Ultrasound of the spleen
Splenic vein: norm and pathology in adults and children
Ultrasound of the spleen is a procedure that takes place without instrumental intervention in the abdominal cavity, which allows
Hospital treatment for gastritis
Is sick leave given for gastritis and how is it treated in the hospital?
Before asking whether sick leave is given for gastritis, you need to understand that the disease has 2
Is it possible to eat watermelon and melon with gastritis?
Can you eat watermelon if you have gastritis or not, use it if you have high acidity
Watermelon for gastritis at an early stage can be eaten. After all, the berry has a beneficial effect
To get rid of gastritis or stomach ulcers, doctors often prescribe various medications. It could be De-Nol and Nolpaza
De-nol or Nolpaza: which is better, what is the difference, reviews
Effect on the body Nolpaza is a proton pump inhibitor. Its action is based on blocking synthesis
Is it possible to eat beans with gastritis and how to cook them correctly?
The most effective method of treating digestive pathology is dietary nutrition. For example, some vegetables
Zucchini for gastritis
Is it possible to eat squash caviar for gastritis with high acidity?
Vegetables and fruits are the basis of human nutrition. In the absence of such products in the diet,
Abdominal pain from honey is a consequence of taking it incorrectly
Honey, like all other bee products, has the most positive effect on the human body.
Delicious salad for stomach ulcers
Is it possible to eat homemade salads if you have a stomach ulcer and what products should you use to prepare them?
General recommendations Gastric ulcer is a chronic disease that occurs with periods of remission and exacerbations. Main
Children's diet for pancreatitis: a special menu for young patients
The main characteristics of nutrition for pancreatitis: Ensuring maximum functional rest of the pancreas during acute
Shilajit for stomach ulcers: benefits, recipes and methods of use, patient reviews
A black soft mineral with a strong odor and bitter taste, many people consider it a panacea for all
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