Can pregnancy occur before menstruation?


When conducting a diagnosis, the doctor is not at all interested in how shaved the bikini area is. But it is worth considering that smooth skin will allow a more thorough examination of the external genitalia. Often women experience irritation after shaving and small cuts. There is no need to worry about this because the specialist washes his hands thoroughly before the examination. The risk of infection is minimal.

In addition to the question of whether it is possible to have sex before visiting a gynecologist, people are also interested in how much it is necessary to clean the vagina from the inside using a douche. So, there is no need to do this under any circumstances! And all because this procedure disrupts the microflora, just like the use of lotions and creams.

It will not be possible to reliably assess the condition of the vagina, since the test results will not be accurate. It is enough to simply rinse the external genitalia with warm water, which women already do every day in the morning and evening. There are times when the appointment is scheduled for the evening. Then you should use fragrance-free wet wipes. It is best to choose children's ones; they are usually less allergenic and their composition is more or less natural.

Role of sperm

There are entire forums in which the question is discussed: “If a woman has a regular sexual partner and has regular sex, is it possible to get pregnant before menstruation through unprotected intercourse?” Forum participants claim that in the case of a regular partner, the risk of conception after having sex 2 days before menstruation doubles!

The sperm of a permanent partner have greater “survivability”. Why? Because they are inferior to other people's sperm. Which not all survive the battle with women's immunity. Many of them die without reaching their goal. And the female body is already familiar with the cells of its permanent partner, addiction has occurred and greater “access” is available to them. Consequently, the vital activity of male sperm increases. This means that a relationship with a regular partner, even a few days before menstruation, can result in fertilization.

Before your appointment

You need to enter the gynecologist's office with an empty bladder, since if it is full it will interfere with palpation of the uterus. As you know, it is located above it. If the gynecologist, during a manual examination, decides that an ultrasound diagnosis is needed, then a full bladder will be needed. And you will need to fill it in advance. The doctor will explain everything in detail. You can have sex before a pelvic ultrasound, so it is not necessary to tell your doctor about sexual intercourse that happened the day before.

If you have problems with bowel movements, you should forcefully cleanse it. It will be difficult for the gynecologist to palpate the appendages and uterus when the intestines are full. If you are used to emptying your bowels in the morning, then there will be no problems. It is especially important to carry out the cleansing procedure on virgins, because they are examined not through the vagina, but through the rectum.

Currently, in private clinics, the gynecologist’s office has everything necessary for an examination. Disposable gynecological speculum, shoe covers and diaper. So you don't need to take anything with you. So, it has now become clear to everyone why you can’t have sex before going to the gynecologist. It's time to mentally prepare for your meeting with the doctor.

Pregnancy while taking oral contraceptives

Even while taking hormonal contraceptives, it is possible to become pregnant.

When women use oral contraceptives, conception, as a rule, does not occur. That is why she uses drugs. But if two days before her period a woman forgets or simply does not consider it necessary to take hormonal contraceptives, she may conceive. Why is this happening? The answer is OK itself. The essence of contraception using hormonal drugs is that the medication prevents eggs from maturing. Because the drug deactivates the work of the ovary and pituitary gland. And on the day you stop taking OK, the female body reacts with lightning speed. And several eggs can be formed at once during the 1st cycle. If this happened during unprotected intercourse, then your chances of getting pregnant 2 days before your period skyrocket.


In addition to the examination, the doctor also conducts a survey. No normal doctor should get personal and teach patients about life. Sexual life and the number of partners concerns only the woman, not the gynecologist. All the doctor’s questions are aimed only at making a correct diagnosis. If you don’t like something, then you have the right to choose another specialist.

The most important question that a gynecologist asks is the duration of the menstrual cycle. You can bring with you a calendar that marks the start and end of each menstruation throughout the year. At the first visit, the doctor finds out when sexual activity began, as well as the date of menarche - the girl’s first bleeding.

If it so happens that you had sexual intercourse the day before, you can ask at your appointment whether it is possible to have sex before being examined by a gynecologist. And decide together whether it is worth conducting laboratory research today.

The doctor will definitely find out how many births the woman has had, indicating the date and characteristics of delivery. He will also ask about abortion.

If you have previously treated any diseases of the female genital area, then mention this during the conversation. Quite often, when treating some sexually transmitted infections, test results remain positive for a long time. The gynecologist should know about this in order to conduct additional examinations.

For the doctor, the smears that were taken several months ago for the presence of sexually transmitted infections may be informative. There is no need to present results from a year ago.

How to calculate your ovulation cycle

First of all, you must remember to keep a calendar in which the dates of the first day of menstruation are noted. This allows you to calculate your individual cycle length. For most women, this period ranges from 28 to 31 days.

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With a menstrual cycle lasting 28 days, the dates on which fertilization of the cell occurs after sexual intercourse are considered to be days 13, 14 and 15. To these numbers we should add 3 days before and after and we get “red” days from the 10th to the 18th of the cycle. Based on this theory, it is believed that it is impossible to get pregnant 2 days before your period. Thanks to this simple rule, you can understand which date is most likely to be effective in terms of conception. But still, what can precede changes in these calculations and make pregnancy possible before menstruation? The answer is further.

But don't statistics lie?

However, as practice shows, it is possible to get pregnant even at the most unexpected time in your cycle.

This may depend on factors such as:

  • individual cycle time;
  • characteristics of ovulation (late or early).

Also, there is a chance of becoming pregnant two days before the start of menstruation due to the fact that sperm normally live for a long time: from 3 to 7 days. That is, if a week before ovulation you had an unprotected step, they will just “have time” for the maturation of the egg. In addition, you should not miss the fact that it is permissible for two or three eggs to mature in a woman’s body at once, which also exceeds the probability of getting pregnant in a time frame that many women do not attach importance to.

One important factor is female ovulation. Some ladies calculate the weeks of their cycle and ovulation based on average statistics by asking their gynecologist. But maybe it is they who have late ovulation. And then the chances of getting pregnant two days before the start of your period are very high.


The most informative is a vaginal examination. The gynecologist first examines the external genitalia for redness, thickening, and irritation. For this, special lighting is used.

Afterwards, the doctor proceeds to examine the walls of the vagina and cervix. A special gynecological speculum is inserted into the vaginal opening. The sashes are expanded and secured with a spacer. For a more accurate diagnosis of the cervix, a colposcope is used. It magnifies the image approximately 30 times. Using special solutions of iodine and acetic acid, tests are carried out to determine healthy and altered areas.

And now it’s time to take a smear on the flora. This is what we mentioned when we discussed sex before going to the gynecologist. This study will help identify the inflammatory process and assess the state of the vaginal microflora. When performing oncocytology, cells are taken from the surface of the cervix and canal with a special sterile stick in order to study them and identify atypical specimens, if any. Cervical mucus is examined to approximate the amount of estrogen and evaluate how the ovaries are working.

Finally, the gynecologist removes the speculum and inserts the fingers of one hand into the vagina. The second hand remains outside and helps to palpate the abdomen, determining the location of the uterus, its shape and approximate volume, as well as the appendages. In this way, a specialist can detect adhesions, fibroids, cysts, and also pregnancy, if any.

Is it possible to conceive before menstruation?

Normally, a woman’s menstruation should be regular, that is, have a clear pattern. If the reproductive system works without failures, pregnancy is impossible in the period after ovulation. This happens just before menstruation.

But having chosen the calendar method as the main one in preventing pregnancy, you need to consider the following points:

  • A woman may ovulate again. This happens once or twice a year. It is impossible to predict in which cycle it will happen. And if this point is not taken into account, unprotected sex before menstruation will lead to pregnancy.
  • Even for those who can boast of a regular cycle, a shift may occur due to various circumstances. Stress, changes in dietary habits, moving, sudden movement from one weather condition to another can hasten or delay ovulation. Then conception becomes possible on days when, according to all calculations, it should not have happened.
  • Incorrect use of hormonal drugs or their withdrawal. These drugs are prescribed not only for the purpose of avoiding pregnancy, but also for therapeutic purposes. They change the overall natural balance of substances. And if the intake of hormones was careless, accompanied by digestive problems, it is impossible to predict the date of ovulation. Pregnancy is also possible as a result of sexual intercourse before menstruation.
  • Presence of intermenstrual discharge. This is possible for young girls and women with gynecological diseases. But then it is difficult for them to understand where menstruation was and when bleeding was observed. In this case, it is also unrealistic to calculate ovulation even by measuring basal temperature. Because pathology changes its meanings.

We recommend reading the article about safe sex on the first day of your period. From it you will learn about whether there is a threat when making love these days, the opinion of doctors, hygiene rules and the possibility of pregnancy.

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