Is it possible to eat fresh cucumbers and tomatoes if you have pancreatitis?
Tomatoes and cucumbers for pancreatitis are allowed products, because they not only contain
Watermelon for pancreatitis: can you eat it or not, the benefits of melon for the pancreas
Melon and watermelon for pancreatitis: is it possible or not? According to medical statistics, the key to success is
Fish for gastritis: what to choose and how to cook
Fish and fish products contain protein and a number of substances beneficial to the body. Protein molecules
The most effective methods for examining the liver
Cirrhosis is a serious chronic liver disease that results in the death of functional cells and their
How to drink cabbage juice correctly for atrophic gastritis
Types of cabbage that are useful for gastritis For the prevention and treatment of gastritis, white cabbage, Peking cabbage and
How can you distinguish hemorrhoids from rectal polyps?
Causes of polyps. Polyps in the rectum are a multifactorial disease. One thing is known: if the mucous membrane
Diet after stomach bleeding: rules and principles of nutrition, menu, doctor’s advice
An ulcer is fraught with serious complications. The doctor treating the patient makes a variety of prescriptions, but one of the
Causes of deficiency and how to force the pancreas to produce insulin
Treatment of the pancreas for diabetes and pancreatitis
What is insulin? In its chemical structure, insulin is a peptide hormone. Its active
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Types of operations for stomach ulcers and indications for its implementation
Surgery for stomach ulcers is performed in severe cases of the disease. It is carried out as in
Diet for gastritis: can you eat sausages and other sausages?
Gastritis is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases on the planet. May have different forms
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