Is it possible to stimulate ovulation using traditional methods?

Letrozole is used to stimulate ovulation in cases of endocrine infertility. The active ingredient of the drug is aimed at the development and growth of follicles, from which viable eggs ready for fertilization are released in the middle of the cycle. We will find out in this article what medications it can be combined with and whether there are strong side effects.

Description of the drug

Since 2001, doctors have prescribed Letrozole to combat female infertility. The main active ingredient of the drug is an aromatase inhibitor . The drug has a slight antiestrogenic effect .

The positive side of Letrozole is its rapid removal from the body. At the moment of implantation of the embryo, the components of the drug are no longer present inside. In addition, the medicine has a beneficial effect on the endometrium, preparing it for the attachment of the fertilized egg.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this stimulant, then they include many side effects. However, they make themselves felt in rare cases. The patient should be informed about possible problems by the attending physician.


Stimulation of ovulation with Letrozole is carried out quite rarely. At the same time, the drug has long been used to treat breast cancer. The active substance significantly reduces the likelihood of relapse of a fatal pathology.

Some patients cannot tolerate another hormonal drug - Clostilbegit. Letrozole has a strong effect on the body, so it is prescribed only in extreme cases.

Stimulation is carried out by increasing FSH. The hormone interacts closely with the reproductive organs, provokes the growth and maturation of follicles, and affects the synthesis of estrogens. When the body does not produce FSH in the required quantity, the following happens:

  1. follicle growth slows down;
  2. the eggs are released defective;
  3. breast enlargement slows down;
  4. the chances of conception are minimal.

There are other medications that can be taken to normalize FSH. After conducting scientific research, doctors came to the conclusion that the drug is the most effective and safe for pregnancy.

Stimulation schemes

Letrozole is sold in 2.5 mg tablets. The stimulation scheme involves the use of medication starting from the 3rd day of the cycle. The duration of treatment is a maximum of 5 days. If we talk about dosages, they are different: it is customary to take 1-2 tablets a day, depending on each specific case.

Attention! When resistance to clomiphene citrate is present, it is customary to prescribe additional drugs in the form of Puregon and Gonal-F. They are used for both intramuscular and subcutaneous administration. Doctors classify drugs as controlled second-line induction.

Stimulation with Puregon and Gonal usually begins 5-6 days after discontinuation of the OC. Induction is usually carried out in small cycles of 7 days. The total number of such periods should not exceed 6 cycles. The results of stimulation should be monitored by ultrasound.

Answers on questions

In this block we will provide detailed answers to questions. concerns women during the period of preparation for artificial stimulation of ovulation.

On what day of the cycle is ovulation stimulation performed?

Taking special medications that stimulate ovulation begins on the 5th day of the cycle, regardless of their dosage form. The procedure can be carried out for a maximum of 3 cycles in a row; if effectiveness is not achieved, a break is taken, and the patient is advised to think about IVF. Starting from the 10th day of the menstrual cycle, a woman should undergo regular ultrasound examinations.

What happens to menstruation after ovulation stimulation?

Ideally, it is assumed that menstrual bleeding does not begin at all, because the long-awaited pregnancy occurs. But this doesn't always happen. Your period may start later and change in nature. You don’t have to worry about guessing, you should first do a pregnancy test at home, and if the result is questionable or the start of the cycle is delayed for a long time, take hCG. A long delay may indicate serious problems in the body.

How much does ovulation stimulation cost?

The cost of a procedure at the Remedy clinic starts from 1000 rubles, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that this amount does not include an examination before the procedure, the cost of tests and a gynecological examination. This is the starting price, which can be increased to 25,000 per course depending on the cost of the drug used. Please note that only a doctor can select the appropriate remedy.

How many times can ovulation stimulation be done?

No more than 6 times, but no more than 3 cycles in a row.

Sick leave for the period of ovulation stimulation (is it given or not? to take it or not to take it?)

Sick leave for the duration of stimulation is provided since the woman must travel to the clinic to receive medications, lie down after the injection and attend a control ultrasound. As a rule, from the first day of stimulation until the hCG result is received, but this does not apply to all institutions. A woman can go to work at this time, but she must understand that she will have to leave her workplace as needed to visit the center.

What to do with sex after ovulation stimulation?

You can determine the onset of a favorable period for conception using rapid tests sold in every pharmacy. They respond to the release of the hormone, which occurs on days 12-18 of the cycle, depending on the length. Of course, you need to have sex, but not several times a day, because it is pointless. The partner's sperm simply does not have time to renew itself. It is optimal to have sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation and 2 days after it, this will be enough.

How to prepare for ovulation stimulation?

Preparing for stimulation includes giving up all bad habits. The patient should also improve her diet. A full examination is required, including:

  • visiting a therapist;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and mammary glands;
  • assessment of fallopian tube patency;
  • analysis for HIV and hepatitis;
  • culture of a smear from the genital tract and cervical canal;
  • blood test for hormones.

After receiving the listed results, the doctor can guess how effective the procedure will be.

What is the probability of getting pregnant after ovulation stimulation?

If the drug is chosen correctly and the woman follows all the doctor’s recommendations, then pregnancy in the first cycle is possible in 70% of cases. Unsuccessful completion is not a reason to despair; the process can be repeated in the next cycle using a different scheme.

If after ovulation stimulation there is no menstruation, the test is negative - what to do?

Simple pregnancy tests designed for self-examination can be wrong. It is worth taking a test to determine hCG, if it is controversial, it should be repeated over time. If pregnancy is ruled out and menstruation does not occur, we can say that the stimulant was chosen incorrectly or that the woman has some pathology.

Does ovulation stimulation help you get pregnant without IVF?

The method is effective and helps tens of thousands of women become pregnant every year. If the reason is only the lack of ovulation in the natural cycle, it’s worth a try.

What to do if thrush is discovered before ovulation stimulation?

Start treating candidiasis with antifungal drugs. If possible, transfer stimulation to the next cycle; if the process has already begun, continue according to the existing algorithm.

Is ovarian stimulation necessary during your own ovulation?

In some cases yes. For example, with multifollicular ovaries, the follicles simply do not have time to mature.

Positive Impact

Doctors believe that the effect of Letrozole on the female body is effective and mild. When using it, there is almost zero risk of multiple pregnancy . Before performing stimulation, the doctor must make sure that the patient does not have any serious pathologies. To do this, a set of analyzes is carried out:

  1. Ultrasound of the mammary glands and pelvic organs;
  2. donate blood for sexually transmitted infections;
  3. a smear is taken;
  4. The patency of the fallopian tubes is assessed.

Based on the research conducted, the doctor chooses a treatment regimen and its duration. The drug is especially effective for PCOS.

Gonal stimulation for PCOS

Polycystic disease is treated using two methods: conservative and surgical.

The first method is to stimulate ovulation using:

  • COC (rebound effect);
  • drugs based on Clomiphene;
  • and if there is no effect from the first two, gonadotropins are used (including Gonal, Menopur and others).

According to the survey, approximately 45% of women with PCOS became pregnant during the first or third cycle of Gonal stimulation. Moreover, some of them had other concomitant diseases: obesity (BMI more than 30), endometrial hypoplasia (thin), NLF, unimportant spermogram, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, etc.

Before stimulating ovulation with Gonal, most doctors prescribe a course of OK to normalize the cycle or Clomiphene (Clostilbegit) - an indirect stimulant that is more affordable, but has more stringent restrictions on the number of attempts. And only if there is no effect from them, the direct ovulation stimulator Gonal is prescribed.

– normalization of weight (body mass index should be less than 30, otherwise the stimulant simply will not work);

– checking the fallopian tubes for patency;

– exclusion of the male factor in the absence of pregnancy (spermogram analysis);

– installation and treatment of all possible concomitant diseases of PCOS.

Side effects

Letrozole is a powerful hormone. It is for this reason that some risks cannot be excluded.

The instructions for the drug indicate the following side effects:

  1. leukopenia;
  2. nausea, constipation, loose diet, abdominal pain, constant dry mouth, increased levels of liver enzymes;
  3. neurological pathologies: increased anxiety, headaches, excessive emotionality, fatigue, memory impairment, drowsiness, depression;
  4. problems of the cardiovascular system: increased heart rate, tachycardia. Against the background of stimulation, an increase in pressure is possible, and the effect of deep veins is manifested;
  5. An allergic reaction appears on the body, hair may fall out, and increased sweating may occur. Itching, dry skin and flaking are also noted;
  6. aching bones, development of arthrosis and osteoporosis;
  7. swelling of the respiratory system;
  8. problems with urination;
  9. violation of the vaginal microflora.

There is also an impact on the quality of vision. Patients complain that their eyes become dark and itchy. There is also a violation of taste perception.

In addition, side effects may include:

  • constant desire to drink water;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • general decline in performance.

Aloe leaf mixture

Aloe is a real storehouse of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The beauty of this herb is that it can be found in almost any home on the windowsill.

Agave is rich in mineral salts, vitamin C, tannins, catechins, carotenoids, flavonoids, and enzymes.

In order to induce ovulation, a mature plant will be required. The age-old must be at least 5 years old. A week before collecting leaves, you need to stop watering the plant.

Cut leaves should be placed in the refrigerator for 7 days. After this, the leaves are crushed and mixed with melted butter and honey. For 1 teaspoon of chopped herb you will need 6 teaspoons of oil and the same amount of honey. The resulting paste is taken 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon, after dissolving in warm milk.

Aloe treatment - contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • during pregnancy;
  • liver diseases;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • menstruation.


Letrozole is a very strong hormonal agent that has the effect of rapid elimination from the body. The effect of the tablets does not occur when the fertilized egg is implanted. The drug is prescribed quite rarely and only if there are individual indications. Letrozole to stimulate ovulation is prescribed according to a specific regimen drawn up by a doctor.

The main method of treating ovulation is medication. The action of the drugs is aimed at the growth and maturation of the follicle. Letrozole is prescribed to stimulate ovulation if a woman has resistance or intolerance to another popular drug, Clostilbegit.

Before starting therapy, the woman is examined to identify the cause of the pathological condition. All existing contraindications to treatment with Letrozole are determined.

Letrozole for men

Recent studies have shown the practical benefits of the drug Letrozole for men suffering from infertility due to obesity. To find out the correct dose of the drug, you need to undergo a medical examination. Adjusting the number of pills taken is affected by a drop in libido, depression or erectile dysfunction. If you notice such sensations, you should immediately reduce the dosage.

The main method of treating ovulation is medication. The action of the drugs is aimed at the growth and maturation of the follicle. Letrozole is prescribed to stimulate ovulation if a woman has resistance or intolerance to another popular drug, Clostilbegit.

Before starting therapy, the woman is examined to identify the cause of the pathological condition. All existing contraindications to treatment with Letrozole are determined.

What is Letrozole?

Since 2001, it has been prescribed to combat infertility in women. The main component of the drug is an aromatase inhibitor. The medicine has a slight antiestrogenic effect.

Among the main advantages of the product is a short period of elimination from the body. Its components are not present in the body at the time of implantation of the fertilized egg. In addition, the product has a beneficial effect on the endometrium of the uterus, preparing it for the attachment of the embryo.

The disadvantages of the stimulant include the presence of side effects. They occur in rare cases, but every woman undergoing treatment with Letrozole should be aware of possible problems.

What do the experimenters say?

Reviews from women who have tried sage and other herbs are numerous, but unconvincing. There is no reliable data on women’s forums about drinking herbal teas and enjoying pregnancy.

Every woman can face this situation. For example, a woman caught a cold and was sick for a long time, gargled with a decoction of sage, something naturally entered the body. Before this, there were a lot of attempts to get pregnant, and even with stimulation on crostilbegitis, pregnancy did not occur.

The reason is the lack of ovulation. Before the illness, the woman did an ultrasound, and there were no tumors on the ovaries. Some time after the cold, I had to undergo another ultrasound diagnostic test. The result is signs of polycystic ovary syndrome.

So don't read reviews, but go to a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Stimulating ovulation is a long and complex process, but every woman suffering from infertility must undergo it. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist. It is better if the woman undergoes therapy in a hospital setting. Drug treatment should be supplemented by lifestyle changes and dietary adjustments.

Before starting to take the drug, all contraindications must be identified. These include:

  • breastfeeding period;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • children's age (the safety of the drug and its effectiveness have not been established for children);
  • allergy to the components of the product.

Specifics of normalization of cyclicity using traditional medicine methods

Gynecologists say that ovulation is one of the main processes that occurs in a woman’s body. Taking artificial measures to stimulate it can lead to adverse health consequences, such as hormonal imbalance. To avoid this, before using any folk technique to normalize cyclicity, you need to consider:

  1. Individual contraindications.
  2. Duration of treatment.
  3. Cycle period for starting a specific therapy.

For example, you need to take individual vitamins on specific days of your cycle.

Important details:

  1. It is contraindicated to take hormonal medications and artificially stimulate ovulation at the same time.
  2. You cannot take hot or mud baths during the period of desquamation.
  3. You should not expect an immediate effect when consuming herbal infusions. Usually it occurs no earlier than 1-2 months after the start of therapy.
  4. During the period of artificial stimulation of ovulation, it is recommended to take monthly blood tests to monitor the production of individual sex hormones.

Positive effect of the drug

According to doctors, Letrozole can replace popular drugs to stimulate ovulation. Ferama contains an aromatase inhibitor, which suppresses the production of the hormone estrogen in the body. As a result of this, the pituitary gland produces greater quantities of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, which are necessary for the maturation of the egg.

The effect of Letrozole on the female body is milder and more effective than the therapeutic effect of popular ovulation drugs. Ferama increases the risk of successful pregnancy with a minimal chance of adverse reactions.

With the help of Feram, the endometrium is prepared for implantation of the fertilized egg, thickening by an average of 2-2.5 mm. The drug stimulates the maturation of one (less often two) follicles, unlike other drugs. That is, with Letrozole therapy, the risk of multiple pregnancy is almost zero. Carrying out stimulation

Before stimulating egg maturation, the doctor must make sure that the woman has no health problems. To do this, the patient is asked to undergo a set of diagnostic measures, which includes:

  • analysis for sexually transmitted infections;
  • Ultrasound of the reproductive system;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands.

The doctor also evaluates the patency of the woman’s fallopian tubes. Research can be carried out in several ways:

  • laparoscopically;
  • transvaginally;
  • through metrosalpingography.

Based on the studies conducted, a Letrozole therapy regimen will be drawn up and the duration of treatment will be determined.

The average course of therapy is 5 days. At this time, the patient takes 2.5 mg per day. Treatment begins on day 3 of the cycle. The medicine is especially effective for older women suffering from infertility and polycystic disease.

The dosages recommended by the doctor should not be violated. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from treatment, and the risk of possible consequences will increase.

What is ovulation and why is it stimulated?

In almost every cycle, a healthy woman of fertile age ovulates. It occurs in the first half of the cycle, approximately on the 14th day. Maturation of follicles is noted. One of them is dominant, it bursts and releases an egg ready for fertilization.

Ovulation and the date of the next menstruation are separated by approximately 14 days (assuming a cycle of 28 days). The egg is released within 1 hour, but it retains its ability to fertilize and waits for another 3 days to meet the sperm in the fallopian tube. Conception itself is possible only during the period of ovulation. This is due to the fact that the regulation of the process is ensured by the pituitary gland, which secretes luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FHS).

Under the influence of a hormone that stimulates follicle growth, the follicle enlarges in the first half of the cycle; under the influence of LH, the maturation of the egg inside it is achieved. After release, the egg moves through the tube towards the uterine cavity. When fertilization occurs, the embryo descends into the uterus. If conception does not occur, the egg descends into the uterus and dies in its cavity.

Due to hormonal imbalance or ovarian dysfunction, a woman's cycle may be disrupted. That is, she does not ovulate; such cycles are called anovulatory. In this case, the egg may simply not mature or may mature but not leave the follicle. Pregnancy in such cases is almost impossible without outside help. Help is to stimulate the ovulation process. This procedure is provided by many clinics in Moscow, including the Remedy Institute of Reproductive Medicine.

Carrying out ovulation stimulation at the Remedy clinic gives a woman a full chance of conceiving after futile attempts to become pregnant. This procedure is an assisted technology for reproductive medicine.

Attention! Ovulation stimulation is always carried out before IVF. It is provided by taking synthetic hormones. Over the course of several cycles, the drugs stabilize hormonal levels and superovulation occurs.

Indications for stimulation

Stimulation of ovulation is indicated:

  • patients with polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency;
  • anovulation;
  • endocrine infertility;
  • endometriosis;
  • metabolic disorders (insufficient or overweight partner);
  • preparation for IVF.

With the problem of prolonged inability to get pregnant, a woman should consult a gynecologist or a private reproductive medicine center. When living in Moscow, a good option is the Remedy clinic; specialists have extensive experience working with similar problems. During the first examination, the doctor will assess the condition of the reproductive organs and the characteristics of the menstrual cycle. It is important to identify and track the process of follicle maturation using ultrasound. If the examination shows that there is no ovulation, it is advisable to make a decision about its stimulation.

Attention! The main indication for stimulating ovulation is the absence of pregnancy for 12 months, provided that the spouses have constant unprotected sexual activity and the man does not have any problems with sperm motility.

The main contraindication for hormonal correction is obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This is due to the fact that in this case there is a high risk of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. An unspoken contraindication is the age of a woman over 40 years old, but the decision is always made by the patient and the doctor.

Letrozole for ovulation stimulation

When prescribing a drug in order to increase the likelihood of a new life, most doctors recommend a dosage of 2.5 mg per day (1 tablet). You need to start taking it on the 3rd day after the start of menstruation and take it for 5 days. In studies of this dosage regimen, 27% of pregnancy cases were recorded among women who were previously suspected of infertility. Other doctors, using Letrozole to stimulate ovulation, prescribe 5 mg of the drug per day (2 tablets), noting an increased number of positive results. Studying this dosage regimen, 37.6% of positive pregnancies were recorded among the total number of patients.

With the first dose, ovulation was recorded in 84.4% of women, and with an increased dose in 67.5%. It was noted that taking the drug according to the first method is more favorable for ovulation, however, with an increased dose, pregnancy occurred in a larger number of girls.

How to properly stimulate ovulation with Clostilbegit, Letrozole

There are quite a few drugs used to stimulate ovulation, but only a specialist can choose the appropriate one and describe the regimen for its administration. Completing drug therapy is only half the success.

It is important to monitor the growth of follicles and try to conceive in time. In this article we will look at how to properly stimulate ovulation with Clostilbegit, Duphaston, Gonal-F, Letrozole, Menopur, Puregon, Femara, etc.

However, such treatment requires prior medical consultation.

Stimulation of ovulation with the drug "Clostilbegit" (Clomiphene)

What to do if ovulation is irregular or does not occur at all? You can create it artificially by taking Clostilbegit. It is also prescribed for polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as in cases where pregnancy does not occur for a long time for unknown reasons. This drug, among other things, increases the concentration of prolactin.

The action of Clostilbegit is aimed at increasing the level of hormones that stimulate the ovaries and promote the onset of ovulation. Its active substance triggers the production of hormones by the pituitary gland. The duration of therapy is five days. To restore fertility, as a rule, 1-2 stimulated cycles are enough.

Clostilbegit is a drug whose stimulation of ovulation often leads to such an undesirable phenomenon as deterioration of endometrial growth. That is, it may happen that conception occurs, but implantation of the embryo is impossible. For this reason, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the endometrium while taking the medication.

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Scheme for using Clostilbegit

How to properly stimulate ovulation with Climofen (Clostilbegit)? The drug is taken from the fifth to ninth days of the cycle. The dosage is calculated individually, and is determined by the patient’s body weight and the characteristics of her menstrual cycle.

On the first or second day of using the drug, a woman must undergo an ultrasound examination. This will allow you to track the development of follicles and the thickness of the endometrium.

If no positive dynamics are found, then you will need to take medications containing estrogen.

The results of stimulation with Clostilbegit are monitored throughout the entire period of therapy. If there is no effect, the issue of re-using the drug is decided, and the dosage is increased. In medical practice, the dosage options listed below are usually used:

  • the maximum dose per day at the first stage of therapy is 150 mg;
  • for polyclistous ovary syndrome – 50 mg per day;
  • in the case of depleted ovaries - 100 mg per day in combination with estrogens.

Combination of Clostilbegit and Proginov for stimulation

Therapy with Clostilbegit, according to the doctor’s decision, is supplemented with Proginova. The latter medication contains the hormone estrogen. Proginova must be taken from days 5 to 21 of the cycle. This will establish hormonal balance and prevent rapid depletion of the appendages caused by the use of Clostilbegit.

Stimulation of ovulation by Puregon

This medicine is used to activate egg maturation if you are planning to conceive naturally or through IVF. The mechanism of action of Puregon is to enhance the production of sex hormones by the pituitary gland and ensure the release of the egg from the ovary.

Menogon (analogue – Menopur) to stimulate ovulation

In the process of taking the drug, the hormones FSH and LH are produced, and the level of estrogen in the blood increases. In addition, Menogon stimulates the growth of follicles in the appendages, and also increases the endometrium.

As a rule, this medication is taken from the second day of the cycle for 1.5 weeks. Stimulation with Menopur is based on the same principles as Menogon, because.

These drugs contain the same active ingredient.

Stimulation of ovulation by Gonal-F

Gonal-F is one of the most powerful drugs for stimulation and is used in the absence of stimulation, PCOS and for other indications. It is prescribed during IVF, which allows you to obtain several mature follicles at once.

Gonal-F is produced in the form of syringe pens and ampoules with powder, which must be diluted with saline before use. The dosage is determined by a specialist.

The standard scheme for stimulating ovulation with a drug is as follows:

  • first week of the cycle – daily norm 75-150 IU;
  • second week - the dosage is the same as in the first week;
  • third week: in the absence of your own ovulation, to stimulate it, the daily dosage is increased by approximately 37.5-75 IU.


Duphaston is not used to stimulate ovulation, but its use in courses allows some patients to improve hormonal levels and become pregnant. This drug is artificial progesterone.

According to the instructions, Duphaston is taken 1 tablet 2 times a day (preferably at the same time) for infertility - from 14 to 25 days of the cycle, and for irregular periods - from 11 to 25 days of the cycle.

Gynecologists often recommend taking 1 tablet of Duphaston 2 times a day from days 16 to 25 of the cycle.


Stimulation with Letrozole (Femara), in contrast to similar therapy with Clostilbegit, gives a less pronounced anti-estrogenic effect. Femara is taken from the third day of the menstrual cycle for five days.

Dosages of the drug are different. Most experts recommend drinking 2.5 mg per day, others - 5 mg per day.

Stimulation with Letrozole is especially appropriate if Clostilbegit is ineffective or if there are contraindications for therapy with this drug.


Actovegin is a medicine that improves tissue metabolism. Sometimes it is prescribed as part of complex stimulation therapy and promotes successful pregnancy even in a natural cycle. The use of this medication normalizes blood circulation in the tissues of the uterus, which leads to intensive growth of the endometrium and increases the likelihood of conception.


Dexamethasone is actually a glucocorticosteroid and is recommended for the treatment of allergic diseases. In gynecology, it is used to stimulate ovulation if the patient has adrenal hyperandrogenism.

In this case, the dosage of the drug ranges from 0.125 mg to 0.5 mg. At the same time, urine 17KS or 17OP and DHEA in the blood must be monitored.

In combination with Dexamethasone, it is necessary to take medications that improve tissue metabolism, or vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women with a mandatory content of folic acid.

If pregnancy does not occur within two or three cycles, then stimulation is carried out with Climofen or Clostilbegit at a dosage of 50 mg from the fifth to ninth days of the cycle simultaneously with taking Dexamethasone.

After successful conception of a child, if the patient suffers from increased production of androgens by the adrenal cortex, the use of the medication continues at a dose selected individually (usually no more than 0.5 mg).

Before stimulating ovulation, it is necessary to examine a woman’s sexual partner for infertility. A comprehensive study of the problem of a woman’s subfertility should be organized and her health status should also be assessed. This will reduce the likelihood of developing side effects when using medications.


Letrozole treatment of infertility. Other drugs

Comparing the effectiveness of the drug with its analogues, studies were conducted in which patients (previously treated without success) were divided into three groups, where each was given a specific medication. Group 1 was treated with letrozole, Group 2 with clomiphene citrate plus supplements, and Group 3 with daily recombinant FSH. The results showed:

  • Group No. 1. Ovulation in 79.30%, pregnancy 23.39%, miscarriage rate 13.80%.
  • Group No. 2. Ovulation in 56.95%, pregnancy 14.35%, miscarriage rate 16.67%.
  • Group No. 3. Ovulation in 89.89%, pregnancy 17.92%, miscarriage rate 14.52%.

Although effective stimulation of ovulation was most often observed in group No. 3, Letrozole for infertility showed the best results for pregnancies and the lowest results for unborn fetuses.

Effect on the fetus

Since Letrozole is strictly prohibited for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the question arose whether taking the drug for the purpose of conception would affect the developing fetus. Doctors answered the question in 2006 by conducting large-scale tests of the drug at five research centers in Canada. Chromosomal abnormalities were reported in 2.4% of infants, and heart defects in 0.2% of newborns. The fetal risk of hypoxia and neural tube defects was slightly increased.

Summarizing all research data, the risks for the unborn child when treating infertile women with letrozole do not exceed 1 - 2% and are lower compared to similar medications.

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