Gut bacterial overgrowth syndrome symptoms
Bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO) is now a very “fashionable” diagnosis. What is it? Manifestations
A person has chest pain
Erosion of the esophagus: treatment with medications and traditional medicine recipes
Erosion of the esophagus is a very insidious disease, and its development threatens with severe complications, including
Balsamic liniment – ​​safe and reliable help for hemorrhoids
Among diseases in the field of proctology, the diagnosis of hemorrhoids is considered the most common. Every second patient
Inflammation of the spleen: symptoms and treatment at home
It has almost the same effect as pomegranate. To prepare the product you will need to chop the cabbage
What can you do at home if your pancreas hurts?
Why does the pancreas hurt? There are many reasons for the occurrence of pain. When an organ hurts, the main
What is autoimmune gastritis and how serious is it?
Autoimmune gastritis is a rare case in the practice of gastroenterologists. This specific type of gastritis has not been studied
Homemade calendula suppositories should be used under medical supervision
How to use calendula for hemorrhoids: course of treatment and reviews
Hemorrhoids are a modern problem that affects both the younger generation and older people.
What is Staphylococcus epidermidis and methods of combating it
Varieties of Staphylococcus Currently, approximately 30 varieties of Staphylococcus have been identified. Just a few of them
What is hyperplastic gastritis and how to treat it?
Most people do not pay attention to health and nutrition. Due to non-compliance with proper diet rules
How to find out stomach acidity at home in adults
How to determine stomach acidity with gastritis at home?
What is stomach acidity? Stomach acidity (saturation of digestive juice with hydrogen chloride) - indicates
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