On what day of the cycle is it better to do a breast ultrasound?
Breast cancer in women is the most common form of malignant tumor. And on
Polyps of the cervix and cervical canal (PHOTO)
Flat epithelium No more than 10 found in the field of view – Normally flat epithelium
What is the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle?
MENSTRUAL CYCLE (lat. menstruus - monthly, monthly), natural cyclic changes in a woman’s body, recurring
Late ovulation: when the test shows pregnancy
Menstrual cycle A female fetus at the 20th week of intrauterine development already has 2
Reviews of women who have undergone an ultrasound examination of the fallopian tubes for patency
Indications for HSG of fallopian tubes Preparation for the procedure and procedure for its implementation Contraindications for
If I get pregnant, will I get my period? Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation? Possibility of conception during menstruation
Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation? The answer cannot be unambiguous. Every female
Is it possible to stimulate ovulation using traditional methods?
Letrozole is used to stimulate ovulation in cases of endocrine infertility. The active substance of the drug is aimed at
The causative agent of thrush
Symptoms and treatment of thrush during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester
Pregnancy is perhaps one of the most anticipated events in the life of any woman. So careful and
Is it possible to get pregnant in the last days of your period 3
Is it possible to get pregnant in the last days of the cycle? Is it possible to get pregnant at the end of your period?
It is quite widely believed that during menstruation, as well as immediately before or after
On what day does ovulation occur: basic information, stimulant drugs
How long does it take for a woman to ovulate? This is one of the most common questions asked.
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