Psychological infertility: myths or reality?


Infertility is a medical diagnosis that indicates the impossibility of conceiving and bearing a child. It is divided into the following types:

  1. Absolute dysfunction of the reproductive organs.
  2. Possibility of pregnancy using IVF.

This deviation occurs not only at the level of the body, but also the soul, since all women are born to continue life. Therefore, their function in this process is the main one. There is an established psychosomatics of infertility that prevents you from having children.


  • Infertility in women according to the psychosomatics of Louise Hay
  • Which way to choose for healing psychosomatic infertility? According to Louise Hay or “Spiritual Integration”?
  • A combination of traditional medicine advice and Louise Hay's recommendations for infertility in women

The true reasons why infertility occurs are psychosomatics?
Louise Hay is a world-famous writer and researcher of the metaphysical sources of any physical disease.

In her works, she reasonably confirms the basic postulate of psychosomatics that the source of all physical illnesses and emotional problems is unexpressed emotional negativity, limiting beliefs and destructive stress.

The author not only identified the psychosomatic causes of most existing diseases, but also created effective tools for healing the physical body by changing thinking.

Childbearing age

What is the childbearing age for women? In medicine, reproductive age is divided into 2 periods:

  1. Early – from 1 menstruation to 35 years.
  2. Late – from 35 years to menopause.

The early period is divided into 2 segments - from menstruation to 19-20 years and up to 20-35 years. Although physiologically the body at 12-15 years old is capable of conceiving a child, it will be difficult to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

Therefore, doctors believe that it is better to give birth to a child from 19-20 to 35 years old. During this period, the body is ready for stress. Even at this age, women are usually ready for pregnancy. It will also be easier to recover after childbirth, and it will be easier to establish breastfeeding.

After 35 years, the late reproductive period begins. At this time, preparation for menopause begins. After 40 years of age, getting pregnant is not easy. Chronic illnesses, which many women at this age have, interfere with conception. Late pregnancy can lead to complications that are dangerous for the baby and mother.


Psychosomatic infertility in women includes several reasons:

  1. Representatives of the fairer sex carry a lot of masculinity within themselves. This applies to women who are distinguished by strength, authority, and will. Masculine energy fills them.
  2. There may be internal fear. This is another psychological reason for female infertility. For example, a woman may be afraid that she will be a bad mother. There is also a fear of dependence on the husband.
  3. Subconscious dislike for children. It happens that outwardly a woman wants to have a child. She may envy her friends who have children, read literature about parenting, visit doctors, but she has a negative attitude towards children. Some women believe that a child is an obstacle to their career and relationship with their husband.
  4. Bad relationship with husband. This is also a cause of infertility. Children need a loving family, so if the relationship between spouses deteriorates, the risk of pregnancy decreases.
  5. Birth injury. This is a deeper reason than the previous ones. It has been proven that all people have some kind of connection. Scientifically this is called transcendence. For example, there is no desire to have children if someone in the family once lost their child.
  6. Relationship with your mother. When a woman has a bad relationship with her mother and does not feel love from her, this may be the cause of infertility.

The psychosomatics of infertility after abortion are known. Sometimes, for health reasons, doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy. After this, it is difficult for a woman to again tune in to the desire to have children.

These reasons apply to women and men. If you have gone to all medical institutions, taken tests, but still are not pregnant, then you need to pay attention to your state of mind. Psychosomatics allows you to look deep into yourself and find the reason for correcting the situation. In this case, a psychologist or body-oriented therapist will help. They also contact a constellation therapist or psychosomatics consultant.

Causes of psychological infertility

A search for a cause that does not produce results makes a woman suffer. She feels depressed because she cannot find a way out of the situation. The inability to find an answer weighs heavily on her perception of herself and her family. The situation affects all areas of life. Depression is expressed in the professional sphere, and the level of efficiency decreases sharply. Problems begin at work, which only depress the woman more.

Looking at mothers with children having fun in the sandbox in the yard, a woman experiences a feeling of inferiority. The inability to do something that others can easily do hurts all people, but a woman who cannot realize the maternal instincts inherent in her suffers the most. As already mentioned, a woman perceives infertility more acutely, and the inability to give her husband a child makes her feel unworthy of him.

When a woman has nowhere to direct her love, she suffers from inadequacy. Containing basic instincts makes a woman explode from time to time and throw out all the good emotions in a bad way. Usually the target of the outburst is the husband, who does not understand the reason for his wife’s behavior. Angry at the lack of milk that he was supposed to buy, the woman expresses not only her irritation about this, but also all her pent-up feelings. And sometimes they are not even related to their husband. But the man sees only what he sees, and begins to perceive his wife as an unbalanced hysterical woman.

Emotional component

The separation of partners from each other emotionally affects physical interaction. The inability to realize one’s strengths will eventually make sex a necessity that spouses stop believing in. Having sex will seem like pointless torture, because the spouses are subconsciously prepared for the fact that the test will still show one line.

And in the end, this strip will be the only thing they will wait for. A deep belief in failure breeds failure. All these reasons lead to one thing - coding for infertility without a clear reason, which medicine calls psychological.

The influence of the psyche is so great that feelings alone are enough to harm the functionality of the body. Oppression makes drug treatment pointless, but patients are still surprised. The barrier of oppression and expectation of failure is difficult to overcome if you do not recognize the fact that it exists. But it is more convenient for most people to believe that everything can be cured with pills, and the psyche is just a buzzword that means something invisible, and therefore unimportant for health.

But emotions play an important role in the functioning of the body. If the negative ones begin to predominate and depress the nervous system, the body will turn off the reproductive function in order to conserve resources and protect the body.

Help from a psychologist

Psychological infertility to one degree or another affects 1/3 of all couples at all periods of their lives. Eliminating psychological problems usually takes a long time, but treatment does exist. And you need to contact not a therapist to find out the biological cause, but an experienced psychologist or even a psychiatrist.

And here again the problem is that many people take a consultation with a psychologist as a sign of madness. People are ashamed to visit a psychiatrist, just to avoid being accused of mental retardation. Advertising has taught people that only pills can be the cure for any disease. But advertising should explain that most diseases have psychological roots.

It is not surprising that psychologists divide psychological infertility into two types: due to past experiences or present circumstances. Due to the reluctance to solve their psychological problems, people are filled with complexes, fears and doubts. Bitter experiences experienced in the past protect a woman from new pain, but how much easier it would be if she immediately sorted out the problem with the help of a psychologist. Without proper attention to the fact of violence or a traumatic childhood, a woman simply closes the pain within herself, giving it the opportunity to influence her life in the future.

The present is no less important for reproduction. If a woman wants a child only because it is customary to give birth, the psyche obviously protects her from the future pains of motherhood, because not everyone finds a child a pleasant experience. With external pressure, spouses do not even notice how they are succumbing to the stereotypes and desires of their parents. They think that the desire for pregnancy is their own and are disappointed as soon as the child appears. With a subconscious focus on career or love, the psyche will in every possible way interfere with imposed desires.


The number of infertile marriages is constantly growing. The reason can be in both men and women. Doctors and scientists associate this with psychogenic changes and psychological trauma. Immunological incompatibility between men and women is often detected. In this case, conception is possible, but unless there is constant medical supervision, the pregnancy is usually terminated. First, the man needs to be examined. A spermogram determines the number and motility of sperm.

Immunological infertility means that the woman's immune system produces antibodies that destroy the man's sperm. This is how an allergy to a man’s sperm manifests itself. The reason is considered to be a very high number of “anti-sperm antibodies”, which do not allow the sperm to perform its function of fertilization. They can appear in the body of both men and women.

Incompatibility occurs due to antisperm antibodies. It is believed that the risk of developing these antibodies in a woman depends on the number of sexual partners. A negative factor is sexually transmitted infections. But still, the main reason for the appearance of antisperm antibodies is considered to be a specific immune reaction to the semen of a particular man.

The presence of a certain number of these antibodies in the body leads to toxicosis, spontaneous abortion or delayed development of the baby. Therefore, both spouses should undergo an immunological compatibility test. Often complications such as a bicornuate uterus, ovarian malformation or cervical hypoplasia are also considered to be the cause of the impossibility of pregnancy.

Incompatibility during conception occurs when spouses have different Rh factors. To successfully conceive a child, both spouses must have the same Rh factor in their blood - positive or negative. If the Rh factors are different, then there may be problems not only during conception and pregnancy, but also after birth. In this case, before pregnancy, the spouses need to undergo a course of therapy.


If you can't get pregnant, you shouldn't despair. Even in these cases, there is a high chance of conceiving and bearing the first child. But with subsequent pregnancies, many difficulties are likely to arise. In some cases, the mother's immunological mechanism produces antibodies against the man's Rh factor.

Spouses with different blood groups, but with the same RH, have good compatibility. And for married couples who have the same blood type, but different Rh factors, there is a very high probability of incompatibility at conception.

If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, then the spouses need to undergo a compatibility test. To do this, they take a blood test and undergo other tests prescribed by the doctor. Even if the results reveal incompatibility, do not despair. Nowadays medicine is developed, so there is always a chance to get pregnant and give birth to a child.

How to fight?

If there are psychological reasons for the psychosomatics of infertility in women, treatment must be performed at the mental level. When the factors that provoke this phenomenon are eliminated, pregnancy usually occurs.

Treatment is selected individually based on the psychological problem. Many people are advised to get rid of their obsession with pregnancy. It is useful to go on a trip and relax.

If infertility arises from fears, experts recommend writing them down on paper and analyzing them. You need to understand what the blocks are based on and eliminate them. In this case, af, “I will be a good mother”, “I will have a healthy child” are effective.

When infertility occurs due to family discord, conflicts with the husband or mother, it is necessary to improve relationships. It is important to talk, find common hobbies, and add harmony to the family.

According to popular psychologist Louise Hay, infertility arises from fear and lack of need to gain parental experience. You can eliminate the phenomenon by repeating positive phrases, for example, “I believe in life.” Louise Hay recommends getting rid of psychological reasons as soon as possible.

In what cases is it impossible to get pregnant:

1. Organic pathologies (infertility) in one or both partners.

2. Genetic pathologies - geneticists say that if both partners have pathological disorders of the same gene, nature will resist, preventing them from reproducing offspring. The fact is that when a sperm meets an egg, then they form a new DNA chain, where the unborn child takes the strongest genes from the father and mother. And if the same gene is broken in both, offspring, as a rule, do not appear. Therefore, from a medical point of view, both can be healthy, but cannot give birth to a child.

This is an important moment of natural selection, positive for the species, but sad for specific individuals...

3. Psychological reasons. What's happening? On a conscious level, a woman wants to give birth to a child, but the unconscious protests and does not allow him to be conceived. In which cases?

➽ When the child is essentially needed not by her, but by some people close to her, for example, her husband or parents. If a woman is not mentally ready for motherhood, her body may resist pregnancy.

➽ When mother’s worries frighten her too much. Hyper-responsible women are afraid that they may not be able to cope with such a serious task as motherhood. Therefore, despite the fact that outwardly they express their desire to have a child, their entire inner being trembles with fear. And conception does not occur.

➽ If she doesn't really love her partner or lives in an atmosphere of violence. At the level of consciousness, she really wants a child, but at an unconscious level she absolutely does not want to become a mother for a baby from an unloved man or from a man who mocks her.

➽ In case of serious disagreements in the couple, which she tries to smooth out with the help of the child. When they try to use a child as cement to glue a marriage together, as a leash to hold a man, he refuses to be born. No matter how mystical it may sound, it is true. In fact, she doesn’t need a child, so she can’t get pregnant until she solves her relationship problems.

➽ When conception turns into a fixed idea for a couple. When they both urgently switch to a healthy lifestyle and nutritional supplements, intensively cleanse the body, and walk around almost with a thermometer in their butt, that’s when they fail to get pregnant. I know cases when a couple gave up on conception, they got drunk on wine at some party and it was on that night that they became pregnant, after ten years of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant according to the calendar during the period of ovulation...

Well, and the like - everything is very individual.

If doctors say that your health is fine, or not everything is fine, but the couple does not have reproductive dysfunction, then you need to go to a psychologist and investigate the psychological causes of infertility. When the psychological causes are eliminated, the physical illness responds better to treatment, and sometimes disappears altogether.

Many people do not believe in the existence of psychosomatic causes of infertility, because they seem to be unscientific. However, everything here is very understandable - when an internal conflict arises between consciousness and the unconscious, hormonal levels change, tension appears in different parts of the body - therefore pregnancy does not occur or does not take root.

So the problem is not that the karma is spoiled or the aura is disturbed - the usual anatomical reasons, as a consequence of psychological problems. Our body is a single system where the emotional state affects physiology and vice versa.

What emotion accompanies all of the above points? Most often it is fear. Moreover, not pronounced, but sluggish. And any emotions are accompanied by changes in the body’s hormonal levels. I know cases where people even lived with a low-grade fever for several years, while doctors did not find organic causes - it was just the body’s way of reacting to the fact that not everything was okay with it and the immune system was trying to fight the problems. Moreover, several sessions of psychotherapy eliminated the problem completely.

So, if organic pathologies and genetic disorders are excluded, most likely the cause of infertility is psychological.


Scientists of psychology and psychosomatics (Louise Hay and Lise Burbo) believe that treatment should begin at the mental level. Getting rid of psychological causes allows you to eliminate physical illness. Since the main cause of infertility is an internal fear of parenthood, you should figure out whether a child is really needed.

Experts believe that if a couple decides to have a child, then the partners need to work on restructuring the body:

  1. It is necessary to eliminate the obsession with pregnancy. To do this, you should find the positive aspects in the absence of children. This will allow you to prepare for the role of parents, create conditions for the child’s development, and learn more about the child.
  2. Fears need to be dispelled. Everything frightening is written down on paper and their origins are determined. Then you need to accept the idea that there were fears before, but now they are not needed, so the sheet is burned. To eliminate frightening thoughts, repeat af, “I’m not afraid of anything.”
  3. We need to make room for the future baby. It often happens that women have a busy schedule that does not even have a little time for the child. Therefore, you should allocate time for home and household chores.
  4. You should restore harmony in your relationship with your husband.

It is important to learn to relax and rest. Severe nervous tension is also considered a psychological cause of female infertility. Emotional relief is provided through yoga, meditation, and massage.

Psychological correction and psychotherapy

The problem of psychological infertility, how to get rid of it and not fall into the snare again, is quite common. When a gynecologist suspects similar reasons for the development of diseases in his patient, he should refer her to specialists. A psychotherapist, cognitive therapist and even a psychologist can show the way to get rid of destructive attitudes, imposed fears and destructive thoughts. Treatment may include conversations, special techniques, and supportive drug therapy.

  • Cognitive therapy, in which the main method is a conversation with a psychologist or psychotherapist, gives good results in the foreseeable future. It does not provide ready-made solutions and answers; the principle of work is to independently debunk myths and get rid of erroneous attitudes. But under the clear guidance of a doctor who directs the conversation in a rational direction and places emphasis.
  • Emotional-imaginative therapy is another method that shows good results in the process of getting rid of psychological infertility. It is based on the idea that any things that traumatize the psyche are hidden inside us in the form of images. They can be understood, appreciated and attitudes changed. This is a synthetic method that incorporates techniques from other practices.
  • Psychotherapists often use body-oriented therapy, which has been developed for a long time. In this direction, the body and its reactions are represented as protection. Neuroses give rise to tension and muscle blocks. This negatively affects blood circulation and the functioning of organs, in particular reproductive ones. The therapist, together with the patient, recognizes these blockages, establishes their cause and, using various psychotechniques, achieves their removal.

The most important step on the path to recovery from psychological infertility is awareness of its cause. Attention to herself, her needs, fears and concerns will help a woman adequately assess her condition.

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