Vomiting in case of poisoning: rules of nutrition and drinking regime

What to do if you are vomiting

If you experience nausea, you should immediately seek medical help to find out what is causing the condition.
Nausea may be a protective reaction of the body, a symptom of a hidden disease, or the result of a pathology of the nervous system, so the manifestation of vomiting requires an immediate response. Frequent vomiting caused by drug poisoning or acute abdominal pain requires calling an ambulance. Contacting specialists is necessary to stop the process if dangerous symptoms appear. These include:

  • temperature rise;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsions;
  • foul odor of vomit;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • increased frequency of vomiting;
  • blood in stool.

An important point is the color and type of vomit, which signals possible problems. Blood impurities require urgent hospitalization. In medicine, the importance of such signs is noted:

  • mucus is a symptom of inflammation of the mucous membranes - exacerbation of gastritis, food poisoning, pathologies of the central nervous system, viral infections, uncontrolled use of medications;
  • admixture of scarlet blood - bleeding in the upper part of the stomach, esophagus, oral cavity, poisoning with chemicals.

In order for the doctor to correctly prescribe therapy to stop gagging, it is necessary to draw his attention to the following symptoms of discharge:

  • yellow-green color, bitterness in the mouth - signs of the presence of bile - characterize alcohol intoxication, stress, overeating, exacerbation of liver and gall bladder diseases after eating fatty, fried foods;
  • coffee, brown tint - bleeding in the lower part of the duodenum, stomach, ulcers, foreign bodies, poisoning with poisonous mushrooms.

Attacks in the evening and at night

Most often, uncomfortable conditions for a person develop in the evening and at night, nausea is no exception. Severe evening nausea can be a sign of significant physical fatigue. The reason could be, for example, irregular working hours.

The next likely reason is overeating in the afternoon. As evening approaches, the rate of metabolic reactions decreases, which leads to slower functioning of the digestive tract. Food stays in the stomach for a long time, which causes nausea.

To avoid the development of an uncomfortable condition, it is necessary to refrain from eating foods that are difficult to digest. The food should be light and the portions should be small. Pathological conditions, in particular dysbacteriosis or inflammation of the appendix, can also be causes of evening and night nausea.

Late intake of medications can provoke an attack of lightheadedness in the evening or at night


Poisoning occurs due to eating dishes prepared from low-quality products. Unwashed vegetables and fruits, poor heat treatment of meat, dirty hands of a cook, waiter, or seller provoke rapid intoxication. Dishes that have not received heat treatment and have been stored in the refrigerator for a long time are at risk. Food intoxication can appear after a couple of hours.

The second cause of nausea and vomiting is the consumption of poisonous berries and mushrooms. Appears after 4-12 hours.

The reasons are specific. Symptoms of food intoxication and toxic infection vary.

When harmful substances enter the human body, a reflex reaction occurs. To prevent toxins from being absorbed into the blood, vomiting begins - a process of natural cleansing of the stomach, during which the contents are abruptly expelled through the mouth. This is facilitated by the action of the vomiting center located in the medulla oblongata. Excitation occurs in it as a result of irritation of nerve endings to external influences, the receipt of impulses from organs:

  • vestibular apparatus;
  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • uterus;
  • intestines.

Such cleansing of the body is useful if it does not last long - harmful substances are removed and intoxication stops. A long, ongoing process causes dehydration of the body. It needs to be stopped urgently - the condition is life-threatening, especially in childhood. The causes of vomiting in adults are:

  • alcohol poisoning;
  • drug overdose;
  • bacterial, viral infections of the digestive system;
  • problems of the vestibular apparatus;
  • pregnancy status;
  • exposure to toxic substances.

Urgent hospitalization is necessary when vomiting is caused by acute surgical pathologies: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis. The reflex can be triggered by:

  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation in the abdominal cavity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - myocardial infarction, hypertension;
  • poisoning from poor quality food;
  • radiation sickness;
  • tumors;
  • chemotherapy;
  • pathologies of the nervous system - concussion, meningitis, encephalitis;
  • psychological reasons - strong emotions, hysteria, fear;
  • endocrine diseases.

Often the gag reflex is triggered in children. The reason for this is:

  • underdevelopment of the lower esophageal sphincter in infants;
  • overfeeding a small child - the food does not have time to be digested;
  • heat stroke at high temperatures;
  • reaction to allergens;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • head injuries;
  • poisoning;
  • dizziness;
  • binge eating;
  • taking medications;
  • entry of harmful bacteria into the body;
  • toxic substances in plants;
  • motion sickness in transport;
  • seasickness.


The main postulate of proper nutrition during vomiting is the rule according to which food should be liquid and pureed, and meals should be fractional. A diet after vomiting in an adult involves the inclusion in the diet of broths, cereals, decoctions of medicinal herbs with honey, compotes that will help brighten up these not the most fun days. If a person's condition does not improve, a doctor's consultation will be required. In severe cases, drug treatment cannot be avoided.

To avoid suffering from poisoning in the future, you should check the expiration date of products and not self-medicate, since drug poisoning is one of the most difficult to treat conditions. Alcoholic drinks should be of high quality and are best taken in small doses. We hope that these simple recommendations presented in our article will help maintain your health.

First aid

To stop vomiting you do not always have to resort to medications. Sometimes exposure to certain physical factors or the use of folk remedies is sufficient.

General recommendations

At home or at work, you can resort to the following manipulations:

  • Sit down, close your eyes, relax. But don't lie down, as this will increase the risk of vomiting.
  • Take a few deep breaths. At the height of inhalation, hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • Ventilate the room. If it's hot outside, use air conditioning if possible.
  • Cool your forehead and neck with a damp compress.
  • Smell the Star Balm or a sprig of mint.
  • Drink cold still water in small sips; you can also swallow small pieces of ice.
  • Eat a mint candy or chew menthol gum. Not only the antiemetic effect is important, but also the mechanical effect of frequent swallowing on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Massage biologically active points located on the inner surface of the forearms, 3 transverse fingers further from the base of the palm.

Until the vomiting stops, you should not eat. Only drink in small portions.

Vomiting due to motion sickness deserves special attention. Dr. E. O. Komarovsky talks in the video about how to deal with this problem in children. Keep in mind that for adults, the ways to combat motion sickness are practically the same.

Folk recipes

We offer you a choice of several folk remedies to help get rid of vomiting:

  • Finely chop 3 sweet apples, pour 1 liter of boiling water, add a teaspoon of grated ginger root. Cool and drink in small sips.
  • Brew green tea with mint or lemon balm. Chamomile tea also helps. They should be drunk warm in small quantities.
  • Grind the lemon and add a liter of water, let it brew for a while. Enjoy the drink chilled. You can also simply chew a piece of lemon.
  • Pour 5-10 g of fennel or dill seeds into 200 ml of boiling water and drink after 15 minutes.
  • Pour 2 tbsp. l. licorice root 500 ml of boiling water and evaporate over low heat until 250 ml of liquid remains. The decoction should be drunk after cooling.

Among pharmaceutical products for stopping vomiting, several groups of drugs are suitable:

  1. Prokinetics (domperidone, metoclopramide) normalize the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, directing it in the right direction. If you cannot take the pill due to uncontrollable vomiting, then metoclopramide injections come to the rescue.
  2. Anticholinergics (buscopan, riabal) relieve spasm from the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, accelerate gastric emptying and enhance its motor activity.
  3. Antihistamines (pipolfen, diphenhydramine) are effective for vestibular vertigo.
  4. Betahistine is also used for problems with the vestibular system, but this is not an emergency medicine. It exhibits a therapeutic effect gradually and is prescribed simultaneously with antiemetics.
  5. Enzyme preparations (mezim, panzinorm, creon) are also auxiliary means in the fight against vomiting caused by overeating or poor diet.
  6. Enterosorbents (polysorb, activated carbon) by themselves do not stop vomiting, but they stop further absorption of toxins in the digestive tract in case of poisoning and speed up recovery.
  7. Neuroleptics (droperidol, prochlorperazine) are drugs that inhibit the function of the vomiting center. They are prescribed only in extreme cases and only in a hospital setting.

It is impossible to list all the causes of vomiting and the means to combat them in one article, but keep in mind that if the source of the disease is obvious, all efforts must be directed towards its elimination. For example, if there is a sharp increase in blood pressure, which is accompanied by vomiting, you first need to reduce it. Captopril tablets are usually used for this.

If vomiting is a consequence of seasickness, then it is possible to use anti-motion sickness drugs - Dramamine, Ciel.

This period is characterized by particularly intense diarrhea and vomiting.

Therefore, in addition to the medications prescribed by your doctor, you can take:

  • rice broth;
  • lean broths;
  • rosehip jelly;
  • apple juice or compote.

Gentle nutrition begins on the second day after the fasting break, when the severity of symptoms decreases somewhat, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, symptoms of poisoning are relieved, and the gag reflex does not work.

Chemical sparing involves special methods of preparing dishes that limit fats, reduce sugar levels and maintain sufficient amounts of proteins.

On the second day after vomiting, you can enjoy crackers with tea or gelatin jelly. From the second day, rabbit, chicken or sea fish are introduced. On an individual basis, the doctor decides whether to give the patient IVs or not, and whether the patient needs hospitalization.

The most important thing when vomiting occurs is not to panic (with hysteria, spasms are less controllable) and call an ambulance. Gagging can be stopped with medication or simple home remedies. It is necessary to try to accurately establish the cause of vomiting as soon as possible, since further actions directly depend on what caused it. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Food poisoning - spoiled foods often cause nausea. Such gagging does not need to be stopped immediately, because the body gets rid of the source of intoxication. It is better if the entire volume of low-quality food is removed from the food tract. If the possibility of perforation of the digestive organs is excluded, the procedure of gastric lavage with water and salt or potassium permanganate will be effective. After stopping the vomiting, the patient should be given frequent warm drinks. Strong sweet tea or rosehip infusion from chamomile and lemon balm flowers is good.
  • Medication overdose - medications taken in excessive quantities can quickly lead to serious consequences. Such cases require an urgent call to the ambulance and immediately taken measures to rid the body of the swallowed medicine. Drinking plenty of fluids and gastric lavage are the first steps that need to be taken to avoid the substance entering the bloodstream. If the victim still has the packaging of the drug, it should be shown to a doctor for a quick diagnosis and treatment. If the patients are a pregnant woman, an elderly person or a person in a weakened condition, intensive gastric lavage before the arrival of emergency doctors is dangerous. It can cause dehydration due to loss of large volumes of fluid. In such a combination of circumstances, it is better for the patient to only offer small portions of drink before being examined by a doctor.
  • Intestinal infection - pathogenic flora that causes an infectious disease of the stomach is removed from the body through the protective mechanism of vomiting. In between attacks, the patient is asked to drink small volumes of a solution of the drug Regidron. It restores the deficiency of essential substances removed from the body along with the liquid. If the vomiting does not stop, you can drink Cerucal or Motilium.
  • Intoxication with toxic vapors - inhalation of toxic substances (gas or chemical vapor poisoning) can lead to nausea and vomiting. The victim should be taken out into fresh air as soon as possible to ensure oxygen enters the lungs. Sweet, weak tea or coffee will help stop the urge to vomit. The victim should not be left unattended so that in case of sudden loss of consciousness he does not choke on vomit.
  • Motion sickness - a weak vestibular apparatus often causes nausea and vomiting in transport. Children are especially susceptible to this problem. To prevent such a development of events, you should try to provide yourself and your loved ones with a comfortable position on the road (preferably reclining), avoid overfeeding your children on the eve of the trip, and take with you a few simple remedies that can alleviate the onset of nausea:
  1. mint flavored caramel for sucking;
  2. a slice of lemon with peel (hold behind your cheek);
  3. sweet and sour lollipop (can be offered to children for vomiting);
  4. Validol tablet (keep under the tongue);
  5. ammonia.

When vomiting, the body loses fluid and minerals - first of all, it eliminates dehydration. Water will help normalize stomach function. When the urge to vomit does not continue after the first portion, treatment begins. To replenish your water balance, you need to drink clean water, weak tea without sugar, and juice diluted with water in large quantities.

Rice water soothes the stomach. Mineral water helps restore the water-salt balance. There are special solutions containing microelements. It is recommended to drink solutions two hours after vomiting. Carbonated drinks will make you feel worse. It is necessary to give up milk. Alcohol should not be consumed.

After poisoning, a person should be given help. It will help get rid of symptoms, remove toxic substances from the body, stop the reproduction and spread of harmful microorganisms. If everything is done according to the rules, you can quickly restore the patient’s condition and relieve him of suffering.

If there are signs of intoxication, you should not remove them with medications. It is necessary to drink liquid - it promotes rapid cleansing. Medicines should be taken after first aid.

If severe vomiting has stopped, you should rinse your stomach. When vomiting, not all toxins come out - it is necessary to completely get rid of them so that toxic substances do not multiply in the human body. Gastric lavage occurs using a weak solution of potassium permanganate (or potassium permanganate). You need to add a few granules to 2 liters of boiled water.

Antiemetic drugs

Pharmacies sell various antiemetic drugs, for example, Gastrolit or Regidron. They help not only improve the general condition of the patient, but also normalize the level of essential elements in the body.

When taking Regidron, the water-salt balance is maintained and dehydration of the body is prevented. Take this drug together with sweet green tea or a 5% glucose solution, which will help not oversaturate the body with the salts present in the drug.

Gastrolite has a good anti-inflammatory effect, despite the fact that it consists of components of plant origin (chamomile extract), which reduces intestinal spasms. The drug is mixed with water and left for a while to let the chamomile infuse. The effect of the drug begins within the next 24 hours.

If you can’t get to the pharmacy and buy the drug you need, you should make a sugar-salt solution yourself. Then begin providing first aid for vomiting and nausea using available means. To do this, take 1 tsp per 1 liter of chilled boiled water. salt, 0.5 tsp. soda, and 8-9 tablespoons of sugar. All ingredients are mixed in water, and the resulting product is given to the patient to drink.

All measures for the treatment of vomiting should be carried out if there are no clots or blood . If they are present, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible or, in extreme cases, wait for the attending physician. The patient should not be fed or given water, but should be provided with complete rest.

Remedies for nausea without vomiting

It is better to eat when fluid balance is restored. It is advisable to wait 6 hours. If the patient is not hungry, food is replaced with warm drinks. When the need for food arises, they get used to regular food in stages.

What to eat

After poisoning, you can eat crackers, cookies without additives, oils, semi-liquid foods - porridge with water, mashed potatoes, jelly. You can eat chicken soup and noodles without fat. Fatty foods cause flatulence. If you feel nauseous, you can limit yourself to drinking.

After two days, if you don’t feel sick, add an egg, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, and boiled or steamed vegetables to your diet. Weakness is a consequence of vomiting. To recover, the body needs protein. Boiled chicken without skin, fish, steamed meat are excellent sources of protein and microelements. Vitamins and minerals will be replenished with bananas and baked apples.

What not to eat

You should return to your usual diet gradually. It is better to exclude foods that irritate the stomach for 2-7 days. Food should be easily digestible and help restore microflora. The diet consists of avoiding the following categories of food:

  • Fried and greasy. Enzymes that promote the breakdown of fats are produced poorly due to disruption of the stomach.
  • Spicy and generously seasoned. Seasonings further irritate the digestive system.
  • Sour. Increased acidity will make you feel worse.
  • Smoked and canned.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Sweets: chocolate, cream and butter-based desserts, jam.

During the entire recovery period, the drinking regime is observed. Add berry decoctions and compotes. Decoctions of herbs with anti-inflammatory properties (chamomile, St. John's wort) and apple juice will help normalize the state of the digestive system. Make sure that the temperature of food and drinks is optimal. Hot or cold causes stomach irritation.

The duration of the diet depends on how you feel. The adult himself decides after how many days to return to normal nutrition. After severe vomiting, the recovery period takes up to three weeks. Products must be freshly prepared. Do not eat store-bought offal or soups from a package; artificial products will worsen the condition.

Poisoning in children occurs frequently. Usually the reason is due to poor quality products. Vomiting in a small child must be treated with special attention and proper care must be provided. If the case is not isolated, is accompanied by diarrhea and high fever, or the baby complains of pain, consult a doctor.

Drinking regime

The first thing to do during and after vomiting is to provide the child with plenty of fluids. Drinking regime is important, as for adults: water helps remove toxins faster. A water-salt solution will help get rid of vomiting. The volume of liquid is calculated based on the child’s weight - 150 ml per kilogram. Young children are given a teaspoon of water at room temperature every 10 minutes.


When the nausea has stopped, it is better not to eat right away. It is recommended to wait until the next day. Products should be selected that are easy to digest. Infants do not need any other nutrition; mother's milk normalizes the activity of the stomach. The mother must follow a diet. It is necessary to choose foods that are easier to digest.

From the age of one year, start feeding porridge with milk diluted with water, gradually introducing baby cottage cheese, vegetable puree, and juices into the diet. At first, it is recommended that older children be given rice and buckwheat porridge with water. Oatmeal is fine. The porridge should be boiled and unsweetened. If desired, instead of sugar, add dried fruits, focusing on your well-being.

The following foods will improve stomach function:

  • banana puree (bananas are an essential source of microelements);
  • baked apples remove toxins and reduce nausea;
  • decoction of dried fruits;
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, broccoli);
  • plain yoghurts;
  • non-acidic kefir.

Products should not irritate the gastric mucosa; it is better to prepare semi-liquid food and grind solid food using a blender. The food is cooled to a comfortable temperature. If the child is not hungry, there is no need to force him to eat. The body will independently determine the optimal amount and frequency. After one or two days, you can diversify your diet with low-fat dishes, boiled or steamed.

It is extremely important to replenish the animal protein content. Liquid chicken broth perfectly soothes the mucous membrane and saturates the body with nutrients. Gradually, the menu includes stewed vegetables and familiar dishes. It is recommended to consume food in small portions, but often. Gradually portions and intervals are increased.

Recovery lasts up to three weeks, depending on the duration of vomiting. During this period, the body needs vitamins and minerals. The doctor may prescribe medications high in vitamins A, B and C to improve metabolism and increase the body's resistance. In case of prolonged vomiting, a vitamin complex is required.

To avoid re-poisoning, check the expiration date and quality of the products. If the diet does not help, the nausea does not go away, you need to take medicine and call a doctor. After prolonged vomiting, severe dehydration occurs. Prolonged vomiting can lead to serious consequences, chronic diseases, and death.

People in such conditions have always used time-tested recipes.

Among them, the most popular were and remain:

  • Chamomile tea from a glass of boiling water and 1 filter bag. Drink 2 times.
  • Brew marigolds (10 mg) in a glass of water and drink 3 times.
  • Prepare a composition from the same amount of buckthorn bark and the same volume of water, leave for 20 minutes and take 2 times.
  • A decoction of dill helps with poisoning from poisonous mushrooms. It is prepared from twigs and seeds. You will need boiling water (200 ml) and 20 g of plant materials. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, leave for 20 minutes and drink 0.5 tbsp. 3 times a day.
  • Pour 200 ml of boiling water over crushed ginger (10 g), leave and drink 1 tbsp throughout the day. l. in one hour.
  • Pour centaury (20 g) and mint (80 g) into 1 liter of boiled water and leave for half an hour. Divide the entire volume into 3 doses.

It is better not to self-medicate, because vomiting can be a sign of various serious diseases. The decision to take folk remedies should also be made by a doctor.

Medicines in this group are appropriate when the cause of nausea or vomiting is not established. They have several properties - antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial. Sometimes a single use of such a drug is enough to completely eliminate nausea and vomiting.


Eliminates spastic pain, nausea and vomiting, relaxes smooth muscles, suppresses inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines. They consist of paracetamol, NSAIDs and an anticholinergic agent. Prescribed for renal, intestinal, and stomach colic of moderate intensity, 1 tablet three times a day.

The drug is not used in pediatrics and is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Contraindications also include internal bleeding, peptic ulcers, glaucoma, and chronic alcohol dependence.

Sometimes nausea does not turn into vomiting, but causes a lot of trouble. This symptom is typical for the so-called. seasickness, alcohol intoxication or banal motion sickness caused by weakness of the vestibular apparatus. It is enough to know what to drink for nausea. There is no need for potent antiemetics.

A medicine for nausea and vomiting, which is used for air and sea sickness, to reduce salivation and mucus production before plastic surgery. It is a combination of hyoscyamine and scopolamine.

The medication is available in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. The dosage is calculated taking into account the severity of the disease:

  • for prevention - 1-2 tablets half an hour before departure;
  • if you feel worse (nausea, headache, weakness) - re-administer after 6 hours.

You are allowed to drink no more than 2 tablets at a time. The maximum daily dosage is 0.002 g (4 tablets).

For intense, uncontrollable nausea, you need to use suppositories. The dosage is calculated in a similar way.

The drug should not be taken if there is increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma). There are no other contraindications.

Hi-receptor blocker, used to relieve nausea of ​​various etiologies. It differs from its analogues in its relatively low price. Available in the form of tablets, which are prescribed based on the patient's condition.

For mild nausea, adults are recommended to take 1-2 tablets at a time, for a total of 4 to 6 doses per day. You can drink the same dosage as a prophylaxis against nausea 0.5-1 hour before the intended trip.

For nausea, children up to 6 years old are given 0.25 or 0.5 tablets 2-3 times a day. Children from 7 to 12 years old - half or a whole tablet, with the same frequency. The medication is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to its components. Most reviews about the anti-nausea remedy are positive.

The gag reflex is traditionally considered a protective reaction of the body that prevents the absorption of toxins into the blood. Therefore, in case of poisoning, vomiting is sometimes artificially induced. To do this, drink a large volume of liquid and press on the root of the tongue with your fingers. This is only advisable if no more than 30 minutes have passed since the toxic substance entered the stomach. Otherwise, it will already have time to descend further along the digestive tract.

Simple steps

There are quite simple tips that will help you feel much better:

  • eliminate any remaining vomiting by taking a warm bath.
  • clean the nasal cavity to avoid the development of infection.
  • rinse to remove the taste.
  • drink plenty of fluids.

What to do next?

  1. The first thing to do after vomiting is to remove any remaining fluid from the body. This will help reduce nausea and help the body recover.
  2. A warm bath should be prepared to remove any remaining superficial vomit and clear out the sinuses, which may also be clogged.
  3. Before leaving the bath, blow your nose well. The steam will clear your nose and it will be quite easy to do. To do this, keep the scarf quite close; if something goes wrong, you can always tear it out.
  4. Rinse your mouth to eliminate odor. You should avoid brushing your teeth right away because it may irritate your stomach.
  5. If the nausea is not intense, then take care of hydrating the body. Because vomiting causes the body to lose a lot of water and becomes easily dehydrated. To prevent nausea, you need to drink slowly. First, you should start with a tablespoon of water, and then increase the dose every half hour.
  6. Avoid strong odors, which can make you feel nauseous again. If you need to cook something, ask someone else to do it. Stay away from products with strong odors.

What can you eat?

If you have a desire to eat something, then there are some foods that are suitable for this condition. You need to start with small portions so as not to irritate your stomach.

Proven foods that prevent vomiting:

  • pasta without oil;
  • dry bread;
  • water;
  • White rice;
  • potato;
  • banana, only an hour after vomiting;
  • soups with light ingredients such as rice and boiled potatoes;
  • tinctures of chamomile or cumin.

After eating, you should remain seated or slightly reclined for at least an hour. This position will allow the stomach to digest food more easily.

If possible, you can go out into the fresh air. Also, it would be a good idea to watch TV or a movie, this can distract the brain from the urge to vomit.

What can you eat?

Medication methods

Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of antiemetics that have different effects on the body. Each of the drugs has its own scope of action. Depending on the pharmacological group, the following types of drugs that help stop nausea are distinguished:

  • M-cholinergic receptor blockers - medications act on the peripheral nervous system, reducing its activity. Drugs in this group include Meterazine, an effective tablet for motion sickness. The active ingredient of the drug is prochlorperazine. Take the product after meals with water. Safe dosage is limited to 4 tablets per day. The list of side effects of the drug is headed by drowsiness and dizziness. It is not recommended for persons with impaired liver function, heart disease, or vascular diseases.
  • Centrally acting anti-nausea medications directly relieve the vomiting center of the brain. These include the antihistamine Diprazine. The active substance promethazine reduces stimulation of vestibular receptors and has a sedative effect. Take the medicine once an hour before the trip, children - 10-20 mg, adults - 25-50 mg. The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women, people with allergies to components, or people with heart, liver, bone marrow or brain diseases.
  • Antiemetics of mixed action, blocking central and peripheral receptors, reduce the activity of the gastric outlet and stop the reflux of intestinal contents. This group includes Metoclopramide, an effective and cheap drug suitable for stopping vomiting in children. It is not effective in treating nausea of ​​vestibular origin. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injections. Dosage for adults: 0.01 g three times a day.
  • Histamine H1 receptor inhibitors are drugs that reduce the amount of histamines in the blood that cause irritation of the vestibular apparatus. Pipolfen is widely used by travelers to help with motion sickness. The active substance of the drug, promethazine hydrochloride, is considered fast-acting - it stops nausea within 5-10 minutes after administration and lasts for 4-12 hours.

Adults take 1 tablet before the trip, drinking 1 tablet every 4-6 hours if necessary. Side effects of the drug include drowsiness, apathy, loss of energy and decreased blood pressure. It is not prescribed to chronic hypotensive patients, persons suffering from bradycardia, impaired transmission of nerve impulses, pregnant women, and children under 6 years of age.

  • Sorbents (substances that remove toxins from the body) are used for vomiting caused by too much food, medicine or other drugs entering the stomach. The most famous drug in this group is activated carbon. In case of poisoning, gastric lavage is prescribed with a solution of 1-2 tablets per glass of water. After this, charcoal is taken at the rate of 4-8 tablets three times a day, treatment lasts several days. Long-term use of charcoal can lead to hypovitaminosis; it is contraindicated for internal bleeding and peptic ulcers.

Power scheme

The basic principles of nutrition for upset digestion include:

  • hungry pauses;
  • drinking to replenish electrolyte balance;
  • food that relieves the digestive canal;
  • return to normal diet.

A meal of 5 meals of up to 250 ml each is recommended. It is better to drink water not during meals, but before or after, in order to prevent stretching of the gastric walls, as well as the associated discomfort and pain.

Food should be warm; hot or cold dishes can worsen the condition. The best option is boiled, baked or stewed food. Fried foods, as well as grilled foods using fatty sauces, are prohibited.

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