cabbage for ulcers
Cabbage juice for stomach ulcers accelerates healing and prolongs remission
Cabbage is a very popular food that is used in many recipes. This vegetable is rich in its
The enormous benefits of millet porridge for the human body
Healthy porridges for the stomach and intestines are prepared from rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, whole oats, and millet.
What to do if your lower back hurts with hemorrhoids: treatment tactics, preventive measures
What to do if your lower back hurts with hemorrhoids: treatment tactics, preventive measures
Why does pain appear in the lower abdomen? Usually some pain in the abdominal cavity with hemorrhoids is not
Stage 3 hemorrhoids: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of stage 3 hemorrhoids
Chronic hemorrhoids of the 3rd degree are detected in people who refuse treatment at earlier stages.
Is it possible to eat onions if the pancreas is inflamed?
The effect of onions on the pancreas: how not to harm, but to cure
Onions have long been considered one of the most beneficial plants for the body. Due to its healing properties,
removal of hemorrhoids
Detailed description of disarterization of hemorrhoids
The main cause of hemorrhoids is considered to be a violation of the inflow and outflow of blood in the veins and vessels.
What corn treats should you not eat if you have gastritis?
What are the benefits of popcorn? Popcorn was invented in 1885 by American Charles Critors. He came up with a special
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How to relieve pain from stomach and duodenal ulcers
What is a stomach ulcer? In a narrow sense, a gastric ulcer is understood as a deep defect in the
What is pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus, its diagnosis and treatment
One of the most serious pathologies of the digestive system is pancreatitis. This is a family of diseases where
Anal fissure
What to do if a child has an anal fissure?
Anal fissure is a fairly common problem that affects not only adults. Sometimes they suffer from pathology
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