: from the basal layer to the spinous, granular and stratum corneum, which is represented by thin, anucleate dead cells tightly adjacent to each other (Fig. below).

The process of keratinization in epidermal cells is quite complex and ends with the deposition of a protein substance (keratin) and fats in the stratum corneum. In the epidermis, a dynamic balance is normally maintained between the proliferation of basal keratinocytes and the number of exfoliated horny scales. Thus, the homeostasis of the epidermis of the skin is ensured by such processes as:

  • Cellular renewal.
  • Targeted migration of keratinocytes in the epidermal layer.
  • Cytodifferentiation with transformation of keratinocytes into corneocytes .
  • Death of corneocytes (keratinization/apoptotic death).
  • Desquamation of corneocytes from the surface of the epidermis.

The process of corneocyte desquamation (desquamation) is determined by two factors: mitotic activity (intensity of cell production) and the state of the intercorneocyte cement, which ensures adhesion (sticking) of corneocytes to each other. between mitosis adhesion strength . That is, the higher the intensity of cell reproduction, the lower the adhesion force of corneocytes. However, under the influence of various factors, this ratio may be disrupted.

During normal physiological processes in the skin, the stages of keratinization and peeling of the epidermis occur almost imperceptibly according to the type of soft keratinization, when the most superficial corneocytes, by desquamation of horny scales, “leave” from the surface of the skin and are replaced by keratinocytes that have gone through all stages of differentiation. That is, the body maintains a “fine” balance between the processes of desquamation of the stratum corneum and basal cell proliferation. However, under the influence of various exogenous and endogenous factors, the keratinization process may be disrupted, which is manifested by increased peeling of the skin. In 85% of cases, excessive peeling occurs against the background of increased dryness and is accompanied by increased skin irritability, a feeling of tightness, itching, and pain when cracks occur. Dryness and flaking of the skin can be either local (on the face, feet, ears, head, etc.) or general, depending on the reasons that caused them.

Dry skin with excessive peeling (pathological desquamation) can be caused by both banal reasons (improper skin care, adverse effects of menopausal factors, work in environmentally hazardous industries, poor diet, etc.), and indicate skin aging, hormonal changes, and also serve as a clinical symptom of a number of dermatological, endocrine diseases and pathologies of internal organs.

Thus, the symptom complex of excessive peeling and dry skin is a heterogeneous concept that includes various physiological and pathological conditions of the skin. Pathological desquamation associated with dry skin syndrome is a condition that significantly reduces the quality of life. And even without being a symptom of any disease, but having developed as a result of the negative impact of external factors or skin care disorders, it can eventually result in the formation of clinically pronounced dermatitis .

Problem areas of the face

Why is the skin on my face dry and flaky? This question is asked by both women and men who are faced with this problem. The former are more often susceptible to peeling due to the anatomical features of the structure of the dermis. The surface of their epidermis is more vulnerable to external factors, temperature changes, and loses moisture faster. And the internal environment affects the condition of the epidermal cover. Different facial areas are affected.

There are different reasons for peeling skin on the face, but the most common ones are:

  1. Allergies (to cosmetics, food, pollen).
  2. Climatic conditions that adversely affect the skin - temperature changes, heat, frost, dry air.
  3. Vitamin deficiency and lack of fluid.
  4. Changes and disturbances in hormonal levels (including during pregnancy).
  5. Intoxication of the body.
  6. Skin diseases.
  7. Fungal infections.

Why does the skin around my lips peel?

The epidermis near the lips is sensitive, so peeling often occurs specifically in this area. This happens in both cold and warm seasons for various reasons. The cover is negatively affected by strong winds, cold air, and ultraviolet rays. Often, irritation near the lips occurs due to a lack of vitamins. When answering the question why the skin on the face around the mouth peels, we must not forget about the structural features of the epidermis in this place. There are no sebaceous glands around the lips, and the skin loses moisture faster. There is desiccation, formation of small cracks and wounds.

Why does the skin on my nose peel?

More often, local peeling of the skin affects the nasal area: the bridge of the nose, wings of the nose, and the area under it. An unpleasant phenomenon that brings psychological and physical discomfort is caused by the following provocateurs:

  1. Improper facial care. Poorly selected cosmetics, too infrequent or frequent washing.
  2. Irritation of the mucous membrane due to a runny nose, including allergic ones, and constant nose blowing.
  3. Fungus.
  4. Dermatitis and others.

Why does the skin on my forehead peel?

The most common cause of damage to the forehead area is vitamin deficiency. If the facial skin in this area has become very dry and flaky, this may indicate a lack of vitamins, especially B2. Its deficiency in the body is expressed by the appearance of cracks and irritation of the epidermis. In addition, a lack of vitamins A and E can cause the skin on the face in the forehead area to peel. But we must not forget about other provocateurs - dermatological phenomena, hormonal imbalance that has occurred in the body.

Why does the skin on my eyelids peel?

A serious cause for concern is itching and peeling of the eyelid. The epidermis in this area is very delicate and is susceptible to negative factors more than other areas. The appearance of scales is accompanied by swelling, redness, and may indicate eye disease. The causes of peeling skin on the upper eyelids are as follows:

  1. Damage to eyelash mites, development of demodicosis.
  2. Fungal and bacterial diseases of the eyelids.
  3. Allergies to eye cosmetics and more (food, seasonal, etc.).
  4. Irritation due to hard chlorinated water.
  5. Dry eyelids due to exposure to heat, in a dry room.
  6. Eye fatigue.
  7. Incorrectly fitted contact lenses.
  8. Age factor, dry eye syndrome and sebaceous duct dysfunction.

Why does the skin on my eyebrows peel?

Redness and peeling of the skin affects not only the smooth epidermis on the face, but also the area near the eyebrows (under, above, between them). The dying particles flake off, and this is accompanied by inflammation and itching. The presence of a complex of dermatological problems cannot be ignored. To do this, it is necessary to identify provoking factors. Severe peeling of the skin on the eyebrows is caused by:

  1. Skin diseases - dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea and others.
  2. Abuse of sunbathing. Drying of the epidermis.
  3. Incorrectly selected or low-quality cosmetics (eyebrow dye or wax, eye shadow, mascara, lightening agents). Allergic reaction to it.
  4. Eyebrow irritation after cosmetic procedures, such as eyebrow tattooing.
  5. Insect bites.
  6. Poor nutritional quality, lack of vitamins.

Why does the skin on my cheeks peel?

A problem familiar to many, especially in winter, is the appearance of irritation and flaking scales on the cheeks. If the plaques are very pronounced, itchy, the skin peels off in layers, it is recommended to be checked for the presence of scaly lichen or psoriasis, other contagious and non-contagious diseases. In children, lesions on the cheeks indicate the appearance of diathesis. This is how allergies can manifest themselves. Other common causes of peeling cheeks:

  1. Microdamage. The slightest drying of the delicate skin provokes damage to the top layer.
  2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The skin of the cheeks in this case is an indicator of the general condition of the digestive system.
  3. Abuse of cosmetics and salon procedures, for example, skin often peels off after cleansing the face.
  4. Temperature changes.


Based on etiopathogenetic characteristics, several groups of dry skin accompanied by excessive peeling are distinguished:

  • Acquired. Associated with the impact of harmful environmental factors on the surface layers of the skin.
  • Constitutional. At the same time, dryness and flaking of the skin are caused by genetic mutations leading to functional/structural disorders in the surface layers of the epidermis. For example, mutations of the FLG gene, which is responsible for the synthesis of filaggrin (filament-aggregating protein). Its deficiency leads to a disruption in the structure of the natural moisturizing factor (NMF), respectively, to transepidermal water loss from the skin.
  • Dry skin and flaking due to age-related changes. There are several such periods: from the first day of a newborn and for 15-30 days after the birth of a child (in infants), which is due to the removal of caseous lubricant and a decrease in swelling of the skin. The second period (in a child from 4 to 8 years old), since during this period there is minimal activity of sex hormones ( cortisol , estrogen , testosterone , progesterone ), which is accompanied by a decrease in the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. And the third period is old age (after 70 years), which is explained by involutional dystrophic processes in the skin and a reduced content of sex hormones, which leads to a decrease in the function of the sebaceous glands.

Folk remedies: 5 beauty secrets

There are many treatments and self-care tips to prevent your skin from flaking. From this list it is easy to choose budget and easy-to-prepare ones. It is important that they have no contraindications, and the components are always in the refrigerator or on the cosmetic table.

Use vegetable oil, or refined oil. Sometimes olive oil is used as a base. Add a couple of drops of almond and peach to it and apply to the area with flaky skin. This is a useful alternative to nighttime moisturizer. It soothes and prevents aging.

Use masks based on fatty kefir or cottage cheese; if you are not allergic to bee products, add honey in a ratio of 2 spoons to 1. The product is simmered in a water bath until the ingredients are mixed, applied to the skin and kept for no more than half an hour.

A mask based on ripe banana and olive oil also has a rejuvenating effect. The ingredients are mixed and the product is applied to steamed skin. The remains are washed off.

It is important to maintain proper hygiene. After washing, problem areas are treated with Vaseline, and before going outside - with moisturizing cream. And provide the body with fluid: drink enough water. And for every cup of coffee there should be another glass of H2O.


The main cause of pathological dry skin and desquamation of the epithelium is impaired hydration of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The leading pathogenetic mechanisms of dry skin are:

  • A decrease in the skin's ability to retain moisture due to a deficiency of hygroscopic substances inside corneocytes - natural moisturizing factor (NMF), which is a breakdown product of the filaggrin . With the participation of the enzyme peptidyl deaminase, the proteolytic breakdown of filaggrin occurs, and a multicomponent structure is formed in the stratum corneum, which forms the hydrolipid mantle of the skin (free amino acids, urea derivatives, lactate compounds, lactic and polycarboxylic acids, metal ions and other components) that bind and store water in corneocytes. It is this water that is the main moisture of the stratum corneum. The process of filaggrin breakdown and the effect of NMF components (urea, glycidine, glutamine) on the skin is schematically presented below.
  • A decrease in the barrier function of the stratum corneum due to the failure of the lipid component (violation of their location and structure), which causes defects in the intercellular lipid layers and leads to a sharp increase in transepidermal moisture loss. It is the change in the composition of epidermal lipids that underlies the formation of inferiority of the protective hydrolipid layer, which leads to extensive loss of water and facilitates the penetration of irritants and allergens.
  • Disruption of the process of transporting moisture from the dermis to the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The pathogenesis of peeling (desquamation) is based on pathological changes in the rate and order of destruction of corneodesmosomes in the stratum corneum of the skin, which affects the condition of the skin (thickness of the stratum corneum, peeling, dryness). Regulation of desquamative processes is controlled by many factors: exogenous/endogenous proteases, skin pH , activity of protease inhibitors, properties of corneodesmosomal proteins, external factors of aggression. A special role in the control of desquamative processes is given to protease inhibitors, which are secreted in the lamellar bodies of the granular layer (SLPI, SKALP, LEKTI, plasminogen activation inhibitor, etc.) and metal ions, in particular zinc. It is defects in protease inhibitors that lead to structural disturbances in corneodesmosomes, which contributes to the formation of defects in the process of desquamation of the stratum corneum of the skin.

Thus, impaired differentiation and proliferation of the epidermis, as well as the inability of the stratum corneum to retain moisture, underlie the mechanism of development of dry skin, pathological desquamation (flaking) and changes in skin texture.


Genetic forms of ichthyosis cannot be completely cured, and in acquired forms of this dermatological disease, the patient is indicated for therapy for the underlying disease that caused this pathology. Research is currently underway aimed at creating drugs that would be able to influence altered genes and promote their restoration. It is quite possible that their creation will allow patients with hereditary forms of ichthyosis to get rid of this unpleasant and serious disease.

Treatment of all forms of ichthyosis is carried out by a dermatologist. The need for hospitalization of the patient is determined by the severity of the clinical case.

Patients with various forms of hereditary ichthyosis can be prescribed the following drugs:

  • vitamins A, C, E and group B;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • hormonal drugs: insulin, thyroid hormones, glucocorticosteroids (according to indications);
  • mineral supplements with potassium, phytin, iron;
  • preparations with aloe;
  • immunomodulatory agents;
  • plasma transfusions and gamma globulin administration;
  • antibiotics (if a secondary infection occurs);
  • oil solution of retinol (in the form of drops when turning out the eyelids).

For local treatment, patients with ichthyosis may be prescribed:

  • use of special products for general hygiene and skin care: Losterin gel, cream and shampoo;
  • lipotropic preparations with lipamide and vitamin U;
  • baths with potassium permanganate, a decoction of chamomile, yarrow or sage;
  • applying baby cream with vitamin A;
  • therapeutic salt, carbon dioxide and starch baths;
  • applying creams with AEvit, urea, vinylin and sodium chloride (for adults);
  • mud therapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation (in suberythemal doses);
  • exposure to seaweed, water or other marine products.

The doctor may recommend that the patient use some folk remedies to treat ichthyosis:

  • taking a herbal infusion of nettle, oat grains, tansy flowers, rowan fruits and horsetail herbs, motherwort and plantain;
  • taking an infusion of herbal mixture of motherwort, tansy, plantain, horsetail and wheatgrass roots;
  • ointment based on St. John's wort oil, wax, propolis, oleoresin, celandine and butter;
  • baths with infusions of medicinal herbs (pine needles, tea, calendula, hay dust, etc.);
  • baths with soda, borax and glycerin, salt and borax.

The treatment plan for ichthyosis is drawn up for each patient individually and depends on the form and severity of the disease. In addition to complex general and local therapy, such patients and their families are advised to work with a psychologist, since this disease is always associated with a violation of psychological balance. In turn, timely elimination of stress, internal experiences and problems with alienation from society has a positive effect not only on the patient’s mental state, but also helps to improve the patient’s general condition. Constant psychological support prevents faster progression of the disease, which can be provoked by an unfavorable emotional background.

The prognosis of ichthyosis in most cases is unfavorable, because even with a mild course of this disease, the patient often develops systemic pathologies, and the progression of metabolic disorders leads to the development of complications. The only way to prevent hereditary forms of ichthyosis is to plan pregnancy with mandatory determination of the degree of risk of having a child with this pathology.

Couples in which this pathology is observed in one of the parents are recommended to refuse to have their own children, IVF services using donor material (eggs or sperm) or adoption.

If fetal abnormalities are detected already during pregnancy, a woman may be recommended to have an artificial abortion.

Main manifestations

Facial peeling is rarely an isolated symptom. It may be accompanied by dry skin with a feeling of tightness. Sometimes peeling is preceded by the appearance of vesicles (small blisters) and pustules (pustules), papules, blisters, subcutaneous nodes, spots and other local dermatological symptoms.

The color of the skin scales may vary. In the absence of dermatological disease, they are white-gray, matte or translucent and form on slightly pinkish skin. But sometimes the areas of peeling have an unusual color. For example, they can be red-pink, purple-bluish, or silver. This depends not only on the nature of the scales themselves, but also on the condition of the skin at their base. Inflammation, congestion, compaction and thickening of the dermis - all this affects the color of pathological lesions.

Often, such scaly spots are clearly separated from the surrounding healthy skin, having clearly visible boundaries or a peripheral rim with fresh elements of the rash. But peeling can also be diffuse. This is most often associated with care errors, hypovitaminosis, metabolic disorders and congenital abnormalities in the processes of keratinization and regeneration.

Peeling with dry facial skin may be accompanied by the appearance of serous crusts in areas of cracking of the epidermis. They are especially often found in the corners of the mouth and at the wings of the nose. And in the case of a secondary bacterial infection, pustules, oozing and rather rough serous-purulent crusts with deep painful cracks can form here.

Periodically increasing constant peeling without signs of active skin inflammation is a reason for an expanded diagnostic search. It may be accompanied by changes in the condition of the skin and nails, signs of damage to internal organs and a deterioration in the neuropsychic state. In this case, it is necessary to look for the cause of the metabolic disorder. Such polymorphic symptoms can be caused not only by a lack of intake of vitamins and microelements, but also by a violation of their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract or endocrine diseases.

A competent doctor, when treating a patient with complaints of flaking, itching and redness of the skin on the face, is not limited to finding out the specifics of skin care. A general examination is necessary to assess the condition of the internal organs and identify signs of primary diseases. And sometimes the main treatment for the patient is prescribed not by a dermatologist or cosmetologist, but by a therapist, gastroenterologist or endocrinologist.

Diseases that cause peeling skin

  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis (silver peeling);
  • dry erythema;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus (scales in the shape of pushpins), internal organs are also affected;
  • X-linked ichthyosis (with this disease the skin scales have the shape of a quadrangle);
  • dominant ichthyosis (scales are also in the shape of a quadrangle), a hereditary disease;
  • pityriasis rosea;
  • pityriasis versicolor, a fungal disease;
  • scarlet fever (peeling on the hands and feet), an infectious disease;
  • fungal dermatophyte infections;
  • secondary syphilis;
  • xerosis.

How to solve external causes of peeling and cracking skin

To prevent dry skin and cracking, apply a generous layer of moisturizer to your skin every day. You can choose one of three types:

  • Ointments such as Vaseline are thick and retain moisture. They also create a barrier to protect the skin from things that might irritate it.
  • Creams are also thick and less greasy than ointments. They sometimes contain preservatives and other ingredients that may cause an allergic reaction if your skin is sensitive to this composition.
  • Lotions do not protect the skin as much as ointments and creams because they are lighter in composition and contain a lot of water. Once this water evaporates, your skin will be dry again.

If you want to try a new moisturizer, test it first. Distribute a pea-sized amount onto the inside of your elbow. Monitor your reaction for any rash, redness or itching.

Whatever product you choose, use it immediately after a bath or shower to lock in moisture in your skin. Also, moisturize your skin during the day when it is especially sensitive and dry. In winter it is better to use fatty products, and in summer - creams with a degree of sun protection.

  • Swim in warm water

Another way to prevent damage is to take a quick shower—10 to 15 minutes. Take a shower or bath in warm water, not hot. Avoid soap: use natural products without fragrance or dyes.

  • Wear gloves

...every time you cook, wash dishes or do laundry. Chemicals in cleaning products can irritate your skin. Wear cotton gloves for dry work. Use neoprene gloves when your hands are in the water. Avoid latex gloves as they may cause allergic reactions.

  • Use sunscreen with SPF of at least 30

This is the most common cause of peeling skin. Sunburn occurs due to prolonged exposure to the sun's harsh ultraviolet rays without proper protection. Use skin protection cream and wear caps or hats to protect your scalp.

  • Be gentle with your skin

Do not dry your skin with a towel after swimming. This could worsen her condition. Instead, pat your skin dry with a towel.

What happens to the skin during peeling and cracking

Your skin is regularly exposed to environmental elements that can irritate and damage it. These include sun, wind, heat, dry air and excessive humidity. Repeated exposure to them can lead to peeling of the skin.

As you age, you may notice that your hands become much drier and crack more easily. In medicine, dry skin is called xerosis. Typically, it is a natural part of aging, but sometimes dryness is associated with the development of a condition such as dermatitis. Most often, skin becomes dry and irritated during the winter months.

The most common signs of dry skin are flaky or flaky skin. You may also notice redness or changes in skin color (dark or gray), itching, and cracking. The worst thing is that the cracks may begin to bleed and the pain intensifies.


Another disease that causes rough skin on the elbows is psoriasis. At the initial stage, this disease is localized mainly in the area of ​​the elbows, knees, feet, palms, and scalp. However, if left untreated, the disease can spread over large areas, affecting other parts of the body.

In addition to a hereditary predisposition to this disease, as well as some individual characteristics of the body, psoriasis can occur for the following reasons:

  • decreased immunity;
  • use of certain medications;
  • severe/prolonged stress;
  • traumatic effect on the skin.

Treatment of psoriasis in each individual case is prescribed individually. The same drugs can be extremely effective for some patients and completely useless for other patients. Therefore, the principle of treatment depends on the individual skin reaction to the drug used. It is also important to remember that self-medication for psoriasis can lead to complications of the situation, especially with regard to the use of hormonal drugs. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the established treatment regimen and not stop it too abruptly. You should also know that, unfortunately, it is impossible to cure psoriasis completely. The disease will periodically make itself felt. But it is quite possible to increase the remission period.

Causes and development factors

Most forms of ichthyosis are hereditary diseases. All information about a person is contained in the DNA molecule. Its individual sections - genes - are responsible for specific aspects of the body's activity. Ichthyosis is the result of a breakdown of the DNA section that controls the renewal of the layers of the epidermis. The inheritance of the incorrect gene differs in different forms of the disease. One incorrect gene leads to the following types of ichthyosis:

  • ordinary (vulgar) ichthyosis;
  • epidermolytic ichthyosis;
  • spiny ichthyosis;
  • some combinations of ichthyosis and other anatomical anomalies of the structure of the skeleton and nervous system.

    DNA contains all the information about a person

This mechanism of inheritance is called autosomal dominant. As a rule, the disease can be traced in the pedigree in every generation. With an autosomal recessive type of inheritance, the child’s parents are healthy, but each of them passed on their own incorrect ichthyosis gene. The probability of having a sick child in this case is less than in the previous one. Parents are often unaware of carrying the wrong genes, since ichthyosis may only appear in some generations of the pedigree. According to this mechanism, the following types of ichthyosis are inherited:

  • harlequin ichthyosis;
  • lamellar ichthyosis;
  • diseases that combine damage to the skin, nervous system and other organs.

    With an autosomal recessive type of inheritance, both parents are carriers of the defective gene

In some cases, the incorrect ichthyosis gene is located on the X chromosome. In such women, no manifestations of the disease are observed, since they have a normal gene on the second X chromosome. Men have one X chromosome, inherited from the mother. If it contains the wrong gene, the boy develops ichthyosis. Girls in such a family do not get sick, but pass on the defective gene to their offspring (carrier status).

The Mystery of DNA - video

Apparently, the keratinization of the upper layer of skin is controlled simultaneously by several genes. When they break down, the changes on the skin and inside the body are similar, but differ in some features. Normally, the rate of keratinization of the upper layer of the epidermis is comparable to the rate of renewal of the other layers - granular, shiny and spiny. With ichthyosis, this situation changes dramatically. The lower layers grow at normal or slow speed. The stratum corneum grows extremely quickly, so it is many times thicker than the normal one. In some cases, ichthyosis can develop for reasons not related to heredity:

  • with vitamin A deficiency (hypovitaminosis A);

    Hypovitaminosis A affects the skin, hair, and vision

  • against the background of hematopoietic diseases;
  • as a companion to malignant tumors;
  • in old age (senile ichthyosis).

With ichthyosis, the very nature of the skin changes. Normally, keratinized scales are so small that they are indistinguishable to the naked eye. With ichthyosis, the epidermis becomes keratinized with the formation of large, very dense scales of various shades, connected to the lower layers by a base. Deep cracks form between the rows of scales. The whole picture resembles fish scales or crocodile skin.

Ichthyosis is not only a cosmetic problem. Changes in the skin affect the entire body. Cracks between the scales are a wide gateway for infection. Normally, the skin protects a person from pathogenic microbes entering the tissue. This is facilitated by the integrity of the cover and friendly bacteria living on the surface under the close control of the immune system. With ichthyosis, individual scales are not an obstacle to microbes, so the disease is often complicated by inflammation of deep tissues and penetration of the pathogen into the blood (sepsis). The scaly skin is not able to perform another important job - maintaining the proper temperature inside the body. For patients with ichthyosis, both hypothermia and overheating are dangerous.

Lamellar ichthyosis - video

When it's not a disease

Dry, rough skin in a child can appear either as a result of illness or simply under the influence of external factors: cold, wind, friction.


For example, the skin on a child's elbows may become rough, wrinkled and dark simply because they are often leaned on while lying down watching TV or playing with gadgets. The same rough brown or pinkish dry, rough patches may appear on the top of the foot if the child has a habit of sitting with one leg tucked under him, which constantly rubs against the upholstery of the chair.

Something similar can happen to the skin of the legs, or less often, it can appear on the hips if you wear woolen pants directly on the body. In this case, the rough red spots look like goose bumps. Actually, this is what it is, irritation appears due to the impact of coarse wool on children’s skin, which has become sensitive in the cold (however, similar problems also occur in adults).

Cold, wind

Children aged 7–10 years who begin to walk independently may develop pimples on their hands: the result of exposure to cold, moisture and wind (most often when walking in wet mittens or without mittens at all). Small rough bumps appear on the skin, it turns red and peels.

All these cases do not require medical intervention. It is enough to change the child’s habits so that the skin does not get injured again and again, and lubricate the areas of peeling with a rich, nourishing cream.

  • This could be domestic hand cream with vitamin F, blue Nivea, Vaseline.
  • One of the folk remedies is goose fat.
  • It is not recommended to use oils in their pure form: any oil effectively moisturizes only after peeling, when keratinized particles of the epidermis have been removed. It is not worth scrubbing already irritated sensitive skin, so as not to further injure it.

In a newborn and a child up to one year old

In the first two weeks of life, dry, rough skin, fine peeling on the abdomen and sides of the child may be normal: this happens in about a third of babies. After removing the vernix, the skin becomes more sensitive to external influences and dry air in the room (especially in winter, when central heating is on) reduces the amount of moisture in the skin. No special measures are needed here: it is enough to bathe the baby regularly (provided that the umbilical wound has healed) and after bathing, lubricate the skin with baby oil or milk.

The skin of a healthy baby can dry out and peel if:

  • too dry air in the house,
  • excessive use of baby powder,
  • bathing too often with soap or foam,
  • adding string, chamomile, oak bark to the bath.

All this is quite easy to detect and eliminate.

Diaper dermatitis

Rough skin on the bottom of an infant can become a manifestation of diaper dermatitis, when the skin begins to swell due to excess moisture or is injured by the diaper. In this case, in addition to peeling on the skin, red swollen areas appear that appear denser and seem to rise above the surface. The redness does not have clear outlines, gradually fades away, and is often covered with small papules (tubercles), which can spread beyond the area of ​​redness. When the process begins to fade, the redness disappears, but peeling and sometimes rough skin remains. Diaper dermatitis is always limited to the diaper area, the spots are uneven, and “drips” around the elastic bands are often visible.

This situation can hardly be called a variant of the norm, but there is no reason to panic. If you take measures in a timely manner, preventing infection from occurring, you can cope with the problem without a doctor. The diaper must be changed at least once every 2 hours. The baby's skin should be kept clean; when changing a diaper, any remaining urine should be removed with wet wipes. Areas of inflammation are treated with zinc powder or zinc ointment. If the problem is limited to mild redness and peeling, you can use creams with a healing effect (Bepanten).

If, with regular care and timely diaper changes, the situation does not change within 5 days, you need to consult a doctor.

Anti-flaking masks

In winter, masks are a must. Particularly useful are compositions with yolk, vitamins, cottage cheese, cream:

  • mix 0.5 tablespoon of honey with 2 yolks and 0.5 tablespoon of vegetable oil, spread on the face every 5 minutes (no need to wash off the previous layer), leave for 20 minutes and rinse with a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of linden flowers;
  • lightly heat vegetable oil (olive, wheat germ, almond or flaxseed) and lubricate your face with it, after 30 minutes rinse with warm water;
  • mix the egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of chopped oatmeal and 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, apply to face and rinse after 15 minutes with warm water;
  • Take cottage cheese, cream, milk and sour cream in equal parts, mix and apply to your face, after 15 minutes wash with warm water.

A balanced diet will help you overcome peeling and irritation on the skin. The table must have fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood, fish, dairy products, and nuts. In autumn, winter and spring, it is advisable to take special vitamin and mineral complexes.

Treatment. What to do if your skin is peeling?

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the treatment of flaking and dry skin in physiological and pathological skin conditions. Let us consider only the principles of treatment of physiologically normal skin. It should be said that the principles of care and treatment of peeling of physiologically normal skin that manifests itself locally (for example, treatment of peeling skin on the elbows, face, fingers, and so on) are not fundamentally different. Accordingly, consider separately the questions “what to do if the skin on the face or elbows, around the nose, etc. is peeling.” doesn't make sense. First of all, all patients with dry, excessively flaky skin are recommended to:

  • Maintain a drinking regime with the consumption of clean water in a volume of at least 2.0 l/day (in the absence of contraindications), which allows the body not only to obtain the required amount of fluid, but also to accelerate the elimination of toxins/impurities that negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  • Balance your diet by enriching it with fruits and vegetables. Periodic intake of vitamin and mineral preparations.
  • Eliminate the adverse effects of environmental factors (exposure to cold, wind and sun, prolonged contact with detergents, water, avoid staying in rooms with low levels of air humidity, taking hot baths, etc.).
  • Special skin care using products for protection, skin cleansing, replacement (moisturizing) external therapy preparations that effectively restore the water-lipid balance and help soften and moisturize the skin.

The main groups of substances that have a moisturizing effect are humectants and occlusive agents . The first group includes agents that attract and bind water in the surface layers of the skin. They are based on the components of a natural moisturizing factor: urea (at a concentration of up to 10%), glycerin, transurocanine, hyaluronic, lactic and pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid, sodium lactate, potassium lactate, propylene glycol, sodium cirrolidone carboxylate and others. Such preparations, as an example, include: Edel cream , Argalan cream mask , Liftofin , Balzamed and Balzamed intensive , preparations (emulsions, milk, cream) of the TOPICREM SOS line and others.

Reducing transepidermal water loss is achieved through the use of occlusive agents containing lipid compounds, which effectively prevent drying of the skin, soften it and make it elastic due to the formation of a surface water-repellent film. For this purpose, it is preferable to use natural products (vegetable oils and animal fats - grape seed oil, fish oil, lanolin, beeswax, etc.), since the vast majority of natural fat-soluble substances of plant and animal origin correspond to the composition and concentration of skin lipid compounds.

Moreover, natural fatty compounds have another profound effect - they saturate the skin with fatty acids, ceramides and other compounds that are actively built in the epidermis. These products include Bepanten , which can effectively get rid of flaking and can be used to moisturize the skin of children. For severely dry skin accompanied by desquamation, Keratosan Xemoz Uriage cream , which are applied after cleansing the skin.

Management of patients with sensitive dry flaky skin includes individual selection of skin care products that improve skin hydration, reduce damage to the lipid/protein component of the stratum corneum and accelerate the process of its repair. Use only care products that do not contain dyes, fragrances, or parabens (preservatives).

In case of severe peeling and dryness of the skin, for example, if the skin of the face is very peeling, before applying products that improve skin hydration, it is necessary to pre-clean it, for which you can use special (alcohol-free) lotions, creams or emulsions - cold creams and non-ionic detergents. You should completely avoid regular soaps and standard cleansers, as they can dry out your skin even more. All care products should be designed for dry skin (GARNIER micellar water with natural oils, LA ROCHE-POSA cleansing cream-gel for dry skin, Uriage Mustela Stelatopia cream and others).

It is recommended to purchase and use not just one skin care and treatment product, but an entire set (series) for the care of dry, flaky skin from one manufacturer, since they complement and enhance each other’s effects. After water procedures, the skin should not be roughly wiped; it is better to blot it with a soft towel.

Patients with dry skin must always use daytime protective creams before going outside. In summer, you should use creams with an spf filter containing a sunscreen component. Also, be sure to moisturize your skin after sunbathing.

Medicinal products for external treatment of skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis), accompanied by dryness and flaking of the skin, are selected exclusively by a dermatologist individually.

Procedures and operations

For dry, flaky skin, peelings (mechanical, chemical, hardware), biorevitalization (injections of hyaluronic acid , which has a pronounced moisturizing effect), collagen masks, salon procedures for active moisturizing and nourishing the skin are recommended.

Fungus and symptoms of fungal diseases

When the skin of the body is infected by a fungus, peeling may also occur on clearly defined areas of inflammation on the skin. In this case, the symptoms when the fungus is activated on the body can be different, depending on the affected area:

  • Arms and legs (palms and feet). In this case, peeling is observed mainly between the fingers. In this case, the skin in these places may even crack. On the palms and soles themselves, the skin becomes much thicker. Bubbles containing liquid contents may form.
  • Smooth body skin. If the fungus has affected the body, then spots and plaques can be localized in any part of it. The color of the markings can range from whitish to brown. The spots always peel off and rise somewhat above the healthy dermis.
  • Inguinal folds. In this case, bright pink or red spots with a clear outline and a flaky surface may be localized in the inguinal folds, on the buttocks, pubis and inner thighs. Moreover, first a large red spot forms on the body, which, with friction, can grow over large areas of the body.
  • Skin on the face. In this case, the fungus appears as purple or red spots located below the mouth, on the neck and chin.
  • The scalp. The pathology is more characteristic of children, since the carriers of the fungus are street animals, which children love so much. Gray, yellow-gray lesions with hair falling out on them form in the affected area. The skin itches and flakes.
  • Nail fungus (onychomycosis). Here the skin will itch and peel around the affected nail plate, and the nail itself will change its shape, color and structure.

Soap and peeling skin

Using soap is one of the reasons for dry skin . Soap contains many alkalis, without which the cleaning power of soap would be reduced to zero. But too much alkali in soap simply strips away the skin's top protective layer. It recovers completely only after a few hours. Without protection, the skin is especially vulnerable to all kinds of influences, including attacks from pathogenic bacteria. This is what causes peeling.

Antibacterial and heavily perfumed soaps are especially aggressive to the skin.

Soaps containing a large amount of fat will help to avoid peeling; it is best if it is olive oil - an excellent moisturizer. Soaps with cream also prevent skin flaking.

Lanolin is a controversial ingredient in soap. It often causes allergies .

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