the child has a stomach ache
What to do if a child has severe stomach pain, what medications can be given: a review of medications and home remedies
“Mom, my stomach hurts!” – one of the most common complaints of children at any age. kids,
All the details about what defecation is
Mechanism Cleansing of the lower intestines occurs during the act of defecation. Shortly before the emptying process
Sections of the small intestine: description, structure and functions
In the structure of the human large intestine there are five sections, each of which, in the absence of pathologies,
Causes and treatment of intestinal colic in adults
Involuntary, wave-like and slow contractions of the smooth muscles of the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract are a natural
Man on the toilet
Green feces - causes of appearance, examination features, treatment
With the help of bowel movements, harmful substances and food that are not
The use of painkillers for stomach pain
Have you been struggling with GASTRITIS and ULCERS for many years without success? "You'll be amazed how easy it is to
Photo 1
9 reasons for constant dry mouth and methods to combat it
The unpleasant odor has a medical name - halitosis. The reasons for its occurrence may be different,
Mineral water - composition
How to drink Donat Mg correctly for constipation: adults, children, during pregnancy
Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: contraindications, side effects Donat Magnesium (Donat Mg) is
The main causes of heaviness in the stomach after eating
Heaviness in the stomach is the first sign that problems in the body are beginning to progress
The cecum: where it is located and how it hurts, diseases and symptoms of the cecum
Payr's syndrome: what is to blame for the splenic angle of the colon?
Symptoms In the acute phase, symptoms will be: pain in the right half of the abdomen, in the right
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