Stages of egg development
Don’t miss the moment: how to determine what day after your period you will ovulate?
On what day does ovulation occur after menstruation? Not in all cases the maturation of the egg occurs
Delicate question: can a virgin use tampons?
There are plenty of urban legends about tampons, and you've probably already heard some bad advice.
How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation and pregnancy? Learn how to measure your basal temperature correctly.
How to determine ovulation by temperature and plot it? Read more in this article
First of all, having learned to determine basal temperature, women will be able to calculate the optimal day for conceiving a child.
Duphaston drug
Duphaston: instructions for use, what it is prescribed for, composition, side effects
Pregnancy is perhaps the happiest time in a woman's life. Unfortunately, not all girls planning
What to do if there is pain in the lower abdomen due to thrush?
12/23/2016 Candidiasis, the better known name of which is thrush, occurs from an excess of candida fungus that has entered
Causes of discharge during pregnancy
White, curd-like discharge without odor and without itching during pregnancy
The most crucial period of every woman’s life is the nine months of pregnancy. And absolutely
Cervicometry during pregnancy in St. Petersburg
What is cervicometry Cervicometry is a method of ultrasound examination of the cervix of a pregnant woman. By using
Causes and treatment of itching, burning in the vagina in women
Itching of the vulva or vagina can occur in any woman at various times
Why do I bleed after ovulation before my period?
Vaginal discharge is a mandatory physiological process, which is normal provided that there is no leucorrhoea
Is it possible to get pregnant if you have a condom? Is it possible to get pregnant with a condom?
Pearl Index In the 30s of the last century, American biologist Raymond Pearl, trying to satisfy the interest
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