stomach pain during pregnancy
Why does my stomach hurt in early pregnancy and what to do?
Stomach pain during pregnancy: normal or pathological From 1 to 12 weeks of pregnancy,
How often should you poop?
Rare stool in an adult: causes, symptoms, treatment
Normal stool: what is important is what comes out and how • HEALTH BUTTON Skip to content 03.13.2020
Omeprazole antibiotic or not
Features of using Omeprazole for gastritis
In the life of a modern person there are many factors that negatively affect his health. IN
To improve your well-being, you need to consume low amounts of carbohydrates
Nutritional therapy for irritable bowel syndrome
The importance of diet Dietary nutrition for IBS is considered part of a combination treatment. Because he is not
Esophageal spasm: symptoms, causes and treatment. How to relieve esophageal spasm at home?
In the article you will find information about the causes, symptoms and methods of treating esophageal spasm. Main
Appetite in older people: what affects it and how to improve it
Loss of appetite and nausea are symptoms that are closely related to each other. Nausea often
Pain in the navel area when pressing
The intestines hurt near the belly button, what should I do?
Pain in the navel area when pressed can be of different types. She may be whiny
A man's right side hurts from his back
Why does it hurt in the right side of the back and what to do?
Nature of pain If you determine the nature of the pain, you can understand in which organ the trouble occurred.
Belching medicine
How to burp (burp) on purpose: methods of stimulation
Belching is a common problem that occurs unexpectedly. Most often it appears after eating.
Heaviness in the uterus
Why the lower abdomen hurts and pain appears in the lumbar region - causes and treatment
Nagging pain in the lower abdomen in women, which occurs periodically or in attacks, indicates
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