Health and healthy lifestylePain under the navel in women

I eat little, but my stomach grows. Causes of belly growth

Before you start taking measures to reduce your belly at home, you need to understand the reasons for its growth and enlargement.
Causes of abdominal growth in women and men:

  • Diseases, hormonal disorders. The causes of fat deposition in the abdominal cavity may be hormonal imbalances or the development of dangerous diseases such as diabetes. In this case, you should not take any measures to reduce the abdomen on your own; you must undergo tests and consult with your doctor.
  • Overeating. One of the good reasons for gaining excess weight and fat accumulation in the abdominal area is systematic overeating. Many cannot deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying their favorite dishes during the holidays, eating much larger portions “for company” than are sufficient to satisfy them. Eating at night, snacking before bed, overindulging in sweets and desserts are the enemies of a slim figure.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary work and a low level of daily physical activity affect the figure in the form of fat deposits, especially noticeable in problem areas: the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.
  • Smoking. The myth that smoking dulls appetite and helps maintain a slim figure has long been dispelled. The fact is that smoking affects the deterioration of metabolism, and therefore you should give up this bad habit if you want to effectively remove your belly fat.
  • Alcohol abuse. Alcohol, entering the body, is instantly absorbed into the walls of the stomach, which interferes with the absorption of food, which is immediately deposited as fat in problem areas of the figure.
  • Frequent stress. During times of stress, the body begins to produce the hormone cortisol, which affects excess weight gain, especially in women. Many people “eat” stressful situations with various goodies (sweets, chocolate, cakes), which leads to an increase in fat deposits.
  • Incorrect posture. Sedentary work leaves its mark on posture, which for many people is far from ideal. Poor posture affects the curvature of the spine and the protrusion of the internal organs, which forms a large belly.
  • Lack of sleep. Recent research by scientists has shown that the amount of sleep time directly affects your figure. Systematic lack of sleep causes lethargy and fatigue, and therefore, to maintain energy, a person begins to unconsciously eat more. Excess food consumed is stored as fat in problem areas of the figure.

Warning signs

A person can fight belly fat on his own. If the process of losing weight is slow, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist or get a personal trainer. If the following symptoms appear, medical intervention is mandatory:

  • rapid increase in abdominal size, despite dietary restrictions and an active lifestyle;
  • the appearance of pain syndrome;
  • development of problems with bowel movements;
  • cycle disruption in women;
  • the appearance of suspicious protrusions or lumps in the abdominal area.

If these symptoms develop, it is advisable to consult a general practitioner or family doctor. If necessary, he will refer you to a surgeon, gynecologist, endocrinologist, or gastroenterologist.

Why does the belly grow at the bottom? Causes of abdominal enlargement

The clinical sign under consideration refers to manifestations not only of obesity resulting from poor nutrition, but also of such serious diseases as cirrhosis of the liver or intestinal obstruction.

The following pathological conditions, accompanied by additional symptoms, lead to an enlarged abdomen.

  1. Ascites. It is the accumulation of transudate in the abdominal cavity due to toxic damage to the peritoneum. As a result of increased production and slow absorption of ascitic fluid by the peritoneum, an increase in the circumference at the level of the navel is noted.
  2. Cirrhotic liver damage. Manifested by spider veins and liver growth.
  3. Oncological diseases of the abdominal cavity and pelvis. At stages 3-4, a large tumor conglomerate is detected.
  4. Right ventricular heart failure. Manifested by portal hypertension (dilation of the veins of the esophagus, abdominal wall, hepatosplenomegaly and ascites).
  5. Intestinal obstruction. Develops as a result of a decrease in the intestinal lumen due to a tumor, adhesions, diverticula or affected surrounding organs. Symptomatically, obstruction is manifested by pain, difficulty passing gas, constipation, nausea and vomiting. The higher the obstruction in the intestines is located, the sooner vomiting will occur. Initially, the vomit consists of gastric contents, then intestinal contents.
  6. Peritonitis. Bloating occurs due to toxic intestinal paresis as a result of penetration of intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity or perforation of a hollow organ. Peritonitis is manifested by pain, decreased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, pale skin and increased sweating.
  7. Abdominal obesity. It is promoted by metabolic disorders, endocrine pathology, and poor nutrition.
  8. Weakness of the abdominal muscles.

Features of premenstrual pain in women

If a woman’s stomach hurts below the navel and menstruation is due soon, then most likely we are talking about premenstrual syndrome.

Characteristic symptoms of this condition:

  • psycho-emotional stress: irritability, fatigue, nervousness, weakness;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the discharge stops completely.

Some women experience pain in the lower belly button every month. This course of premenstrual syndrome is quite normal, especially for nulliparous women. But if the pain is too severe, you should contact your treating gynecologist and get examined.

The belly is growing, like a pregnant woman's. Nerves, stress and wine

The previously sexy and flat tummy began to suddenly increase in volume, as if it had been inflated like a beach ball? Are you pregnant by any chance? Sometimes the belly begins to show in the early stages. You can't pull him in, no matter how hard you try. If this is definitely not pregnancy, we will conduct a detailed investigation into what else could be causing the belly to grow.

  • The work is sedentary, colleagues often bring treats from home, pies and pies are not transferred to the home table. And where do these same pies go later, pray tell? We drove home from work by car, that is, without particularly straining. This is just a family dinner. We sat, ate, and then went to the side. It's early to get up tomorrow. So the eaten pies and other harmful things remained inside you, and successfully turned into fat deposits, first on the stomach, then on the buttocks and thighs, etc.
  • Admit it: do you smoke? Only honestly! Do you drink beer or wine on weekends? If the answer is yes, and your stomach is literally protruding, throw away this cigarette and introduce a personal prohibition law. Nicotine and alcohol, when regularly introduced into the body, disrupt metabolism. So fat is deposited in our problem areas, including on the stomach.
  • If you just recently “visited” the maternity hospital and your stomach is just a “relic” of a recent birth, then this is a fixable matter. Especially if you regularly went to the gym before pregnancy. If you have never been an athlete, but you really want a flat tummy, then you need to make an effort. Do yoga, hula hoop at home, and after a while, all the excess in the waist area will gradually burn away under the pressure of exercise.
  • Endless stress, without which, unfortunately, our life is unthinkable, can add another big and noticeable stress to you - a bulging belly. Try to think positively, even if you were deprived of a bonus at work or your child brought back a two- or three-grade diary from school. Don’t worry too much, otherwise an ugly “bundle of nerves” will grow instead of a toned, slender tummy.
  • Are you always unable to get enough sleep, like wet salt from a salt shaker? Every day you promise yourself to go to bed early, but work and watching your favorite TV series do not allow you to keep your promise. How familiar, right? So, you will be surprised, but lack of sleep, as well as “oversleeping,” lead to weight gain and, in particular, a rounding of the abdomen. Try to follow the ideal regime for at least a couple of weeks. Go to bed at 22:00, get up at 6:00. You'll see, your body will thank you. Your stomach will deflate a little, and you will feel much better.
  • Play, hormone, but don’t play around. It’s a pity, but we are not able to give such an order to our hormones. Imbalances can happen unexpectedly. There are many reasons for such failures, sometimes they can only be calculated after lengthy examinations. But the consequence is immediately obvious - severe obesity and other serious health problems. In such a situation, an unsightly belly can be removed only by restoring normal hormonal levels. Note, hormones that require special attention: adrenaline, estrogen, thyroxine, cortisol, insulin, triiodothyronine. Our female well-being and even weight often depend on their level.
  • “Girl, sit down, you’re pregnant,” the young man on the bus tells you, giving up his seat. And you are not pregnant at all. It’s just winter, so we relaxed and saved up fat for the cold weather. Of course, blaming the time of year is not entirely correct. As such, winter is not to blame for anything, it’s just that with its arrival we all go into “sleep mode”. I don’t feel like training in the gym; summer and beach season are still a long way off. Sometimes you can rob the refrigerator at night. Again, the autumn-winter depression has arrived. Do you recognize yourself? Same thing.
  • Team "Gases!" Alas, the belly often grows precisely in response to this command. Increased flatulence sometimes causes the stomach to swell like a ball. Hush, Tanechka (Yulia, Mashenka, Irina), don’t cry, we’ll blow away the stupid ball! To do this, we do not eat dry food, follow a diet and monitor which foods could provoke the accumulation of excess gas in the intestines.
  • Gynecology. Unfortunately, a purely female, but very dangerous cause of abdominal growth is often benign and malignant neoplasms of the uterus and ovaries. At the same time, it is the lower abdomen that suffers, tenses, and swells. This bloating is usually accompanied by menstrual irregularities, the appearance of “unscheduled” bleeding, frequent urination and a constant feeling of indigestion.
  • If you have decidedly rejected all of the above reasons, go for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Perhaps it's all about the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Otherwise, this is called ascites, and, sadly, it does not come alone. It is just an accompaniment of many serious diseases: cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, acute heart failure.

Possible causes of pain in a child

Abdominal pain near the navel or below is not uncommon for a child. There are quite a few causes of the pathological condition, ranging from ordinary constipation to severe gastrointestinal lesions.

Possible causes of abdominal pain below the umbilical zone in a child may be:

  • Foodborne toxic infections or poisoning. The disease begins with the development of soreness around the umbilical region. Then the pain spreads over the entire surface of the abdomen. Additional symptoms also develop - nausea, ending with vomiting, diarrhea, increase in general body temperature (sometimes to significant levels).
  • Intestinal infection. The development of pathology is caused by dirty hands, insufficiently washed vegetables and fruits, consumption of unboiled and untreated water, as well as by airborne droplets. At the very beginning, the intestinal infection resembles food poisoning in its course - the child complains of soreness in the umbilical area. But unlike poisoning, his body temperature rises very high, he experiences uncontrollable vomiting and severe diarrhea. Abdominal pain occurs constantly, which practically does not subside. Pathological symptoms can persist for up to 10 days.
  • Appendicitis. Inflammation of the cecum in childhood begins with vomiting and difficulty defecating. A little later, the child begins to complain of abdominal pain appearing below the navel.
  • Worm infestation. If pain develops in the navel area, the presence of a helminthic infection cannot be ruled out. The child may be infected with roundworms, lamblia, etc.
  • Gastritis. The cause of pain may be exacerbation of gastritis. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa has an acute onset, but is not accompanied by severe pain. Accompanying signs of gastritis include pain in the stomach, nausea, belching and heartburn.
  • Cholecystitis. Acute inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) can also cause abdominal pain. Symptoms of the disease include increased gas production, bloating, increased body temperature and a darker color of urine.
  • Incarcerated umbilical hernia and intestinal colic. In both cases, the child experiences severe pain.

Abdominal pain in a child requires the closest attention

What can you do if you develop abdominal pain below the navel? As a rule, doctors recommend calling the duty team. Taking any pain-relieving medications is prohibited, as this may blur the current symptoms and complicate the diagnosis.

Why does the belly grow in the stomach area? Causes and symptoms

Shapes of the stomach.

In addition to the amount of food consumed, other factors influence the degree of stomach enlargement:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • irregular nutrition;
  • inflammation in the body;
  • constant stress.

Gastric dilatation can occur against the background of:

  • Constant overeating. Eating more food than required causes pathological expansion of the organ. This condition can last up to 12 hours due to the need to digest large volumes of food.
  • Refusal of breakfast. Having rested from food overnight, the body requires replenishment in the morning. Therefore, breakfasts are very important. This can protect against overeating at lunch and will help avoid ulcers and gastritis due to a long break in food.
  • One meal per day with a large amount of food consumed. The regularity of this action is addictive to the stomach. For this reason, the organ begins to slowly digest food and maintain its expanded volume longer.
  • Regular consumption of large volumes of liquid. It is better to drink water, tea or other drinks between meals to avoid overstretching the stomach.
  • Quick absorption of food without thorough chewing.
  • Regular fast food snacks.

All of these reasons cause a gradual change in the volume of the digestive organ. But acute dilatation of the stomach may occur. Hypertrophy in its acute form is characterized by a rapid and intense increase in size against the background of sharp atony (decreased tone) of the organ wall. The causes of acute hypertrophy can be explained:

  • Congenital weakness of the muscle tissue of the wall.
  • Postoperative complications during abdominal surgery.
  • The presence of other diseases, such as injuries to the skull and spine, infectious diseases (typhoid fever), pneumonia, heart attack, chemical and bacterial intoxication, ulcers complicated by stenosis, etc.

Scheme of acute gastric dilatation.

Acute gastric dilatation is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • severe pain in the left side of the abdomen;
  • swelling in the upper region of the peritoneum, closer to the left side;
  • nausea with uncontrollable intense vomiting, the masses of which contain stagnant, undigested products;
  • severe hiccups;
  • weak thirst.

Due to a severe disturbance of the water-electrolyte balance during hypertrophy, the development of collapse is possible, the symptoms of which are:

  • confusion;
  • cold and clammy sweat;
  • acrocyanosis;
  • cold extremities;
  • low blood pressure with tachycardia.

When the gastric wall enlarges, neurological signs of hypertrophy appear, such as:

  • muscle cramps of the calves, upper limbs and masticatory muscles;
  • increased tone and stable resistance of the muscles of the back of the head to deforming forces.

If the stomach enlarges sharply and quickly, serious complications may occur, such as rupture of the organ wall. Hypertrophy is accompanied by severe shock. When aggressive gastric contents leak, peritonitis develops - severe inflammation of the peritoneum. Less commonly, with hypertrophy, bleeding from the erosive mucous membrane may develop. With severe distension of the stomach, the anomaly is easy to see without additional symptoms. There will be a noticeable increase in the abdominal area on the left side, closer to the hypochondrium. Hypertrophy can be seen especially clearly in the supine position.

But the initial stages of hypertrophy pass without symptoms. The first signs are often attributed to problems of a different nature. Therefore, if symptoms such as heaviness, nausea, pain in the stomach appear repeatedly, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Treatment measures

Methods are selected exclusively by the attending physician. It is possible to prescribe medications based on the results of diagnostics, other studies, tests, blood and urine tests. So, for example, if a hernia is detected, a correction is required, which means surgical intervention. The main thing is not to give the pathology a chance to develop further.

Additionally, in the case of a hernia in the area of ​​the umbilical ring in infants, it is recommended to massage, place the baby on the tummy more often, and apply a copper coin to the navel.

Reviews from women are such that in some cases the umbilical hernia resolves on its own. The main thing is to start preventive or therapeutic measures in time.

Often in infants a hernia is caused by poor ligation of the umbilical cord or accumulation of gases. It is enough to carry out simple manipulations in a timely manner, which will certainly help to avoid complications and surgery in the future.

Of course, in some diseases, a protrusion at the navel carries a mortal danger:

  • peritonitis;
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  • duodenitis;
  • inflammation of the intestine, duodenum.


Immediate assistance from specialists is required. Connivance and lack of reaction to a protrusion in the abdomen on the part of parents can lead to irreversible consequences and death.

If suspicious signs appear in the form of a growth in the navel area, it hurts a lot and increases in size, then you need to consult a doctor immediately.

The man's belly hangs. Why and why the belly grows in men

Scientists have identified several reasons why the belly grows in men. Research has proven that the phenomenon in question threatens men’s health. The main reasons for abdominal growth are physiological in nature.

It is known that in men, unlike women, fat is deposited in the abdominal area in the “volumetric omentum” located in the fold and on the internal organs. At the same time, the lower and upper limbs do not increase in size.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The main reasons why a man’s belly grows:

  • deposition of subcutaneous and internal fats – a small layer of fat promotes the growth of abdominal or internal fat located in the omentum in men. Modern doctors claim that this fat is harmful to health. To process it, the liver consumes less insulin. This is what contributes to his rise in the CS. A significant concentration of insulin causes the heart to beat rapidly;
  • beer syndrome - with this etiology, a man has a large belly, which is associated with the appearance of a large amount of under-oxidized foods and worms in it. Helminths help digest foods that enzymes cannot handle. Moreover, the latter components are not able to work in an acidic environment. Scientists have proven why beer belly appears. It has more to do with the state of the beer you drink. The drink is often consumed cold, which contributes to the rotting of those foods that the man ate with beer;
  • oxygen deficiency - the process of energy formation is associated with the supply of oxygen and respiration. When acid-forming products are constantly supplied to the gastrointestinal tract in large quantities, the amount of calcium in the CS increases. Against the background of such a clinic, men’s pH increases and the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin decreases. The less it enters the body, the more the body’s ability to oxidize the contents of the abdomen is reduced. If men have a small belly, which is not able to cope with the supply of energy to the body, then it increases;
  • weak muscles in the abdominal area - if the stomach is large, the muscles atrophy and stretch. The muscles in this area are divided into 3 groups, including the rectus, internal and external oblique muscles. The weakness of these muscles determines the shape of the growing belly. With beer syndrome, the rectus muscles weaken, and drivers develop a “labor callus” that hangs unattractively from the sides. In this case, the oblique muscles weaken, since the drivers are positioned in the seat so that these muscles are completely relaxed. With age they atrophy;
  • low testosterone production – common reasons why men develop belly fat at the age of 40 are related to testosterone. It is this hormone that affects the quality of life.

Preventive measures

To prevent the accumulation of fat on the sides and abdomen, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Proper nutrition. Fatty, fried foods, fast food, and sweets should be avoided. The diet must be balanced, its calorie content must correspond to the body’s energy expenditure.
  • Optimal drinking regime. For the body to function normally, you need to drink a lot of plain water.
  • Physical activity. To keep your muscles toned, it is advisable to join a gym. You can visit the pool, engage in active sports, or simply do morning exercises every day.
  • Avoiding stressful situations. These include following strict diets, excessive physical activity, and lack of rest.

Prevention of the development of diseases that cause obesity is called contacting a doctor if any health complaints occur. But even if you feel well, you need to visit the hospital once a year and get tested for early detection of common pathological conditions.

Treatment methods for premenstrual pain in women

If no pathologies are found, but the woman has pain in her stomach below the navel, the gynecologist will prescribe antispasmodic drugs. Usually their use is quite enough to minimize symptoms. This:

  1. "Drotaverine" is a cheap analogue of "No-shpa". The main active ingredient is drotaverine. After taking the pill, the pain goes away completely after 20-30 minutes. For many women, this drug has become indispensable. If it is not available at the pharmacy for some reason, many people purchase No-shpu.
  2. “Spazmol” is another popular antispasmodic that effectively combats premenstrual pain. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. Often one tablet per day is enough to effectively relieve pain.
  3. "Papaverine" is an antispasmodic that is widely used in gynecology. Effective for cramping pain in the lower abdomen. It is available in the form of tablets, but more often it is used in the hospital in the form of injections.
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