Sorbifer Durules. Instructions for use during pregnancy, before or after meals, side effects

What are the dangers of iron deficiency during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body produces an increased amount of blood. In the 2nd trimester, blood volume increases by 1/3, in the 3rd - almost 2 times. Therefore, pregnant women often experience iron deficiency. Additionally, this microelement takes part in the formation of the placenta and fetus (hydremia).

A decrease in iron in the blood is a natural phenomenon and occurs without significant symptoms.

But if you have anemia due to iron deficiency, serious problems can arise:

  • disruption of proper fetal development (including hypoxia, malnutrition);
  • the occurrence of anemia in a newborn baby;
  • risk of spontaneous abortion (from 15% to 40% of cases with hidden iron deficiency);
  • premature detachment of the placenta, bleeding;
  • disruption of the mammary glands and labor (in 38% of women);

In mild (hemoglobin level is 90-109 g/l) and moderate (70-89 g/l) stages of anemia, pregnant women may experience dizziness, tinnitus, frequent headaches, sleep disturbances, fatigue, muscle weakness, decreased appetite and immunity.

The severe stage of iron deficiency (less than 70 g/l) is characterized by severe headache, rapid heartbeat, weakness in the legs, shortness of breath, and periodic chest pain.

Side effects during pregnancy

It is worth paying attention to the fact that most often the drug is prescribed to pregnant women. Therefore, let us pay attention to the side effects that are recorded in pregnant women:

  • rash;
  • itching;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance.

If women took Sorbifer, reviews of side effects during pregnancy included nausea and constipation.

As a rule, such deviations are very rarely noted. After consulting a doctor and adjusting the dose, the symptoms go away.

It is worth noting that many women appreciated the increase in hemoglobin in the blood in a short period of time when taking Sorbifer. Side effects, as noted in the reviews, did not appear in any way. The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed not only during pregnancy, but also during lactation.

Is it possible to drink Sorbifer during pregnancy?

The instructions for use characterize Sorbifer Durules as one of the most effective drugs for maintaining the required level of iron in the body of pregnant women. This is a safe product without complex chemical compounds in its composition , however, it is taken only as prescribed by the treating obstetrician-gynecologist.

The doctor takes into account the characteristics of the pregnancy and the results of the tests performed. In each case, the dosage and order of taking Sorbifer are adjusted. Therefore, you should not take the drug yourself to avoid deterioration of your health.

Pharmacological properties

Sorbifer is used to treat iron deficiency in the body and anemia caused by this. It replenishes the lost volume of Fe, enhances the production of hemoglobin, participates in the binding and removal of carbon dioxide from the body, and the entry of oxygen into it. Ascorbic acid helps iron quickly break down and absorb.

The drug is absorbed predominantly by the duodenal and small intestine. The Durules technology used to make Sorbifer allows ions to be released gradually and evenly. This prevents a sharp increase in the amount of iron in the digestive tract, which can result in severe irritation of the mucous membrane, ulcers, and bleeding.

Read also The drug Fenyuls in the treatment of anemia

Composition and effect of the drug on the body of the mother and fetus

Sorbifer is available in tablets with the following composition (1 pc.):

  • iron sulfate – 320 ml;
  • ascorbic acid - 60 ml;
  • additional components in the form of povidone, iron oxide, paraffin, magnesium stearate, carbomer 934P, powdered polyethylene, titanium dioxide, hypromellose, macrogol 6000.

Iron in the preparation is present in divalent form. This allows the component to be almost completely absorbed by the body (90% of iron is bound to plasma proteins). The unique formula for the production of Sorbifer tablets provides for the gradual (over 6 hours) release and subsequent absorption of iron.

Sorbifer Durules is an iron supplement recommended to be taken during pregnancy to prevent anemia

This reduces the risk of irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, and prevents the accumulation of high concentrations of the component in the intestines. Vitamin C in the composition promotes rapid absorption of iron (30% faster compared to other iron-containing products).

It also takes an active part in the formation of hemoglobin and tissue regeneration.

After entering the intestine, the drug binds to apoferitin. One part of it enters the bloodstream and is then transported to the internal organs. The second part is partially excreted in the feces, and partially enters the bloodstream after 24 hours.

A combination of ferrous sulfate and vitamin C will help replenish iron deficiency within 3 weeks. If all recommendations of the treating gynecologist are followed, Sorbifer does not have a negative effect on the fetus. If you experience side effects or feel worse while taking it, you should immediately consult a doctor.


The drug contains the following active components:

  1. Ferrous sulfate – 320 mg.
  2. Ascorbic acid – 60 mg. It promotes the absorption of iron by the walls of the duodenum.

The following components act as excipients of Sorbifer Durules:

  1. Polividone.
  2. Polyethene.
  3. Magnesium stearate.
  4. Carbomer.

The shell consists of titanium dioxide, iron oxide, paraffin, macrogol and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.

Reviews of Sorbifer indicate that the drug is available in the form of round, biconvex yellow tablets. They are intended for oral administration. At the seam of the tablet there is a gray core with a metallic odor. There can be 30 or 50 of them in one package.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Sorbifer Durules are:

  1. Iron deficiency anemia caused by various reasons (period of increased iron consumption, serious illnesses, increased physical activity).
  2. Prevention during lactation , during donation, in adolescents during the period of active growth, athletes, in postoperative conditions.

The drug helps to quickly replenish iron loss when:

  • Prolonged, heavy bleeding in the pelvic organs (including menstrual flow), digestive organs, and nasal cavity;
  • iron absorption disorders (diarrhea, vomiting, severe toxicosis);
  • multiple pregnancy, third and subsequent pregnancies.

Sorbifer is taken only for the treatment of anemia due to iron deficiency. The drug does not have a positive effect in the treatment of anemia of other etiologies.

Before prescribing the drug, the doctor should order the following tests:

  1. Determination of iron levels in the blood.
  2. Level of iron binding capacity.

Interaction with other drugs

With simultaneous administration, Sorbifer Durules can reduce the adsorption of thyroid hormones, tetracycline antibiotics, penicillamine, levofloxacin, grepafloxacin, enoxacin, clodrenate, levodopa, methyldopa.

When taken in parallel with antacids that contain magnesium carbonate and aluminum hydroxide, iron absorption may be reduced.

Between taking Sorbifer Durules tablets and the drugs listed above, you should maintain an interval of 2 hours, with the exception of tetracyclines, they should be taken 3 hours apart.

Sorbifer Durules is not recommended for use in combination with doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin.


Sorbifer Durules instructions for use qualify as a safe product, however, there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • bleeding of various etiologies;
  • diseases of the digestive system (ulcers, gastritis, esophageal stenosis, Crohn's disease);
  • diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis;
  • kidney and liver pathologies;
  • lactose and fructose intolerance (congenital form);
  • disruption of the process of removing iron from the body (thalassemia);
  • hemosiderosis (accelerated breakdown of red blood cells);
  • injection and oral administration of drugs containing iron;
  • other types of anemia;
  • high level of iron in the body due to metabolic disorders;
  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age restrictions (from 12 years old).

The drug is prescribed with caution to people at risk of blood clots.

Dosage regimen

Instructions for use and dosage of the product are selected individually, depending on the complexity of anemia and age. Sorbifer Durules, like other iron-containing analogues, produces black stool; this is normal and should not frighten the patient.

It is not advisable to take the medicine during meals, especially with milk, tea, or egg yolk; these products significantly reduce the activity of iron.

Use in adults

For preventive purposes, adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet per day. To treat anemia, take one tablet 2 times a day during meals with a large volume of water (at least half a glass). Severe cases require increasing the daily dose to 300 mg. If side effects occur, take 1 tablet of Sorbifer.

The use of medication to treat anemia continues not only until blood counts stabilize, but also for several more weeks or months. This is necessary for the accumulation of iron in the body. If hemoglobin has increased within a few days of taking it, this does not mean that treatment should be stopped.

Use in children

The use of the drug for the treatment of children and during pregnancy, the composition allows, but there are no recorded clinical studies for these groups of people. Sorbifer Durules is taken after reaching 12 years of age; the dosage of the active substance can be dangerous to the child’s health. It is important that the intake is carried out during meals. If doctors have prescribed sorbifer to a child under 12 years of age, the reasons for this decision should be clarified.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Sorbifer can be used during pregnancy and lactation to treat anemia caused by iron deficiency. The medicine can be taken, but under the strict guidance and supervision of a doctor, based on laboratory tests. With the correct dosage, the therapeutic effect occurs within a few weeks.

Pregnant and lactating women are prescribed 1 tablet twice a day for therapeutic purposes. You need to drink half an hour before meals, with plenty of water. After achieving normal levels of iron and hemoglobin, you need to take the drug for another two months.

Features of taking Sorbifer at different stages of pregnancy

Taking Sorbifer has its own characteristics at different stages of pregnancy. In the 1st trimester, iron is actively used for the formation of the placenta and the circulatory system in the fetus. The substance is involved in the process of enriching internal organs with oxygen and the development of muscle tissue.

During this period, iron deficiency rarely occurs, since iron reserves are sufficient. Therefore, the drug is taken for the prevention of latent anemia, 1 tablet. in a day.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the need for iron almost doubles. It is spent on the formation of blood cells and internal organs in the fetus, muscle fibers in a pregnant woman (enlargement of the uterus). Iron is necessary for normal growth and development of the fetus as a whole.

The dosage of Sorbifer in the 2nd trimester is 1 tablet, and in the 3rd trimester - 1 tablet. 2 r. per day. These doses may be increased in case of severe anemia. Only the treating gynecologist can select the appropriate dosage and course of treatment based on the patient’s medical history.

Analogues and price of Sorbifer

List of popular analogues for therapeutic effect:

  • Aktiferrin;
  • Fenyuls;
  • Hemofer;
  • Totema;
  • Iron chelate;
  • Monofer;
  • Maltofer;
  • Ferroxide;
  • Biofer;
  • Lickferr;
  • Heferol;
  • Ferlatum.

Ferroplex, Fenyuls 100 are analogue drugs based on the active substance.

The average cost of the drug Sorbifer is 400 rubles (30 tablets), 570 rubles (50 tablets).

Instructions for use of tablets for pregnant women

The instructions for use describe Sorbifer Durules as a highly effective drug, provided that the instructions of the attending physician are followed.

Video on how to properly use Sorbifer Durules to raise iron levels in the blood:

It is also important to consider the recommendations of the drug manufacturer:

  • For prevention, take 1 tablet. 1 rub. per day, for the treatment of anemia - 2 tablets. per day. Iron levels return to normal after 3-4 weeks. To consolidate the obtained indicators, the course of treatment is extended to 8 weeks of treatment. In severe forms of anemia, taking Sorbifer can be extended up to 6 months.
  • The tablets should be swallowed whole with plenty of water.
  • The drug is taken with meals. When consuming foods containing calcium (eggs, vegetables, dairy products, juices), the body's ability to absorb and fully absorb iron is reduced. In this case, Sorbifer is taken 40 minutes before. before meals or 2 hours after meals.
  • Taking multivitamin complexes and calcium supplements is carried out after consultation with a doctor.
  • It is not recommended to independently adjust the course of taking Sorbifer - the drug is taken strictly under the supervision of the attending physician with periodic tests (hemoglobin level in the blood, urinalysis, blood pressure, pancreas function).
  • When taking antibiotics, Sorbifer is taken every 2-3 hours.

Simultaneous use with sorbents helps reduce iron absorption. It is also important to maintain a break of 2 hours between doses.

Directions for use and doses

The tablet should be swallowed whole and washed down with at least half a glass of liquid. The tablet must not be split or chewed. Iron absorption improves when taking the drug within half an hour before meals. However, in cases of dyspeptic symptoms, to reduce their severity, the drug can also be taken during meals or after meals. Iron tablets should not be given to a patient in a horizontal position.

Adults and teenagers over 12 years old:

Usually prescribed 1 tablet in the morning and evening.

If necessary, due to side effects, the dose can be reduced by half, to 1 tablet per day.

For patients with iron deficiency anemia, the dose can be increased, if necessary, to 3-4 tablets per day in two doses (morning and evening).

The duration of treatment is determined individually based on iron metabolism. After reaching the optimal hemoglobin level, you should continue taking the drug for about two more months to replenish iron reserves. Thus, the total duration of therapy for severe iron deficiency can be from 3 to 6 months.

Side effects

Despite its simple composition and proven safety of administration, Sorbifer can cause a number of side effects presented in the table below:

Probability of occurrenceSide effects
OftenFrom the digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, pain in the stomach, constipation/diarrhea. You may experience pale skin, general weakness of the body, decreased appetite, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
RarelyFrom the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, hypertension. The nervous system may experience dizziness, headache, sleep disturbances, and increased excitability. Allergic manifestations (rash, itching, peeling of the skin, swelling). Raising body temperature, inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach, leukocytosis, thrombosis, disturbances in the metabolic processes of zinc and copper in the body, dysfunction of the kidneys and pancreas are less common.

The use of the drug may cause stool to turn black due to excess iron. This phenomenon is considered normal when taking iron-containing medications.

Instructions for safe use

The dosage of the drug depends on the purpose for which it was prescribed. For prevention, it is enough to take 1 tablet once a day. The therapeutic dose is 1 tablet twice a day: morning and evening. The tablet must not be chewed; it must be swallowed whole. You need to drink it with plenty of water, at least half a glass.

Treatment should be continued until the hemoglobin level reaches the desired value, which usually occurs after three weeks. Often, the doctor may recommend continuing therapy to consolidate the results. In especially severe cases, the drug is taken for 3–6 months.

Contraindications and possible side effects for mother and child

Sorbifer Durules can cause a number of negative side effects:

  • nausea, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, damage to the mucous membrane of the throat, heartburn, ulcers and stenosis of the esophagus;
  • allergic reactions such as itching, redness, swelling, anaphylactic shock;
  • changes in kidney function;
  • pancreatic dysfunction, hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus;
  • changes in blood composition;
  • increased blood pressure, damage to the heart muscle;
  • agitation, headache, sleep disturbances;
  • disorders of zinc and copper metabolism in the body.

Contraindications for prescribing Sorbifer Durules are:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • narrowing of the esophagus, intestinal obstruction;
  • excessive iron content in the body;
  • not iron deficiency anemia;
  • disturbances in the absorption of iron and its excretion from the body;
  • severe kidney disease, urolithiasis;
  • diabetes;
  • use of other iron-containing drugs;
  • fructose intolerance.

Sorbifer Durules is prescribed only by a doctor monitoring pregnancy.


Sorbifer Durules instructions for use recommend taking it at the indicated dose to avoid overdose.

Consultation with the treating gynecologist is mandatory if the following symptoms occur:

  • severe nausea, vomiting;
  • sharp pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • indigestion, diarrhea;
  • pale skin;
  • cold, clammy sweat;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature, hypotension;
  • fatigue, general weakness, drowsiness;
  • slow pulse, tachycardia;
  • increased blood sugar;
  • the appearance of the smell and taste of acetone in the mouth;
  • Sometimes loss of consciousness is possible.

If you ignore the symptoms of overdose and in severe cases, muscle cramps, shock, coma, renal, liver and heart failure, liver cirrhosis, and perforation of the digestive system may occur. If you suspect an overdose, you should consult a doctor.

Gastric lavage is performed, and the drug deferoxamine is administered intramuscularly or orally. At home, you need to drink large amounts of water to induce vomiting. You can take raw eggs or milk orally - they bind iron residues in the digestive tract.

In severe cases, patients are prescribed maintenance therapy with intravenous deferoxamine.

"Sorbifer Durules": description of the drug

The antianemic combination medicine “Sorbifer Durules” (Hungary) is one of the most effective in its pharmacological group. The drug is manufactured using a special technology, due to which there is a gradual release of iron ions due to peristalsis. This avoids a sharp increase in its level in the digestive tract.

One of the main components of the drug is ferrous iron. "Sorbifer Durules" also contains ascorbic acid, which is necessary for better absorption of the macronutrient in the digestive tract. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets, packaged in bottles of 30 or 50 pieces. One tablet contains 320 mg of iron and 60 mg of vitamin C.

The cost of Sorbifer Durules tablets is 480-570 rubles. Before using antianemic medicine, you should definitely consult a doctor.

How to replace Sorbifer during pregnancy?

Sorbifer Durules may not be suitable for some pregnant women due to intolerance to the active components or severe side effects. In such situations, the treating gynecologist may prescribe a Sorbifer analogue. Such drugs perform the same function - treatment and prevention of anemia due to iron deficiency.

Additional components may be included. The main effective analogues of Sorbifer and their dosage regimen are presented below.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, it is prescribed if the patient has iron deficiency. Used for the treatment and prevention of anemia in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The drug can be prescribed in the presence of bleeding during multiple pregnancy.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to take one tablet twice a day after meals. The maximum permissible daily dose of this drug is 200 mg. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor and depends on the patient’s tests.

If the correct dosage is observed, an increase in the level of hemoglobin in the body is noted after two to three weeks from the start of taking the drug.

During pregnancy, the drug is contraindicated in patients with esophageal stenosis, severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, and excess iron content.


Maltofer is a vitamin preparation to eliminate iron deficiency.

It is available in the form of drops, syrup and chewable tablets with the following contents:

  • 357 mg polymaltose iron hydroxide complex;
  • 0.35 mg vitamin B9 (folic acid);
  • auxiliary components: talc, sodium cyclomate, dextrates, cellulose, macrogol, vanillin, cocoa powder, flavoring.

3 valent iron is close in structure to natural iron found in the body. Its ions are stable and disintegrate only in the intestines. Next, the component is actively absorbed and transported to the liver with subsequent participation in the formation of hemoglobin in the bone marrow.

Folic acid in the composition promotes rapid absorption of iron, proper development of the fetus, and increased immunity. Additionally, it participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, the formation of new cells and amino acids. The dosage of Maltofer for anemia in pregnant women is 2-3 tablets. in a day.

After raising the hemoglobin level to the required levels, the drug is taken until the end of pregnancy, 1 tablet. per day.


The dosage of the drug is determined by the attending physician. The standard dosage regimen involves taking 1 tablet twice a day. If side effects occur, the dosage may be reduced to 1 tablet per day. In case of severe anemia, the daily dose may be increased. The maximum number of tablets taken per day is four. The duration of the course is determined depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease. You should take the drug until all signs of pathology disappear completely. As a rule, two months are enough for this. After the iron level has returned to normal, you should take the drug for some time to create a reserve of the mineral in the body. Dosage for preventive purposes: 1 tablet per day.

The instructions indicate that the most effective is to take the drug 45 minutes before meals or two hours after. It is not recommended to take the tablets on an empty stomach for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as this can damage the gastric mucosa. Do not break the tablet or chew it. You need to drink plenty of liquid. This is confirmed by the instructions and reviews of Sorbifer Durules.

Ferrum Lek

Ferrum Lek is available in several available forms - an injection, syrup (suitable for children from 6 months), chewable tablets (1 tablet contains 400 mg of iron hydroxide polymaltosate, which is equal to 100 mg in terms of iron). In the preparation, 3-valent iron is similar in efficiency and digestibility to 2-valent iron.

At the same time, Ferrum Lek has fewer side effects and is very easily tolerated by patients. Half an hour after administration, 45% of the drug dose enters the blood plasma. The daily dose of Ferrum Lek for the treatment of anemia is 3 tablets. or 20-30 ml of syrup.

When the level of hemoglobin in the blood rises to 110 g/l (after 10-15 days), the dose is reduced to 1 tablet. or 10 ml of syrup per day to consolidate the result. This drug is prohibited for use in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. In the 2nd-3rd trimester and during breastfeeding, its use is controlled by the attending obstetrician-gynecologist.

How to take the drug

For preventive purposes, Sorbifer is prescribed:

  • Children over 12 years old: 1 tablet per day.
  • Adults - 1 tablet per day.

In case of treatment of iron deficiency anemia, the drug is taken:

  • Children over 12 years of age and adults: 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Pregnant women should use Sorbifer as follows:

  • For the first 6 months, 1 tablet per day.
  • In the last trimester of pregnancy, 1 tablet 2 times a day.

During lactation the following is prescribed:

  • 1 tablet 2 times a day.

During the treatment period, the iron content in the blood plasma is monitored. The duration of therapy depends on this.

After the level of hemoglobin in the blood is restored, it is recommended to take the drug for another 2 months.

When treating iron deficiency anemia, it is necessary to take the drug for 3 to 6 months.

Before taking Sorbifer, contraindications and side effects of the drug should be discussed with your doctor.


The active substance of the drug Fenyuls is easily digestible 2-valent iron (150 mg in 1 capsule). Additionally, the composition contains B vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine - 2 mg each, pyridoxine 1 mg) and ascorbic acid (50 mg).

They promote rapid absorption and absorption of iron, prevent its oxidation, are responsible for oxygen exchange between cells and tissues of the body, and participate in the processes of blood formation and the production of amino acids. For prophylactic use of Fenyuls, the dosage is 1 tablet. per day for 2 weeks.

After this you need to take a week break.

During pregnancy, use begins at 14 weeks. To treat anemia, take 2 tablets. in a day. The therapeutic course is continued until hemoglobin levels rise to the required levels. The drug is taken under the supervision of the attending physician with periodic monitoring of iron levels in the blood.

Fenyuls is recommended to be taken in the first half of the day with meals, washing down the capsules with a sufficient amount of water.

Drug interactions of Sorbifer

The effectiveness of the drug for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia may be affected by the drugs that the patient takes in parallel. The simultaneous use of Durules with:

  • Levofloxacin;
  • Norfloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Ofloxacin.

Read also: What you need to know about anemia with uterine fibroids

These drugs reduce the effect and absorption of iron by more than 50%.

There are a number of medications that Sorbifer can be taken with, but under the guidance of a doctor, as they also affect iron absorption. These include:

  • thyroid hormones;
  • tetracyclines;
  • Kaptopres;
  • products containing magnesium, calcium, zinc;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitamin C.

The effect of ascorbic acid is affected by the use of oral contraceptives, alkaline drinking, and drinking juices.


Aktiferrin contains ferrous sulfate in a 2-valent form with gradual release and absorption of substance ions.

The drug is available in the form of drops, syrup and capsules. 1 capsule contains:

  1. Ferrous sulfate – 113.85 mg (corresponds to 34.50 mg of iron II).
  2. Alpha amino acid serine – 129 mg.

Serine promotes rapid entry of ferrous sulfate into the bloodstream and its effective absorption. The maximum effect after taking the drug is achieved after 2-4 hours. Actiferrin has the ability to be absorbed from the bloodstream 50% faster in case of significant iron deficiency than in the case of normal hemoglobin levels.

When iron levels reach normal levels, absorption of the drug decreases. This avoids overdose and minimizes side effects. The dosage of Aktiferrin during pregnancy is determined by the attending physician. For prevention, the drug is taken 1 capsule per day.

When treating anemia, 2-3 capsules per day can be prescribed.

After normalization of hemoglobin levels, Actiferrin is recommended to be taken for another 2-3 months. Taking 1-2 hours before meals promotes maximum iron absorption. Actiferrin is prescribed with caution to people prone to allergies, in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and diabetes mellitus.

pharmachologic effect

Sorbifer Durules is a combined remedy that is used to normalize iron levels in various types of anemia. Thanks to the action of the active components of the drug, ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid, this product has antianemic properties.

The drug is characterized by high absorption with a gradual release of iron ions, which avoids iron oversaturation in the blood and gastrointestinal tract. Vitamin C and ferrous sulfate ensure oxygen transport and hemoglobin production. Ascorbic acid acts as an antioxidant and collagen, which promotes tissue regeneration. It is used if the patient has problems with iron absorption, as well as with its chronic deficiency in the body.

Can the temperature increase when taking Sorbifer during pregnancy?

Sorbifer Durules, if you follow the instructions for use, rarely causes an increase in body temperature. This option is possible in case of an overdose of the drug, less often it is a side effect. Additionally, other symptoms described above may be noted.

Therefore, self-prescription of the drug and dose adjustment can lead to the development of serious complications. In any case, if your body temperature rises (especially if it persists for 3 days), it is recommended to consult your doctor.

special instructions

Iron supplements turn stool black. The color change has no clinical significance and is a natural occurrence that does not indicate gastric bleeding. This is a sign that some part of the iron has not been absorbed by the body. Sometimes teeth turn yellow. To avoid the appearance of dark plaque, it is necessary to brush your teeth with toothpaste every time after taking the medicine.

Drug interactions

Interaction with other drugs:

  1. Iron absorption is reduced by antacids containing calcium, aluminum, and magnesium.
  2. The simultaneous use of Sorbifer with tetracycline antibiotics and D-penicillamine leads to a mutual decrease in the absorption of active substances.
  3. It is not recommended to prescribe Sorbifer simultaneously with thyroid hormones, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Doxycycline, Levofloxacin, Enoxacin, Clodronate.

If, for some reason, it is impossible to stop using the listed drugs, then you should maintain a three-hour interval between the use of Sorbifer and these drugs.

Conditions of storage and release from pharmacies, expiration date

The drug is stored in a dark place inaccessible to children, where the temperature is 15-20ºC. The shelf life of the tablets is 3 years from the production date indicated on the packaging. Sorbifer is dispensed from pharmacies upon presentation of a prescription sheet.

Is it possible to take Sorbifer and Iodomarin at the same time during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women, in addition to iron supplements, are also prescribed medications to prevent thyroid diseases. The drug Iodomarin is safe and effective. It normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, promoting the stable production of vital hormones.

Therefore, iodine deficiency is also dangerous for the unborn child and mother, as is iron deficiency. Moreover, a sufficient amount of iron in the body helps to increase the level of absorption of iodine from food and drugs such as Yodomarin.

But before combining Sorbifer and Iodomarin, it is recommended to consult with your doctor!

Drug interactions and special instructions

It is very important to take into account that Sorbifer Durules interacts with other medications. The annotation mentions that the drug reduces the absorption of Enoxacin, Clodronate, Levodopa, Levofloxacin, Grepafloxacin, Methyldopa, Penicillamine, tetracyclines and thyroid hormones.

The simultaneous use of Sorbifer with antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide and magnesium carbonate can lead to a decrease in the absorption of iron in the stomach. The manufacturer recommends maintaining an interval of 2-3 hours between taking Sorbifer and antacids. However, this does not apply to cases where drugs are combined with tetracyclines. Then the interval increases to 3-4 hours. It is strictly not recommended to combine the drug with Ciprofloxacin, Doxycycline, Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin.

Special instructions:

  1. While taking Sorbifer, you need to monitor the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood.
  2. Long-term use of the tablets may cause the stool to darken. This is considered a normal reaction of the body.
  3. During treatment, it is strongly recommended to follow a diet and abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can significantly reduce the effectiveness of Sorbifer and increase the likelihood of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

Folic acid and Sorbifer Durules during pregnancy

Gynecologists often prescribe simultaneous use of Sorbifer and folic acid during pregnancy.

These components take an active part in the process of hematopoiesis and are responsible for the proper growth and development of the fetus. Additionally, vitamin B9 promotes better absorption of iron, while neutralizing the irritating effects of iron on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs.

To obtain maximum benefit, folic acid is taken immediately after meals, and Sorbifer is drunk 1-2 hours after meals. It is recommended to use folic acid as a separate drug and not as part of complex products to avoid overdose.

"Sorbifer Durules": instructions

The price of the drug is quite high, but despite this, many doctors prescribe this drug to patients to treat iron deficiency anemia. It is recommended to take an antianemic drug in the following cases:

  • prolonged bleeding of various etiologies;
  • increased need for iron after severe illnesses;
  • microelement deficiency during pregnancy;
  • lack of iron caused by impaired absorption in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • iron deficiency anemia of various origins.

How to take Sorbifer Durules correctly? Before meals or after meals - there are two options that the instructions offer. In both cases, it is important to respect the time interval. Most often, doctors recommend taking tablets 30-40 minutes before meals. However, many patients who are treated according to this regimen note that taking pills on an empty stomach often causes a number of side effects. The medicine will be no less effective if you drink it 2 hours after eating. The daily dose is 2 tablets, divided into two doses.

Price of the drug in pharmacies

Sorbifer Durules is produced in Hungary under a license from AstraZeneca AB in Sweden. The drug is dispensed mainly according to a doctor's prescription. The table below shows average prices in Russian pharmacies for Sorbifer.

Number of tablets per packagePrice
30 pcs.420 rub.
50 pcs.550 rub.

Sorbifer Durules is an effective and safe means for preventing iron deficiency and treating anemia during pregnancy. Compliance with the instructions of the treating obstetrician-gynecologist for taking and dosing the drug in combination with proper, balanced nutrition will ensure rapid replenishment of iron reserves.

Article design: E. Chaikina


It is only suitable for the treatment of anemia caused by iron deficiency in the blood. For other forms of anemia, the drug will be useless. It is prescribed after large blood losses to replenish and normalize iron levels. Most often the drug is prescribed for nasal, uterine or gastrointestinal bleeding. It can be used to compensate for iron levels, the deficiency of which is caused by various factors:

  1. Regular blood donation.
  2. Past illnesses that have weakened the body.
  3. Transition period and periods of active growth of the child.
  4. Poor, iron-deficient nutrition. This is confirmed by the instructions and reviews for Sorbifer Durules.

For preventive purposes, it is prescribed to pregnant women and during lactation. Athletes are recommended to take the drug during periods of the most intense training (for example, before competitions).

Low hemoglobin: how to deal with it

What exactly threatens iron deficiency in the body? There can be many reasons, let’s name the main ones. Iron deficiency often occurs in children under four years of age, since due to rapid growth the body requires more and more of this element. Poor nutrition can also be a factor causing acute shortage of an important element. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the need for iron also increases very strongly, because it is necessary for both the growing fetus and subsequently the born child. With large blood losses, the hemoglobin level also drops, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Is it possible to take Sorbifer or Fenyuls during pregnancy?

It is not only possible to take medications that are sources of iron when carrying a child, but sometimes it is simply necessary. Iron is one of the most important microelements involved in various metabolic processes, and it is also necessary for the formation of red blood cells, which are responsible for the delivery of oxygen to tissues and organs. During pregnancy, iron is also necessary for the growth and development of the fetal brain. In expectant mothers, blood volume increases by approximately 40%, because intensive blood supply is very important for the constantly growing uterus. In order for the body to produce enough blood, the need for iron ions almost doubles, so when it is not possible to get the required amount from food, the doctor may prescribe iron supplements.

Of course, in each individual case, only a specialist will be able to accurately determine what is best during pregnancy. The choice may also depend on what other medications were prescribed to the expectant mother by the doctor. Fenyuls is a complex medicine containing, in addition to ferrous sulfate, B vitamins. Therefore, if a pregnant woman takes some kind of multivitamin complex, and the doctor additionally prescribed Fenyuls, then it is worth checking whether an overdose of vitamins will occur.

Treatment of anemia in pregnant women usually takes quite a long time. Hemoglobin levels usually begin to rise three weeks after starting medication and only return to normal after about two months. However, the woman’s health quickly improves and there is a high probability that she can stop treatment. Under no circumstances should this be done in order to achieve objectively positive results of therapy confirmed by laboratory tests.

Difference in contraindications and price


[General:] individual intolerance to any component; in childhood; excess iron in the body (including hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis), disruption of iron utilization (metabolism) processes; non-iron deficiency anemia.
B-group hypervitaminosis.Esophageal stenosis and/or other obstructive changes in digestion. tract

In terms of cost, Sorbifer Durules is approximately twice as expensive as Fenyuls (when comparing packages containing 30 tablets or capsules).

Effect of medications

Any analogue of Sorbifer, as well as the indicated drug, is prescribed for iron deficiency in the body. They are recommended for anemia, during periods of increased need for this element (for example, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, intensive growth or after serious illnesses).

The product "Sorbifer Durules" is manufactured using special technology. It provides a gradual release of iron ions over a long period of time. The active component begins to work in the intestines due to the fact that the plastic matrix is ​​not destroyed by gastric juice. It breaks down in the intestines. The ascorbic acid contained in the preparation accelerates the absorption of iron. This process occurs in the duodenum and in the proximal jejunum.

What does Sorbifer consist of?

The main active ingredient in the tablets is ferrous sulfate. Ascorbic acid is used as an antioxidant (antioxidant) in the preparation. In addition, there are several auxiliary components: biologically and chemically inert polymer, enterosorbent, filler.

The shell consists of:

  • universal excipient (hydromellose);
  • paraffin;
  • macrogol;
  • yellow Fe oxide (food additive E172, dye);
  • food additive E171 (titanium dioxide).

One dragee contains:

  • 320 mg of ferrous sulfate, which is equal to 100 mg of pure metal;
  • 60 mg vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

The word “Durules” in the name of the drug means that the active component will be released gradually and evenly. This provides Sorbifer with a third greater absorption efficiency compared to other iron-containing vitamins.

Sorbifer: rules of admission

For the prevention or mild form of anemia, the doctor may prescribe 50-60 mg of ferrous iron, i.e. no more than one tablet daily. Treatment will require twice the dose. If there are no other prescriptions, then in the first six months of pregnancy you should take 1 piece. Sorbifer, and before giving birth, double the dose.

The tablet should be swallowed whole, without crushing or dissolving, about half an hour before meals. You should take your vitamins with plenty of water. The duration of the course depends on the blood test results. You should not stop taking or extend the course without a doctor’s recommendation.

According to doctors, pregnant women tolerate Sorbifer and other drugs with divalent iron better than their analogues with the trivalent form of this metal. After the level of iron in the blood is restored, it will take another month or two of taking vitamins in order to completely saturate the body.

Possible consequences of taking Sorbifer and contraindications

Reviews of pregnant women who took Sorbifer often come across complaints of indigestion and nausea. And the longer you take vitamins, the more often such conditions may appear. Among the “visual effects” is the coloring of stool black. All of these are side effects of taking Sorbifer. Allergies to components, headaches and weakness are also possible.

There are diseases for which iron-containing vitamins are contraindicated:

  • esophageal stenosis and other gastrointestinal changes;
  • excess iron;
  • violation of the removal of metal from the body.

If severe abdominal pain appears, sweat appears, vomiting with traces of blood begins, the pulse weakens, the pressure drops and the skin turns pale, you should immediately call an ambulance and notify the doctor about taking Sorbifer. Before the doctors arrive, you can drink milk and/or a raw egg - these products will bind iron ions in the intestines and stomach.

Iron deficiency, or anemia, is difficult to recognize without laboratory tests. Therefore, it is vital for a pregnant woman to regularly monitor her blood condition, not miss visits to the gynecologist, and be sure to inform him of any health problems that arise. It is at least unreasonable to wait for it to “go away on its own” - during this period, the future of the child depends on the state of the mother’s health. Whether it is necessary to take Sorbifer or other vitamins should be decided by the doctor based on tests and a conversation with the woman. If the gynecologist does not inspire confidence, you should consult with other doctors, seek help from another medical institution, but do not leave the situation “as is.”

What to choose?

So, “Fenuls” or “Sorbifer”? What's better? The answer to this question is purely individual for each person. In "Sorbifer" the iron content is almost three times higher than in "Fenuls". From this we can conclude that in case of acute iron deficiency, the drug “Sorbifer” will be more effective. In case of latent iron deficiency, it is worth taking Fenuls, as it will eliminate an overdose of the main active ingredient and will be better absorbed by the body. Also, when preventing iron deficiency, it is recommended to take Fenuls. As for side effects, they are observed only in rare cases when taking both drugs, which is confirmed by many reviews from patients and doctors. The composition of both drugs is almost identical. The base is ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid. The only difference is in the proportions and quantities of excipients. The course of Fenuls is shorter and is one month, versus three to four months of mandatory use of Sorbifer. "Fenuls" affects the body more quickly than its competitor, but it is less effective in severe forms of anemia. The average cost of Fenuls is 125 rubles, while Sorbifer has a higher price - 350 rubles. In addition, it should be taken into account that during long-term treatment you will have to buy a second medication more than once. Both drugs are well tolerated during pregnancy and lactation, are contraindicated in children and are not recommended for people with kidney disease. “Sorbifer” is absorbed not in the stomach, but in the duodenum, which causes less harm to the stomach.

Contraindications and side effects

When using this drug, you should take into account the restrictions in use, mainly associated with pathologies of the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract:

narrowing of the lumen of the esophagus due to the growth of scar tissue, tumors and injuries, diseases associated with impaired iron metabolism in the body and its excessive accumulation in tissues and organs, individual intolerance to components, exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers, with caution in inflammatory bowel diseases. An increased risk of adverse reactions is directly related to an increase in dose

If a pregnant woman takes no more than 100 mg per day, then there are practically no side effects. If more, then you may experience:

The increased risk of adverse reactions is directly related to an increase in dose. If a pregnant woman takes no more than 100 mg per day, then there are practically no side effects. If more, then you may experience:

  • nausea, vomiting,
  • constipation, diarrhea,
  • abdominal pain,
  • skin rashes, itching.

If such reactions occur, the pregnant woman should consult a doctor who will adjust the dosage or replace the drug with an analogue.

Interaction with other drugs

When the expectant mother uses this iron, it is necessary to coordinate with the doctor the use of other medications, since many of them can reduce the absorption of iron. For example, such drugs include antacids, which are often used by pregnant women to relieve heartburn.


An overdose of Sorbifer Durules and other iron-containing drugs is fraught with serious health consequences:

  • diarrhea and vomiting mixed with blood,
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure,
  • weak pulse
  • tachycardia,
  • general weakness,
  • pale skin.

If these symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor immediately. At home, you need to rinse your stomach, and to neutralize iron ions, eat a raw egg or drink milk.

A severe overdose can cause liver and kidney damage, muscle cramps and coma. These complications can appear as early as six hours after an overdose.

L oading. . .

Structural and functional analogues

The Russian pharmaceutical market currently has a number of products to replace the drug Sorbifer Durules based on both ferrous and ferric iron.
In the classical approach, the latter are less preferable than the former, since they require an additional chemical reaction in the body for absorption. Treatment of IDA should begin immediately after the diagnosis has been verified and the causes of iron deficiency have been established. It should be noted that in order to correctly select an iron supplement, it is necessary to take into account the amount of microelement in each tablet of the drug. The drug should have a prolonged effect, which reduces the frequency of administration and is well tolerated by patients.

A.I. Martynov, G.N. Gorokhovskaya

“Five years of experience in using the drug Sorbifer Durules in the treatment of iron deficiency conditions”

Analogues of the main substance include:

  • Ferro-Folgamma,
  • Fenyuls,
  • Tardiferon.

The amount of iron in them is less than in the drug Sorbifer Durules. But Ferro-Folgamma additionally contains folic acid and vitamin B12, while Fenyulse contains a set of B vitamins.

Among the preparations based on ferric iron, the most in demand are:

  • Maltofer,
  • Ferrum-Lek,
  • Biofer.

Thanks to modern technologies, their effectiveness is almost comparable to the drug Sorbifer Durules, but they are characterized by higher relative safety and can be taken with food.

Table: Sorbifer Durules and its analogues

Main componentsRelease formManufacturerprice, rub.
Sorbifer Durules
  • ferrous sulfate (320 mg),
  • ascorbic acid (60 mg).
Pills."Egis" (Hungary).From 378 for 30 pieces.
  • ferrous sulfate (112.6 mg),
  • B12 (10 mcg),
  • folic acid (5 mg),
  • ascorbic acid (100 mg).
Capsules."Verwag Pharma" (Germany).From 258 for 20 pieces.
  • ferrous sulfate (150 mg),
  • vitamins: B1 (2 mg), B2 (2 mg), B6 ​​(1 mg).
Capsules.Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited (India).From 191 for 30 pieces.
TardiferonFerrous sulfate (256.3 mg).Pills."Pierre Fabre Medicine" (France).From 197 for 30 pieces.
MaltoferIron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate (357 mg).
  • chewable tablets,
  • drops,
  • syrup.
Vifor (International) Inc. (Switzerland).From 295 for 30 tablets.
Ferrum-LekIron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate (400 mg).
  • chewable tablets,
  • syrup,
  • solution for intramuscular administration.
Sandoz (Switzerland).From 281 for 30 tablets.
  • iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate (318.2 mg),
  • folic acid (350 mcg).
Chewable tablets.Micro Labs Ltd. (India).From 303 for 30 pieces.

Photo gallery: options for replacing the drug Sorbifer Durules

In addition to ferrous sulfate, Ferro-Folgamma contains: vitamin B12, folic and ascorbic acids

Fenyuls additionally contains B vitamins.

Tardiferon contains ferrous sulfate in almost the same high quantity as in the drug Sorbifer Durules

Maltofer shows the greatest increase in sales among all iron preparations

Ferrum Lek can, if necessary, be used in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration

Biofer additionally contains folic acid

My wife and I have an ambivalent attitude towards iron supplements. Perhaps due to little personal experience in using them. During my wife’s first pregnancy, in the fifth month, her hemoglobin level dropped to 105 g/l. The antenatal clinic doctor was alarmed and even tried to persuade her to go to the hospital. But this figure for the wife does not rise above 115 g/l in ordinary life. No other symptoms indicating problems with the pregnancy were found. Nevertheless, the doctor prescribed one of the ferrous iron preparations. My wife had enough strength to endure constant digestive and bowel disorders for several days. But I really didn’t want to go to the hospital. She began to eat liver in large quantities and drink freshly squeezed beetroot and carrot juice. The following tests showed the correctness of the home method. During the second pregnancy, the same products were used. The doctor had no questions about the blood tests. Of course, I understand that if a more severe form of anemia had been discovered, then I would have to look for the opportunity to take PZ, similar to the medication Sorbifer Durules. Studying the experience of expectant mothers on medical forums, I want to emphasize that the effect of this remedy is most pronounced when hemoglobin is less than 90 g/l.

Necessary drugs

If low hemoglobin levels are detected, patients are prescribed special medications that can replenish iron deficiency in the body. But it is better to do this after a special analysis. During the procedure, the level of iron, saturated transferrins and ferritin in the blood serum is determined.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, the drug Sorbifer is often prescribed. Its analogues can also be used. The main thing is that they contain ferrous sulfate. Other auxiliary components that facilitate its absorption are also important. The composition of the Sorbifer product includes 320 mg of ferrous sulfate (which corresponds to 100 mg of Fe2+) and 60 mg of vitamin C.

In addition to drug therapy, nutrition must also be adjusted. The menu should contain a large amount of meat, liver and other foods high in iron.

Why is iron deficiency dangerous?

Women diagnosed with iron deficiency have poor cardiovascular function

, may develop.
The lack of this microelement causes oxygen starvation of cells
, which affects the functioning of the organs of a pregnant woman - this negatively affects the baby. The risk of premature birth increases, and the baby may be born weak.

If the gynecologist has diagnosed anemia, then this must be taken seriously. Iron supplied to the body from food can enrich the body by only 2 mg per day. Iron supplements are much more effective. They replenish the necessary amount of microelement for hematopoiesis, and also help accumulate excess iron in the body.

Important! Before taking iron supplements, you should always consult your doctor. Self-medication can lead to negative consequences.

"Sorbifer": description

After reading the instructions for Fenuls and reading reviews from patients and doctors, we have some idea about it. But to answer the question: “Fenuls” or “Sorbifer” - which is better?” it is necessary to consider both drugs, and then compare their pharmacological effects on the body. So, let's take a closer look at such a medicine as Sorbifer. It is also a drug used for iron deficiency, anemia (also caused by deficiency). The drug can also be taken by pregnant and lactating women to prevent such diseases. "Sorbifer" is available in the form of tablets from thirty to fifty pieces per package. The tablets are yellow in color; a gray core is found at the break. One Sorbifer tablet contains 32 milligrams of ferrous sulfate, 6 milligrams of ascorbic acid and various substances that help the drug be absorbed. The medication has an effect that reduces the symptoms of anemia.

Sorbifer Durules for pregnant women - raising hemoglobin

Iron deficiency occurs when, according to test results, a woman’s blood level is less than 100 g/l. But pregnant women are often prescribed appropriate medications preventively when the indicators are just approaching this mark. Please note that the diagnosis is made only based on test results. Based on the symptoms, the doctor can only guess. Very often, Sorbifer is prescribed for low hemoglobin during pregnancy. What kind of drug is this? Is it really safe? What is worth knowing about him? Let's figure it out.

According to various sources, up to half of all pregnant women suffer from iron deficiency. Common reasons are:

  • Vegetarianism, unhealthy diet, lack of necessary products.
  • Stress that many expectant mothers face. Especially when conception was not planned.
  • Large expenditures of this element are due to blood loss, as well as pregnancy, since the developing child’s body needs many elements, including iron.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Toxicosis, leading to the fact that a woman cannot eat much. In addition, vomiting and diarrhea remove necessary elements from the body.

There are other reasons. Thus, certain diseases sometimes lead to problems with a lack of iron in the blood.

Why is iron deficiency dangerous?

Lack of iron leads to weakened immunity, which is fraught with numerous problems even for a woman in a normal position, not to mention one who is expecting a child. The risk of miscarriage and premature birth increases. Children are more often born underweight, weakened, and then become more ill.

In addition, reduced indicators cause separate anxiety before childbirth. After all, women always lose blood. And a lack of hemoglobin in such a situation is extremely undesirable.

"Fenuls": description

“Fenuls” are capsules containing 15 milligrams of ferrous sulfate, ascorbic acid and various auxiliary components that promote the absorption of the active substance. Thanks to the composition of the capsules, iron enters the body gradually, replenishing the daily requirement over time. The drug is used for chronic blood loss (which is why it is so popular among donors) and acute lack of iron in the human body. In addition, the indication for use is a deficiency of B vitamins.

The ascorbic acid included in Fenuls prevents the oxidation of ferrous sulfate when taken. Vitamins help with metabolic disorders and improve the general condition of the patient during therapy.

What is the difference?

Fenyuls or Sorbifer are recommended as additional sources of iron in case of insufficient dietary intake, because it is an essential component of the body and is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin and the implementation of tissue oxidation reactions.

The active ingredients of Fenyuls are:

  • iron
    (in the form of sulfate) - 0.15 g;
  • ascorbic acid
    (vit. C) - 50 mg;
  • vitamins B1
    (thiamine) and
    (riboflavin) - both in the amount of 2 mg;
  • vitamin B6
    (pyridoxine) - 1 mg;
  • nicotinamide
    (Vit. PP) - 1 mg;
  • pantothenic acid
    (vit. B5) - 2.5 mg.

The product is produced in the form of capsules containing microdialysis granules. This dosage form ensures slow dissolution in the digestive tract, thereby reducing the risk of irritation and burns of the mucous membrane, and ascorbic acid, together with B vitamins, activates the absorption of iron ions into the bloodstream. This release route allows you to maintain a stable amount of iron in the plasma for twelve hours after drug administration.

The drug is produced in India by Ranbaxy Laboratories. The package contains 10, 30 or 60 capsules.

Sobifer Durules contains:

  • iron sulfate
    - 0.32 g;
  • ascorbic acid
    (vit. C) - 0.06 g.

Release form: round tablets in a yellowish shell, biconvex, with a characteristic odor. The special production technology of Durules ensures a prolonged release of iron ions over a long period of time. The tablets have a plastic matrix that does not react with the digestive fluid of the stomach, and the release of the active component occurs in the intestines.

The drug is produced in Hungary, packaged in glass bottles of 30 or 50 tablets.

The main difference between Fenyuls and Sorbifer is that it is a complex product that additionally includes vitamins in addition to iron.
Therefore, it is also prescribed for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis and group B avitaminosis, and is also recommended for the treatment of parasitic and infectious diseases accompanied by iron deficiency in combination with other medications. Summary table of compositions

FenyulsSorbifer Durules
Main component
iron sulfate
Amount of iron in one table. or caps.
150 mg320 mg
Additional components
Vitamins: B1; B2; B5; B6; C; PP. Vitamin. C


Sorbifer Durules has several similar drugs with the main active ingredient:

  • Fenules 100.
  • Ferroplex.

In terms of therapeutic effect, Durales’ “doubles” are:

  • Totema.
  • Actiferrin.
  • Hemopher.
  • Biofer.
  • Ferronal, etc.

Sorbifer durules - a combined antianemic drug

The active ingredients of sorbifer are ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid. Iron plays an important role in the production of hemoglobin, a substance found in red blood cells that is essential for transporting oxygen. This ensures adequate oxygen supply to all parts of the body.

Iron is stored in the body as ferritin; its main sources in the diet are meat and liver. With iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia develops.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a powerful antioxidant that can be obtained from citrus fruits and some vegetables. The body uses it to bind the structural protein collagen, which provides support to various body tissues. Vitamin C deficiency can cause various disorders, including scurvy.

Ascorbic acid in sorbifer not only improves iron absorption, but also replenishes vitamin C deficiency.

Indications for use

Preventing and treating iron deficiency anemia in people who also have vitamin C deficiency.

How to take sorbifer

It is recommended to take one sorbifer tablet per day, or as advised by your doctor. It should be taken before meals, on an empty stomach. However, if sorbifer causes stomach upset, it can be taken with food or immediately after a meal.

Tea, coffee, eggs and milk can reduce iron absorption. Avoid consuming these foods while taking Sorbifer.

Take sorbifer tablets whole, do not chew or otherwise crush them.


While taking sorbifer, your stool may become much darker than usual. This is normal and should not be a cause for concern.

Keep the drug out of the reach of children - it contains iron, an overdose can be fatal for children.

This drug may cause a false negative test result when testing for sugar in the urine.


Contraindications to the use of sorbifer are:

  • Anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anemia);
  • Anemia caused by folic acid deficiency;
  • Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder that leads to the deposition of excess iron in the body;
  • Hemosiderosis;
  • Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria;
  • Hemoglobin-related disorders such as sickle cell anemia or thalassemia;
  • People who have had blood transfusions several times;
  • Active peptic ulcer;
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease;
  • Age up to 12 years.

Taking sorbifer during pregnancy and breastfeeding is permissible only with the permission of a doctor.

In addition, sorbifer should not be taken by people allergic to any of its components. If signs of an allergic reaction appear while taking sorbifer, you should consult your doctor.

Side effects

Most often, sorbifer causes the following side effects:

  • Abdominal pain;
  • Constipation;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Dark stool color.

As a rule, these side effects are very mild, do not cause concern to the patient and disappear soon after discontinuation of the drug.

Drug interactions

Iron supplements may affect the absorption of some medications, reducing their effectiveness. For this reason, it is necessary that at least two hours pass between taking sorbifer and any medications. This applies in particular to the following drugs:

  • Bisphosphonates, such as alendronate;
  • Entacapona;
  • Levodopa and carbidopa;
  • Levothyroxine;
  • Methyldopa;
  • Penicillamine;
  • Antibiotics from the quinolone group, for example, ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin, ofloxacin, levofloxacin;
  • Tetracycline antibiotics, for example, oxytetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, tetracycline (these antibiotics also reduce the absorption of iron from the intestines).

In addition, zinc and calcium supplements and antacids (medicines used to treat heartburn) may impair iron absorption.

How does iron affect the health of a pregnant woman?

Oxygen is vital for humans. From the atmosphere, this gas enters the lungs, and then spreads throughout the body with the blood stream. Red blood cells (erythrocytes) contain hemoglobin, a red pigment containing an iron atom. Only this metal is capable of capturing oxygen, delivering it to all organs and systems of the human body.

And on the way back, the iron picks up carbon dioxide, and the blood carries it to the lungs to be removed from the body. In addition, the metal is necessary for the normal functioning of proteins and some enzymes, participates in metabolic processes, and strengthens the immune system.

In other words, iron deficiency (anemia, anemia) means the body is unable to work at full capacity. At rest, a person needs about 250 ml (the volume of a glass) of oxygen every minute, and with great physical or mental stress this value increases by almost an order of magnitude.

The stress that a pregnant woman experiences is comparable to the work of a professional athlete. Therefore, the expectant mother’s body urgently needs this metal.

Sorbifer Durules tablets are useful for a pregnant woman, but a doctor should prescribe the dose and calculate the dose of the medicine - there are several diseases for which iron-containing drugs are contraindicated.

The danger of anemia for expectant mothers

A pregnant woman cannot be blamed for iron deficiency. During pregnancy, the consumption of this metal increases for physiological reasons. Some of it comes with food, but it is not always possible to completely meet the needs of the mother and the growing fetus in this way. In addition, there are hidden diseases and congenital characteristics of the body in which iron is not absorbed well enough.

The worst thing is that there may be no external signs of anemia at first. Well, who among the pregnant women did not feel tired, drowsiness, shortness of breath? And hair also often loses strength and falls out, nails peel and break, and the skin dries out for no apparent reason. Women sometimes take this condition for granted, but this is a list of symptoms of anemia.

For an unborn child, a lack of iron in the blood results in a lack of oxygen during intrauterine development, and after birth, such children often suffer from delayed mental and physical development. But it is dangerous for pregnant women to take Sorbifer Durules in parallel with other multivitamins containing iron. This can lead to an overdose of metal, i.e. there is a threat of miscarriage, development of gestosis and infertility.

Application specifics

To achieve a therapeutic effect, the expectant mother must strictly follow the dosage regimen suggested by the doctor. This scheme can be adjusted already during the therapeutic course based on blood tests, the nature of pregnancy and tolerability of therapy.

The instructions recommend taking one tablet per day for preventive purposes, and two tablets for treatment. The pills are continued until acceptable blood levels and, above all, hemoglobin are restored. This usually takes five to eight weeks.

The tablet should be swallowed without chewing and washed down with water (at least 100 ml). Some foods may affect iron absorption. For example, milk, coffee and tea. Therefore, most experts advise consuming Sorbifer Durules thirty minutes before meals. However, if such use provokes severe dyspeptic disorders, then it is better to take the tablets during or after meals.

Is there a difference?

Medicines differ in the complexity of their approach, the amount of iron in the composition, the duration of the prescribed course to achieve the desired result, and cost.

The structure of the drug Fenyuls includes, in addition to iron ions, vitamins. For this reason, it is often used to prevent and treat hypo- and avitaminosis of group B. It is recommended as an auxiliary method for the treatment of parasitic and infectious lesions in conjunction with other medications.

Fenyuls is used to achieve the effect faster ( one month ) than Sorbifer can provide ( 3-4 months of stable use ). However, the speed of action does not replace Sorbifer in terms of effectiveness, which is higher in the latter drug - therefore it is more often used in severe conditions of iron deficiency.

The cost of the drug Sorbifer is higher than that of its analogue. It is worth paying attention to the number of packages, because during long-term treatment the medication will need to be purchased more than once.

Sorbifer is destroyed in the intestines, which is less harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

Price and safety: who will emerge victorious – Fenyuls or Sorbifer?

Fenyuls is cheaper - from 78 rubles. (for 10 tablets) up to 144 rubles. (for 30 tablets). Treatment with Sorbifer will cost much more: for 30 tablets you will have to pay about 338 rubles, for a pack of 50 capsules - up to 450 rubles. Cost matters, since medications must be taken for a long time - 2-3 months.

If we take side effects as the main criterion, they are almost the same. The most common are iron taste in the mouth, indigestion (diarrhea or constipation), nausea (sometimes vomiting) and dark stool. Other side effects (headache, ulcer or stenosis of the esophagus, stomach pain), although noted in the instructions for both drugs, are practically not encountered.

Both Sorbifer and Fenyuls can be prescribed to children from the age of 12. However, Fenyuls drops can be used to treat anemia in newborns and infants. These iron supplements are prescribed with the same frequency during pregnancy.

The list of contraindications does not differ significantly. Both medications are not recommended for patients if:

Hemorrhoids kill the patient in 79% of cases

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • excess iron in the body;
  • exacerbation of ulcers;
  • acute bleeding;
  • other forms of anemia.

That is, in terms of safety and likelihood of adverse reactions, these drugs are equivalent.

There is no difference in what medications it is prohibited to combine Sorbifer and Fenyuls with. You cannot use tetracycline antibiotics, Ciprofloxacin, Normfloxacin, Doxycycline, Ofloxacin at the same time (the break in taking medications should be at least 2-3 hours). This rule applies to sorbents and anacids.

What will be the result in the conditional competition between the drugs Sorbifer and Fenyuls? What is better to buy for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency anemia? If the condition is extremely severe, the hemoglobin is very low (which can lead to serious consequences for the woman and the embryo), then it is better to take Sorbifer. In other cases, you can be treated with relatively inexpensive, high-quality and effective Fenlyuls. In addition, it contains a vitamin complex.

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