Causes of pain in the mammary gland - possible diseases, diagnosis and treatment

Most women at least once in their lives encounter an unpleasant phenomenon - breast pain..! Or it doesn’t hurt, but it “burns” or becomes somehow too sensitive.

This is actually a fairly common symptom. And it can make us nervous, because we tend to assume the worst: breast cancer or serious inflammatory processes.

In fact, breasts can hurt for a variety of reasons, and although these diseases should not be ruled out, in most cases, breast pain occurs due to hormonal changes.

And since many people are still worried that they don't know exactly why their breasts may hurt , we've compiled a list of the 7 main causes of this discomfort.

Why might your chest hurt? Hormonal factors

So, hormonal changes in the female body are the main cause of increased breast sensitivity and pain.

  • When teenage girls start menstruating , their breasts typically start to feel sore a few days before their period starts.
  • It is also a common symptom in women suffering from premenstrual syndrome or irregular menstrual cycles.
  • Sometimes your breasts may hurt in the middle of your menstrual cycle (this coincides with ovulation).
  • Finally, hormonal contraceptives may also be a cause.

This is interesting: Hormonal imbalance: 10 symptoms that should not be ignored

Causes of chest pain

At appointments with cardiologists, therapists and neurologists, patients try to find out why they have chest pain. The most common root causes are:

  • heart diseases;
  • problems with the thoracic spine;
  • spinal deformity;
  • lung diseases;
  • problems related to the stomach or esophagus;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • injury to the intercostal and pectoral muscles;
  • herpes infection (shingles);
  • neuralgia;
  • mastitis.

Breast cysts

Cysts are “sacs” in the breast tissue that are filled with fluid.

They form when the mammary glands increase in size (due to hormonal changes or due to inflammatory disorders).

And despite the fact that they swell and can be very painful (which is why they are often mistaken for symptoms of cancer), they are benign formations that are easily treatable.

  • But, of course, there is no point in delaying it. It is necessary to take timely measures, as cysts can reach impressive sizes.

Breast pain before menstruation. This is fine?

The occurrence of pain a couple of weeks before the start of menstruation is quite normal. This is due to the work of hormones. On the eve of menstruation, breasts may increase slightly in size. This phenomenon is often accompanied by mild pain in both mammary glands.

However, if the pain does not go away after the start of menstruation, the pain is too severe or occurs only in one breast, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Breast abscess

In some cases, the feeling of heaviness and pain in the chest is associated with an infectious disease known as an abscess.

This is an accumulation of pus in the breast tissue: it forms small lumps that are easily palpable and cause pain when palpated.

The main cause of abscesses is bacteria that have entered the breast tissue through cracks in the nipples or due to problems during breastfeeding.

  • It is extremely important to seek medical attention promptly because antibiotics may be needed to control the infection.

Chest pain in men

In representatives of the stronger sex, pain in the sternum may appear after a chest injury. Pain is felt when pressing on the damaged area. In diseases of the spine, pain occurs in the sternum, shoulder blades, and on the side of the displaced vertebrae. In men, painful sensations in the chest may appear due to the following diseases:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, disruption of internal organs;
  • inflammation of the heart muscle;
  • lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • inflammation of the pleura of the respiratory tract, tracheitis;
  • neuroses, mental disorders.

In pulmonary diseases, inflammation occurs in the pleural cavity. This process is accompanied by a sharp, strong cough and shortness of breath. Lesions of the pleura of the lungs often occur in smokers. This is a serious disease that is difficult to get rid of. When a lung infarction occurs, burning, stabbing pain appears that radiates to the back, stomach, and shoulder blades. Peptic ulcers of the esophagus can cause similar sensations. The causative agents of inflammation are viruses or infections. The diseases are characterized by muscle spasms that cause severe pain in the sternum.

During myocardial infarction, necrosis of the muscle tissue of the heart organ occurs. The pain is localized in the upper or central part of the body. The consequences of this disease are very serious. The inflammatory process in the myocardium causes the death of the heart muscle. Characteristic symptoms are nausea, severe shortness of breath, and cold sweat. Heart attacks are accompanied by a feeling of fear and dizziness. The pain does not go away after taking nitroglycerin.

  • Thoracic osteochondrosis - symptoms and signs. Manifestations of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine and treatment
  • Causes of blood in sputum during expectoration - diagnosis and treatment in children and adults
  • How to identify and treat thoracic intercostal neuralgia


What else can cause chest pain? Due to the hormonal changes in the female body during pregnancy, it is perhaps the most common cause of chest pain.

In fact, this is one of the signs of pregnancy, its integral component.

  • During their first pregnancy (or if it happens at an early age), women notice special breast sensitivity.
  • During the first trimester of pregnancy, breasts increase greatly in size. In addition to pain, you may notice other changes. For example, small blue wreaths indicating increased blood flow to that part of the body.

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What and how to treat?

First you need to undergo diagnostics to determine the root cause of such complaints. To identify pathologies of the spine, it is necessary to take an x-ray or MRI. Ultrasound and MRI examinations are prescribed for joint problems. Sometimes a puncture is taken from them.

During the treatment period, medications are prescribed to relieve pain, inflammation, spasms and restore pinched nerves. Physiotherapy and exercise therapy increase blood circulation, improve metabolism in the body, and strengthen the back and pectoral muscles.

The purpose of treatment is directly determined by the disease:

  1. for angina pectoris, nitroglycerin is taken: pain disappears within a few minutes;
  2. inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system require the use of anti-inflammatory and cough suppressants;
  3. to get rid of osteochondrosis, measures are taken to improve disc mobility;
  4. Cardioneurosis is treated by improving the body’s condition and increasing immunity;
  5. Neuralgia is eliminated by taking painkillers and B vitamins.



The breastfeeding period is very important for creating a bond between mother and child, but breast pain cannot be avoided!

Regardless of whether a woman is breastfeeding or not, the flow of milk and the activity of hormones cause these unpleasant sensations.

Additionally, if your breast skin is dry and cracked, you are at risk of developing a bacterial or yeast infection.

Therefore, if the pain is prolonged or too severe (and the condition does not improve within a few days), you should immediately consult a doctor and find out for sure whether it is an infection or not.

Find out: How to tighten and firm your breasts: home remedies


Women are advised to periodically examine their breasts on their own in order to promptly notice the presence of lumps in the mammary glands. This increases the chances of detecting cancer and other dangerous diseases in the early stages. In case of severe pain, changes in the shape of the mammary glands, or other negative signs, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination. Diagnostics in medical institutions includes activities such as:

  • collection of information, palpation of the chest;
  • Ultrasound of the sternum area;
  • mammography;
  • X-ray;
  • tissue biopsy.

You can contact a therapist at your place of residence, and he will then schedule a consultation with a specialist, depending on the results of the examination. If there is severe pain in the mammary glands, women can immediately visit a mammologist. What will be prescribed:

  1. If a heart attack is suspected, a computed tomography scan may be prescribed.
  2. If the cause of sternum pain is esophageal disorders, a FEGDS procedure is performed, in which the stomach is examined inside using a special apparatus. Tissue sampling is done to detect inflammation and infections.
  3. Blood and urine may be taken for analysis to detect viral microorganisms.

Why do the mammary glands hurt - reasons

The syndrome is most often observed in women due to hormonal disorders. Sometimes such a failure can be physiological, but more often it is associated with a variety of diseases.


Breast pain, caused by natural processes, often occurs after ovulation. The menstrual cycle is associated with fluctuations in the amount of various sex hormones in a woman’s body. After ovulation, preparations for a possible pregnancy begin.

The norm is moderate pain in the chest, which lasts 2-3 days. Under certain circumstances, due to the individual characteristics of the female body, discomfort can be intense and prolonged. In such a situation, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics to exclude the presence of diseases and other pathological conditions.

Pain in the mammary glands in the first trimester of pregnancy is considered normal. They can appear and disappear, sometimes lasting for a long time. The pain is accompanied by a feeling of breast swelling. The described manifestations are associated with the fact that the female body begins to prepare for feeding a child.

Pain during menopause is associated with physiological processes. It is also caused by hormonal imbalance. As a rule, these sensations are short-lived, sometimes acute, but more often they are of low intensity. Additionally, changes in the shape and size of the mammary glands are observed.


Non-cyclic chest pain is always considered a disorder and occurs:

  • In the presence of malignant and benign neoplasms.
  • For cysts.
  • After injuries and operations.
  • While taking various medications.

Why do the mammary glands hurt, but there are no periods?

If your period starts a couple of days later, but there is no discomfort, as a rule, women do not pay attention to it. But when chest pain persists and menstruation does not occur, concerns immediately arise about the condition of the body.

The first reason is that conception has occurred and pregnancy has occurred. This is usually confirmed by severe swelling of the mammary glands and increased sensitivity of the nipples. A pregnancy test highly reliably confirms or refutes such guesses. But if it is negative, then it is recommended to repeat it in a couple of days or take tests for human chorionic gonadotropin.

When pregnancy is not confirmed, the reasons for the absence of menstruation are pathological.

Delayed menstruation occurs with the development of the following pathologies:

  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Mastopathy, which is caused by hormonal imbalance.

Chest discomfort persists for some time and menstruation does not occur during menopause. Climate change also provokes the problem. This happens especially often with weather-dependent women when changing time zones. When returning to normal conditions, the menstrual cycle is restored, and the general condition of the body returns to normal.

The following serious pathologies can lead to delayed menstruation and pain:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Venereal diseases.

Diagnosis of pain on the right side of the chest

If a woman complains of pain in the right breast, then a mammologist must conduct a diagnosis. First, he conducts an external primary examination, palpating the chest to identify any obvious signs, nodes, or neoplasms. If there is any suspicion of the above diseases, then diagnostic measures are prescribed.

The main diagnostic examination is x-ray. Already on it obvious signs of the disease may be visible. Blood and nipple discharge tests may also be taken. To make the diagnosis more reliable, the following can be done:

  • Mammography.
  • Computed tomography angiography.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Use of tumor markers.
  • Blood examination for the amount of hormones.
  • Biopsy of tissue of the affected gland.
  • Electrocardiogram.

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Sharp stabbing


If your chest hurts sharply in the area of ​​the heart and radiates behind the sternum, this may be a sign of inflammation of pericarditis (the outer lining of the heart). They differ from the signs of a heart attack in that when bending forward the pain becomes less, and in a horizontal position it becomes stronger. Accompanied by shortness of breath and fever turning into chills, it sometimes radiates to the shoulder and arm.


In diseases of the respiratory system, painful sensations appear only when the pleural membrane is damaged. As a rule, it stings in the chest when you inhale, and when you hold your breath, the sting disappears.

Pneumothorax usually develops as a result of trauma to the sternum, with damage to the lung and branches of the bronchus when air enters the pleural cavity. It manifests itself as severe pain in the sternum, accompanied by dizziness and weakness. The condition requires urgent hospitalization.

Other causes leading to chest pain

Drinking large amounts of liquid

As a rule, fluid is retained in the area of ​​the glands, this leads to situations where the breasts are swollen and sore. Drinking large amounts of drinks that contain caffeine also has a detrimental effect on the condition of this area.

Wrong underwear

Wearing underwear that is too tight or wearing clothes that don't fit properly can cause pain and engorged breasts.

Sedentary lifestyle and poor diet

Eating large amounts of salt (more than 5 grams), as well as excessive consumption of fried foods, has a detrimental effect on the condition of the entire body.

If a woman does not lead an active lifestyle, then this will soon lead not only to severely engorged breasts, but also to other unpleasant consequences.

Hormonal disorders

The cause of pain can be menopause in women over 45 years of age. Hormonal surge and imbalance lead to the appearance of these symptoms.

If necessary, painkillers are prescribed; women are advised to pay attention to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.


A large cyst is easy to notice; besides, it hurts and radiates to the armpit. At first, the formation is small in size and very difficult to notice; over time, it can cause not only pain, but also deform the breast. Cysts occur most often in women 30-50 years old. The cyst itself is a cavity that is filled with liquid contents. It is smooth to the touch and if you touch it, it moves freely.

For diagnostic purposes, an ultrasound or mammography is performed; a biopsy can supplement the picture. If your breasts hurt, a biopsy may provide relief because some of the fluid will drain out.

Diagnosis of pathology

The nature of the manifestation of chest pain does not differ in many diseases, so differential diagnosis is an important step. The examination should include a lot of different diagnostic measures.

1. Taking an anamnesis. The specialist asks the patient to describe the nature of the pain, its intensity and duration, as well as accompanying symptoms, if any. In addition, a survey is conducted about existing chronic diseases.

2. Listening and tapping the heart, changing pressure in the arteries, pulse.

3. Electrocardiogram. If this study shows cardiac pathology, the patient is sent for angiography, echocardiography and coagulogram. All these methods allow you to assess the condition of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, blood cholesterol levels are monitored throughout the day.

4. X-ray examination of the chest area.

5. Ultrasound examination of the digestive and other systems.

6. Blood and urine examination.

In addition, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

What does pain in one breast indicate?

Soreness on one side always raises suspicions about the development of the disease. Therefore, urgent diagnosis is required.

The most common disease that causes discomfort is mastitis

. The cause of the disease is infection. Mastitis develops most often in the postpartum period. It provokes the problem of milk stagnation, which causes inflammation.

But mastitis is not always associated with childbirth. It can be caused by chronic infectious diseases that weaken the immune system.

Another common pathology that causes problems in the left or right breast is mastopathy

. It is characterized by the development of benign neoplasms in glandular structures. The occurrence of pain is associated with tissue compression, to which the nerve endings located here react. Pain often radiates to the arm and armpit. Sometimes it can be unbearable. Mastopathy is associated with an imbalance of hormones in the body.

, breast fibroadenoma appears against the background of hormonal disorders.

. It is a benign tumor formed from glandular and connective tissue. This neoplasm reacts to changes in hormonal levels, so before menstruation it can decrease significantly. If the doctor recommends surgery, then you must agree to it.

Life-threatening pathology - cancer

. You should know that at the initial stage, a malignant tumor does not manifest itself as pain, but as it grows it begins to compress the nerve endings, which initially causes mild discomfort and subsequently unbearable pain.

Gives to the ribs

Intercostal neuralgia

Quite often it occurs in adolescence and is a consequence of failure to maintain correct posture and excessive nervous tension. Pain in the left costal region intensifies with sudden movements and with deep sighs. The disease is not dangerous and often goes away on its own.

Spleen changes

Diseases such as mononucleosis affect the spleen, causing it to become enlarged. In this case, there is pain in the side and discomfort under the left breast. Damage to the spleen can also be caused by injury, since this organ is located very close to the surface of the body and primarily suffers from strong impacts.

When driving

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are often accompanied by pain in the left side of the chest, which manifests itself especially strongly when turning the body, raising the arms and taking deep breaths. As a rule, the causes are: inflammation of ligamentous and muscle tissues, scoliosis, osteochondrosis.

Qualified specialists will help you find out why the left side of your chest hurts, make an accurate diagnosis and select the necessary treatment. Which doctor should I contact if my left chest hurts?

When you urgently need to see a doctor

You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience severe pain in the mammary glands that persists for a long time. It is especially dangerous if, against the background of this, lumps or nodules were discovered in the chest during self-diagnosis. Another ominous symptom is nipple discharge.

You urgently need to undergo an examination when the following changes appear:

  • bust asymmetry. For example, one breast has become larger than the other or there has been a change in its shape;
  • modification of the nipple. For example, he acquired a different color or became drawn in. Strange discharges, especially those with an unpleasant odor and mixed with pus, should alert you;
  • pain when pressing or touching the nipples, which lasts for a long time;
  • the skin on the chest becomes rough, begins to peel, turns red or wrinkles.


There are several types of neoplasms. In general, they are divided into benign and malignant (oncological) types. The mammologist makes a diagnosis based on the results of ultrasound diagnostics, palpation and a number of additional tests.

Quite often, cysts are found in women’s breasts. These are benign formations. They are capsules filled with clear physiological fluid. If cysts are present, cutting pain is noted. Such tumors form due to increased levels of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. In addition, the reasons for the appearance of such neoplasms lie in injuries and rough handling of the breasts during sex.

Cysts are amenable to conservative therapy in the early stages. If the tumor is large, the doctor performs a puncture and uses a special device to pump out its contents.

Nagging pain is a symptom of fibroadenoma. This is a benign neoplasm. A lump with clear edges forms in the breast. It blocks the milk ducts. If fibroadenoma is not treated, it develops into connective tissue sarcoma. To get rid of the tumor, doctors resort to surgery.

Cystoadenopapilloma is another type of benign tumor. A papilloma forms inside the milk duct. It gradually increases, and it begins to stab in the chest. This pathology can only be eliminated surgically. As a rule, not only the papilloma is cut out, but also the surrounding tissue.

A cancerous tumor is a malignant formation. In the initial stages, this disease does not manifest itself. Later, a stabbing pain occurs between the shoulder blades. On palpation, a lump is felt in the chest itself. Survival rate in case of cancer pathology is 98%. It is important to carry out surgical treatment and chemotherapy on time.


Pulmonary embolism

Embolism is the formation of a blood clot in a branch or trunk of the pulmonary artery. In this condition, there is pain in the left side of the chest. Pulmonary embolism usually develops during long car trips or air travel.

Often, due to pulmonary embolism, cutting pain in the left sternum in women occurs in smokers or in those women who take contraceptives for a long time. A pain in the chest occurs suddenly, a sharp lack of oxygen is felt, and breathing quickens. The discomfort increases with deep breaths.


Pneumonia can be caused by various infections that affect the mucous membrane. Typically, with this condition, pain is felt above the left breast, sometimes localized below. Coughing attacks and an increased breathing rate at this time increase discomfort.

Gastric reflux

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, hyperacidity or diabetes mellitus can cause gastrointestinal reflux. The esophagus becomes inflamed due to gastric juice entering it. Inflammation manifests itself as heartburn, cutting pain radiating to the left side of the chest, difficulty swallowing and a sour taste in the mouth.

Gives it to your hand

Heart attack, cardiac ischemia

A harbinger of myocardial infarction is often prolonged pain on the left side of the chest, radiating to the neck and left arm. If these symptoms appear, urgent medical attention is required.

Coronary heart disease manifests itself in a similar way. It is caused by atherosclerosis - excess cholesterol, which is deposited on the inner walls of the arteries, which disrupts normal blood flow. In this regard, a malfunction of the heart muscle occurs, which in its advanced form can lead to its atrophy.

Blood flow may also be impaired due to thrombosis or smooth muscle spasms.

Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris (angina pectoris pain) is similar to signs of a heart attack. Occurs, as a rule, during stressful experiences or overwork. The attack does not last long. Angina pectoris is caused by a decrease in cardiac blood supply, without blockage of blood vessels and changes in the heart muscle. If the attack is accompanied by tachycardia and lasts more than 15 minutes, you must immediately call an ambulance.

Dangerous influence and possible consequences

It is quite difficult to determine the potential danger of chest and arm discomfort. The degree of risk depends on the cause of the pain. So, if we are talking about diseases of the cardiovascular system, then it is necessary to take emergency measures, since delay can be dangerous for human life. Such pathologies can cause thrombosis, stroke, thromboembolism and other, even more serious pathologies.

Abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive and respiratory system without proper attention can become chronic, leading to complications, including the appearance of malignant tumors and death. Problems with the spine can cause loss of motor functions, as well as muscle atrophy.

If the following symptoms occur, seek immediate medical attention:

  • a feeling of freezing in the heart, its compression and lack of air;
  • intense shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • pain spreading to the left arm, back and teeth;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • severe dizziness, increased breathing and heart rate;
  • difficulty swallowing, high body temperature;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • the occurrence of pain in the chest when at rest;
  • constant and prolonged pain intensity.

Ignoring the described symptoms can be fatal.

Only a qualified specialized doctor can answer the question of why chest discomfort arose in the first place and what it may indicate.


Aortic aneurysm

A sharp tearing pain in the left side of the chest may be caused by an aortic aneurysm. The pain occurs suddenly and is accompanied by difficulty breathing and numbness of the limbs. Sometimes it gets dark in the eyes, and the tongue becomes cottony. There is a high risk of loss of consciousness and partial paralysis is possible. In this condition, there is a high risk of aortic rupture with heavy internal bleeding.

At the slightest suspicion of an aortic aneurysm, urgent hospitalization is required, since in the absence of qualified assistance, death is possible.

Mitral valve prolapse

In the early stages of development, this disease does not manifest itself in any way. Subsequently, attacks of pain that are not associated with physical activity occur. During attacks, you may experience: dizziness, weakness and difficulty breathing.

This disease can lead to complications that cause abnormal heart rhythms, which is life-threatening.


Various pulmonary infections are often accompanied by inflammation of the pleural leaves (pleurisy). This causes the release of a substance that irritates the nerve endings of the pleura, which is manifested by pain with every breath.

Stomach ulcer

The symptoms of a stomach ulcer are in many ways similar to an exacerbation of cholecystitis - severe pain in the chest area. An accurate diagnosis is made after an additional examination - fibrogastroscopy.

Nature of pain

With a stomach ulcer, aching pain appears, accompanied by bloating, diarrhea, nausea

The nature of the symptoms that arise may indicate the cause of the pain. They are often combined with additional symptoms:

  • It's a dull pain. Appears with stomach ulcers and intestinal inflammation. Accompanied by bloating, diarrhea, nausea, symptoms often occur after eating. Also, aching symptoms are characteristic of myocarditis, especially after heavy physical activity.
  • Strong pain. It has a wide range of causes: spasms, aneurysms, pneumothorax, heart attack, acute conditions of the stomach and intestines, metastases in the lungs. Additionally, there is a strong decrease in blood pressure, pallor, sweating, weakness, and blood in the stool.
  • Sharp, sudden pain. Indicates pathologies of the gallbladder, colic, thromboembolism. Accompanied by unusual symptoms: bleeding from the mouth, instant bluish discoloration of the facial skin.
  • Stitching pain. Tingling is characteristic of liver diseases, including cirrhosis. Stitching pain is often observed when the gallbladder is bent, as well as with cholelithiasis. Often pathologies affect the condition of the diaphragm. If it stings from above, closer to the skin, it may be inflammation of the muscle fibers.

Burning pain under the left breast very often indicates the development of myocardial infarction. Symptoms radiate to the neck, left arm, shoulder blade, and the patient suffers from fainting.

Dull pain, which is mild in severity, may indicate osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, chronic diseases of the stomach and small intestine. Dull pain has the widest list of possible pathologies, including lung and heart diseases.

Alleged pregnancy

During pregnancy, pain in the mammary glands is natural. However, they are bilateral and identical in both glands. There is no need to worry about this, since the symptoms are the result of hormonal levels, to which the breasts react with pain that will go away on its own.

During breastfeeding, mastitis can develop if there is congestion in the breast and infection has entered. In mild forms, this disease is treated with drugs, and in purulent processes - surgically.

The gland often hurts even before childbirth, it can stab or bother you with some frequency. The left and right breasts have been hurting since five weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus. However, this is an unreliable sign of pregnancy and should not be relied upon. The breasts swell, their sensitivity increases, and therefore you need to choose suitable underwear, use cold compresses and alternating hot and cold water (contrast shower).

After childbirth, the left gland hurts due to the fact that the milk ducts secrete thick milk and are often clogged. The breasts hurt and are tender to the touch. A breast pump can solve the problem. These reasons are not a contraindication for feeding a baby; it is this first milk that is the most beneficial and nutritious for him.

Of course, when a woman is unaware of her pregnancy, she does not think that this is the cause of her breast soreness. However, practice shows that already in the first trimester, before the period when a woman finds out that she may be pregnant, the breasts become full, the color of the nipples changes, the breasts and the nipples themselves constantly and severely hurt. If you touch them, the pain intensifies. This is why many women become less sexually aroused during this period.

If the cause of breast tenderness is pregnancy, which is confirmed, then nothing needs to be done. Treatment is not expected, since the pain will go away by the second trimester. A woman now needs to regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo examinations to take care of the development of her baby.

You should also take care to change your bra during this period. The breasts will enlarge and grow, which will include the period when the baby is born and breastfed. Therefore, you need to buy bras 1-2 sizes larger so as not to cause pain due to tight underwear.

The nature of pain and their connection with certain diseases

During the initial examination, the doctor is interested in the nature of the pain. A detailed description of the patient’s sensations helps him determine why the mammary glands hurt.

Stitching pain

Stitching pain in the mammary gland does not always have a pathological cause. They can occur against the background of a premenstrual state. This sign also indicates the presence of minor injuries and damage, which often occur, for example, when feeding a child.

A stabbing periodic pain accompanies the period of bearing a child. It indicates that changes occur in tissue structures caused by preparation for feeding a child. This kind of discomfort is felt from the first days of lactation, and this is also normal, as it indicates the appearance of milk.

But, besides this, there are pathological causes of tingling:

  • Cardiovascular problems.
  • Spinal pathologies.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.

Pain and burning

With certain characteristics of the female body, a burning sensation occurs at the end of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, discomfort disappears after ovulation. An additional symptom is an increase in the volume of the mammary glands and a feeling of fullness from the inside.

A burning sensation also occurs during pregnancy. This occurs due to large-scale changes in hormonal levels. At the same time, nausea, irritability and drowsiness are observed. It is considered normal if the discomfort disappears at the end of the first trimester, but sometimes it persists until childbirth.

A burning sensation in the chest during lactation is considered a complication, so it is recommended to seek medical help immediately. Such sensations are caused by damage to the nipples, which increases the risk of infection, which is why mastitis often develops.

Hormonal changes also occur during menopause, causing a burning sensation in the chest area. Despite the fact that the process is considered physiological, sometimes an additional increase in temperature is observed.

Nagging pain

A hormonal imbalance usually leads to the appearance of nagging pain. This accompanies cyclical discomfort during the menstrual cycle. In this case, nagging pain persists for a short time and disappears on its own.

In certain diseases, the problem persists for a long time. The pain intensifies with palpation and physical activity. Threatening signs are swelling, discharge from the nipples, fever, weakness. All of these symptoms indicate mastitis, neoplasms or mastopathy. This requires medical attention, otherwise the risk of complications increases.

It's a dull pain

Aching sensations are a rather threatening symptom. It accompanies many dangerous pathologies. A syndrome of this nature indicates mastopathy. Usually at the end of the menstrual cycle the discomfort intensifies.

Aching syndrome is observed with lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the mammary gland during lactation). This happens when the child is not fed correctly. In difficult situations, body temperature rises. It is necessary to take measures to avoid complications.

Also, an aching character indicates inflammation or the development of a benign neoplasm.

Pain is accompanied by:

  • Injuries.
  • Surgical operations.

Strong pain

Severe pain in the mammary glands, in most cases, is considered a pathological manifestation. In this case, diagnostics is required.

The mammary glands in women hurt due to tissue injury. This phenomenon is rare, but, nevertheless, you should know that abrasions and bruises after various incidents appear after a certain time. If a hematoma is present, measures should be taken to prevent the development of an inflammatory process. Otherwise, tissue degeneration may occur, which is very dangerous.

Severe pain is typical for inflammatory processes after implant installation. This indicates compression of the nerve endings. To exclude complications, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

If severe pain occurs while breastfeeding, then mastitis is most likely occurring. Additionally, there is a feeling of fullness in the chest, and compaction appears in the tissues. In this case, urgent medical care is indicated.

A fairly rare complication of mastitis is an abscess. This pathology is classified as a separate disease. It is characterized by acute, difficult to bear pain. In this case, an abscess forms in the breast tissue. Treatment is carried out only by urgent surgical intervention.


The disease is accompanied not only by painful sensations, but also by hardening of the mammary gland and unevenness of its surface. When the temperature rises, both local and general, you should think about mastitis.

The symptoms go away completely when menstruation begins, but then return again. The reasons for this condition lie in hormonal imbalances, because progesterone in the body decreases and estrogen levels increase. After the end of menstruation, the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

To confirm the diagnosis, an ultrasound is performed, as well as a test that allows you to determine the level of hormones in the body, mammography completes the picture. When suspicion of cancer is excluded, all that remains is to equalize the level of hormones in the body. It would be useful to examine a mammologist, whom it is advisable to visit every year. This is done in order to identify complications of mastopathy, which can be in the form of cysts in the tissues.

One of the common causes of unilateral pain in the mammary glands, including the left, is a benign neoplasm. It is also called mastopathy. The cause of such changes may be changes in hormonal levels, various injuries, and diseases of internal organs, including the genitourinary system.

Experts note that very often the fair sex is diagnosed with bilateral mastopathy. However, in some cases the problem may be localized to only one side of the chest, for example, in the left breast.

Mastopathy can be determined by such symptoms as the presence of lumps in the breasts in women, pain that intensifies during menstruation and PMS, as well as discharge from the nipples. Pathology must be treated correctly. To do this, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination. Next, the specialist will determine the risks and necessity of the operation. Often, drug therapy becomes a substitute for surgery.

A very common reason why there may be pricking, pain or aching in the mammary glands is hormonal changes.

Below the chest


One of the most common CNV disorders is cardioneurosis, which occurs as a result of stress. The pain is localized under the left breast and may be accompanied by hypertension.

Secondary signs of cardioneurosis are: weakness, irritability and restlessness.


Pancreatitis, cholecystitis

Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder or pancreas is often accompanied by aching pain in the left side of the sternum. During an exacerbation, the intensity of pain increases sharply and radiates to the ribs.


Inflammation of the myocardial muscle is often accompanied by a squeezing, aching pain. Due to disturbances in the rhythm of myocardial contractions, the patient may experience difficulty breathing and weakness. This disease requires observation by a specialist, as it can lead to pathological changes in the heart muscle.

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