Which contraceptive is better Novinet or Jess: comparison and differences

pharmachologic effect

The drug Logest belongs to combined contraceptives with estrogen-gestagen influence.

It has the ability to suppress the release of gonadotropin hormones, and also delays the ovulation process and slows down the maturation of follicles.

Menstrual cycle and ovulation

Logest tablets make vaginal secretions more viscous and difficult for sperm to overcome.

The endometrium changes, which does not allow the same sperm to penetrate the cervical canal and carry out the process of implantation with the egg.

Gestodene and ethinyl esradiol are rapidly absorbed when taken orally. The maximum amount of the first accumulates in the blood after 1 hour, and the second substance - after a period of 1 to 2 hours. Excretion of both active components occurs together with urine and bile.

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The drug belongs to the group of microdosed products.
Produced by the same manufacturer as Yarina. The dosage form of Logest is a pill. The application regimen is similar: drink a 21-day course at weekly intervals. The active ingredients are synthetic hormones ethinyl estradiol (20 mcg) and gestodene (75 mcg). Thanks to their action, the cervical secretion thickens, becoming a barrier to sperm, the ovulation process is inhibited and the possibility of zygote attachment is eliminated.

In addition, the drug protects against the occurrence of malignant tumors of the genital organs and has a positive effect on the nature of the menstrual cycle.

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The product is recommended for women over 35 years of age.

A full comparison of Lindinet 20 and Logest is here.

Composition and release form

The drug Logest is available in the form of birth control pills. In one, the concentration of gestodene is 0.075 mg, and ethinyl estradiol - 0.02 mg.

1 package can contain 21 or 63 white round tablets

Also uses additional substances in the form of:

  1. Lactose monohydrate;
  2. Corn starch;
  3. Povidone;
  4. Magnesium stearate.


Both products contain derivatives of female sex hormones. The active ingredients of Novinet are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Auxiliary components: alpha-tocopherol, starch, dye, povidone, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, stearic acid, macrogol, hypromellose, magnesium stearate.

Regulon tablets have a similar composition. This is what determines the identical mechanism of action. Therefore, it is not always easy to determine which is better - Novinet or Regulon. That being said, it would be a good idea to look at other options for comparison.

Indications for use

The main purpose of Logest birth control pills is protection against unwanted pregnancy. But in addition to this, they are used for endometriosis, as well as in the case of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Although some women who have been using the drug for more than 5 years claim that they acquired polycystic disease due to the use of hormonal contraception.

Birth control pills are also used for hypoestrogenism syndrome.

Photo gallery of testimony:


Polycystic ovary syndrome

Pregnancy protection


Indications and contraindications

Contraceptive pills "Novinet" are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In some cases, it is prescribed for medicinal purposes - to improve the quality of the skin and normalize the cycle. Contraindications include the following:

  • abnormalities in liver function;
  • venous thromboembolism or thrombosis;
  • the presence of hormone-dependent tumors;
  • allergic reaction to the constituent components;
  • diabetes mellitus accompanied by vascular pathologies;
  • pancreatitis;
  • otosclerosis;
  • tendency to migraines.


There are diseases or conditions for which the drug Logest must be used categorically or with caution.

No.Absolute contraindications to birth control pillsRelative contraindications to birth control pills
1Angina pectorisObesity
2Pre-thrombosis conditionsThrombophlebitis of superficial veins
3PregnancyOtosclerosis + hearing impairment
4DiabetesIdiopathic jaundice
5Myocardial infarctionHyperbilirubinemia
6PancreatitisSystemic lupus erythematosus
7Neoplasms in the liver, malignant/benignUremic syndrome of hemolytic nature
8Venous/arterial thrombosis because platelets may increaseCrohn's syndrome
9JaundiceSickle cell anemia
10Severe liver diseasesArterial hypertension
12Unknown vaginal bleeding
13Malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands or reproductive organs
15Sensitivity to components

Comparison of contraceptive drugs

Modern oral contraceptives have a lot of positive qualities, and therefore are becoming more and more in demand every year. Ease of use, almost 100% results and a beneficial effect on the reproductive system - all this allows women to enjoy life without fear of unnecessary pregnancy. In addition, thanks to pharmacists, more and more improved drugs are appearing, the number of side effects is steadily decreasing. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at such popular OKs as Marvelon, Logest, Novinet or Yarina to find out what is best suited in a particular case.

Side effects

Adverse reactions may occur from the use of the drug Logest in the form of:

  1. Painful sensations and enlargement of the mammary glands. Even discharge from them is possible;
  2. Bloody discharge and vaginal bleeding;
  3. Depression;
  4. Excessive fatigue;
  5. Headache;
  6. Pain in the abdomen;
  7. Nausea;
  8. Vomiting;
  9. Impaired vision;
  10. Rashes on the skin layer;
  11. Erythema multiforme/nodular;
  12. Skin itching;
  13. Acne;
  14. Baldness;
  15. Jaundice;
  16. Swelling of the soft tissues of the body;
  17. Weight gain;
  18. Thrombosis;
  19. Thromboembolism.

Also, the use of birth control pills Logest affects libido in the direction of its decrease.

Some women also experience a burning sensation in the vagina when taking the drug. Along with this, it does not matter at all how long the use lasts.

Most often, if adverse reactions occur, the drug is discontinued.

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Drug interactions

Birth control pills lose their effectiveness when taken together with antibiotics from the group of ampicillins and tetracyclines.

The metabolism of steroid hormones of the drug Logest increases when using medications:

  • Barbiturates;
  • Carbamazepines;
  • Ritonavir;
  • Rifampicin;
  • Oxcarbazepine;
  • Griseofulvina.

Photos of medicines:






Logest birth control pills, in turn, can reduce the concentration of cyclosporine.

In the case of using sugar-lowering drugs and indirect anticoagulants together with the hormonal contraceptive Logest, the former need to be adjusted.

Characteristics of Novinet

Novinet includes the active substances ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel.

Additional components:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • quinoline dye;
  • povidone;
  • lactose;
  • starch.

Novinet is taken orally from the first day of the monthly cycle, 1 pc. in a day.

Release form: tablets. The drug has a contraceptive hormonal effect. Tablets are taken orally from the first day of the monthly cycle, 1 piece. in a day.

Reception lasts 21 days. After this, a seven-day break is taken, during which time bleeding occurs due to withdrawal of the drug. After the break, continue taking the drug. This regimen is maintained as long as there is a need for contraception.

Instructions for use in gynecology

The method of using Logest birth control pills is no different from other COCs.

No.Cases of use of Logest tabletsHow to take the drug Logest
1General recommendationsConsumption should be daily for 21 days without interruption. Reception must be carried out at the same time. After completing the 21-day course, there is a break of 7 days. Already from the 8th day, you begin taking pills from a new contraceptive package.
2If the woman has not used COCs beforeTaken from the 1st day of menstruation. If this was done later, it is worth resorting to barrier protection during the first week.
3How to switch from another COC?There is no need to take a break. Reception begins after the last tablet of the previous drug.
4How to switch from another hormonal contraception?a) mini-pill: any day after the previous remedy; b) injections/implants: on the day of the next injection/implant removal. Barrier contraception should be used for a week.
5After an early abortionApplication must be immediate.
6After late abortion/birthReception should begin no earlier and no later than 21-28 days after the procedure.
7What to do if you miss a pill?Take the missed birth control pill within 12 hours.

Comparison of addiction between Jess Plus and Novinet

Like safety, addiction also involves many factors that must be considered when evaluating a drug.

So, the totality of the values ​​of such parameters as “o syndrome” in Jess Plus is quite similar to the similar values ​​in Novinet. Withdrawal syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs after the cessation of intake of addictive or dependent substances into the body. And resistance is understood as initial immunity to a drug; in this it differs from addiction, when immunity to a drug develops over a certain period of time. The presence of resistance can only be stated if an attempt has been made to increase the dose of the drug to the maximum possible. At the same time, Jess Plus has a fairly small value of “syndrome”, however, the same as Novinet.

special instructions

The drug Logest in women over 40 years of age, as well as in smoking patients, increases the risk of developing arterial thrombosis. They are products for the younger generation.

If a woman’s skin layer is prone to pigmentation, it is better for her to avoid exposure to direct sunlight while using Logest birth control pills

Logest contraceptive pills contribute to a greater extent to a woman’s weight gain.

If your period does not appear during the 7-day break, you should contact your gynecologist before opening a new package.

Novinet, Lindinet, Jess, Mercilon, Logest - which is better?

Hello girls! I encountered the same problem. After a miscarriage, the gynecologist said it was OK to drink. I recommended 5 pieces, Novinet, Lindinet, Jess, Mercilon, Logest. I don’t know which ones to choose, the most important thing is that they are effective and, of course, have as few side effects as possible! Thank you in advance.

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Slobodyanik Marina Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nikulina Marina

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Sheludyakov Sergey

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Trifonova Maria Anatolyevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Gundertailo Yulia Danilovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vyacheslav Potapov

Psychologist, consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zinovieva Natalya Yurievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Wrzecinska Eva

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Natalya Maratovna Rozhnova

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Tropina Natalya Vladimirovna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Jess worked for me, no side effects, no weight gain, my skin became even clearer, but I never complained before, and it seems to me that my libido only increased

bad gynecologist! Urgently to another, he should not recommend with a list. Mercilon - I had complications in my eyes, and one girl from France wrote about Jess and Logest that they were banned there because of deaths.

after Yarina and Logest, libido decreased, I haven’t drunk for 2-3 years, it hasn’t fully returned

bad gynecologist! Urgently to another, he should not recommend with a list. Mercilon - I had complications in my eyes, and one girl from France wrote about Jess and Logest that they were banned there because of deaths.

All drugs have the goal of reducing the world's population. They all have side effects that are not reported. The world government continues to develop new viruses and drugs at an accelerated pace with strong side effects. The purpose of medicine is not to cure you. Quite the contrary. All medicine works to destroy humanity and reduce the population.

I've been taking Jess for over a year now, I'm happy with everything, no side effects, because... Jess contains a minimal amount of hormones. The only negative is the price.

Only you yourself will understand by your own feelings which pills are suitable for you, I took Jess, but it seems to be suitable only for young and nulliparous people, although it was prescribed to me after my second birth, they push it to everyone because the price is high, but the effect is the same, it doesn’t work for me I liked it because if I took the pill later than usual, I started getting a headache, Yarina gave me a headache and my libido disappeared. I bought Regulon to suit my taste and it suited me, I drank it for two years.

Logest gave me headaches

I've been taking Jess for over a year now, I'm happy with everything, no side effects, because... Jess contains a minimal amount of hormones. The only negative is the price.

bad gynecologist! Urgently to another, he should not recommend with a list. Mercilon - I had complications in my eyes, and one girl from France wrote about Jess and Logest that they were banned there because of deaths.

I drink Jess - although they are expensive, my skin, hair, nails have improved, they contain vitamins.

It’s better what suits you based on the hormones of both phases of the menstrual cycle.

It’s better to throw it all in the trash and use Nova-Ring.

All drugs have the goal of reducing the world's population. They all have side effects that are not reported. The world government continues to develop new viruses and drugs at an accelerated pace with strong side effects. The purpose of medicine is not to cure you. Quite the contrary. All medicine works to destroy humanity and reduce the population.

In France, due to 4 fatalities, Diane-35 is banned (and even then temporarily). I don’t know about Jess, Logest is successfully sold throughout Europe, it’s just called differently

Logest is prohibited in Switzerland.

I have been bleeding from Logest for 14 days now. I've been drinking for the first month. I can’t figure out if I’m getting used to the drug, or if I should go to the doctor to replace it with another one.

Because of Jess, my periods disappeared for almost six months. I changed it to Yarina. Everything is fine so far

I've been drinking Novinet for 10 years, I'm happy with everything. (pack for three months 850rub)

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I also encountered this situation! In our country, chimes are prescribed to every pregnant woman, but in some countries it is prohibited! I drank it in the evening, and in the morning I miscarried! All the doctors say is not from it, but that it was simply banned in other countries, there are probably a lot of side effects

I also encountered this situation! In our country, chimes are prescribed to every pregnant woman, but in some countries it is prohibited! I drank it in the evening, and in the morning I miscarried! All the doctors say is not from it, but that it was simply banned in other countries, there are probably a lot of side effects

Logest = Lindinet20 (by composition)

I drank Novinet, everything seemed fine, but emotionally I became uncontrollable, I didn’t like it. She was aggressive, scary.

By the way, I was also prescribed a choice, but the doctor said that Novinet has fewer complaints, and Jess is new, and she, as a doctor, doesn’t trust new drugs. but the choice was mine. We treated the cyst in this way, nothing happened to it. then I moved and was successfully treated by another doctor with duphaston. maybe you can have it too?

“Jess approached me. and libido, it seems to me, has only increased.” The younger sister is now drinking Jess - she also says that libido is not decreasing. When I took Logest, my libido was significantly lower than usual and migraine attacks occurred more often, but I read that all OK can increase the number of attacks, as well as increase the risk of developing varicose veins.

I drank Lindinet first, then switched to Jess, drank it for more than a year, I liked everything, but my libido really fell, but, as far as I know, it decreases from long-term use of any OC. Yes, after the withdrawal I quickly became pregnant.

Was banned before. This time. Chimes could not cause a miscarriage in a day. Most likely, you were prescribed a drug against oxygen starvation too late. What caused such consequences

They took my blood for compatibility OK! And they picked up “Lindinet20” and it was a great fit, but there was no libido at all. Think about it for yourself.

I’m a mother of two children, I’ve been taking Tri-Regol for a year now))) Without any side effects, and most importantly I’m in a good mood. Before that I tried Novinet (breakthroughs happened), Regulon (my head was pounding terribly). Mercilon, it seemed okay too.

bad gynecologist! Urgently to another, he should not recommend with a list. Mercilon - I had complications in my eyes, and one girl from France wrote about Jess and Logest that they were banned there because of deaths.

All drugs have the goal of reducing the world's population. They all have side effects that are not reported. The world government continues to develop new viruses and drugs at an accelerated pace with strong side effects. The purpose of medicine is not to treat you. Quite the opposite. All medicine works to destroy humanity and reduce the population.+++++ half of America is already infertile, there are also many in Europe, now&180; The countries of the former Soviet Union are slowly getting involved.

All drugs have the goal of reducing the world's population. They all have side effects that are not reported. The world government continues to develop new viruses and drugs at an accelerated pace with strong side effects. The purpose of medicine is not to cure you. Quite the contrary. All medicine works to destroy humanity and reduce the population.

Logest = Lindinet20 (by composition)

I drink Jess - although they are expensive, my skin, hair, nails have improved, they contain vitamins.

Patstalom. miiiin..with vitamins. EBC probably)))))))))))))))

Should girls continue to use Novinet after taking Novinet? Or can it be changed?

Finish the pack of Novinetp until the end, and then consult with your doctor about switching to other drugs.

For the first time I started drinking OK, namely Jess, it was constantly smearing, at first I thought that the cycle was just settling down, because... This may be according to the instructions, but in the third week the lower part began to hurt and bleeding began, it turned out that the breakthrough was due to the fact that they did not suit me. Now I’m finishing up Jess and want to switch to Logest, because it differs in hormones

Hi all! I drank Mercilon for a long time, everything was fine. Then I immediately became pregnant as planned, after giving birth for some reason experiments began... I drank Chirazetta for a year, my periods disappeared, I was in a terrible mood, I switched to Jess. I’ve been drinking for 3 years now. My periods never returned) doctor She said that this happens, but I don’t trust doctors who are so inattentive), everything seems to be fine, but libido has dropped to zero! Depression is constant, thoughts of suicide! I think it's from the pills. Also fatigue, heaviness in the legs, pain in the chest. But the skin has clearly improved from them. I'm thinking about going back to Mercilon!! Ideally, there would be nothing to drink at all.. but we don’t want to get pregnant anymore.. Mercilon and Jess are similar, right?! I’ve already read so much, my head is spinning.. I’m afraid of experiments..

All drugs have the goal of reducing the world's population. They all have side effects that are not reported. The world government continues to develop new viruses and drugs at an accelerated pace with strong side effects. The purpose of medicine is not to cure you. Quite the contrary. All medicine works to destroy humanity and reduce the population.

All drugs have the goal of reducing the world's population. They all have side effects that are not reported. The world government continues to develop new viruses and drugs at an accelerated pace with strong side effects. The purpose of medicine is not to cure you. Quite the contrary. All medicine works to destroy humanity and reduce the population.


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Analogues substitutes

How can I replace the drug Logest? There are many other COCs that may be cheaper or more expensive, but no less effective.

Some of them:

  • Jess is created on the basis of drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol in the form of tablets. (Germany).
  • Janine is produced in tablet form with the addition of dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. (Germany).
  • Lindinet is produced in the form of tablets with gestodene and ethinyl estradiol. (Hungary).
  • Femoden is produced with ethinyl estradiol and gestodene in tablet form. (Germany).
  • Novinet is produced in the form of tablets containing desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. (Hungary).
  • Ovidone is created on the basis of ethinyl estradiol or levonorgestrel. (Hungary).

Photos of substitutes:







A contraceptive is also produced.

The form is similar (coated tablets) and the set of components is ethinyl estradiol and desostrel. But unlike Novinet, Regulon contains more of the first substance - 30 mcg. The concentration of the second synthetic hormone is the same - 150 mcg.

Since the contraceptive effect is provided by the same set of components, the mechanisms of the triggered processes are identical. Regulon also suppresses the functioning of gonadotropins, minimizes the possibility of ovulation through thickening of vaginal secretions, and an effect on the endometrium.

The dosage regimen is similar to Novinet.

Reviews from gynecologists

Antonova Anna Sergeevna, gynecologist:

“Logest contraceptive pills are considered easily tolerated, but this is not always the case, as with other medications. Cases of adverse reactions can be very different, even cellulite is included in this list. But those women for whom the contraceptive is suitable like everything. They don't even gain weight."

Panchenko Bogdan Antonovich, gynecologist:

“I prefer Logest birth control pills not only as a contraceptive for young women, but also as a means of regulating the menstrual cycle. Adverse reactions are rarely reported.”


It is difficult to say which is better – “Novinet” or “Regulon”, since there is no clear answer. In most cases, many medications are evaluated by their users, and the drugs we are discussing are no exception. Therefore, it would be appropriate to consider what patients write about this. Women, asking questions on forums regarding which is better – “Regulon” or “Novinet”, receive a wide variety of reviews. Some people complain about pronounced side effects, others praise the drugs and have been using them for many years.

Reviews from women

Nadezhda, 25 years old : “In the first months of using Logest birth control pills, I often had a headache, but I didn’t go to the gynecologist. Then everything went away and now I don’t observe any other side reactions. The weight remained the same."

Varvara, 28 years old : “I will never take COCs again. After the drug Logest, there is no vaginal discharge, constant dryness even with excitement, as during menopause. Everything itches terribly and is starting to get better. The pills only helped with acne.”

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