Why does my back hurt and pain radiates to my ribs: on one or both sides?
Intercostal neuralgia is not a common ailment, characterized by sudden squeezing or piercing pain in the area
Dizziness with gastritis
Dizziness with gastritis: what may cause this condition
Gastritis is a disease that develops in a person against the background of a variety of indirect and direct
Loose stool in a baby: what can you give your child for diarrhea?
The difference between diarrhea and loose stools in infants During the breastfeeding period for babies
Causes of fecal vomiting: treatment, consequences. Intestinal obstruction Feces pass through the mouth
The reflex act of vomiting arose in the process of human evolution and is always preceded by nausea. And nausea
Eating apples for heartburn: natural effectiveness
When choosing medications for heartburn, even traditional methods will not hurt, and often compete
How are internal organs located during pregnancy?
Every expectant mother needs to know how to cleanse the intestines during pregnancy. During
At what age can a child be given beets and beet juice?
Beetroot: beneficial effect on the intestines The composition of red beetroot includes plant fiber, complex
Why can the tongue be coated with a yellow coating? The top layer of the tongue is the mucous membrane,
The child does not eat well. 5 reasons for lack of appetite in children
Causes of loss of appetite It is customary to distinguish the following types of changes in appetite: complete loss of appetite (anorexia); partial
Why does a lump appear in the throat and how to breathe deeply?
The stomach is a section of the digestive tract, a temporary “storage” for food, located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity.
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