Overview of Candida Esophagitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Candidal esophagitis is a pathological condition in which there is damage to the walls of this organ by fungi from
Nausea with gastritis, why does it feel sick, treatment, what to do?
Such an unpleasant phenomenon as nausea due to gastritis is familiar to everyone who has encountered a malfunction
Muscle fibers without striations in the stool of an adult
We eat to live! The mechanisms for assimilation of nutrients from food have been refined by evolution. However, if
Omeprazole 0.02 g capsule No. 30
Drug treatment of atrophic gastritis in adults: review of drugs and their effects
The atrophic form of gastritis is a very serious disease that, if not treated in a timely manner, leads to stomach cancer.
Kefir and yogurt for pancreatitis: a glass of benefits before bed
kefir for pancreatitis Kefir, due to its beneficial properties, often becomes the main component of various medicinal
Pancreatitis. Seal and imprint
How is omeprazole used for inflammation of the pancreas?
Pancreatitis is a disease that worries most people, regardless of age and gender. For
Let's figure out whether it is possible to treat gallstones without surgery
Percutaneous transhepatic cholelitholysis is one of the ways to dissolve gallstones. Yes, indeed, like that
Tasty and healthy
Is it possible to eat bananas with pancreatitis: allowed foods
What is pancreatitis? This is a disease of the pancreas, in which its tissue may begin to die.
Treatment of hemorrhoids with cucumber
Tips for treating hemorrhoids with cucumber from healers Popov and Malakhov
Reason for effectiveness Cucumber is often used as food. But in folk medicine, cucumber treatment is used
When do you need a diet for gallbladder disease?
Symptoms of gallbladder disease: treatment and diet
Gallbladder diseases most often arise due to existing pathologies of the liver and pancreas.
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